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  • A szellemi alkotások jogának szabályozási kérdései
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    A tanulmány megállapítja, hogy a szellemi alkotásokra vonatkozó szabályozásban a polgári jogi szabályok dominanciája érvényesül. A régi Polgári Törvénykönyv kifejezte a kapcsolódást a szellemi alkotások jogával és szabályozta a know-how jogvédelmét, a joganyag ugyanakkor az ahhoz szervesen kapcsolódó külön jogszabályokban volt fellelhető. Az új Polgári Törvénykönyv, a 2013. évi. V. törvény már nem a szellemi alkotásokhoz fűződő jogok, hanem a „szerzői jog és iparjogvédelem” címet viseli, a know-how pedig az üzleti titok egyik fajtájaként részesült védelemben. A szerzői jog homogén jellegét megtöri a 2016. évi XCIII. törvény, amely a közös jogkezelésről rendelkezik. Az iparjogvédelem területén a legproblematikusabb jogintézmény a know-how volt. Az új Polgári Törvénykönyv szabályai után megszületett 2018. évi LIV. törvény új fejezetet nyit a know-how szabályozása terén. Ezzel kapcsolatban a törvény a 2016/943/EU Irányelvet ülteti át a magyar jogba. A jogalkotó tehát azt a megoldást választotta, hogy az üzleti titok védelmére vonatkozó új fogalmi megközelítést, jogintézményeket és eljárási szabályokat nem a Polgári Törvénykönyvben, hanem egy új jogszabály megalkotása útján tette azokat a nemzeti jog részévé. Ezzel a természetes és jogi személyek magántitkai változatlanul személyiségi jogi védelmet, míg az üzleti titok és a know-how a szellemi tulajdonjogi védelem logikájára és szankciórendszeré épülő védelmet élveznek majd.

  • A leggyakoribb tulajdon elleni szabálysértések gyakorlati problémái, különös tekintettel a lopásra és csalásra
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    In this study, based on the procedure of the Central Summary Offences in Hajdú-Bihar, I will try to present the most common practical problems of summary offence against property (particulary theft and fraud),

    First of all, my article describes the legal background as to why summary offence procedure is called „petty criminal law” in Hungary, and as a result what legal basis are being used for criminal concepts.

    In the second part of the study I will present some resolution to the most common and the most important legal imperfections and problems.

    Last but not least I will make an attempt to disclose the most common issues, which might occur in the so-called „quick procedure”, the „bring to court”.

    In summary I hope, my study can be of useful assistance to the summary offence procedure and can elevate standard/level of the procedure.

  • A társasági jogviszonyok szabályozása a német polgári jogi társaságban
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    Partnership under the civil code is a harsh institution in Hungarian legal system. Despite of this fact, most of the European countries apply this legal entity a lot as a background for other, more complicated corporate forms. In my essay I demonstrate those rules in German Civil Code (BGB), which show the importance and opportunities of these partnerships.

    If we would like to describe the essentials of partnerships under the Civil Code, the most important question is the legal relations from both inner and external point of view. Internal relations mean an obligation between the parties, who form this partnership. It is natural that we can find both rights and commitments between founders. This is a contract but BGB says that all parties have equal rights and commitments in the same partnership. As a general rule of the Code, it is permissive, not cogent. BGB has basic regulation for operating such a partnership, but can be useful if founders live with this permissive opportunity and shape special rules for their partnership, which fit to their aims, functions, different financial potential of the parties.

    There is a chance for founders to neglect building a whole structure and organization for their partnership, if they want to operate it as an inner partnership, without external relations, focusing only for the rights and omissions between the parties.

    From all contract that establishes a partnership under the Civil Code membership rights follow. These rights cannot be transferred. A distinction can be made between administrational, common business management and financial rights. Rights to common business management can consist of right to information, right to supervision or the most important right to vote. Financial rights gather typical rights such as right to dividend or liquidity proportion. These rights are social omissions from the viewpoint of the partnership itself, as these are for the interest of the parties.

    The most important omissions of the founders are financial contribution to establish the partnership. This regulation results from that partnership is to promote common aim of the founders, and to achieve this, all of them have to make available pecuniary or non-pecuniary assets. According to a special rule of BGB, over against the other corporate forms, members of the partnership have no omission to increase or complete their assets.

