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  • Egy problémás szabályozási örökség az új anyagi büntetőkódexben: az életveszélyt okozó testi sértés

    §170 Absatz 5 des IV Gesetzes des Strafgesetzbuches von 1978 hat viel Kopfzerbrechen für
    die Generation der Strafrechtwissenschaftler verursacht. Nach Begründung des StGB war die
    Erzeugung der lebensgefährliche Körperverletzung nötig, weil die frühere juristische Praxis
    viele Straftaten als Mordversuch betrachtet hat, die nicht in der Tat einen Mord als Ziel hatten
    und deswegen war es nötig Mord und Körperverletzung zu unterscheiden. Meiner Meinung
    nach ist der lebensgefährliche Körperverletzung eine „sozialistische juristische Fiktion“, mit
    dem der Staat mit statistischen Methoden beweisen versuchte, das Sozialismus eine
    hochwertigere Kreation ist, als die bürgerliche Gesellschaften, und deswegen diejenigen, die
    in einem solchen Staat lebe ab ovo bessere, hochwertigere Menschen sind.
    Eine Schlüsselfrage ist: was wird als lebensgefährliche Körperverletzung bezeichnet? Meiner
    Meinung nach gab der Oberste Gerichtshof nur Anhaltspunkte zur Feststellung der
    lebensgefährliche Körperverletzung, und in der Praxis ist das oft zu wenig. Zwei Wege sind
    zugängig: erstens, wir bekennen, dass dieser Tatbestand nur aus einfachen politischen
    Gründen in den StGB hineingeraten ist und wir verbannen ihm vom Kodex, oder, als zweite
    Möglichkeit, der lebensgefährliche Körperverletzung wird als fahrlässige Forma der schweren
    Körperverletzung maßregeln.

  • Self-Driving Cars and Criminal Liability

    After clarifying the concepts of automated and autonomous vehicles, the purpose of the study is to investigate how reasonable the criminal sanction is arising from accidents caused by autonomous vehicles. The next question to be answered is that the definition of the crime according to the Hungarian law may be applied in case of traffic related criminal offences caused by automated and autonomous vehicles. During my research I paid special attention to two essential elements of criminal offence, namely the human act and guilt. Furthermore, I strived for finding solution for the next problem, as well: if the traffic related criminal offence is committed by driving an autonomous vehicle, how to define the subject of criminal liability.

  • Az élethez való jog néhány jogelméleti kérdéséről

    Nowadays in vitro fertilisation raises relevant controversies at the point of view of jurisprudence as well. The distinct approximations of in vitro embryos, such as to be considered as personae or objects, are also resources of several theoretical and pragmatical questions. It is essential to give a compendious summary about what kind of jurisprudental environment had been contributed to the intrumental comprehension of human embryos too, otherwise it is difficult to understand the scientific quandaries connected to the subject correctly. Merely thereafter the international and the Hungarian regulation of in vitro embryo’s status seems to able to be dissected, in particular the case-law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court related to the right to life and the constitutional funds of the oncurrent re-regulation in our country.

  • Unilateral determination of working time in the effective regulations of labor law

    In most cases, law does not differentiate between various people in equal-level positions of a contract; during sales, the State has the same rights and obligations as the contracting private person.  Labor law is a specific field of law where one of the parties that are theoretically on equal level – i.e. the employee – is actually in a somewhat subordinated and obviously more exposed position. In the light of the foregoing, it is especially notable that there are some fields of labor right where the third way applies; parties are not equally positioned in terms of power; however, it is not the employee who gets legal assistance for the equality of opportunities, but the law itself supports their disadvantaged position.  Such situation is called the legal situation of unilateral power, and we aim to study to what extent it is present in Hungarian labor law and how advantageous or disadvantageous this it to the parties.  The field of law where one is likely to detect the traces of unilateral power is the legal regulation related to working time, which, therefore, is the subject of this study, and the definition of working time will hereinafter be looked into from the aspect of the employer’s unilateral right to establish employment. Unilateral power is basically not typical to be enforced in labor law, and therefore, working time-related regulations – that belong to the employer’s own discretion – form an exception in such respect. At the same time, the option of flexible work order provides an exception from the superiority of unilateral power, and therefore it is actually an exception to the exception. Such complex system, however, provides the option to make sure whether the enforcement of unilateral power is constructive in labor law, or it would be more reasonable to apply a more balanced system such as the principle of the employer’s ultima ratio as suggested by Guy Davidov. While noting that according to those described above, flexible work order poses some potential risks, too, in our opinion, it would be more efficient and social to set up a consensus-based system, which would also allow us to satisfy our obligation of European Union legal harmonization. Hungarian legislation, and labor law legislation in particular has numerous tasks to do in order to promote the solution of socio-economic problems, as well as to fulfill our obligations related to legal harmonization; in our opinion, the conclusions above confirm that making working time regulations more liberal is one of the major tasks of legislation.

