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  • Effect of rabbit urine foliar spray on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

    Of all vegetable crops, tomato occupies the second-largest cultivated land after potato. However, its production is often lamed by insufficient nutrient supply and invasion by insect pests. Unlike inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides commonly used, rabbit urine supplies nutrients to the crops, controls insect pests and has low mammalian toxicity. However, the most suitable rabbit urine foliar spray concentration for tomato production is currently unknown. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with six treatments and four blocks to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of rabbit urine foliar spray on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato. The six treatments used include: five concentrations of rabbit urine (100%, 40%, 25%, 18.2% and 0%) and 0.1% Duduthrin 1.75EC. Results indicated that treatment 18.2% rabbit urine registered the highest marketable yield (129.14 t/ha) in trial 1. In trial 2, treatment 25% rabbit urine recorded the highest marketable yield (165.08 t/ha). These two treatments gave the highest marketable yields due to their sufficient nutrient supply, optimal pest control and zero foliage scorching. Unlike fruit firmness and sugar acid ratio, total soluble solids and titratable acidity increased with increase in rabbit urine concentration. Therefore, a rabbit urine foliar spray concentration of 25% optimally improves yield and post-harvest quality of tomato. More research work can be done to determine the effect of spraying intervals of rabbit urine on the yield and post-harvest quality of tomato.

  • Effect of seedling quality on growth, yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

    A two trial greenhouse experiment was carried out at Rwanda-Israel Horticulture Centre of Excellence located at Mulindi Station to evaluate seedling quality on growth, yield and quality of tomato. The seedlings were grown in different growing media and produced seedlings with varying quality indices. The growing media of peat moss 100% (T2) and sand + goat manure + carbonized rice husks 50%: 10%: 40% (T8) were revealed in seedlings with the highest mean quality indices of 31 and 28 respectively, while sand 100% (T2) presented the lowest quality indices during both trials. The transplants were planted in polybags filled with 2:1 of topsoil and kitchen manure arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Collected data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated using HSD test at a 5% level of significance. The results revealed that the seedlings grown in T1 (S1) and T8 (S8) consistently presented tomatoes with better growth performance and yield. S1 and S8 produced mean yield of 93.59 and 92.35 t/ha respectively while S2 had the lowest yield with 53.86 t/ha. The fruit produced from seedlings grown in T4 (S4) had the highest mean sugar acid ratio of 5.88 but not significantly different from 5.61 and 5.44 of S1 and S8 respectively. Hence, there was a positive relationship among seedling quality and growth and yield performance of tomato but not in fruit quality.

  • Interaction impact of drought stress, nutrient-deficient water, and seed-borne pathogen (Alternaria alternata) on germination and vigor of two tomato varietiesination and vigor of two tomato varieties

    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is considered one of the leading vegetable plants in the world. This study evaluated the germination and vigor capabilities of ‘Marmande’ and ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ varieties under different conditions, including drought stress, nutrient-deficient water, and the effect of seed-borne disease caused by Alternaria alternata when prime and non-prime with salicylic acid. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory in 2023 at Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management Faculty of University of Debrecen. Results indicated that the ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ variety exhibited a superior strength to ‘Marmande’ in the seedling’s dry weight, seedling growth rate, and vigor index under nutrient-deficient water. Nevertheless, when applying levels of drought, the ‘Marmande’ variety had a higher viability rate of 62.5% in comparison with another variety, and the germination rate of the two tomato varieties is at 85.5% in 5% concentration but decreased progressively when exposed to a higher drought concentration of 10%. When using 3 ml of salicylic acid during germination stages, the seedling vigor index of ‘Marmande’ shows a greater index at 165 compared to ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’, just 108 under the infection of Alternaria alternata.  The results of the examination of drought stress, and the effect of Alternaria alternata, one cause of seed-borne pathogens, showed that the percentage germination and vigor ability of the ‘Marmande’ variety performed better than ‘Kecskeméti Jubileum’ under the same conditions.