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  • The Possible Job Creation and Job Destructive Effects of Technological Development

    Throughout history, technological change has often provided the basis for employee anxiety. Between 1811 and 1816, a group of workers in England who called themselves "Luddists" destroyed machines, because they thought it would endanger their workplace. 19th-century thinkers and economists such as Karl Marx and David Ricardo predicted that mechanizing the economy would ultimately worsen workers' conditions, depriving them of a decent wage. Over the last century, John M. Keynes (1930s) and Wassily Leontief (1950s) have expressed their fears that more and more workers will be replaced by machine solutions that will lead to unemployment. In recent years, Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) have argued that existing technologies reduce the demand for labor and put some of the human workforce at a permanent disadvantage. However, there are a number of compensation mechanisms that can offset the initial displacement effects of automation and process innovation in general (Vivarelli, 2015). First of all, while workers are being replaced in industries that introduce new machine technology, additional workers in new industries are needed. Second, automation (and process innovation in general) reduces average costs. Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) found that this results, on the one hand, in the effect of price productivity (“priceproductivity”) (as production costs decrease, the industry can expand and increase labor demand); and, on the other hand, it leads to economies of scale in production (the reduction in costs due to automation leads to an increase in total output and increases the demand for labor in all industries). Similarly, Vivarelli (2015) argues that lower average costs can result in lower prices (if the industry's market structure is perfectly competitive), stimulate product demand, or result in extra profits (if the industry's structure is not perfectly competitive). If these extra profits are reinvested in the company, this investment can create new jobs. The presentation intends to present these counterbalancing cases and to provide real examples based on the literature.

  • Y Generation and the Job Seeking

    Generations Y and their expectations have caused many surprises for employers. They are different compared to their predecessors. Millennials were born in socialism in our country, but they did not experience from it so much, because they grew up in democracy. Their main feature is that they are openminded to opportunities, and they learn quickly modern technology innovations. They have a strong self-conscious, and are highly proactive. They prefer forms of atypical work, because they can carry out their work anywhere in the world due to the internet access. It is very important for them to keep the work - life balance. These properties have overwritten the conventional management methods, such as conventional recruiting techniques. This paper examines the main job seeking features of the Generation Y based on an empirical research.

  • X/Y emberkép hatása a teljesítményre változó környezetben

    A vezetési stílus kérdésköre kutatott terület, több elmélet és modell is született az elmúlt évtizedekben, ezek közül az egyik legismertebb a McGregortól származó X/Y elmélet, amely nagy múltra tekint vissza, mégis máig foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Az utóbbi években számos olyan elemzés is megvalósult, amely a stílusnak a szervezeti teljesítményre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálta objektív vagy szubjektív mutatók használatával. Ebben a munkámban az X/Y elmélet alapjainak, a családi vállalkozások meghatározásának és a teljesítménymérésre tett legutóbbi kísérleteknek a rövid áttekintésén túl családi vállalkozások vezetőinek körében végzett empirikus kutatásomat mutatom be. A kutatási kérdéseimmel (K1, K2) arra kerestem a választ, hogy van-e összefüggés a vezető McGregor-i emberképe és a vállalkozás teljesítménye között. A teljesítmény mérőszámaként korábbi kutatások nyomán objektív számviteli adatot, az értékesítés nettó árbevételét vettem alapul, a 2008-as gazdasági válság idején a vállalkozók vezetői is elsődlegesen ebben – az értékesítési forgalom változásában – mérték a válság hatásait. A korábbi, X/Y emberkép hatásait vizsgáló kutatások a válság lehetséges befolyásoló hatásait nem vették figyelembe, indokolt lehet ilyen tekintetben is elemzéseket végezni, ezért az első kérdésemben (K1) az X/Y emberkép és a 2008/2012 -i teljesítmény közötti összefüggést vizsgáltam, ezzel lehetőségem nyílt a 2008-as gazdasági válság induláskori (2008) és a vezetők előzetes várakozása szerint fellendülést hozó 2012-es év teljesítményének összevetésére. A kapott eredmények a korábbi kutatási eredményekhez hasonló képet mutatnak, az Y elmélet képviselői eredményesebbek, amelyet a kereszttábla-elemzés szignifikáns eredményei is megerősítettek. Második kérdésemben (K1) a gazdasági válság időszakának átugrásával a K1-hez képest más időhorizonton (2008/2017) vizsgáltam meg az X/Y elmélet szerinti lehetséges összefüggést. Ez utóbbi (K2) esetben a K1-től eltérően statisztikailag nincs kimutatható összefüggés a változók között, viszont az arányok arról tanúskodnak, hogy az Y emberképpel rendelkezők ebben az időtávban is sikeresebbek forgalomnövelés tekintetében. Az attitűdök nagyon nehezen formálhatók, viszont az X emberképpel rendelkező vezetőknek érdemes lehet felülvizsgálni az emberekről alkotott vélekedésüket, változtatni a hozzáállásukon, mert az eredményekből kitűnik, hogy mérhetően sikeresebb az, aki Y emberképpel rendelkezik. A vállalkozások többségénél aktuálissá váló generációváltás esetében a kapott eredmények tükrében azt is érdemes megfontolniuk a stafétát átadó vezetőknek, hogy milyen emberképpel rendelkező utódra bízzák a vállalkozás további irányítását.