    Management of the partnership is not only a right but an obligation too. A special omission is that all members and founders have to be loyal to the partnership. Because of the strong partnership character of this corporate form, this means that members have to keep the interest and aim of the partnership in view. They all are responsible for achieving the aim of the partnership and nobody can sit as a beneficiary. Loyal members have to keep secrets in connection with operating the partnership and of course the sudden obligation to inform the others of all events and experiences, which are in tight connection with the partnership and the interests of the parties. If any of the members breach these obligations, rules of damages can be applied in BGB.

    Assets of the partnership are special, because no separated corporate assets form. Financial and non-pecuniary contribution becomes the assets of the community of members. It is undividable and common. But these common assets are strictly separated from the private assets of the parties. Rights for profit and deficit are equal, but this permissive rule allows different regulation in the contract. The only cogent sentence is the prohibition of societas leoniana, i.e. nobody can be precluded of profit and deficit.

    External relations mean the representation of the partnership. In this case the most important law is the contract itself. In case of disagreement between the parties, there is a helping rule of BGB: members can act as a body. If we take into consideration the rules of liability, we can say that because of the lack of legal capacity of the partnership, individual liability has its important role. Generally this liability is unlimited, but there is a chance to agree with the creditor to limit liability. But this limitation is only valid for that legal transaction.

    Rules for partnerships under the Civil Code in Germany are more detailed and nuanced than in Hungary. Partnership is the basic type of civil law partnerships, such as limited partnership or general partnership. We have to consider that building up a more coherent regulation for these partnerships can be useful to categorize atypical corporations.

  • A kárhelyreállítás jelene és jövője a magyar büntetőeljárásban
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    A la deuxième moitié du XX ième siècle la victime a commancé á jouer un rôle important de nouveau dans les procédures pénales. Les legislateurs veulent assurer les droit de la victime et garantir qu’elle soit indemnisée le plus tôt possible et pour que tout le monde soit content du résultat.Ce sont les cadres de la juridiction restaurative qui en assurent les possibilités.

    Dans cet essai premièrement je présente le cadre de la constitution de partie civile dans la législation hongroise. C’est une procédure très intéressante parce qu’il faut appliquer d’un côté le droit civil et la procédure civile et de l’autre le drot pénal et la procédure pénale dans le cadre de la juridiction pénale (dans une procédure).

    J’ai analysé le terme de la victime, les règle appliquables et les décisions du juge. J’ai constaté qu’en Hongrie les tribunaux correctionnels ne délibèrent pas les décisions sur le fond dans les cas de partie civile mais ils renvoient les affaires devant les tribunaux civils.

    Ensuite, je présente les institution juridique hongroise qui vise á l’entremise dans la procédure pénale. On peut trouver deux institution juridique en vigeur. En premièr lieu il faut mentionner que dans les cadres de la procédure par constitution de partie civil (où la victime soutient l’accuation) il existe une audition personnelles des parties où le but est donc l’arrangement des parties.

    Il y a une autre institution juridique qui s’appelle l’ajournement de la mise en accusation. On peut l’appliquer si la peine ne mérite pas de trois ans de prison et il y a beaucop de circonstances atténuantes, le procureur peut décider l’ajournement de la mise en accusation d’une au deux ans. On peut prévoir différentes obligations et règlements du comportement pour le prévenu. Par example on peut prévoir de dédommager la victime avec l ‘accord des parties. J’ai examiné cette institution juridique et son efficacité dans la pratique aussi.

    Troisièmement j’ai analysé une institution juridique qui entrera en vigeur le 1er janvier 2007. C’est la médiation pénale. Il y a un cadre de décision européen (2001/220/IB) qui préconise aux États memnbres d’introduire la médiation pénale. Pour pouvoir appliquer cette institution juridique il faut modifier le Code Pénale et la loi de la procédure pénale. C’est le procureur qui aura le droit de la suspension du procès pour maximum six mois et renvoyer l’affaire devant un méditeur. Cette procédure devant le médiateur sera regie par une loi d’exeption.( Il y a déja une projet de la loi). Je présente les problèmes en relation la médiation pénale. En résumé on peut dire que la mise en place et la régulation de la médiation demandent du temps et de l’énergie. Je statue qu’il faut attendre beaucoup de temps en Hongrie pour que l’opinion publique et les justiciables acceptent et appliquent avec efficacité la médiation pénale.