  • Le présent et le futur de la réparation dans la procédure pénale hogroise

    A la deuxième moitié du XX ième siècle la victime a commancé á jouer un rôle important de nouveau dans les procédures pénales. Les legislateurs veulent assurer les droit de la victime et garantir qu’elle soit indemnisée le plus tôt possible et pour que tout le monde soit content du résultat.Ce sont les cadres de la juridiction restaurative qui en assurent les possibilités.

    Dans cet essai premièrement je présente le cadre de la constitution de partie civile dans la législation hongroise. C’est une procédure très intéressante parce qu’il faut appliquer d’un côté le droit civil et la procédure civile et de l’autre le drot pénal et la procédure pénale dans le cadre de la juridiction pénale (dans une procédure).

    J’ai analysé le terme de la victime, les règle appliquables et les décisions du juge. J’ai constaté qu’en Hongrie les tribunaux correctionnels ne délibèrent pas les décisions sur le fond dans les cas de partie civile mais ils renvoient les affaires devant les tribunaux civils.

    Ensuite, je présente les institution juridique hongroise qui vise á l’entremise dans la procédure pénale. On peut trouver deux institution juridique en vigeur. En premièr lieu il faut mentionner que dans les cadres de la procédure par constitution de partie civil (où la victime soutient l’accuation) il existe une audition personnelles des parties où le but est donc l’arrangement des parties.

    Il y a une autre institution juridique qui s’appelle l’ajournement de la mise en accusation. On peut l’appliquer si la peine ne mérite pas de trois ans de prison et il y a beaucop de circonstances atténuantes, le procureur peut décider l’ajournement de la mise en accusation d’une au deux ans. On peut prévoir différentes obligations et règlements du comportement pour le prévenu. Par example on peut prévoir de dédommager la victime avec l ‘accord des parties. J’ai examiné cette institution juridique et son efficacité dans la pratique aussi.

    Troisièmement j’ai analysé une institution juridique qui entrera en vigeur le 1er janvier 2007. C’est la médiation pénale. Il y a un cadre de décision européen (2001/220/IB) qui préconise aux États memnbres d’introduire la médiation pénale. Pour pouvoir appliquer cette institution juridique il faut modifier le Code Pénale et la loi de la procédure pénale. C’est le procureur qui aura le droit de la suspension du procès pour maximum six mois et renvoyer l’affaire devant un méditeur. Cette procédure devant le médiateur sera regie par une loi d’exeption.( Il y a déja une projet de la loi). Je présente les problèmes en relation la médiation pénale. En résumé on peut dire que la mise en place et la régulation de la médiation demandent du temps et de l’énergie. Je statue qu’il faut attendre beaucoup de temps en Hongrie pour que l’opinion publique et les justiciables acceptent et appliquent avec efficacité la médiation pénale.

