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  • Supplier Evaluation Schemes in Case of Different Research Frameworks

    Performance evaluation is not only important in employer and employee relationships, but also in partnerships between a supply chain’s members. In order to satisfy customers’ needs according to the 7 Rights of logistics, all members of the given chain have to perform properly. To ensure the best performance, supplier evaluation can act as a starting point. Besides continous feedback, supplier evaluation plays an important role in performance development of suppliers. The aim of our research is to develop and introduce innovative supplier evaluation models, which include the advantages of traditional and electronic supplier evaluation forms. In addition to this, these models are visualised, making it easier to understand expectations and information. In this study, the aim is to present two different models the PaTeNt©- SESC (Pató Tetrahedrons of interNational Theory - Supplier Evaluation of Supply Chain) and the Douple Evaluation Platform, based on previous research.

  • Indicators of environmental performance evaluation – theory and corporate case study

    In the last decades there was a change in the field of corporate performance evaluation. Performance management systems, indicator-based systems and new, intellectual capital-based evaluation systems have appeared. Finally new, wide range of corporate evaluating methods was born in theory and in practice too. It is also important to mention, that in a life of organizations there is an improvement in the activity in connection with sustainable development, and also in the usage of methods connecting to sustainable development. Therefore the evaluation in the dimensions of sustainability – in a case of environmental performance evaluation, or evaluation of corporate social responsibility – became more and more emphasised. We concentrate on the theory and practice of environmental performance evaluation. Summarize – based on definitions – the concept of environmental performance evaluation. We concentrate on peculiarities of environmental performance indicators – based on international standards and literature review; and also mention the characteristics of indicator systems. Based on theory, the practice is also important. Therefore we present a case study of a multinational company.

  • Testing Methods of Green Supply Chain, in Particular Supplier’s Selection an Evaluation Tools

    Today, more and more articles have emerged in the field of sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability plays an important role in supply chain management too. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for enterprises seeking to make their businesses environmentally sustainable. The notion of GSCM implies the insertion of environmental criteria within the decision-making context of the traditional supply chain management. Enterprises are increasingly expected to extend their sustainability efforts beyond their own operations to their suppliers and customers to their sustainability expectations. Literature of green supplier evaluation and selection methods number is large, though the number of environmental factors are relatively limited. Recently in supply chain management decision making, approaches for evaluating green supplier performance have used both qualitative and quantitative environmental data. Given this evolving research area, the purpose of this article is to analyse research conducted in international scientific journals focusing on the selection and evaluation of a green supplier. The purpose of this article will answered two questions: Which selection methods are commonly used? What environmental and other selection criteria for green supplier management are popular?

  • Evaluation of a Trainee Program’s Selection and Induction

    The research based on the trainee program of a large Hungarian company. The company recommends the program to entrants or those who have 1-1,5 years of work experience. The main objective is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program through some of the HR functions. This study contains the process of the selection and the evaluation of getting into the program. What makes the program special, is the appearance of the technical mentor. According to the hypothesis, the mentor’s assistance reduces the uncertainty when the trainee inducted into the organization. The occasions of the beginner education, the conversations and feedbacks during the induction adds more efficiency to the success of the program. The searched data in literature features HR functions and mentoring. To learn about the program, a case study was made beforehand, and then the questionnaire was edited for the trainees at the company. In the course of the research, an interview was done with the technical mentor. The interview was based on the questionnaire. In point of the results, recommendations were defined connected to the assumed shortages of the program, also to increase the efficiency of the selection and induction. In conclusion, the maintenance of the trainee program is equally beneficial for the trainees and for the company as well.

  • Markmyprofessor: the More the Better?

    Student evaluation of faculty members is a current topic both internationally and in Hungary, partly due to the massification and partly due to the marketization of higher education. One of the evaluation methods is the internet-based voluntary rating which was started by in the U.S.A. and whose Hungarian counterpart is Research studies on the U.S. website – among many other critics – established that reliability of this evaluation method highly depends on the frequency of ratings: if an individual tutor is evaluated by more students, then the standard deviation of the ratings is smaller. The previous conclusion about the U.S. website is tested in our study based on Hungarian data. Our main result is that many of the experiences about echo the previous findings about Beside this in the Hungarian sample the higher response rate is associated with lower average ratings.

