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  • Entrepreneurial Climate – Management of Women's Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship, which people can have without formal economic education, is a tendency acquired through upbringing in the family, competition in school, implies risk and constant self-affirmation through the acquisition of profits and losses, so that it represents the sum of successes and failures, victory and defeat. In the last thirty years, female entrepreneurship has been developing more and more, especially in less developed countries, the reason for such growth is primarily reflected in the promotion of equality between men and women, the right to education, and the development of democracy. Female entrepreneurship is a significant factor in economic development, so the national economy becomes richer. The subject of this research are the entrepreneurial climate in the Balkans compared to the world in terms of female entrepreneurship, what is the role of the family in starting a small business, as well as its survival and growth. In the study the results of previous research in this area. The research method is based on a comparative analysis of studies dealing with this problem from the territory of Balkans. It can be concluded that in the Balkans, female entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, it is about a very small percentage of female entrepreneurs, although according to research, it is evident that there has been no major progress in the last 15 years. Recommendation In the countries of the Balkans, there is a good entrepreneurial climate for the development of female entrepreneurship, especially because women can work from home, and in the future it is necessary to go in this direction.

  • Perceived Barriers to Youth Entrepreneurship in Pakistan and Hungary

    Entrepreneurship brings enormous benefits. It generates employment and helps in social and economic development. Ventures created through the youth entrepreneurship have enormous benefits. They generate employment, reduce poverty and unequitable distribution of wealth. These ventures do also help in social, economic and technological development. However, the youth faces several barriers to entrepreneurship. This study explores the personal & psychological, family related, institutional & regulatory, cultural & social, financial and market & knowledge barriers faced by the youth of Hungary and Pakistan. Qualitative research methodology was applied. Interviews at micro and meso levels were conducted from the young entrepreneurs and university professors of Pakistan and Hungary. Results indicate that Pakistan and Hungary have almost similar levels of Personal & Psychological barriers, however, the fear of failure is higher in Hungary than in Pakistan. Family related, cultural & social and market & knowledge barriers are higher in Pakistan for the youth entrepreneurship than Hungary. Institutional & regulatory and financial barriers are at medium levels in Pakistan. For Hungary, these are at low levels. The study has important implications for researchers, academicians, policy makers and for the young aspiring entrepreneurs.

  • The use of Partial Least Squares to define the Characteristics in the Environment of Higher Education Institutions and their Effects on Entrepreneurial Academic Education, a case study: Torreon, Mexico

    Because university incubators have a favorable effect on student’s entrepreneurial intents, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are essential to the delivery of entrepreneurship education. By analyzing the perceptions of students who received master diploma in management-business fields in Torreon, Mexico in 2021, the aim of the research is to identify the internal and external aspects of the HEI environment and their impact on entrepreneurial education using Partial Least Squares methodology with the help of the SmartPLS software, 156 responses from the statistical tool provided 120 responses. Three of the original hypotheses were confirmed, while four variables—two associated with HEI ecosystem external factors and two with entrepreneurial education elements—had to be removed since they were not accepted. The findings will lead to a better comprehension of the elements influencing master students' entrepreneurial perspective to create stronger relationship with elements of the HEI ecosystem.

  • Possible ways of IP Commercialisation in the European Higher Education Ecosystem

    Strong links between universities, and companies can play crucial role in promoting taking into practice of ideas that drive the knowledge society, and in raising competitiveness and living standards. In academic terms of IP management, all activities aimed at sharing knowledge generated in research institutions as a knowledge transfer including scientific publishing, conference presentations, collaborative research with external partners, and contract-based clustering activities, such as licensing and spin-offs. In a narrower sense, the IP management means technology transfer is aimed at placing a given technology on the market, and includes any process by which the recovery partner becomes able to produce new products or services. IP with traditional university mission, values, and activities primarily focusing an active university role in entrepreneurship and contracts with private sector for IP commercialization. This paper gives a comprehensive overview about IP management in universities of the European Higher Education System including the following aspects: partnerships (licensing, industry collaborators); IP invention (disclosures, patenting); proof of concept research bridging the gap between lab discoveries and market application (highly innovative R&D to solve practical problems and commercialization research aiming patented technologies towards business exploitations) and commercialization (start-up incubators and strengthening the entrepreneurial attitudes and competencies). The methodology based on secondary research analysing EU, OECD, on-line literature sources and relevant, up-to date statistical data as well. The conclusions and recommendations based on this „desk research” work reflects the authors.