  • Néhány gondolat a szoftverek szabadalmazhatóságáról
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    I’m presenting in my study the Hungarian software’s legal system. The Hungarian law system is protecting the software in the copyright law, like a literary property. This resolution given more latitude for the author, but it has many problems of the evidence, because not registred the property – like the patent – cause the author’s being can prove difficultly.

    In the patent law has not problem with the evidence thanks for the state register, but the legal process longer and costly more money. Primarily the Hungarian patent law is protecting the industrial, technical property. The software not an exclusively industrial, technical produce, there is closer the literary property about the author’s intellectual work.

    The protection of the Hungarian copyright is cheaper and faster than the protection in the area of patent law, and it covers more contract liberty for the partners. The Hungarian civil law is based upon the monist conception in the field of intellectual property. This means that pecuniary and personality rights are indivisible. In spite of this competition on the market prefers contracts that ensure exclusive, unambiguous rights. This area of law claims contracts suit to these conditions.

    The personal rights in the Hungarian copyright are remaining for the author, also the pecuniary rights. But - thanks for the successful software’s lobby - in this question the regulation diverged: the pecuniary rights may be transferring for the users, costumers. This regulation is better (cheaper, an easier) for the buyers under the Hungarian regulations of patent law.

    In Hungary a lot of software contract was established under the British legal system. The Hungarian legal culture accepted and using these contract forms. The Hungarian regulation concerning to the software questions is dualist like the British one. The pecuniary rights can be transferred free, just the personality rights belong to the author.

    The users can buy the rights need for using and it gives enough defense as a shield. The author’s interests are not sweating because of the personality rights stay under his domain.

    In my opinion the question is whether the Hungarian legal defense equally serves the author’s and the users’ interests. The process in patent law is longer, needs more money for supporting the protection and there are some conceptual problems between the software and the patent ideas. The new regulation is not reasonable.

  • A tulajdonhoz való jog védelmének kialakulása
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    Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Freiheit ist das private Eigentum. Das Privateigentum
    ermöglicht den Menschen die Souveränität und Selbstentfaltung, ist eines der wichtigsten
    Instituten der Marktwirtschaft. Die Fixierung von Eigentumsrecht als Grundrecht in den
    Verfassungen blickt in den Ländern im Westen Europas im allgemeinem auf mehr
    Jahrhunderte zurück. Nach Meinung einiger Autoren sind die Verwurzelungen des
    grundrechtlichen Schutzes des Eigentums schon in biblischer Zeit entdeckbar. Die Studie
    beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und mit den theoretischen Grundfragen des
    verfassungsrechtlichen Eigentumsschutzes. Diese Übersicht zeigt, dass der konkrete,
    effiziente Eigentumsschutz in Ungarn im Vergleich zu den demokratischen Staaten
    Westeuropas und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mehr Jahrhundert später aufgetreten
    hat. Der ungarische Verfassungsgerichtshof hat das für die Rechtsstaaten charakteristisch
    hohe Niveau des Eigentumschutzes ohne heimische Prämissen und Traditionen nach der
    Wende 1989/90 entwickeln müssen.

  • Családon belüli erőszak egy irodalmi mű alapján. (Móricz Zsigmond: „A világ végén már szép és jó”)
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    In my study I am going to present a rather complicated issue, namely a few problems of domestic violence based on a less-known short story by the Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz. I chose this story because it is still relevant today, it could even be set in 2017, as it basically depicts domestic violence in its complexity. This story by Móricz proves that the phenomenon of domestic violence is not at all new, given that in the beginning or the middle of the 20th century we can see the same complex social problem which present-day criminal law has to face. Hungarian society 50 or 100 years ago was not exempt from domestic violence either. We may also claim that the factors enhancing domestic violence were even stronger than today. The story aligns several dimensions of domestic violence, as it shows examples of both child and wife abuse. I am going to analyse the crimes depicted by Móricz according to the criminal laws effective today, and I just tangentially touch upon the judgment of the offences in the age of writing. This way, first I analyse the questions of child abuse, focusing on the right of punishment, which is still relevant in today’s criminal system as a cause for miscarriage. Then I present a detailed analysis of the bearing of case of partner abuse in the framework of violence in relationships, which exists in Hungarian criminal law since 2013.