  • Design of Experiments Application for Machining Process Analyse

    In this contribution are results from machining of the aluminium alloy by spiral router. The experiment was designed as full 3 - factors and 2-levels process and for evaluation of input factors to output parameters – Fx and Fy components were used Paret´s diagram and Lorentz´s line. The input parameters were: revolution speed (4000/min. and 6000/min.), working engagement of a cutting edge (depth of cut) ae (1 mm and 3 mm), back engagement of a cutting edge (with  of cut) ap (5 mm and 15 mm) and down (climb) milling.

  • The Dunning–Kruger Effect in Knowledge Management Examination of BSc Level Business Students

    The Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE) in higher education evaluation is one of the current research areas of psychology, educational science, and management science (in our case). Its importance is that the less prepared one is, the less accurately one can judge what performance is expected of him. What is more, he will err more and will overestimate himself. The present study aims better to understand the phenomenon with new, small-sample empirical results. The study is part of a research series that has been ongoing at the University of Debrecen since 2015. It not only quantitatively expands the literature but also includes the course of Knowledge Management among those examined. During the research, students were asked both before the examination (N = 63) and after the examination (N = 76) to guess how many points they would achieve on a multiple-choice test. It supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-examination and post-examination self-evaluations. Using four multivariate linear regression models, we examined whether the sign value or absolute value of the errors made during the guesses show a correlation - in addition to the available control variables - with the test score. Our results showed that the more accurate the pre-examination and post-examination estimations were, the higher the students' actual score was, while the less they tended to overestimate their preparation. This supports the presence of DKE, both in the case of pre-exam and post-exam self-evaluation.

  • Investigation of the Luxury Yachts Condition and Their Maintenance

    Surveying the condition of yachts and their maintenance is of great importance for their functionality and efficiency. Finding the right approaches, expertise at different levels, design benchmarking are essential for all yacht maintenance and security, resulting in crew and passenger safety. This report presents an evaluation and expertise in a real environment and documentation of decision-makers for the strength and functionality of a luxury motor yacht. For a good understanding of the problem, detailed photographic material has been documented showing in detail the required technical corrections. The research would be of interest to a wide range of yacht design and industry professionals, academic and research representatives, yacht users and all interested stakeholders.

  • Statistical Evaluation of University Student’s Motivation and Personal Competency with Principal Component and Cluster Analysis

    The aim of the research is to do a statistical evaluation of agricultural and rural development engineer student’s motivation and personal competency. It sums up the late generation Y’s characteristics and challenges. To be a successful, graduated employee, not only the skill is needed but the personal competency as well. Altogether, 121 filled out questionnaires were collected from the students which were the prime source of the research. They had to evaluate influential factors to their motivation level and competence. The database was analyzed with descriptive statistic methods, principal component and cluster analysis. Studying the personal competency, five different factors were divided based on Belbin’s team roles and four clusters. The four clusters were established by the five factors. Analyzing the student’s educational motivation four different components were divided: the need of performance, social entertainment, the benefits of learning in the near future and the reach of the financial freedom. Based on the four components, generating clusters was not possible due to the significance level of the K-means cluster analysis because it was higher than 0,05 in every grouping variables.

  • Operational Feasibility Assessment of Geothermal Heat Harnessing Systems

    Renewable energy sources are now essential to establish sustainable development. This paper examines one kind of source the geothermal energy. For geothermal energy when combined with a heat pump COP can be used for evaluation. For solely geothermal sources different approach is needed thus in the paper, a new geothermal heat production coefficient is used to examine the operational feasibility. For the assessment, many hypothetical buildings were created to model their heat demands. Two types of calculation methods are used for heat demand calculation. Based on the results, the maximum depth of a geothermal borehole and economically critical qualitative coefficient was concluded.

  • Introducing a Task Management Tool into the Operation of a Management Consulting Firm

    Lean and agile methods are now widely used in various fields. Seeing their success, management consultancy firms also want to take advantage of using them. In this case study, the company selects the appropriate task management tool for their operation, the kanban board, and implements it. The implementation process is supported by quantitative analysis. In order to track the introduction progress of the kanban board, a key performance index is defined: the board activity, which is the number of operations performed on the board in a given time period. Based on the evaluation of over 26 weeks’ data, board activity proved to be an appropriate indicator of the kanban board’s reception, operation, and stability. The individual indicators examined, however, were not found to be suitable for performance appraisal.