  • Effect of nanomaterials on work safety

    Nowadays, due to their special properties, nanomaterials are gaining more and more interest and their industrial application is increasing. Their specific properties are mainly due to the fact that the main characteristics of nanomaterials are not always the same as the normal size range of the same material. While these materials fulfill an important new function in the industry, their interactions with the environment and biological organisms are becoming increasingly unpredictable, increasing uncertainty, for example, in their application to human safety. Due to the very rapid technological development, these substances have been used much earlier than the legal framework for their application could have developed, and therefore a binding regulation on the use of nanomaterials is currently not available. At this moment, the manufacturer of the nanomaterial is responsible for the safety of the products. Of course, owever, chemical safety legislation and standards provide an excellent basis for their management, but due to their specific properties, novelty and lack of knowledge of the mechanism of action, risk assessment can still be a challenge for the practitioner.

  • Operating a Webshop in Rural Areas

    The importance of e-commerce in Hungary is unquestionable. 66% of the population is regular internet users (I3), every fourth person uses it on a daily basis. Online sales have increased from 137 billion HUF in 2010 to 427 billion HUF in 2016, while offline sales were not able to reach this growth (I1). Undoubtedly, online sale has become a very valuable market. The age group really valuable as consumers spends about 6 hours a day online, out of which 3 hours are active usage (I2). The Internet is also the most important source of information and keeping in contact, as 41% of the population uses it method. The availability of the Internet in Hungary is literally independent of the geographic location, thanks to the Digital Renewal Action Plan in Hungary's current strategy, as one of its main chapters is "Enhanced and Secure Infrastructure for All." (Botos 2013) plan. There are many unfavorable processes in Hungary's rural areas. Of these, emigration and the abandonment of the local economy are outstanding. To stop these processes, the "National Rural Strategy" (2012-2020) was created. Its most important areas are employment growth, balanced and diverse land and forest management, production structure, restoration of local food production and food markets, local energy production, strengthening the local communities, improvement of population patterns and conservation of natural systems and the biodiversity. The integration of rural economies into the on-line marketplace and their linkage to different DBEs not only vertically but horizontally can be one of the keys to their survival and development. The situation of businesses on the on-line marketplace in the countryside is very special. On the one hand, they are more favourable in many aspects of their operation, but in some cases they have disadvantages that fundamentally threaten their survival. The purpose of this article is to get to know this environment, map its benefits and drawbacks. For this, we use the results of in-depth interviews conducted with businesses operating on an on-line market in rural settlements.

  • Trends in the Internet of Things (IoT) and Influence on the Industries’ Progress

    This research aims to investigate the critical role of the Internet of Things in the future of industries’ progress. For this purpose, a survey of 250 top managers across 13 industries has conducted. The objective was to find their view of point about what short and mega trends, in which sector will have the most considerable influence in the five years as well as 30 years ahead. Moreover, various technologies are also identified that will have the most importance in the future according to the majority of the respondents, such as Internet of things, Automation and Artificial Intelligence, and, on the other hand, the segments that capital expenditure is currently being directed towards, such as Energy Efficiency and Personalisation of Services.