  • A nyilvános gyakorlatbavétel mint újdonságrontó körülmény eredete a magyar szabadalmi jogban
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    It was obvious at the creation of the 37th Act of 1895 on the patent rights of inventions, that the protection of patents is a subjective right based on objective conditions, and in connection to this, the discretionality of both the monarch and any other state organizations. For the purposes of this act, the requirements of petantibility were: novelity; invetnion; susceptible of industrial application. Some of these criteria the article is presented the novelity, especially the case of publicly used. Under the first patent act, any new invetion capebla of being used industrialy can be patented, except medicines, food for men and animals, and chemical products, and if the Goverment opposes, warlike inventions. An invention was new, if it had not been published in print anywhere, or publicly worked, or patented by others in the realm. As a result the study is presented the evolituon of „publicly used” from the first patent act by the end of the second world war.

  • Szerzői jogi szankciórendszerünk a szellemi tulajdonjogok érvényesítéséről szóló 2004/48 EK irányelv tükrében
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    Copyright law is a relative young area of civil law. Intellectual property and creations ensure the revelation of human personality. The infringement of these rights became general with the development of technology. From the beginning copyright law tried not only circumscribe the possibilities of unrestricted use but ensure effective protection to authors with exact sanctions.

    In the essay I examine the international and Hungarian regulation against usurpation demonstrating all sanctions and opportunities. Not only one area of law gives protection to these rights. Civil law, criminal law and administration law has different sanctions for infringements.

    On 29th April 2004 2004/48/EC directive has been accepted about validation of intellectual property rights. The explanation of this directive is that different regulations in member states endanger the unified internal market. The directive consists of the rules of proceedings and sanctions.

    In this study I present the development about system of sanctions form an international and from a Hungarian perspective. I examine all types of sanctions concerning to the field of civil law and try to analyze functions and aims in connection with them. The effectiveness and history of these legal institutions are also presented in the study.

    Comparing the directive and the Hungarian copyright law it can be said that despite of all circumstances the Hungarian law has to be improved especially on the field of proceedings and temporary arrangements. These rules are specified compared to the ones in the Hungarian civil procedure, so judges have to take care of these differences.

  • Amerikai offshore világgazdaság
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    The problem I am looking into is a world-wide phenomenon called money-laundering. This topic is important because the money it involves is such a big amount that it endangers the operation of both national and world economics. It is called “second economics” and serves as the third largest business branch in the world after currency exchange and oil. Money laundering has not been put into the centre because of that fact that it has been discovered in the past ten years, but because it became so widespread and hazardous that fighting against it is now highly required. It is evident that money laundering is a world-wide problem. It is also highly probable that the popularity of this crime will not decrease in the next years. One can ask why it is a world- wide problem. As music does not know any limits, neither does money laundering. That is, the base crime and the laundering can be committed anywhere in the world. My study is intended to take a closer look on the offshore bank system, to examine the American laws involved, to present the views and political ideas of those laws and scrutinize the role of offshore accounts in the development of the global financial crisis. I chose to present the characteristics of the offshore bank system because I found it important to analyze money laundering extensively through the bank system in a state where the term “money laundering” was first printed and published in 1973. It first appeared in an article about the Watergate-scandal. The first court to use the term in criminal law was an American court in 1967 and it was also in this state that money laundering became an independent crime, in 1986. The notion of organized crime also appeared here in the 1920’s. Regulations against money laundering arrived to Europe from the United States of America, which means that it illustrates the Americanization of European criminal law. Money laundering is a serious problem – a business and financial apocalypse -  that now deserves a Draconian arrangement. Should this arrangement not happen, the prospective for the future is frightening. The United Stated should act as a model in the spring-cleaning of the global financial system and the financial sector should take the role of an initiator. We would like other societies to be the models and to start fighting against things they have initiated. One thing is for sure, the American legislative is desperate because they believe that there is a lot at stake: the American capitalism.

  • Sebők Gergely nemeslevele 1611-ből
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    Absztrakt nélkül.

  • IQ versus befolyásolás, avagy az intelligencia hányados és a befolyásolhatóság közötti összefüggések
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    This is an essay about the connection of impressionability and intelligence quotient. The intelligence quotient of witness or accused has main role in the criminal procedure.

