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  • Survey of the Application Fields and Modeling Methods of Automotive Vehicle Dynamics Models

    In this paper, a review is presented on automotive vehicle dynamics modeling. Applied vehicle dynamics models from various application fields are analyzed and classified in the first section. Vehicle dynamics models may be simplified because of different reasons: several control/estimation/analysis methods are suitable only for simplified models (e.g. using control-oriented models), or because of the computational cost. Detailed/truth models of vehicle dynamics represent another field of vehicle dynamics modeling, these models play an important role in the virtual prototyping of vehicles. In the second section, the main modeling considerations of vehicle dynamics are presented in longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions. Various physical effects must be considered in the case of vehicle dynamics modeling, a lot of these effects are significant only in a specific direction of the vehicle body, which is the main potential of model simplification. The section presents vehicle modeling considerations in all of the three translational directions of the vehicle body.

  • New Research methods of Sales-Marketing Interfaces
    The energy invested in research in this topic is justified by the fact that the lack of optimal integration between SM (sales-marketing) can negatively affect overall corporate efficiency. The aim of this article is to present possible research methods that can reveal the impact of selected indicators, such as information exchange, coordination, vision and communication, conflicts, on the operation of the SM interface, according to Hungarian and foreign employees of international companies, and how they affect sales and marketing collaboration between pharmaceutical companies (PMC) and non-pharmaceutical companies (NPMC). It also attempts to demonstrate how the Partial Least Square (PLS) path modeling technique can provide valuable information on the consequences of management activity, and how the methods provided by Voyant Tools provide further research through quantitative analysis of qualitative data on the marketing sales interface (SMI), they can open up opportunities. The PLS-PM modeling technique was used to explore the relationships between the selected factors and possible hidden variables. These results clearly demonstrate that there are factors that influence SM collaboration that operate differently in PMCs and NPMCs, and that nationality differences can have a significant impact on how employees evaluate factors that affect SM collaboration. Of the methods we selected by Voyant Tools, the t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding) tool proved to be the most sophisticated analysis, allowing the deepest analyzes by exploring relationships between groups of terms.
  • Vocational Teacher Training –Modeling, Professional Vocabulary Development, Connecting Subjects

    Vocational Teacher Training Programmes provide teachers of Vocational Education and Training schools. University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering offers Vocational Teacher Training in five specializations, in form of cooperative training. The company specialists participating in the training teach prospective vocational teachers with modern professional knowledge. The aim of this article is to summarize the pedagogical experiences of the prospective vocational teachers, based on the content analysis of their lesson plans. The investigation focuses on prospective vocational teachers’ examples of modeling, professional vocabulary development and connections between subjects from their practical pedagogical training in Vocational Education and Training schools.

  • Some Aspects to the Rehabilitation of the Vernacular Adobe Architecture

    In this paper, we are dealing with the heat-technical modeling, life cycle assessment and the conservation of the vernacular adobe wall house. One of our investigations is directed to the seasonal equalizing property of this wall structure. The reason of this choice of this topic can be found in the fact, that in the old Hungarian folk house construction, the abode wall was popular and a significant fraction of the people living in the countryside are still inhabit these old houses. The Hungarian winter is cold and followed normally by sizzling hot summer. The adobe wall construction is perfect for the local climatic conditions. Due to the on-going global warming up, the ecological importance of these wall constructions is becoming more prominent. Most of these adobe wall constructed houses are already under preservation order, due to their ecological significance and also because they are part of our culture heritage. Their conservation and maintenance problems are briefly described in the paper, too.

  • Visual Analysis and Geometric Modeling of Metal Foams

    The development of an efficient procedure for 3D modelling and finite element simulation of metal foams
    is one of the greatest challenges to engineer researchers nowadays. Creating 3D CAD model is alone a demanding
    engineering task due to its extremely complex geometry, and the proper finite element analysis process is still in the
    center of the research. The aim of this project is to analyze the related literature and to adapt the results may be

  • Survey of the Dynamic Modeling Methods of Light Vehicles

    Vehicle dynamics models can be classified into two groups based on the model simplification. There are simplified models based on neglections, these models do not contain all body directions: longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions. There are several reasons for the simplification: control, estimation and analysis methods can be used only with simplified models, or another reason is the computational cost. Apart from simplified models, there are detailed/truth vehicle dynamics models which aim is to provide a virtual plant of the real vehicle for virtual prototype-based development. In this paper, some simplified vehicle models are presented, after a short introduction.