  • Civil law notaries within the organization of Roman Catholic Church

    The current, traditional Latin-type civil law notaries do not exist within the organisation of the Roman Catholic Church. However, the ecclesiastical “notary” and the concept, function and activities of the civil law notary may be related, and even made parallel, which may support the idea of some common origin or development. My article discusses the reason why we may still speak of persons having quasi notarial competence within the church. Also, it purportsto describe the diplomatic mission of the Vatican, the tasks of the embassy, touching on the issue of legalization as well; moreover, it draws a parallel between the ecclesiastical clerk and the civil law notary from the aspect of civil legal principles, such as impartiality and independence, comparing them also in terms of appointment and similar elements concerning attestations. It covers the rules governing the preparation of instruments and the certification of copies in more detail, as well as the procedural function of the ecclesiastical clerk, the similarities concerning archives and the custody of documents, and finally presents the issue of removability and termination of office.

  • Die ungarische Strafjustiz in den ersten Jahrhunderten nach der Staatsgründung im Spiegel der römischen und europäischen Rechtsentwicklung

    Der Aufsatz stellt die Strafjustiz der ersten Jahrhunderte nach der ungarischen Staatsgründung, des Zeitalters der Könige aus dem Hause Árpád im Spiegel der römischen und westeuropäischen, besonders der fränkischen Rechtsentwicklung vor. Er untersucht neben der Entstehung des ungarischen Gerichtssystems die Ordnung des Strafverfahrens, eingehend auf die Ladung, die Beweisverfahren, besonders die Gottesurteile, den Gerichtsbeschluss und den Rechtsbehelf.

    Die Arbeit ist rechtsgeschichtlichen Inhalts, aber wo es möglich ist, und Parallelen gezogen werden können, vergleicht sie solche Einrichtungen des ehemaligen und modernen Rechts miteinander, die während der Rechtsentwicklung unverändert Teil des Strafprozesses geblieben sind.

    Dem einleitenden Teil folgend geht sie als Erstes auf den Begriff und Zweck des Strafverfahrens ein; diesen Zweck definiert sie nach den literarischen Quellen als die Belangung der die Staatsordnung verletzenden Person.

    Auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung besonders des Zivilrechts, aber auch des Strafrechts hatten die römisch-rechtlichen Wurzeln großen Einfluss. Der Aufsatz bietet einen Überblick über die organisatorischen und prozessualen Grundlagen der römischen Strafjustiz, sowie die einzelnen Straftaten und die ihre Beurteilung regelnden Normen. Es wird betont, dass bereits im römischen Recht solche konstitutionelle, den europäischen Standards entsprechende Prinzipien zur Geltung kamen, wie die Öffentlichkeit der Verhandlung oder das Recht auf Verteidigung.

    Nach der Analyse der römisch-rechtlichen Grundlagen wird die Entwicklung des mittelalterlichen europäischen Strafrechts untersucht. Die Rechtsgeschichte, die Rechtsentwicklung Kontinentaleuropas hatte bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Regeln des ungarischen Strafprozessrechts. Besondere Hervorhebung verdient in diesem Teil das Recht des Fränkischen Reichs.

    Nach der Beleuchtung des europäischen strafrechtlichen Hintergrunds analysiert der Aufsatz die Strafjustiz der Könige aus dem Hause Árpád. Er stellt die Entwicklung des Gerichtssystems, die Rechtsprechung durch den König, dann durch die Großwürdenträger, die Entstehung des ordentlichen Gerichtssystems und der Gerichte auf dem Land vor, hinweisend darauf, dass bereits zu Anfang der Herrschaft der Könige aus dem Hause Árpád solche wichtigen königlichen Dekrete erlassen wurden, die die Entwicklung des Strafrechts wesentlich bestimmt haben.

    Nach dem Überblick des Gerichtssystems untersucht die Arbeit einzelne wichtige Rechtsinstitute des Strafprozessrechts. Eine solche grundlegende Einrichtung ist die Beiladung, die der Ladung des modernen Rechts entspricht. Die Adeligen konnten ausschließlich durch ordnungsgemäße Ladung beigeladen werden, im Gegensatz zu den Leibeigenen, in deren Strafsachen der Gutsherr aufgerufen wurde, sie vor Gericht zu stellen.