    So, what is the intelligence and the intelligence quotient? The intelligence is a mental power, that contains the quality of argumentation, contemplation, learning, problem solution and the abstract thinking. This mental power helps to understand the happenings in the world. The intelligence quotient of the witness or accused is very important, because the quality of perception is based on the intelligence quotient. The perception shows how they can remember the criminal situations. The intelligence quotient depedns on the the social and cultural enviornment, the inherited qualities, and the personal experiences.

    The important question is, which is the stronger, the intelligence or the impressionability. High intelligence quotient is a mean of the witness or accused to escape form impressionability. On the other hand, the authorities try to use the power of influence. So two powers meet in the criminal procedure, the intelligence and the influenceing, and usually the stronger is the winner.

    The intelligence quotient has main role in the part of the investigation and the trial. The warnings before the interrogation are written in the difficult language of law. So it would be a problem in the part of investigation, because the witness or accused does not understand these. Because of that they would say or tell something that they would not tell in normal circumstances. The low intelligence makes the accused confess their real or believed sin. The accused with higher intelligence quotient understands much better the warning, and they can use those possibilites the law premits them. Their combinative quality is higher, so they discover another solutions not just the confessing. The authorities shall pay attention to the intelligence quotient of the accused, because the extremly low intelligence quotient would be the sign of mental retardation. The mental retardation is a kind of pathological mental state. The accused who suffers in pathological mental state is not be punishable or his or her punishment may be reduced unlimited.

    The language of trials is also difficult and the other problem with it is publicity. The accused with low IQ feels shame because of their low IQ so they want to keep it secret. The accused becomes stressed in the trial so they lose their second chance to make things better, because they are not able to confess without impressions again. Low intelligence quotient usually cooperates with low ability of problem solution, so the accused with low intelligence can’t adapt themselves to the occassion of the trial. This circumstance would influence the judges, when they impose punishment, so the punishment would be stricter.

    The conclusion is that the accused with low intelligence quotient meets with some difficulties during the criminal procedure, so the consuels for the defence shall pay attention to them, and help their clients with comments of the legal texts. On the other hand, the authorities shall be out for the good knowledge of mankind.

  • Végrehajtás vagyonrészre – anomáliák a bírói gyakorlatban
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    Im ungarischen Recht enhält das Gesetz Nr. LIII von 1994 über die Zwangsvollstreckung
    verschiedene spezielle Regelungen über die Zwangvollstreckung bzw. die Beschlagnahme
    und Verwertung der Geschäftsanteile und Aktien. Neben den Regelungen über die
    Wertpapiere (Aktien) und Geschäftsanteile es gibt detallierte Bestimmungen über die
    Vermögensanteile. Der Begriff von „Vermögensanteil” wurde aber gesetzlich gar nicht
    definiert, so es ist nicht klar, was der Gesetzgeber darunter versteht und was ist der
    Zusammenhang zwischen den Begriffe von Geschäftsanteil, Wertpapiere (Aktien) und
    Vermögensanteil. Es ist auch problematisch, dass der Begriff von „Vermögensanteil” kein
    gesellschaftrechtlicher Begriff ist, so daraus entstehen die grössten Schwierigkeiten in der
    Judikatur. Das Gesetz erwähnt das Wort „Vermögensanteil”nur zweilmal, in verschiedenen
    Örten der Rechtsnorm. Gemäss Paragraph 101, Absart (1) (1) verständigt von der Pfändung
    des dem Schuldner vom Vermögen der Wirtschaftsorganisation zustehenden Vermögensbzw.
    Geschäftsanteils (im Weiteren: Geschäftsanteil) der Gerichtsvollzieher die
    Wirtschaftsorganisation und den Gerichtshof als Handelsregistergericht (im Weiteren:
    Handelsregistergericht) unter Zusendung einer Kopie des Pfändungsprotokolls. Betreffend die
    Vollstreckung des Geschäftsanteile lautet die Rechtsnorm wie folgt: Besitzt der Schuldner
    eine Beteiligung an einer Wirtschaftsgesellschaft ohne Rechtspersönlichkeit, informiert der
    Gerichtsvollzieher den Vollstreckungsgläubiger davon, dass er an Stelle des schuldnerischen
    Gesellschafters das ordentliche Kündigungsrecht ausüben kann. Nachdem der
    Vollstreckungsgläubiger dem Gerichtsvollzieher seine Kündigungserklärung übergeben hat,
    schickt der Gerichtsvollzieher diese an die Wirtschaftsgesellschaft und pfändet gleichzeitig
    die infolge der Auflösung des Gesellschafterverhältnisses bestehende Forderung des
    Schuldners gegen die Gesellschaft (§§ 110 bis 113). (Paragraph 132/A, Absatz (1). Gemäss
    der Regelungen kann festgestellt werden, dass einmal das Vermögen der
    Wirtschaftgesellschaften, ein andermal das Vermögen der Wirtschaftgesellschaften ohne
    Rechtspersönlichkeit den Gegenstand der Regelung bildet. Die Schwierigkeiten der Judikatur entstehen im Zusammenhang mit dem Auslegung des
    Gesetzes betreffend den „Vermögensanteil” der Aktiengesellshaften und GmbH, da in diesen
    Gesellschaften die Aktien und die Geschäftsanteile die Gesellschaftsbeteiligung verkörpern.
    Im Rechtspraxis nimmt der Vollzieher nicht die Aktien oder die Geschäftsanteile in Beschlag,
    sondern den Vermögensanteile. So kann die Vollstreckung ohne Aktien durchgeführt werden.
    Die Vollzieher und die Gerichte verstehen auch die Aktien und Geschäfttsanteile unter
    Vermögenssanteile. Diese Interpretation folgt aber aus der Regelungen des Gesetzes nicht.
    Der Artikel analysiert, warum die Judikatur contra legem Rechtspraxis bildet und stellt
    verschiedene Vorschläge an den Gesetzgeber.

