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The Importance of Continuous Organizational Project Risk Management and the Value of Project Management Certificates in the Customers’ Eyes
51-68Views:309In an increasingly complex and volatile business environment, organizational project risk management plays a critical role in determining the chances of project success. Project management has become a common tool in the hands of large organizations for executing development and improving their production cycles in a more carefully planned way. However, the future is often hard to predict, and unexpected events may occur which could have been avoided with the use of the right tools and mindset. This comprehensive research study aims to showcase the importance of continuous risk management in organizations and highlight how risk management contributes to successful project outcomes. By synthesizing information from 59 high-quality publications from Scopus and Web of Science, the research describes various risk mitigation methodologies used across diverse fields, and explores potential obstacles faced by project managers when executing risk management strategies. The primary research of the study builds upon a survey conducted with 181 experienced project managers across various industries to gain deeper insights into their risk management approaches and the constraints they may encounter. Additionally, the study seeks to analyse the value of obtaining project management certificates in relationship with led projects’ length and budget. Employing SPSS, the research presents descriptive statistics, regression, and correlation calculations to further analyse the data gathered. The aim of the research is to draw attention to the significance of continuous risk management, propose effective methodologies, identify and mitigate potential challenges, and shed light on the potential benefits of having certifications in the field of project management. This study aims to present valuable knowledge for both researchers and organizations striving to better understand the field of project risk management strategies through the systematic literature review and quantitative research results presented.
Implementing 5S in a Hungarian Company
161-173Views:319The methods and tools used by Lean management can be used for any activity that is specifically introduced to the company. On this basis, the objective of this paper is the implementation of a Lean office with a 5S system transformation into the traditional office environment of a private business. During the workflow, it is also planned to create new habits in this narrow space that will incorporate the organizational culture into the everyday life of the business making the administration more effective. The 5S concept is new and helps the company to operation on a larger scale with fewer inputs than before. Figures are made for better understanding and a Red Tag is created which is the first step of the process. Red Tag tells the employees about the history and the process which will be needed on it. The basic of lean thinking is the contunious improvement in the quality of the product while minimaxing the wastes created during the process. The Next Broker Consultancy Ltd adopted this new way of management and made sure that all the necessary measurement are taken to insure smooth flow of the process.
Greywater Treatment with Oxidative Agents
27-31Views:237In our research we pretreated synthetically produced greywaters with filtration on various filters, then we treated the samples with oxidative agents. We characterised the quality of greywater samples with several parameters. We investigated these parameters on the untreated, pretreated, and oxidated samples as well. We evaluated the efficiency of the treatments by measuring the characteristic parameters. In addition, we investigated the changes on the filter media’ surface with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It was shown, that the most effective treatment combination for the greywater’s preparation for reuse is the filtration on silica sand or activated charcoal and silica sand combined filter media, then oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (10 mmol/dm3).
Specialties of First SMED in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
1-11Views:221Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is considered as an effective lean management method increasingly used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. By reducing change-over times and costs, the successful implementation of the first SMEDs may bring a significant increase in terms of manufacturing flexibility. The purpose of this study is present the special factors that fundamentally determine SMEDs applied especially in the process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. By focusing on a well defined part of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, lasting from Weighing and Measuring to the end of Tablet Pressing, the study also aims to highlight the benefits of SMED itself. The findings of the research are based on the practical experiences of four SMEDs implemented in various sections of production. According to the experiences and considering industrial specialties, the implementation of SMED has to harmonise with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which are representing the golden quality standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Submerged aquatic plant (Vallisneria spiralis and Egeria densa) utilisation as a biogas cleaner and feedstock of co-digestion
172-180Views:198Biogas was produced from sheep manure and two types of submerged aquatic plant (Vallisneria spiralis and Egeria densa). The gas cleaning was carried out by a water scrubber, where a significant part of CO2 and H2S can be separated from the gas. A part of water from the scrubber was circulated through an aquatic plant growth tank and the growth of used plants was examined. Addition of E. densa to sheep manure increased gas yield by 8% and the mixing of sheep manure and V. spiralis resulted in 21% increase in gas yield. With the used scrubber, 70-80 vol% methane content can be reached in the cleaned biogas, and the water from the scrubber (which contained dissolved CO2 and H2S) resulted in 56-87% increase in size as opposed to 12-44% increase in the control group.