    Sehr wichtige Rechtsinstitute des Strafverfahrens sind des Weiteren die einzelnen Beweisverfahren, die anfangs in Gottesurteilen sakraler Charakter wie den Proben beziehungsweise dem Zweikampf in Erscheinung traten. Neben den Gottesurteilen können als weitere Beweisverfahren der Reinigungseid sowie der formelle Zeugenbeweis erwähnt werden, aber schon früh bekannt war auch der Urkundenbeweis.

    Der Aufsatz unterzieht die Urteilsfindung im Prozess separat einer Untersuchung, hervorhebend, dass im Verfahren gegen den Adeligen die Öffentlichkeit zur Geltung kam, seit König Béla III. wurde über die Verhandlung sogar Protokoll geführt. Um ein Urteil musste das Gericht ersucht werden, und es wurde vom Gericht gefällt.

    Die Arbeit berührt schließlich einzelne wichtige Fragen des Rechtsbehelfs mit der Bemerkung, dass vom Rechtsbehelf im modernen Sinne genommen im Zeitalter der Könige aus dem Hause Árpád noch nicht gesprochen werden kann. Das Rechtsmittel zielte zu dieser Zeit noch nicht auf die Beseitigung der Fehlentscheidung, sondern konnte die Justizverweigerung seitens des Gerichts oder gewisse Formwidrigkeiten beanstanden.

  • The brief history and the main characteristic features of the insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles

    Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles (motor insurance) is of
    special importance for European citizens, whether they are policyholders or victims of an
    accident. It is also a major concern for insurance undertakings as it constitutes an important
    part of non-life insurance business in the Community. Motor insurance also has an impact on
    the free movement of persons and vehicles. The first part of the study deals with the origin
    and the brief history of insurance, beginning with the ancient Rome. The second part tries to
    describe the main characteristic features of the motor insurance including its legal
    background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and
    the Hungarian legislation –, its subjects, the conclusion and termination of the contract.

  • Questions around prescription by title

    In this paper I am willing to introduce different aspects of the new institution of the Hungarian civil law, the so-called prescription by title. This young way of acquiring property was a novelty in the field of law and jurisprudence, and a novelty for entities as well. The law of property contains the most important and fundamental rules of private law, this is the reason why it is always ultimately important that the legislator and the exact purpose of the legislation has to be as clearly defined as possible, since this is what ensures the security of property transactions and guarantees the freedom and protection of one of the most ancient social institutions, property. By its unique nature, prescription has always been the subject of legal disputes, thus the arguments above are cumulative.

    The aim of this paper is to present the regulation of prescription by title, its dogmatic features, draw parallels with its ancestor in Hungarian legal history and an unusual foreign example, examine some relevant aspects of judicial practice and finally attempt to compose a possible  alternative regulatory technique.

  • Domestic partnerships on the basis of the current judicial practice and the draft version of the new Civil Code

    An examination of the statistical data reveals that the number of marriages concluded has significantly decreased in recent years, accompanied by an increase in divorce cases. In a parallel way, there is a growing number of domestic partnerships.[1]

    This study surveys the judicial practice of this field in the past two decades with the intention of attempting to describe and shed some light on the essence of domestic partnership in Hungary by way of discussing some of the most important cases and the relevant provisions of law. In view of the fact that preparation for the codification of the new Civil Code is now under way and new rules are expected to enter into force in 2 or 3 years, the changes anticipated in this area are also briefly addressed in the study. Since the Proposal intends to change the current legal provisions in three areas, special emphasis was laid on these, namely:

    1. Under certain conditions, as defined by law, alimony may be awarded to a formal domestic partner.

    2. Continued use of the place of residence earlier shared with the former domestic partner is possible also after the termination of the domestic partnership.

    3. A former domestic partner may request that the property relations be settled after the termination of the domestic partnership. 

    [1] Domestic partnerships were first surveyed in Hungary in the 1970 census: the number of such relationships, which was 62 thousand in 1970, doubled by 1990, and increased by nearly four and half times by 2001. As a result of these developments, 74% of the 2,869,000 families counted were based on a married couple. Ten years before this proportion was still 80%, while three decades ago it was as high as 88%. (Népszámlálás [Census], Vol. 2001, no. 19. “Family types, family forms”, KSH, p. 17).