  • Specialties of First SMED in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is considered as an effective lean management method increasingly used in pharmaceutical manufacturing. By reducing change-over times and costs, the successful implementation of the first SMEDs may bring a significant increase in terms of manufacturing flexibility. The purpose of this study is present the special factors that fundamentally determine SMEDs applied especially in the process of pharmaceutical manufacturing. By focusing on a well defined part of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, lasting from Weighing and Measuring to the end of Tablet Pressing, the study also aims to highlight the benefits of SMED itself. The findings of the research are based on the practical experiences of four SMEDs implemented in various sections of production. According to the experiences and considering industrial specialties, the implementation of SMED has to harmonise with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which are representing the golden quality standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

  • Relationship between Population Growth and Urbanization

    The main purpose of this article is to examine how to respond to and change the field of urbanization. Creating dwindling new opportunities and challenges for globalization, new sector introductions and agricultural dominance. In relation to changing trends in urban and rural environments, people's preferences are very diverse and their lives are changing. The difference between a big city and a small city can test different lifestyles. It is a fundamentally important infrastructure personality insurance system (both cities), important from the point of view of larger cities and very different from small towns in terms of quality. The benefits of small towns can be a unique lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle, which can certainly be felt. Among the different characteristics of urbanization in developing and developed countries, we can mention the different time course and magnitude [1]. Namely, in developed countries the urban explosion has taken place for a long time and with fewer people than in developing countries [2]. The rate of urban population growth in the latter group will be 4.04% between 1950 and 1975, 3.6% between 1975 and 2000, and 2.4% between 2000 and 2030. The Earth and all of humanity are facing many challenges these days, and this trend will continue in the future. The planet's overpopulation and changing eating habits put great pressure on agriculture and the countryside. Research focused on the countryside focuses on analyzing the various functions of rural areas.

  • The Top 5 e-commerce Competitive Advantages in Hungary

    Abstract. In my article, I map out the key competitive advantages that are essential to online commerce, online store sales, success, and popularity. There is a wealth of literature on the subject. Year after year, more and more research and surveys are conducted on customer value, shopping habits, consumer behavior, digital transformation, which I would like to summarize and articulate, and highlight the main elements without which online sales would not be effective.

  • Risk Financing and Financing Risks In Case of Geothermal Investments

    In an investment process various sizes and types of risk arise. In project financing risk sharing is based on the assumption that the risk is to be borne by who is able to control and influence it. The article examines that project financing as a risk management technique is applicable to the treatment of geothermal investment risks.

  • Sustainability Goals - Can we Reduce Malnutrition?

    Nowadays, some parts of the world hunger still exists. One of the milestones of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is eradicating hunger. These goals include a road map for progress and documenting specific steps to combat hunger. Another type of hunger that has been very common in these days is hidden hunger. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger is still an illusion. The number of people living in extreme poverty and malnutrition has fallen slightly in recent years. Measuring hunger is a very complex issue. The Global Hunger Index is a tool to comprehensively measure and monitor hunger at global, regional and national levels. Despite noticeable improvements, the question remains: will the world achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the eradication of hunger, by 2030? Despite these efforts, even in economically developed countries, hunger or food insecurity still exist.

  • Do Changes in the Economic Role of States through Privatization matter?: The Brazilian Case

    In market economies, the subject of scientific research is the extent to which the state can contribute to the sustainability of development. However, the question is to know where the boundaries of the market and the role of the state lie. The study briefly introduces different views of the state's economic role and how states have changed the proportion of their entrepreneurial assets. Among these, it highlights privatization, which is one of the significant segments of today's economic policy practice at both micro and macroeconomic levels. It then describes Brazil's economic circumstances that led to the formulation of a proper size privatization program. Finally, the socio-economic factors that, according to the author, make the realization of Brazilian privatization plans uncertain presented.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Scenario in Jordan: Transformation Context

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not an alien concept in Jordan; although it has been seen so far as a philanthropic activity in keeping with Jordanian traditions. Jordan is an old state, politically stable and it is now in transformation from the point of CSR view, since more and more Jordanian stakeholders are becoming aware of the CSR concept and some firms in Jordan are working their way towards strategizing CR efforts. However, business still not fully grasps CSR practices and still considers CSR as part of philanthropy framework rather than lifting it to an upper level and taking it as a strategic approach to sustainability. Unfortunately, CSR in Jordan faces impeding obstacles: economic challenges, lack of government’s incentives, skill-set, weak transparency and disclosure, and finally management and governance. This study attempts to present the picture of the transformation of CSR in Jordan and discuss its main steps of evolution, moreover, it aims to analyze the challenges and future prospects of CSR on a national level. Regarding the applied research method, the paper’s data sources are of secondary research and I have used desk research to illustrate most important points and findings on the topic.