  • Az államfők nemzetközi büntetőjogi felelősségre vonásának mai keretei
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    Recent years the legal position of Heads of State and other very senior State representatives has received considerable attention from national and international courts, writers and practitioners. It is often said that the establishment of the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court, reflects a growing belief that the heads of State should be held accountable for serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. It has been argued that international law is now the stage where immunity should no longer apply in relation to serious international crimes. By contrast, others have emphasized the political and practical difficulties inherent in allowing national courts to serve as a tool for the transnational enforcement of penalties or damages for crimes committed abroad by the leaders and officials of foreign States. The resulting controversy has led the International Law Commission to include the topic ‘Immunity of State officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdictions’ in its work programme.

    In my study I present the development of status of the Heads of State in international law, especially the criminal liability in the XX-XXI. Centuries. In this study I exhibit the development of the legal status of the heads of State and the actual questions in international law related to the criminal liability of heads of State and other senior State officials.

  • A privátszféra polgári jogi védelmének alapkérdései
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    Privacy has become a hot topic in personality rights protection in the 21st century all over the world. Classic personality rights did not cover all aspects of modern privacy law and the lack of an exhaustive list for personality rights also left many questions unanswered. The right to privacy is hard to define and it is even more difficult to identify the limits of this sensitive right. Our goal is to analyze various definitive attempts to privacy and synthetize them with actual judicial practice in order to get closer to what privacy law truly covers in modern jurisdictions. Even if brand new challenges arise almost every day, privacy remains a powerful instrument to provide autonomy to individuals and sometimes to legal entities.

  • A települések helyzete Svájcban
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    Der Staatsaufbau der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft weist drei Stufen auf, nämlich Bund, Kantone und Gemeinden, wobei diese letzte erwähnte Kategorie in der Untergliederung der Kantonen steht. Die Gemeinden in der Schweiz, wie in den meisten Ländern, sind den Bürgern am nächsten stehende territoriale Einheiten und gelten als Kernzelle von Staat und Gesellschaft. Diese Ebene ist ebenso flächendeckend wie die Kantonsebene, das heisst, es existieren in der Schweiz keine gemeindefreien, sogenannte kantonsunmittelbaren oder bundesunmittelbaren Gebiete.

    Die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft unterscheidet sich von anderen Staaten dadurch, dass der Staat kein einheitliches Gemeindesystem kennt, sondern gehen der Kompetenzbereich und der autonomer Handlungsspielraum der Gemeinden in erster Linie aus der Gesetzgebung der sechsundzwanzig Kantonen, zweitens aus dem Bundesrecht hervor. Das Gemeindewesen fällt ausschliesslich in die kantonale Kompetenz. Dass an diesem System nicht gerüttelt werden soll, bezeugt das Nein, das die Kantone auf die Frage gegeben haben, ob es nicht besser wäre, wenn die kommunalen Institutionen und die Autonomie der Kommunen durch die Bundesverfassung anerkannt wären.