  • The adjudication of the unlawful financial service in the notarial practice and its connection to the document forgery

    The unlawful providers destroy the trust, as well as in the lawful providers in the whole financial system. The adjudgement of the loan service by non financial providers can cause problem in the notarial practice. Namely the notary can just conclude of the frequency, for-profitnature and organization of the loan service provided by the parties statements.

    My present study gives a summary about the criminal facts and their analysis occur in the practice as well as to the notarial bench, who can be seen as non-proffessional connected to the criminal education. The article provides useful information, the reader gets an opportunity to analyse the unlawful financial service from the notarial aspect.

  • Criminal offences that infringe on individual freedom versus restrictions imposed during the pandemic to guarantee access to education

    In the study we propose as follows, we will look at differences in perception between the pandemic constraints imposed by the governmenst of countries affected by the pandemic in view of managing the pandemic and society’s perception that governments have deprived citizens of their freedom by restricting their mobility and imposing restrictions with regard to travel, including in order to attend educational activities. In some cases, the communities affected by the restrictive measures have gone further, accusing governments of the crime of “Illegal Deprivation of Freedom”, which is included by the legislator in the criminal codes of countries. We consider that the accusations brought against the authorities are unfounded, exaggerated, and thoroughly wrong. We believe that they are due to communication gaps in the public domain, the differences in perception of community members in the context of changing paradigms and the insufficient legal education, which leads to confusion between illegal deprivation of freedom and limitations or restrictions. Although, in the legislation, the articles that provide for the criminal offences relevant to the matter are included in the criminal (penal) codes, for example, in the Romanian legislation in Article 205 of the Criminal Code, with the marginal name “Offences against Individual Freedom” of Title I, which bears the marginal name “Offences against the Person”, and falls within the area of ​​interest of legal sciences, we will analyze the effects in relation to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the authorities for the management of the pandemic. To this end, on the one hand we will highlight the aspects of material criminal law necessary for the legal classification of a deed as offence of illegal deprivation of freedom, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Codes of Romania, Hungary, Republic of Italy, Greece, and on the other hand, we will present some aspects regarding the management of the coronavirus crisis in the area of ​​education.

  • Jurisdictional Constants and Doubtful Questions in Recent Hungarian Jurisdiction of Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss

    Since 1992, date of Constitutional Court’s decision No. 34/1992, certain rules cannot be found in Hungarian Civil Code. There is only a part of a sentence that gives right to any injured person to claim damages in case of personal injuries. More than 10 years after the cassation we are able to look through the legal practice in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. The recent re-codifying process plans a brand new institution to substitute and follow damages for non pecuniary loss: pain award. To establish a decent regulation of pain award, jurisdiction of the last decade cannot be neglected. This essay aims to gather typical and crystallized methods of judgements in certain cases, which could be seen as essential and accepted unwritten rules of jurisdiction concerning this field of damages.

    One of the most difficult problems to solve is the question of amount. This field of damages for non-pecuniary loss is always problematic, because all of the cases are different. Although there are similarities between cases if we examine just damages themselves, but due to the difference of human personality it is almost impossible to give exact phrases and rules to help our judges. We can say that highest amounts are generated by assaults against physical integrity and life. Examination during a legal procedure concentrates on the stress caused by the injury, number of injured rights, age of the injured person and the durability of the harm. If the injured person contributed to the injury, it generates reduced amount of damages.

    Method of compensation is really simple for the first time. Hungarian legal system knows two different types for the method of damages: in kind or in money. Former one is inapplicable for non-pecuniary losses. If we compensate in money, there are two solutions: injured person can get the whole sum immediately or we can choose allowance as well. The adaptation of allowance is rather small in Hungary, in spite of the advantages this legal institution could offer. It does not mean res iudicata, so it is flexible and offers opportunity to adjust to changed circumstances in the future: both duration and amount of allowance could be changed.