  • Laboratory investigation of the rediffusion of contaminants originated from the aquiclude

    Many organic pollutants are released into the soil and thus into the groundwater due to anthropogenic effects (a chain of harmful human activities). Layers with low permeability (e.g. clay) play an important role in blocking the path of these contamintants. However, due to their sorption and diffusion properties, such aquiclude layers can also serve as long-term sources of contamination. Once the layer is contaminated, it is already very difficult to recultivate, and there is a potential for the pollutant to spread to higher permeability layers by slow diffusion processes. This phenomenon is defined as a so-called rediffusion process, in which contaminants are retransferred from the aquiclude to the layer with higher permeability. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the possibility of modeling this rediffusion process in a laboratory scale and to quantify the effect of influencing parameters on pollutant transport.

  • Floodresc – Disaster Management in case of Flooding in the Hernad Watershed

    The aim of the Floodresc project is to develop a GIS based decision support system that can help the defense and rescue operations of the Disaster Management Directorate during any floods in the Hernád River. In the project, a geospatial database covering the entire river basin, a modeling application for predicting the extent of flooded areas in time, and a logistics model supporting defense-related transportation tasks will be developed.

  • Modeling the Thermal Behavior of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

    The aim of this study is to present a thermal analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous machine based on finite element method. The developed model can be used to predict temperature distribution inside the studied motor during the rated operation. Electromagnetic computation is carried out with the aid of two 2D finite-element (FE) simulations on the cross-section of the PM motor. To analyse the process of heat transfer in an electrical machine, empirical correlations are used to describe the convective heat transfer from the different surfaces of the PM motor. The heat transfer coefficient is determined using dimensionless numbers and Nusselt number. After the loss calculation, the temperatures of the machine are calculated by using 3D finite element method. The results obtained by the model are compared with experimental results from testing the prototype electric motor.

  • Globalization in Higher education, Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Education

    This article was prepared with the support of PADME (Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti). E-learning has many advantages and disadvantages. Among these, I would like to highlight some of the more important ones, as well as present the results of my surveys in which I assessed university students' modeling, abstraction and lexical knowledge before and after online education.

  • Practice of Organizational Development in a Domestic Company

    In today's changing world, it is extremely important that organizations can keep up with market trends. The perspectives of continuous development are expanding and the commitment of decision-makers to development activities is growing steadily. The starting point for organizational development is always man. Organizational development always begins with deeper research and modeling. Fundamental guidelines are set out as a paradigm of development. The most important and at the same time the most difficult step is to introduce the results of the analysis. The most effective, but the most time-consuming and cost-effective solution is full organizational development. The management of the organization faces significant efforts to embark on a full organizational development process. The aim of our study is to propose different development opportunities for the company's management with the help of analysis by the organization and supported by measurable data, as well as the catalyst for the modifying efforts observed among employees.

  • Laboratory Testing of Rediffusion of Contaminants Using DKS-Permeameter

    Decades long hydrocarbon contaminations effecting heterogenous groundwater systems is a common problem both in Hungary and worldwide. Only the treatment of aquifer layers is possible with remediation technologies, so the contaminations remained in the aquitards are released back to the treated porous layer  after the treatment due to the changes in concentration-gradient. This process is the so-called back-diffusion: as a result, the previously removed contaminations appear in the remediated layer again. In order to get better understanding of the rediffusion process and the influencing parameters series of measurements were carried out at the University of Miskolc Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering using a special laboratory device called DKS-permeameter. With the help of some small modifications it can be used for the modeling of backdiffusion. Artificially contaminated soil samples were built in the DKS-permeameter from which contaminanant release occured due to back-diffusion. The concentration values were determined with spectrophotometric measurements.

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