    Obwohl im Prinzip keine direkte Rechtsbeziehung zwieschen Bund und Gemeinden besteht, enthält das Bundesrecht einige auf die Gemeinden anwendbare Bestimmungen.

    Die Quelle des Gemeinderechts sind neben den Gesetzestexten die Rechtssprechung (vor allem diejenige des Bundesgerichts) und die Rechtsdoktrinen.

    Das Hauptziel des vorliegenden Artikels besteht darin, ein umfassendes Bild über die schweizerischen Gemeinden zu geben.

  • A biotechnikai találmányok hazai és nemzetközi jogi szabályozásának sajátosságai
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    In my study I say about that change, which became at the area of biotechnology. The revolution of DNS technology contain a lot of chance, but it has more danger. We need select from the modes.

    My column I checked what happens with the species the biotechnology invention flag. The first observation that the changes faster than other territories, and these changes are complex and interrelated. The post control and correction are also important. It’s got to be introducing the health nutrition compliance. The new products will not harmful for the human and animal health. The legal condition shall prescribe the human defense of human and animal body. One of the most important international convention in that question the European Union Council about the biomedicine. It said need consent of the persons concerned for the biotechnological research. Create new human species, and cloning of human beings, human body use for commercial is prohibited by this convention.

    In my opinion that need promoting the knowledge and biotechnical awareness of consumers. Must be regulated the relations between public order and public morality and biotechnical inventions. It is also necessary to ensure the patentability of biological matter. „Biological material” means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system. Inventions which concern plants or animals shall be patentable if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety. The discussion on the patentability of sequences or partial sequences of genes is controversial. The 98/44/EK Directive, the granting of a patent for inventions which concern such sequences or partial sequences should be subject to the same criteria of patentability as in all other areas of technology: novelty, inventive step and industrial application. Whereas the industrial application of a sequence or partial sequence must be disclosed in the patent application as filed.

    The biotechnical patent need particular importance in the legislation. The Hungarian rules are conforms to the European Union legislation. However, certain additional rules should be laid down. Have to think about the control test in the patent process. The expert can see the applicability just on the test.

  • A munkabérfizetés és munkabérvédelem alapvető kérdései a magyar munkajogi szabályozásban és joggyakorlatban
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    The aim of my publication is to scrutinise the Hungarian rules concerning the protection of wages and concluding how effectively they serve the social interests of employees. Furthermore, I researched if the regulation is efficient and consistent enough to protect the employees in point of the compensation for work.

    During the research, I was examining the efficiency of the protection of the employees and their salaries in practice. The other question was whether the current regulation is satisfactory enough to provide the main purposes. In order to answer these questions I was analysing the theoretical dimension and the judicial practice as well.

    I concluded that even if there are some incompleteness and inconsistency in the Hungarian labour law, the regulation seems appropriate and rational concerning the interests of the employees. In my opinion, the social function of labour law serves the employees’ interests enough to give them a decent standard of living.

  • A menekültügyi őrizet elrendelésének anyagi jogi feltételei az uniós jog tükrében
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    Hungary lies in the route of the stream of refugees coming from the Balkan. It is a transit country, so the refugees do not typically intend to stay here, they rather wish to travel torwards to West- and North Europe. Particular sections of Hungary's border also mean the external borders of the European Union, the area of freedom, security and justice, which has a common asylum system. Significant part of illegal immigrants presents asylum claim only to avoid the aliens procedures.

    From the 1st of January 2013, the legislature terminated the aliens detention against asylum applicants. From 1st of July 2013 the Hungarian legislature reintroduced the possibility of detention of applicants. The new regulation has been placed in Act LXXX of 2007 on the Right of Asylum, Sections 31/A-31/H by Act XCIII of 2013 on the Amendment of Particular Laws Concerning Law Enforcement. The introduction of asylum-seeker detention and the practice of its application have raised dust. In my essay I am introducing the connections between the reasons of ordering asylum-seeker detention in the Act on Asylum and its backgroud in the EU Directive. I am not dealing with the question of compatibility of asylum detention and human rights and with problematic procedural issues, because I consider it more important to review the substantive conditions of asylum-seeker detention and the certain practical questions of its application therefore I am focusing on this segment of jurisdiction.