  • Municipal Geothermal Systems: Evaluation of Three Hungarian Cases

    Geothermal energy holds great potential for a sustainable future, as it is a clean and weather-independent form of energy. In addition to energy production, it can also serve the population of a region through direct use. In this paper, three municipal geothermal systems (Szarvas, Nagyszénás, Békéscsaba) in the same Hungarian region which have been recently installed or expanded are presented and analysed. Here, the direct usage of geothermal energy for heating purposes is a very important issue. The three systems show several differences and to some extent face different challenges in the various phases of the projects. Particular attention has been paid to engineering solutions to the problems that arise. The challenges, such as technical difficulties during installation, maintenance difficulties, or problems arising during operation are introduced. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of similar geothermal systems were summarized, based on the relevant literature. These points were evaluated by their appearance and characteristics in the examined systems. This study aims to provide insights, based on recently gained experiences, into geothermal projects, thus providing feedback and practical information for researchers and practitioners.

  • Grants Rating Due to Operative Public Procurement Law and by Applicable Regulations

    The aim of new Public Procurement law is to ensure the efficiency of appropriation public money. On new legal regulation public procurement procedures become significantly faster and transparency and competition is increasing. The law entered into force on the first of November in 2015, but has been modified several times since then. A year ago, the National Parliament adopted the law on State Program Evaluation cover. The legislation aims to make the European Union resources for projects in an objective, transparent and independent from the interests of the operators assessment system.

  • The Evaluation of the Employment of Migrants by Employees

    The exploration of specifications of the employee groups endangered in the labour market, and their social
    and labour market integration have always been a challenging task for the professionals. As a result of the
    domestically also appeared migrant wave, the actuality of the topic has even more increased. In this study -
    prepared in the framework of the research program „Human resource management challenges of the reception and labour market integration of the migrants” - we aimed to reveal the attitudes of employees about the labour market integration of the migrants. We have defined an objective to explore whether they are afraid of losing their current jobs, what factors influence the employment of the migrants and what kind of positive and negative effects they take on the society and economy. Based on the results of the survey we have found that employees are not afraid of migrants taking their jobs, still they are quite uncertain whether they would employ or work with a migrant person. Regarding the effect on the society and economy an unambiguous negative attitude was experienced.

  • Testing the Sametest-effect in a BSc-level Business Communication Course Examination

    Using secondary data, we empirically examine two biasing effects that may arise in the written evaluation of large groups of students. Suppose the students take the examination in consecutive groups, and we wish to avoid the distortion caused by tests of different difficulty. In that case, we can decide to use the same examination questions. However, the danger of the "same test effect" arises, according to which the group writing later can perform better if it receives information from the examinees in the previous round. Using the same examination tests cannot be recommended if that effect is significant. Another related potential phenomenon is the "revealed sameness effect". Accordingly, if the examinees are aware of the repetition of the questions, it significantly increases the scores of the following group. We tested these phenomena using the data of a three-round written examination. A previously published analysis of a larger sample found that the "same test effect" can be expected if the students decide in which round they take the examination. Since it was possible to freely register for the examination rounds for the assessment analyzed in this study, we assume that the "same test effect" will be significant. Based on the literature, we also expected that the "revealed sameness effect" would occur in the third round. The performed linear regression analysis (N=77) only found some weak evidence for the 'revealed sameness effect' but not for the 'same test effect'.

  • Theoretical Overview of Discrete Choice Experiment

    The purpose of this study is to present a preference evaluation method, the discrete choice experiment. The reader can gain information on the background, application areas (with particular emphasis on health economics), the process and about three models (multinomial logit, random parameter logit, nested logit). Based on the results of literature analysis it can be said that the method is very promising, but in many areas it still needs improvement.

  • Teacher Career System – Teacher Career Model

    The Hungarian teacher career model that was introduced on September 1, 2013. In the model the following categories were defined: “Novice Teacher”, “Teacher I”, “Teacher II”, “Master Teacher”, “Researcher Teacher”. At the same time certification and evaluation systems were launched. We introduce the quota and the special requirements set by the Minister of Human Resources.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése

    It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.

  • Analysis of Driving Data of Lorries on a Certain Route

    In this paper the development of a driving cycle for lorries traveling a certain route is presented. A typical transportation route has been selected, which used by lorries instrumented with the proper data-collecting equipment. We used these on-board units to collect data over a long time period in the real-life traffic. We filtered the collected data, and carried out a statistical evaluation on the basis of the measured data.