  • Comperative Economic Analysis of the Determining Leagues of European Clubfootball

    Nowadays sport is not just all about entertainment, or about social cohesion but also it has serious economic and business aspects. Sporteconimics is an individual concept and sector. Sport businesses are contributing  more and more to national incomes. Football business are specially important parts of this complex system called sporteconomics. The aim of my research is to create an economic and also comparative analysis of the five top European football leagues, also called as the “Big5” which are responsible for 74% of the total football revenue in Europe. By the analysis of the 2019 UEFA report it can be stated that in these leagues more than 60% of the competing clubs achieved positive operating profits, but the structure of their revenues warns them to look for opportunities to increase their operating revenues. According to the data it is clear that wage cost is the most significant cost element in the industry as they cover 53-68% of their total revenue. These statements set the course for the economic development of European football. The management of these outstanding football clubs may give example to the ones falling behind including Hungarian football businesses.

  • Quality Indexes of Warehouse Services

    There was a wide range and rapid development in the field of warehouse management in the recent decades as a result of strong and spectacular improvement of establishing and operating warehouses, in addition to increasingly complex logistic processes. In my research, I analysed the complex problems of determining the performance expectedfromoperatingthewarehousetechnologicalsystem. Thisdecisioninvolvestheselection of the essential performance indicators suitable for performance measurement and the determination of the expected performance level based on these indicators through the example of an examined enterprise. During my research, I concluded that the logistic performance measurement of warehouse processes is a very difficult process, because all enterprises have to define and use indexes which adapt to the enterprise profile well and reflect the performance to be measured. This decision is of key importance, since the warehouse system and its operation principles have to be adjusted to this expected performance.

  • Comparing higher education preferences with labour market needs

    Hungarian institutions of higher education play an important role in national economy: they ensure intellectual labour with appropriate knowledge and professional competencies for Hungary in all profession fields. If the rules of private sector are applied for these institutions – interpreting it within a certain framework as the quality of education and research has to be maintained and there are social benefits associated with them -, they owned by the state, their management is the institutional leadership and their consumer is the labour market. Thus, training programmes must or should be developed in accordance with the needs of labour market. It represents a major challenge, even without taking into consideration other factors, since future requirements should be aimed (at least a 3-5 year training period later) – along with a rapid technological development. Even if the state makes significant efforts to adapt training programmes to meet the requirements of the labour market demands, students who want to further their education pay limited attention to these factors in their educational decision-making. Partly for this reason, career transition or shortages may occur in the case of certain professions. This paper seeks to address to what extent the most popular training programmes meet the expectations and to what extent the degree earned may be regarded as a ‘success’ in the labour market; moreover, if they do not overlap each other, how much applicants prefer those training programmes which are to be considered the most successful based on recruitment information. Admission statistics of Education Department and database of DPR provide the necessary information for the period 2010-2017 and these data sources enable authors to follow-up students from application to higher education until employment.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

  • Application of drones in solving EHS tasks

    Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are unmanned aerial vehicles without pilot and passenger on board. These tools have been used primarily in the military, but have now grown significantly in applications including industrial use, services, disaster management, and the civilian sector. We briefly introduce the most important classification criteria for drones. In addition, in this study, we have collected the uses that the industry and the EHS sector can or will use in the future. We mention the most important drone-mounted and mountable accessories that can be used by users for their specific tasks.

  • Investigating the Development Impact of the Reorganized Quality Control System on One of the Public Service Provider’s Pers

    At the investigated public service providers’ personal customer service they did significant changes were made in the field of quality control since April 2017. A method which existed and was used for a long time was modified, which had one of the most important objectives from a management aspect to help the development of the administrators in order to provide high quality. During our research we mostly focused the development impact of the modified system. We wanted to obtain an answer whether the new system is better for promoting the development of the administrators than the former method and to what extent administrators require feedback related to their job as well as whether this system is properly inspected and controlled by leaders. During the research we targeted three focus points related to the development aspect: self-check, constructive feedback and the degree to which seated work is controlled. Based on the results of the investigation we draft such suggestions which can promote efficiency if necessary and possibly even make the operation of the system more efficient.

  • The Role of Stocks in the Supply Chain

    Az ellátási lánc teljesítményét nagymértékben befolyásolja a szereplők készleteinek összetétele, nagysága, rendelkezésre állása. A végső fogyasztókért vívott versenyben kiemelt szerepe van a kiszolgálási színvonalnak, hiszen az ellátási láncok ugyanazokért a fogyasztókért vívnak versenyt, és a fogyasztók döntése leginkább e két tényező, mint a készlet nagyága és a kiszolgálás minőségétől függ. A tanulmány a kkv-k logisztikai problémáit feltáró kutatás része, melynek célja rávilágítani a jellemző nehézségekre, és azokra a kihívásokra, amelyek legtöbbször elkerülik a logisztikai- vagy ellátási lánc vezetők figyelmét. A fejlődő kkv méretű vállalkozások versenyképessége - ami magába foglalja a költségek nagyságát is, kapcsolódva a K+F tevékenységhez vagy vállalat növekedéshez – a lekötött tőke mértékével arányosan változhat, melynek jelentős részét képezik a készletek. A kutatásban résztvevő vállalat, a Diego Kereskedelmi Kft. készletezési politikáján keresztül kerül elemzésre a készletek összetétele, illetve a velük kapcsolatos kockázatok, illetve félreértések. A tanulmány célja továbbá a helyes megoldások elősegítése, melyhez szorosan kapcsolódik (az itt tárgyalásra nem kerülő) Lean megoldások támogató szerepe.

