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  • A polgári eljárások egyszerűsítése az Európai Unióban, különös tekintettel a kis pertárgyértékű ügyek szabályozására
    Megtekintések száma:

    Introduced to reduce obstacles to the free movement of goods and persons, judicial cooperation in civil matters has become part and parcel of the new European area of justice. Creation of this area is meant to simplify the existing legal environment and to reinforce citizens' feeling of being part of a common entity. The Conclusions of the Tampere European Council state in this respect that “in a genuine European Area of Justice individuals and businesses should not be prevented or discouraged from exercising their rights by the incompatibility or complexity of legal or administrative systems in the Member States.”

    At present, the judicial cooperation in civil procedures is based on the Hague Programme, adopted by the 2004 Europen Council in Bruxelles.The Hague Programme requires that the Commission should translate the Hague objectives into concrete measures. To this end, the Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the. European Parliament on the Hague Programme, consists of an Action Plan listing the main actions and measures to be taken over the next five years, including a specific set of deadlines for their presentation to the Council and the European Parliament.

    The chapter dealing with this area is named „Strengthening justice”, and it includes amongst others the following tasks:

    • Specific Programme on Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters (2007)
    • Support by the Union to networks of judicial organisations and institutions (continuous)
    • Creating a „European Judicial culture”
    • Evaluation of quality of justice (Communication - 2006)
    • Creation, from the existing structures, of an effective European training network for judicial authorities for both civil and criminal matters (2007)

    The European Union has set itself the objective of maintaining and developing the European Union as an area of freedom, security and justice in which the free movement of persons is ensured. For the gradual establishment of such an area, the Community is to adopt, among others, the measures relating to judicial cooperation in civil matters needed for the proper functioning of the internal market.

    The Community has among other measures already adopted Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000 of 29 May 2000, on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters; Council Decision 2001/470/EC of 28 May 2001, establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters; Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Council Directive 2002/8/EC, of 27 January 2003, to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputes; Council Regulation (EC) 2201/2003, of 27 November 2003, concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) 1347/2000; Regulation (EC) No 805/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims; Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European order for payment procedureProposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Small Claims Procedure.

    The disproportionate cost of litigation for small claims has led many Member States to provide simplified procedures for claims of small value which are intended to provide access to justice at a lower cost, thus influencing one of the three factors that determine the rationales in dispute resolution. The details of these procedures have been investigated and documented in detail in studies prepared for the Commission. The evidence from these reports suggests that the costs and timescale associated with the domestic simplified measures, and thus their use and utility to claimants, varies widely. A 1995 study for the Commission found evidence of how costs of cross-border claims were significant compared to the size of most potential claims, and that these costs varied substantially between Member States. The total costs of pursuing a cross-border claim with a value of € 2.000 was found to vary, depending on the combination of Member States, from € 980 to € 6.600, with an average quoted figure of € 2.489 for a proceeding at the plaintiff’s residence. The study also showed that due to different and conflicting costing rules part of the costs have to be paid even by successful plaintiffs.

    On 20 December 2002, the Commission adopted a Green Paper on a European order for payment procedure and on measures to simplify and speed up small claims litigation. The Green Paper launched a consultation on measures concerning the simplification and the speeding up of small claims litigation.

    The European Small Claims Procedure is meant to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, whilst reducing costs, by offering an optional tool in addition to the possibilities existing under the laws of the Member States. This Regulation should also make it simpler to obtain the recognition and enforcement of a judgment given in a European Small Claims Procedure in another Member State, including judgements which were initially of a purely domestic nature. In order to facilitate the introduction of the procedure, the claimant should commence the European Small Claims Procedure by completing a claim form and lodging it at the competent court or tribunal. In order to reduce costs and delays, documents should be served on the parties by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by any simpler means such as simple letter, fax or email. The procedure should be a written procedure, unless an oral hearing is considered necessary by the court. The parties should not be obliged to be represented by a lawyer. The court should be given the possibility to hold a hearing through an audio, video or email conference. It should also be given the possibility to determine the means of proof and the extent of the taking of evidence according to its discretion and admit the taking of evidence through telephone, written statements of witnesses, and audio, video or email conferences. The court should respect the principle of an adversarial process. In order to speed up the resolution of disputes, the judgment should be rendered within six months following the registration of the claim. In order to speed up the recovery of small claims, the judgment should be immediately enforceable notwithstanding any possible appeal and without the condition of the provision of a security. In order to reduce costs, when the unsuccessful party is a natural person and is not represented by a lawyer or another legal professional, he should not be obliged to reimburse the fees of a lawyer or another legal professional of the other party. In order to facilitate recognition and enforcement, a judgment given in a Member State in a European Small Claims Procedure should be recognised and enforceable in another Member State without the need for a declaration of enforceability and without any possibility of opposing its recognition. Since the objectives of the action to be taken namely the establishment of a procedure to simplify and speed up litigation concerning small claims, and reduce costs, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.