Challenges and Benefits of Working in Teams – Interpersonal Interactions in Health Care
11-19Views:317Teamwork has become the accepted way of doing one’s job. This is so true even profession’s that were considered an exception are shifting towards teamwork. Apart from the well-known benefits, there seems to be a downside of the enforcement of this work strategy. Conflicts, frictions, frustration in working groups can affect the dignity, psychological or physical integrity of team members, generally referred to as psychological harassment, workplace bullying or mobbing. The outcomes of the phenomenon are various negative organizational responses. Health care is somewhat lagging behind in this shift towards working in teams, but with increasing specialization greater coordination is needed between health care professionals. Above all, the patient wishes to be more involved in the health care process. Research suggests that patient involvement and working in teams have a positive impact on effectiveness and patient mortality, respectively. One of the challenges for health care is to include the patient in the teamwork process as an equal member of the group and at the same time overcome the drawbacks mentioned above, in a setting where a traditional, paternalistic approach is still present and the vulnerability of the patient (and his/her dignity) is evident.
Microbiological and Chemical Investigation of Drinking Water Samples on the Operational Area of Pannon Víz Zrt.
151-160Views:233In our research the potable water quality was monitored between 1 January 2015 and 31 October 2017 in the operational area of Pannon-Víz Zrt. The connection between temperature, microbiological load and chemical parameters were investigated. After evaluating data, the following results have been identified. The seasonal changes of the microbiologically positive samples are determined by the contamination caused by Escherichia coli, Enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The coliform group and the 22°C and 37°C colony-form units showed no seasonal dynamics. The analysed chemical parameters were below the limit during the examined period. Based on the correlation analysis, there is no correlation between chemical and microbiological parameters.
Relationship between Population Growth and Urbanization
527-541Views:483The main purpose of this article is to examine how to respond to and change the field of urbanization. Creating dwindling new opportunities and challenges for globalization, new sector introductions and agricultural dominance. In relation to changing trends in urban and rural environments, people's preferences are very diverse and their lives are changing. The difference between a big city and a small city can test different lifestyles. It is a fundamentally important infrastructure personality insurance system (both cities), important from the point of view of larger cities and very different from small towns in terms of quality. The benefits of small towns can be a unique lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle, which can certainly be felt. Among the different characteristics of urbanization in developing and developed countries, we can mention the different time course and magnitude [1]. Namely, in developed countries the urban explosion has taken place for a long time and with fewer people than in developing countries [2]. The rate of urban population growth in the latter group will be 4.04% between 1950 and 1975, 3.6% between 1975 and 2000, and 2.4% between 2000 and 2030. The Earth and all of humanity are facing many challenges these days, and this trend will continue in the future. The planet's overpopulation and changing eating habits put great pressure on agriculture and the countryside. Research focused on the countryside focuses on analyzing the various functions of rural areas.
Study Habits of University Students
109-117Views:90What kind of electronically available content can students prefer? We conducted a questionnaire survey in which we asked about the study habits of university students: where, how, with whom, when, how much, where do they study? Do they use problem-solving software? We need to find out about it, since learning habits and strategies have changed significantly in recent years. Taking into account the answers to the questionnaire, we draw attention to some activities that improve the quality of education.
The Pressure Characteristics of the Released Gases from Sand Cores
73-79Views:163The core packages used for the production of castings are generally made from cores of different quality (no- bake phenol, HB-phenol, and HB-furan) and resin quantity, to meet the various requirements for the casting. In our research, the effect of the amount of resin on the pressure of the gases evolved from the cores was investigated. Experiments have shown that increasing the amount of resin has a different effect on different binder systems.
Designing, Modelling and Analysis of Straight Turning Tool Geometry
11-16.Views:145We execute the planning, modelling and examination of straight turning tool geometry with the help of a software in the modelling space. Our aim is to create a programme that – given some lengths and angles – calculates the corresponding geometry. It establishes that as a wireframe model in a file format that is easily transmittable to the CAD softwares of today, so any additional changes can be done there. An optimal geometry can be defined for the best possible chipping conditions using finite element simulation and with given technological parameters and material quality standard.
Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services
1-13Views:467There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.
The Investigation Of Heat-Resistant PLA Produced By Additive Manufacturing Technology
24-29Views:191In recent years, additive manufacturing technologies have been increasingly used in both custom and small-series production. In such cases, the component must remain functional under realistic conditions.. This means that there must also has a load‑bearing capacity. In many cases, materials are already suitable for strength. However, in many cases (machine parts, outdoor use) the models need to operate reliably at higher temperatures. This seems to be solved by the most widespread additive manufacturing technology (FDM), with a new heat-resistant material, HT PLA. In many cases, the use of cooling is essential during manufacture, especially for parts with high overhangs where hardening of the material is required as soon as possible to achieve the correct surface quality. In this paper, we investigated the effect of cooling applied during manufacturing on the mechanical strength
Adaptability of Powdered Activated Carbon Production from Ground Catering Waste Pyrolysis Coke
162-171Views:151Three mixture of catering waste was pyrolyzed at 650, 725 and 900 °C and the solid residue (coke) was examined for powdered activated carbon production. For this, the carbon content, iodine number, particle size distribution and scanning electron microscopic images were analysed. Based on the carbon content, these cokes are suitable for activated carbon production, which were 60-85 wt.% (depending on the base material and pyrolysis temperature). The studied cokes showed slightly porous structure with smooth surfaces. Because of this, the iodine number was mostly small (13-30). Based on the grinding experiments, 10 minutes of grinding was found to be optimal. After this grinding time, the reached iodine number of powdered activated carbon was 350-610.