    It is an interesting question whether personal circumstances of the misdoer could be examined when calculating the amount of allowance. The answer is not unambiguous. Civil law focuses on compensation for the injured party, not the punishment of the misdoer. In spite of this essential lemma, it is necessary to take into account the solvency of the defendant, if we want the plaintiff to get the adjudged amount really.

    Youth is not the only reason of allowance, sometimes old age could be a well-based legal ground for application of this method of compensation as well. It is really important to examine the personal circumstances of the injured party to choose between these two methods: which one serves the aim of compensation, moderation of lost joy of life the most.

    Civil Code precludes the possibility to apply both methods together for the same plaintiff. In my opinion the solution of German Civil Code (BGB) should be considered. BGB allows both methods together. It means that possibilities could be wider and fit better to the actual case and its circumstances.

     Although obligation of damages has two parties traditionally, in a legal procedure of damages for non-pecuniary loss this bipolar situation can be proven false. On the part of the misdoer it is an interesting question what kind of damages can be blamed the state. In Hungary we can meet rules order the responsibility of the state in the field of medical damages or damages for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment. Amounts of damages are the highest in these situations.

    On the part of the injured person an often argued problem the position of secondary victims’ claims. These claims are always problematic, because personality rights belong closely to the person himself and there is no possibility to inherit them. Hungarian Civil Code admits compensation for relatives only in case of injuring reputation of a dead person. There are several decisions in which courts admit these claims on the ground of their sui generis base. It is a decent solution, but because of the uneven jurisdiction it needs codifying.

    We can say that there are a lot of jurisdictional constants in Hungary in connection with damages for non-pecuniary loss. These are easy to collect and most of them are able to be codified in a strictly non-taxative style. But this examination showed that doubtful questions can also be found in Hungary especially the application of allowance, claims of secondary victims. To arrange these problems, starting point should be jurisdiction itself.

  • Legislative Processes and ICT

    In the first part of our work, we described the judgment of quality legislation in Hungary. Based on the standpoint of outstanding practitioners of domestic jurisprudence, we presented the conceptual definitions of quality legislation together with their content elements, stating that quality legislation is a constantly changing "legal category", the periodic review of which is justified.

    In the second part of our work, we gave an overview of the general role of ICT in the human community, which similarly to quality legislation, constantly changes, and permanently increases and evolves.

    In the final part of the study, we briefly outlined the role of ICT in legislation (including some examples of foreign states) and the most recently applied system in Hungary, i.e. IJR.

  • The Notarial Examination of the Order for Payment Requests

    2010 marked the opening of a new chapter inthe more than 120 years history of the Hungarian order for payment procedure. Breaking with the Hungarian traditions, the notaries became competent to carry out these procedures instead of courts. The Hungarian Chamber of Civil Law Notaries established an accessible web-based computerised system for support of procedures. The registration of requests, the assignment of cases to notaries and the administrative handling of cases are carried out through this electronic network. The legislator’s aims when modified the regulation of this legal instrument was to reduce the duration of order for payment procedures and the workload of courts. In this paper I give an overview of the content of order for payment requests and of the practical experience of the notaries in connection with the examination of requests.

  • Judicial practice regarding the compensation for personal injuries caused by the circumstances of penal institutions, violating the fundamental rights of convicts and detainees of other dues