    The European Council underlines the need further to enhance work on the creation of a Europe for citizens and the essential role that the setting up of a European Area for Justice will play in thisrespect. A number of measures have already been carried out. Further efforts should be made to facilitate access to justice and judicial cooperation as well as the full employment of mutual recognition. It is of particular importance that borders between countries in Europe no longer constitute an obstacle to the settlement of civil law matters or to the bringing of court proceedings and the enforcement of decisions in civil matters.

  • Merre tovább európai büntetőjog?
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    Depuis l’entrée en vigeur du traité d’Amsterdam, la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes a de plus amples compétences dans le Titre VI du traité sur l’Union (3e pilier) consacré á la coopération policière et judiciaire pénale. Á partir de ce moment on peut rencontrer plusieurs arrêts concernant le droit pénal. L’affaire Procédure pénale contre Maria Puppino joue un rôle essentiel parmi ces arrêts. C’était la première fois que la Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes a été saisie d’une question préjudicielle sur l’interprétation d’une décision-cadre adoptée dans le cadre du troisième pilier.

    Dans cet arrêt la Cour souligne l’extention de l’obligation d’interpretation conformément á la décision cadre même si le résultat est contraire aux lois pénales ou procédure pénale internes. Quelques temps après «La Cour de Luxembourg limite la souveraineté des États en matière pénale» -écrivait-on dès le 15 septembre 2005 dans un grand quotidien. Les revues juridiques en droit pénal ont adopté le même ton: «La Cour de justice des Communautés européennes limite la souvaireneté des États en matière pénale.»

    La Cour de Justice a déclaré que la protection de l’environnement constituait un des objectifs essentiels de la Communauté, c’est pourquoi la Communauté a la compétence pour rendre des décisions visant au rapprochement des sanctions des états membres dans ce domain.

    De nos jours la question du droit pénal européen est de plus en plus actuelle, malgré cette substancielle européanisation, de nombreux pénalistes et les états membres défendent plus que jamais les particularités nationales.

    La présente contribution montre brièvement l’histoire du troisième pilier concernant la coopération policière et judiciaire. Puis j’analyse en détail ces deux arrêts mentionnés ci-dessus qui présentent la situation actuelle du droit pénal dans l’espace de l’Union européen.  En suivant les arrêts de la Cour de Justice on peut constater une forte européanisation dans ce domaine mais en même temps on peut voir une certaine «bataille» de compétence entre les institutions européennes notamment entre la Comission et le Parlement contre le Conseil. La Comission veut obtenir de plus en  plus de compétence. En ce qui concerne les états membres, les participants dans le procès préjudiciel combattent contre la Comission et accentuent qu’il faut que le troisième pilier reste dans le cadre de coopération intergouvernementale et ils ne veulent pas renoncer á leurs souvairenités et leurs spécialités dans le domaine pénal. On peut dire qu’il y a deux champs de bataille dans le droit pénal européen, d’une part entre les institutions européennes, d’autre part entre les états membres et l’Union.   

    Dans la «bataille» c’est la Cour qui essaie de résoudre ce problème, donnant de plus en plus de droit á la Comission, renforcant les élements communautaires dans le troisième pilier. Malgré les protestations des États membres, la Cour limite leurs souveraineté en matière pénale. La communautarisation de droit pénal a déja commencé mais il reste beacoup de questions ouvertes. Dans mon article, j’ai posé ces questions et j’ai essayé de trouver les réponses possibles présentant les arguments des differentes parties.   