  • Vállalkozói képzés a 21. században a felsőoktatásban – lehetőségek, módszerek, jó gyakorlatok

    Challenges of the 21st century require answers from higher education as well. In Europe, most of the entrepreneurship programmes on the higher education institutions are less than ten years old. Whilst business studies may battle for academic legitimacy, it has a clear advantage when it comes to graduate employability. The aim of this paper is to give answer to the following questions: why entrepreneurship education is important, what are the methods which are already used and what are the results of them. The answers to the questions are based on literature reviews, a case study and in-depth interviews with alumni carried out at the University of Debrecen, where since 2010 Team Academy Debrecen, a new education model from Finland is implemented. Tiimiakatemia education is an innovative Finnish model founded in 1993 by Johannes Partanen that develops team entrepreneurs. Based on the results some of the important elements of entrepreneurship teachability are: learning by doing, passion, learning in teams, coaching and mentoring.

  • Evaluating the Entrepreneurial Performance in South America. Case of Chile

    The research objective is to explore Chile's entrepreneurial landscape by assessing individual characteristics and institutional factors through a 'pillars' framework and compare it against Colombia, and Brazil; to identify socio-economic, individual, and institutional differences using the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI); to apply bottleneck approach to highlight areas requiring policy intervention. GEI features individual and institutional stage variables in a method where every variable collaboratively interacts, incorporating 14 foundational elements and three sub-indexes: attitudes, abilities, and aspirations. Ranking 18th on the GEI globally and the best in Latin America, Chile excels in key entrepreneurial pillars, showcasing strengths in innovation and a robust entrepreneurial culture. Brazil closely rivals Chile in competition and networking, emphasizing political and economic influence. Colombia surpasses Chile in internationalization and growth-stimulating policies but faces challenges like historical conflicts and wealth distribution. This study identified areas where immediate policy intervention may be necessary by examining Chiles's entrepreneurial ecosystem. The Penalty for Bottleneck (PFB) technique identified the weakest pillars highlighting process innovation, competition, and internationalization. The primary component identified as a bottleneck for resource allocation is Process Innovation, accounting for 73% of the allocation, followed by Competition at 23%. The findings show that allocating more resources to process innovation may improve greatly the overall GEI score. 

  • The Importance of Continuous Organizational Project Risk Management and the Value of Project Management Certificates in the Customers’ Eyes

    In an increasingly complex and volatile business environment, organizational project risk management plays a critical role in determining the chances of project success. Project management has become a common tool in the hands of large organizations for executing development and improving their production cycles in a more carefully planned way. However, the future is often hard to predict, and unexpected events may occur which could have been avoided with the use of the right tools and mindset. This comprehensive research study aims to showcase the importance of continuous risk management in organizations and highlight how risk management contributes to successful project outcomes. By synthesizing information from 59 high-quality publications from Scopus and Web of Science, the research describes various risk mitigation methodologies used across diverse fields, and explores potential obstacles faced by project managers when executing risk management strategies. The primary research of the study builds upon a survey conducted with 181 experienced project managers across various industries to gain deeper insights into their risk management approaches and the constraints they may encounter. Additionally, the study seeks to analyse the value of obtaining project management certificates in relationship with led projects’ length and budget. Employing SPSS, the research presents descriptive statistics, regression, and correlation calculations to further analyse the data gathered. The aim of the research is to draw attention to the significance of continuous risk management, propose effective methodologies, identify and mitigate potential challenges, and shed light on the potential benefits of having certifications in the field of project management. This study aims to present valuable knowledge for both researchers and organizations striving to better understand the field of project risk management strategies through the systematic literature review and quantitative research results presented.