    The studied topic is the judicial practice regarding the compensation for personal injuries caused by the circumstances of penal institutions, which violate the fundamental rights of convicts and detainees of other dues. Dual research questions have been posed because of the characteristics of the covered topic. The first one is related to civil law and is about demandants’, defendants’ and courts’ attitudes and tendencies relating to the topic in question. The second question, inseparably stemming from the previous one, is from the field of penal execution: what kind of traits can be abstracted from the judicial decisions when it comes to the condition of Hungarian penal institutions.  To answer these, empirical methodology must be applied. Accordingly, I examined 91 judicial decisions from 2014 to 2020. Thus, this study depicts the entirety of the relevant time range, meaning that the demandants’, defendants’ and courts’ characteristics are introduced in their arc of development, rather than pointwisely. In my study I delineate the demandants’ actions firstly: their claims, their supposedly violated rights and the ontological phenomena causing harm. Secondly, as displaying the defendants’ statements of defence, I specify the legal arguments brought on in order to support the claim that the penal institutions caused no harm to those held captive, or that they cannot be obliged to pay compensation. Afterwards, I examine the judicial practice. Firstly, I write about the ways courts treat the claims of ascertainment, namely whether or not the rights of those who are captivated were violated. Subsequently, I portray the claims of detain, about which I illustrate the relevant regime of liability and its partial requirements. Then I write about the matrix of the compensation for personal injury and the indemnification for the prison circumstances, the relation and the delimitation of the two. Finally, I answer the research questions. I draw an ideal model about the first question, in which the parties adduce correctly and make fair judgements.  By these the demandants can make sure that the violation of their rights is ascertained and that they are given compensation.  By following the model, the defendant can achieve the lowest amount of compensation possible, while the court can make the correct decision from a dogmatic point of view. As for the penal executive question, I give suggestions to solve the problem of the circumstances of penal institutions violating fundamental rights.

  • The legal basis and the conduct of probate proceeding, particularly the distribution of the tasks in the proceeding and some of the possibilities of appeal

    As the title suggest, the study intends to provide a summarized overview on the regulation of probate proceeding. The legal nature of out-of-court proceeding and the various stages of the procedure are briefly presented in this study. The procedural steprelated to the task of inventory taking and each stage of the proceeding related to the notary public are explained too. Finally, the study includes an overview of the available remedies (like the certain aspects of appeal and the possibility of retrial) and the basic rules on enforcement of inheritance claims.

  • The changes of the legal regime of tobacco advertisements in the laws of Hungary

    Since the change of the regime the economic role of advertisements has changed significantly. Advertising forms a considerable part of economic activities, the cost of which constitute a growing portion of the expenses of a given enterprise. The mass-appearance of advertisements has altered the relationship between consumers and advertisers, it has restructured consumption habits and the importance of advertising in media.

    The most significant modification of the Hungarian Advertising Act occurred by (Act I of 2001), which was in large passed with the consent of the advertising profession. The modification introduced the concept of deceptive advertisements, apparent comparative advertisements and special offers. Comparative advertisements were also regulated in a satisfactory way. However, several legal institutions were introduced as well, which should have been included in competition law. In the last two decades actions against unlawful advertisements were largely based on competition law, which restricts advertising activities violating fair competition in general. Advertising Decree and later the Advertising Act regulated the restriction of advertisements of certain goods and services, or defined the restrictions on certain advertising activities. Due to the modification, the role of Competition Act became less significant, since Advertising Act also contains most prohibitions on advertising activities that were defined in the Competition Act. In addition, in the case of violation of regulations on deceptive and comparative advertisements, Advertising Act denoted the Bureau of Competition and the court as chief acting powers, whereas the violation of rules on apparent comparative advertisements falls in the scope of the Consumer Protection Authority.

    What is more, the (Act I of 2001) “smuggled” the entire prohibition of tobacco advertisements into the Advertising Act, which totally contradicted with the opinion of advertising profession. Thus Hungary, similarly to France, joined the strictest practice in this question. It is also disputable whether such restrictions promote the fight against smoking, and it was certainly disadvantageous that legislation decided in the question without involving the profession, for which there had been no precedents so far.

  • The evolution of the judicial practice with regard to the liability for comments

    The article focuses on the examination of the judicial practice related to the liability for reader’s comments. Comments have become an important instrument for internet communication and expression, however they also cause specific legal problems.

    Internet Content Providers (ICP) have offered such content so far, disclosure of which was the result of editorial’s decision, but now they play a role in the disclosure of such contents, that they do not have direct contact with.

    The examination of liability for comments is further complicated by the features of the online environment, because the courts shall have to overcome the problems of the scheme of special definitions.

    Courts have failed as yet to provide a satisfactory solution for the problem: who shall remain liable for the infringements appearing in anonymous reader’s contents? Therefore the article is an attempt to present the development of the judicial practice from the beginning to the current opinion appearing these days.