A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése
100-107Views:507It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.
The Analysis of the Composition of Greywater and the Effectiveness of a Household Greywater Treatment System
142-150Views:185The purpose of the current study is to give comparable results to previous and further examinations concerning the quality of household generated greywater and to determine the effectiveness of a household wastewater treatment system treating only household generated greywater. Data for this study were collected from a household which avoids the production of black water at the source by using dry toilet. Water samples were collected from January 2017 until May 2017, altogether seven times. Samples were taken from 3 different places: (i) potable water from the kitchen tap, (ii) greywater sample from the first sewage tank of the household sewage treatment system and (iii) greywater sample from the fourth (last) sewage tank of the household sewage treatment system. A total of 16 physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were measured in the laboratory using the valid standard methods in each cases. The results of this investigation show that separating black water from greywater at the source by using dry toilet may produce considerably smaller environmental load. Lower emission values stems from the lower organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content of greywater.
Comparing higher education preferences with labour market needs
382-392Views:394Hungarian institutions of higher education play an important role in national economy: they ensure intellectual labour with appropriate knowledge and professional competencies for Hungary in all profession fields. If the rules of private sector are applied for these institutions – interpreting it within a certain framework as the quality of education and research has to be maintained and there are social benefits associated with them -, they owned by the state, their management is the institutional leadership and their consumer is the labour market. Thus, training programmes must or should be developed in accordance with the needs of labour market. It represents a major challenge, even without taking into consideration other factors, since future requirements should be aimed (at least a 3-5 year training period later) – along with a rapid technological development. Even if the state makes significant efforts to adapt training programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market demands, students who want to further their education pay limited attention to these factors in their educational decision-making. Partly for this reason, career transition or shortages may occur in the case of certain professions. This paper seeks to address to what extent the most popular training programmes meet the expectations and to what extent the degree earned may be regarded as a ‘success’ in the labour market; moreover, if they do not overlap each other, how much applicants prefer those training programmes which are to be considered the most successful based on recruitment information. Admission statistics of Education Department and database of DPR provide the necessary information for the period 2010-2017 and these data sources enable authors to follow-up students from application to higher education until employment.
Present and Future of Industrial Robotisation
13-24Views:145The following paper analyzing the installation of industrial robotisation in sectors and regions, in addition carry out forcastings on historical data. In recent years, automation and the use of industrial robotics have increased exponentially in the manufacturing sector. Given that companies prioritize enhanced production efficiency, quality assurance, and safety, it is evident that substantial investment and implementation of automation continue to occur in manufacturing facilities worldwide. The number of industrial robots globally has been growing steadily since 2010. However, the rate of growth has slowed from 2020 onwards. The impact of the Covid-19 epidemic was still felt in 2020, but the deployment of industrial robots increased significantly in 2021. Global industrial robot deployment is projected to continue to grow in the coming years, although the rate of increase may vary between regions and countries. The analysis showed a number of differences between regions in the number and growth rate of industrial robot deployments. Asia and Australia are the largest markets for robots and the number of robots deployed is expected to continue to grow in the future. Europe is the second largest market and, although growing at a slower rate, industrial robot deployment is also increasing steadily. In the Americas, growth is slower than in other regions, but still increasing. Global growth trends suggest that there will be further growth in the coming years and that the deployment of industrial robots will become more widespread in different parts of the world.
Determination of the Accumulation of the Heavy Metal Content of the Sediment of River Danube by Plants
163-170Views:127In these days, the surface waters and their floodplains and oxbow lakes are operating as ecological corridors, although their touristic role is not negligible. The monitoring and saving of these wetlands need for sustain these areas for the future generations. The environmental parameters of floodplains and oxbow lakes is revealed with the analyses of the quality of the water and sediment. The main sampling place of our research is a sediment dump was created by excavation from the Open Beach of Dunaújváros in 2009. In 2010 the whole sediment dump was planted with trees, and many kinds of weeds were also grown here. The main aim of this research is to analyse the heavy metal content of the sediment dump in Dunaújváros. Furthermore, the heavy metal content of the parella (Rumex obtusifolius L.), perennial rye-grass (Lolium perenne) and riparian sedges (Carex riparia) which are growing on the sediment dump were also analysed. The distribution and the accumulation of the heavy metals inside this plant can be also determined with these measurements.