  • Analysis of the Benefits of SAP S/4 HANA Cloud IT/Is Investment in the Case of PT XYZ

    PT XYZ is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia. In 2020, PT XYZ implemented a digital transformation to increase its excellence by investing in industry telecommunication and information systems (IT/IS) enterprise resource planning software called SAP (System Application and Processing) S/4 HANA Cloud. The study aims to analyze the benefits of these IT investments made in PT XYZ. The results are carried out using the Comparative Analysis of Financial Statements followed by Business Value and Financial Feasibility Analysis and the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) method between 2018 and 2021. It can be revealed that the SAP S/4 Hana Cloud investment benefits the company's operations, which are identified in the form of 5 sub-categories that fall into required categories based on Ranti's Generic IT/IS Business Value.

  • Cultural diversity, Intercultural Competence, Tolerance and the Economy: a Review

    Cultural diversity is generally a controversial topic in the literature. Whereas some studies proved that it has economic benefits, others denied that. However, it is possible to avoid the costs related to that through enhancing each of intercultural competence, on the level of firms, and social tolerance, on the level of economies. To investigate that, the study used literature review analysis. Based on the literature, cultural diversity plays important role in enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship which are necessary for economic development. However, it may result in different challenges such as a lack of trust and conflict. Therefore, it could be feasible to manage and benefit from cultural diversity in the companies through cross-cultural training as well as cultural diversity management. On the other hand, economies can avoid cultural diversity's costs by adopting the policies and institutions which are necessary for enhancing the level of social tolerance among people.

  • Food Security and Economic Growth: An Income Level Comparison

    Food security is a fundamental but often neglected aspect of economic growth and sustainable development. This paper examines the effect of food security on productivity (GDP/capita) over time, while taking the income level of various countries into account. Dynamic panel regression analyses suggest that food security is positively related to productivity, but this effect is stronger in more developed countries. The study highlights the complexity of the economic problems faced by the least developed countries, where increasing the consumption and supply of food is insufficient for significantly increasing economic performance.

  • Application of Heutagogical Methods in Entrepreneurship Education

    According to Kuit and Fell (2010) the educators’ task is to develop the learners’ lifelong learning skills to be able to apply their skills and competences in and efficient and creative way in new situations in a constantly changing environment. Kamenetz (2010) argues that neither the pedagogical nor the andragogical teaching methods are suitable for performing well in their job, but more and more a self-directed and self-determined approach is needed in which the learner reflects on what and how he learned, and the educator teaches the learner how to teach himself. The concept of heutagogy provides such principles and practices which can give an answer for the above-mentioned challenges in higher education. The authors examined how the heutagogical methods can be adapted at entrepreneurial courses and how the students evaluated these courses.

  • Development of Entrepreneurial Skills Among Engineering Students

    Education is the major contributor to the development of culture, including entrepreneurial culture as well. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and how can be developed the initiative and entrepreneurial competence through education. The task of the education is to help young people develop qualities that are the basis of entrepreneurship. Such is creativity, initiative, responsibility, risk-taking and independence.

  • Entrepreneur Willingness in Case of Students of University of Debrecen

    This article is about the entrepeneur willingness in case of the students of University of Debrecen. There was 500 participants in the paper and online based survey who could tell their opinion about entrepreneurship in Hungary, what difficulties are they seeing and which part of the economy is where they see opportunity to start their own business. The aim of this article is to get to know how many of them and with what rate would like to start their own business, while it is examined they are from which faculty of the University, what is their family background and these facts how effects on the individual if his or her family owns some kind of business.

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