  • A biztosítási szerződések hatályba lépésének egyes kérdései
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    The dispensation of justice most often makes decisions in legal disputes about contract law on the basis of the general rules of contract law. The freedom of making contracts and the dynamism of contract law have resulted in an agreement that the conditions of the contract and the general rules should generally be considered to an increasing extent rather than the special regulations referring to the given contract. However, there are some contracts which theme, subjects and content require the application of special rules that result in solutions hard to interpret for parties inexperienced in law and that are radically different from those recommended by the general rules of contract law. Insurance contracts are those type of contracts, where the rules determine when the contract comes into existence and effect and when the services are due. These regulations are based on a logic that is radically different from the general rules, so they can often lead to serious misunderstandings. It is discernable in the judiciary practice that the dispensation of justice respects the specific features of insurance contracts, but tries to interpret the rules in a way that draws near to the general rules of contract law. The decisions of the Hungarian Supreme Court give priority to the interests of the insured parties and allow in fewer cases when the insurance company is exempted of its obligation of payment. However, judiciary practice has little effect on the content of insurance law. It seems justified to make insurance companies work out as detailed and clear conditions as possible and make them disclose the orders basically concerning their obligation of running risks.

  • „Egészen uj csődosztályzati projectum”: A csődjogi szabályok helyreállítása az Ideiglenes Törvénykezési Szabályokban
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    Az 1848-49. évi szabadságharc bukása után a neoabszolutizmus jelentősen átalakította a magyar jogrendszert, mivel az Osztrák Császárság jogi egységesítése céljából az osztrák törvénykönyvek bevezetésére került sor. Ferenc József az Októberi Diploma kiadásával enyhített a korábbi abszolút kormányzati felfogáson, valamint visszaállította az 1847 előtti magyar közigazgatási és törvénykezési szervezetet. Ennek keresztülvitelével az újonnan kinevezett országbírót, gr. Apponyi Györgyöt bízta meg, aki ebből a célból egy tanácskozást hívott össze. Ez a gyűlés a magyar történetírásba Országbírói Értekezlet néven vonult be, amely rendelkezett a magyar bíróságokon alkalmazandó joganyagról.

    Jelen tanulmányban ezen tanácskozás csődjogra gyakorolt hatását vizsgálom, amelynek keretében bemutatom az Országbírói Értekezlet e jogterületre vonatkozó rendelkezéseit és a gyűlésen készült jegyzőkönyv alapján a szabályozás „mozgatórugóit”. Az osztrák ideiglenes csődrendtartás helyett ugyanis ismételten hatályba léptették az első magyar csődtörvényt, az 1840:22. tc.-et. A szakirodalomban ennek kapcsán jellemzően csupán az jelenik meg, hogy az Országbírói Értekezlet a polgári korszak változásaihoz idomította a törvénycikk anyagi és alaki szabályait. A tanácskozás résztvevői által kifejtett álláspontok és levéltári források ismertetésével szemléltetem, hogy a módosítások ennél komolyabb változásokat generáltak. Emellett a csődönkívüli kényszeregyezség első magyarországi megjelenése is a neoabszolutizmus korszakához kapcsolódott, amelyre szintén reagált a magyar jogtudomány színe-javát felvonultató értekezlet.

  • Az államhatalmi ágak elválasztása az ókortól a XIX. század második feléig
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    The purpose of my study is to examine the theories of the separation of powers and its application in different periods. My investigation based on two monograph from Bibó: The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present, and Lawfull and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power.
    The ancient philosophers have already dealed with such theories. Among of them Aristoteles has the largest importance defining the three main powers: the legislation, the executive power, and the iurisdiction.
    The most substantial step in the Middle Ages was creating the moral basis for exercise of powers. The reformation and the development of civil society has improved this conception, Montesquieu attributed the powers with function, and emphasized the separation of them. Nevertheless István Bibó emphasizes not only the separation, but also the struggle against the concentration of power, and the abuse of power. The principle of the separation of powers could prevail clearly only in the USA, but not in Europe. István Bibó explains the causes of
    those in his monograph (The Principle of the Separation of Power Sometime and at Present).,for example the function of the monarcha or the principle of sovereignty.
    Bibó defined the obstructive factors in realisation of the principle of the separation of powers. These are: bureaucracy and the exorbitant state role in the economic and in the culture.
    In his other monography (Lawful and Effective Administration, Firm Executive Power) Bibó describes the necessary elements of lawful and effective administration, like loyality, professionalism and effective enforcement. At the same time, by realisation of these, the risk of the abuse of power could arise, creation of a new power would be therefor necessary. This power might be a regulatory power, which would be able to define the main criteria of exercise of power. Beforehand the church played that role, but in the twentieth century its function became vacant. I think the function of the new power would be similar to the role of the Constitutional Court at national level, or to the role of the European Court of Justice, of the International Court of Justice, and of the International Criminal Court at international level.