  • Analysis of Labor Market Indicators in the Northern Great Plain Region in 2018 and 2022

    In my study, I analyze the labor market indicators of the North Great Plain statistical region for the years 2018 and 2022 in order to map the regional labour market characteristics based on the indicators. One method of the analysis is the Beveridge curve. This complex analysis method graphically illustrates the evolution of the relationship between the unemployment rate and the proportion of vacant positions typical of the region under investigation. The results of the analysis can draw attention to possible problems in the labour market in the region. I examine the secondary statistical data in parallel with the available related literature.

  • Energy-Efficient Buildings, a step towards Sustainability in Pakistan

    With every passing year, energy consumption in the world is increasing drastically. Most of the energy comes from fossil fuels which are also depleting in a fast manner. Buildings consume a significant amount of energy all over the world and the demand for energy is also increasing unremittingly in buildings. Developed countries are taking profound measures in order to make buildings energy efficient and sustainable by achieving nearly zero energy stage. Pakistan is facing a serious energy crisis from the past few decades. The building sector in Pakistan deserves special attention in this regard since the energy consumption in buildings in Pakistan is feverishly high. Many types of research have been carried out in Pakistan by the United Nations and Energy Department of Pakistan in order to devise applicable methods that not only provide thermal comfort to the occupants but also make a building energy efficient. Renewable energy also plays an important role in compensating building energy demands. It is easy to achieve nearly zero energy state in a good energy efficient building if it is coupled with renewable energy sources then it will make it self-sufficient in energy demand. A survey is also carried out to determine the thermal comfort of the occupants in different types of areas. Also, solar energy analysis is also taken into account to highlight the solar power potential in Pakistan. Several recommendations have also been suggested to implement energy efficiency measures in Pakistan.

  • Investigation of SCOR Model in Connection with Performance and Warehouses

    Business leaders can use several strategic tools to improve the organization, depending on what they consider to be important. The Supply Chain Operational Reference Model (SCOR) is one of these. Its importance is to link business processes, performance metrics, best practices, and technology together and to create a unified structure. It promotes communication between the stakeholders of the supply chain and improves supply chain management and the efficiency of the related supply chain improvement activities. The aim of this study is to find out how the SCOR model appears in the international literature related to warehousing and performance. What methods and tools do authors use to investigate their research questions and hypotheses? Description statistics and category selection were used to present the results of the study. The number of SCOR model researches related to warehouse performance measurments are very rare, it is rather used to describe different processes. In the future, it would be worthwhile to extend the SCOR model analyzes to further fields, especially to warehouse performance measurements.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Karának Controlling és teljesítménymenedzsment szakirány kurzusainak értékelése

    It is of major importance for the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Debrecen to become familiar with the opinion of students about the education carried out at the University, therefore particular attention is given to the feedback of students related to education. Measurement and evaluation/reviews serve multiple purposes. Students may – if explicit written consent of the lecturer is provided – get to know the opinion of their fellow students about each course, lecturers may receive feedback about the reputation of their courses, the University and Faculties may acquire information about the overall opinion of their students about the training. Feedback is basically suitable for supporting the work aimed at the improvement of training quality. In the scope of present study the reviews submitted by the students of the Controlling and performance specialisation within the Management and Organisation course are introduced.

  • Relationship between the Lean and Agricultural Companies

    Eliminating losses is a daily challenge for both: companies and individuals in society. Whether through the production or office work, we are wasting the most important human needs: time and energy with useless things and processes. Both are an integral part of our daily lives and are particularly important for agricultural companies. In our study, we look at the relationship between Lean and agricultural companies. We outline the risks associated with these seven Lean Losses at these companies, and how these problems can be corrected and eliminated using current methods. Our research sheds light on how technological innovations affect and influence the position of companies in the market and in financial and human resources. We examine the benefits and drawbacks of the innovations applied and the Lean processes used, and how they affect the environment around them.

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