  • Evaluation of the Factors Defining the Relationship Quality in Respect of the Customer-Supplier Cooperation

    The importance of the examination of customer-supplier relationship is growing on the field of supply chain management. Besides the fact that the researches in the topic of business relationship marks the quality of the as the crucial element of effective cooperation, still it can be identified as an unidentified area knowing that there is no agreement in the defining dimension. In the center in this dissertation are the dyadic business relationships. The main aim is to support the hypothesis that trust, dependence, conflict and personal relationship between the members of the supply chain are the crucial elements of the cooperation of the members of the chain and by that, they can be the defining elements of the relationship quality .As the results of my Primer research, I describe and reveal the previously mentioned dimensioned relevant for the customer and suppliers relationships in the microbusinesses producing fruits for the national, fresh market, how the good business relationship contributes to the company to reach its main goals and increase its competitiveness on the market. Based on my research, it can be stated that trust, dependence, conflict and personal relationship are the defining factors of relationship quality, moreover my results prove the fact that relationship quality contributes to the increase of the performance of the contributors.

  • Research of Healthy Behavior at Faculty of Economic Sciences' sport sciences' students at the University of Debrecen

    Nowadays the healthy lifestyle is getting more and more attention, thanks to emerging health trends. The review of the literature summarizes the latest results of research on two aspects of healthy behavior. In our primary research, we measured the sporting and dietry habits of sport sciences’ students at University of Debrecen. In the case of sporting habits, we asked the students about the frequency and motivation of sports. In the other hand we asked them about their dietary habits about the frequency and amount of vegetable, fruit and fluid consumption. After the evaluation of survey we can say that the 70% of respondents are satisfied with their physical condition. We can tell about the frequency of vegetable and fruit consumption is that the 15-20% of students eat vegetables and / or fruits daily. However, it can be said about the fluid intake of students that seventysix percent of them are consuming fluid daily.

  • A Selective Study: Camels Analysis of Indian Private Sector Banks

    Banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. Today’s banking sector becoming more complex. Evaluating Indian banking sector is not an easy task. There are so many factors, which need to be taken care while differentiating good banks from bad ones. Performance evaluation of the banking sector is an effective measure and indicator to check the soundness of economic activities of an economy. The contribution of RBI and other policy maker, the banking industry has witnessed regulatory requirements like BASEL III norms. These regulatory changes have influenced prominent improvement in efficiency and performance of the Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks in the past few years. In the present study an attempt was made to evaluate the performance & financial soundness of select Private Sector Banks like ICICI,HDFC AND YES bank using CAMEL approach from 2013 to 2017 as well one way anova method. It is observed that on an average ICICI was at the top most position. It is also observed that yes Bank was at the bottom most position in selected CAMEL ratios.

  • Measurement of Friction Losses of Electro-Pneumatical Valves with Industrial Devices

    The pneumatic devices are frequently used in several fields of the industry but the losses and pressure
    drops of the pneumatic system are not really investigated. These losses can cause great property damages during long uptime because the compressed air is a quite expensive energy source. I designed a measuring system which is able to measure the friction losses of electro-pneumatic 5/2-way valves (monostable and bistable too). It is possible to choose between manual and automatic operation modes as well. In the automatic mode the system makes measurements in three different user-defined pressure levels. In the manual mode the measuring pressure can be set between 2-6 bars. An automatic evaluate program is also an important part of the created system. It gives the possibility of the fast evaluation of the saved data and it could be the base of a fast report generating application.

  • Review on Construction Procedures of Driving Cycles

    The goal of this paper is to give an overview of the literature of construction techniques of driving cycles. Our motivation for the overview is the future goal of constructing our own driving cycles for various types of vehicles and routes. This activity is part of a larger project focusing on determination of fuel and energy consumption by dynamic simulation of vehicles. Accordingly, the papers dealing with sample route determination, data collection and processing, driving cycle construction procedures, statistical evaluation of data are in our focus.

  • The Relationship Between Sports Civic Organizations and Human Resources

    Every spring the Hungarian Central Statistical Office records through its ELEKTRA database system the human and economic related operation data of the past year of civic organizations. This data source is usually considered as a standard at the evaluation of the domestic civic sphere. Still, the available handout titled “Most important features of the non-profit sector”, applying mainly descriptive statistics only provides a brief picture of specifications of the sector. Parallel with it, its background database is available yearly, which provides a unique possibility for a researcher to perform secondary analysis aiming to reveal deeper relationship. The objective of our study is purely to reveal a minor part of this considerable field, the relationship between subsidies and human resources mainly due to the fact, that human resource in this sector is composed of employees and volunteers, and it is questionable whether subsidies have an impact on employment.  Results revealed that there is a relationship between human resources and subsidies, where mainly private nature subsidies have a strong impact equally on voluntariness and work related employment

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