The Effects of Quenching and Tempering Treatment on the Hardness and Microstructures of a Cold Work Steel
286-294Views:279The X153CrMoV12 ledeburitic chromium steel characteristically has high abrasive wear resistance, due to their high carbon and high chromium contents with a large volume of carbides in the microstructure. This steel quality has high compression strength, excellent deep hardenability and toughness properties, dimensional stability during heat treatment, high resistance to softening at elevated temperatures. The higher hardness of cryogenic treated samples in comparison with conventional quenched samples mean lower quantity of retained austenite as at samples quenched to room temperature and tempered in similar condition. In the microstructure of samples were observed that the primary carbide did not dissolve at 1070°C and their net structure have not been changed during to heat treatment. During to tempering at high temperature the primary carbides have become more and more rounded. After low tempering temperature in martensite were observed some small rounded carbides also, increasing the tempering temperature the quantity of finely dispersed carbides increased, which result higher hardness. The important issues in heat treatment of this steels are the reduction or elimination of retained austenite due to cryogenic treatment.
The Implementation of the Japanese and the German Culture into the Operation Hungarian Firm
1-9Views:259How can the Japanese culture be implemented into the operation of a firm - partly a German property working in Hungary. In my presented arcticle I have studied various organisational culture models, and compared them to the culture of our enterprise, seeking for similarities and contraries. I have studied the environmental factors and resources which have an effect on our production. During the investigation I have also considered how can we harmonize cultures of different nations and how it affects the production on the whole. I have also investigated the installation of robots, and searched for the solution how we can make our production much more economical. Due to the persistent decrease of population, and leck of professionals, the use of robots is neccessary to fulfill the customer requirements in time, with the sufficient quantity and required quality of goods. According to the Japanese Toyota-method,theautomatization of a technology can only be successful, if it is tested at least ten times, but –beacuse of the leck of time- we do not have the possibility of it. As the manufacturing parameters and observations have not developed the proper way, the scrap rate is higher than it is at firms, where is more available time for the building up of the technology.
Risk Management Requirements in Management Systems
314-323Views:252The management system standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) contain requirements related to risk management activities. The objective of the current research is to identify the relevant risk management requirements and creating the integral risk assessment method in Quality Management System (QMS), Environmental Management System (EMS) and Information Security Management System (ISMS). In my research I prepared a risk management requirement matrix, which can help the organisations to understand the relevant requirements of the three examined standards. The developed integrated risk assessment method allows the application of a common risk assessment table concerning the three standards.
Comparison of greywater treatment processes with coagulating agent and oxidizer
99-106Views:129In our research synthetically produced greywater samples were treated with oxidative and coagulating agents after pre-treatment them by filtration on various filters. We characterised the quality of greywater samples with several parameters. We investigated these parameters on the untreated, pre-treated, and treated samples as well. We evaluated the efficiency of the treatments by measuring the characteristic parameters. The greywater treatment is a very important and effective opportunity for the reasonable freshwater usage. This type of treated water can be suitable for toilet flushing or irrigation. There are a several methods known from the literatures to preparation the greywater samples to reuse. We compared two of these methods in this article.
Sustainability Assessment of a Special Water Management Practice in a Hungarian River Basin
23-35Views:199The purpose of the study is to assess the sustainability of the current water management practice of thermal water usage for bathing. The methodological approach is material flow analysis since it allows to achieve results without regular or online measurements. The current river base management plan recorded the quality status of certain reaches of river Kösely and its tributaries - the receiving water bodies of the used thermal waters - regarding salt content as good and moderate. The ecological status is recorded as moderate and weak, respectively. Since the Water Framework Directive prescribes to achieve the goal of good ecological status, water management measures must be implemented to meet this objective. Since there is no BAT for salt removal from used thermal waters, the possibility to reduce salt loads remain the only feasible measure. The purpose of the study in the frame of a PhD study was to assess with calculations the yearly variations of water and salt flow in river Kösely and its tributaries in order to assess the sustainability of the practice of thermal water management in the river catchment. The result of the calculations is a flow scheme provided with numerical data of yearly water- and salt flow and a subsequent calculation of necessary rate of reduction of usage and discharge of thermal water
Why do not people attend football matches in Hungary?
11-22Views:307Both international and domestic research on passive sport consumption focuses on the motivations of fans. However in Hungary, unlike the examples of North America and Western Europe, we have to look for answers to the question of why people do not go to football matches. In order to find an answer to this question, we conducted an online survey with a number of items of 347 people. For the latter a scale measuring absence from sport consumption was used and the reliability of the scales was tested by Cronbach's alpha calculation. After our principal component analysis, we developed 5 internal and 5 external factors, on which we conduct hypothesis test along demographic and sports consumption variables. Based on our results, we have established that, contrary to public opinion, the low number of spectators in Hungarian football matches is not only and primarily due to unsucces and the low quality of matches. Our respondents are mostly kept away from stadiums by football-related government measures, as well as by preferring to participate in other recreational program opportunities.