  • A munkajog területén megvalósuló egyenlő bánásmód követelménye, valamint megsértésének módjai az Európai Bíróság és a magyar bírói gyakorlat tükrében
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    Employment and occupation are crucial to ensuring equal opportunities for all and in large measure contribute to the full participation of citizens in economic, social and culture life. However, many cases of discrimination have been identified in the field of employment and the labour market.

    In this study I try to examine how the equal treatment works in the EU Law and Hungarian national law, and I try to present the case-law of the European Court of Justice and the Hungarian Courts in this area. The first part of the study deals with the definition of key concepts (direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment), and include its legal background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and the Hungarian legislation. The second part tries to describe the legal concept of indirect discrimination, mentioned as justification (statutory derogation, objective justification). And finally I try to present the special burden of proof, which is used in discrimination cases.

  • Az igazságügyi szakértői tevékenység az állami szerepvállalás tükrében
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    This is an essay about the connection between the judicial experts and the public sector. The expert opinion has a special role in the system of the envindeces in the criminal procedure. The expert opinion as a kind of evidence has a short history in the criminal procedure, because this evidence is the product of the new age. The second difference from the other evidences that the judicial expert needs a special quality, and because of this cause the law rules controls who has premitted to become expert and make expert opinion. The Criminal Procedure Act controls when should and when must delegate a judicial expert the criminal procedure. Consequently the state has a main role in connection with the activity of the experts by the law rules.

    In the first part I show the short history of the appearance of the expert opinion in the criminal procedure.

    In the second part I show the main law rules in connection with the judicial experts, and I write about the expert chambers, the list of experts, and the professional institutes and corporations.

    The third part is about the fees and taxes in connection with the judicial experts. In this part I show the problems about who have to pay the fees in the end of the criminal procedure. The acitvity of the judicial expert is always expensive, so the expeneses can grow quickly. If the accused is acquited the expense will stay in encumbrance of the state, and if the accused is convicted, the accused will have to pay the expenses. So this expenses are enourmous encumbrances for everyone. This problem has waited solution yet. Reduction of  costs or hunting out  justice ?  Sometimes very hard to decide, which one is the better. The judicial experts also work in the private sector. The competition of the judicial experts is big in the private sector, and this phenomenon is influences the private prices.

    The end of the essay is a summary which contains my main conclusions.

  • A büntetőjogi mediáció gyakorlati aspektusai
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    Mediation is a conflict-management method designed to achieve restorative justice (offenders should assume responsibility and pay the penalty for their deeds, with the greatest emphasis on reparation of the victim, and the affronted community should be conciliated). This method may be applied to solving a variety of disputes or conflicts (e.g. disputes involving neighbours, families, couples, and companies).
    The mediation technique has already been used in the fields of civil law, family law and employment law. From 2007 onwards, it can also be applied in criminal procedures. According to Article 221/A of the Code on Criminal Procedure (Act XIX of 1998) the mediation process may be used in criminal procedures dealing with certain offences against the person, property or traffic offences if the crime is punishable with no more than five years imprisonment, and the offender has made a confession during the criminal investigation.

  • A menekültügyi őrizet elrendelésének anyagi jogi feltételei az uniós jog tükrében
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    Hungary lies in the route of the stream of refugees coming from the Balkan. It is a transit country, so the refugees do not typically intend to stay here, they rather wish to travel torwards to West- and North Europe. Particular sections of Hungary's border also mean the external borders of the European Union, the area of freedom, security and justice, which has a common asylum system. Significant part of illegal immigrants presents asylum claim only to avoid the aliens procedures.

    From the 1st of January 2013, the legislature terminated the aliens detention against asylum applicants. From 1st of July 2013 the Hungarian legislature reintroduced the possibility of detention of applicants. The new regulation has been placed in Act LXXX of 2007 on the Right of Asylum, Sections 31/A-31/H by Act XCIII of 2013 on the Amendment of Particular Laws Concerning Law Enforcement. The introduction of asylum-seeker detention and the practice of its application have raised dust. In my essay I am introducing the connections between the reasons of ordering asylum-seeker detention in the Act on Asylum and its backgroud in the EU Directive. I am not dealing with the question of compatibility of asylum detention and human rights and with problematic procedural issues, because I consider it more important to review the substantive conditions of asylum-seeker detention and the certain practical questions of its application therefore I am focusing on this segment of jurisdiction.

  • A büntetőeljárás nyilvánosságának jogszabályi hátterében húzódó alapjogi kollíziók feltárása, különös tekintettel az ágazati titokvédelemre
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    The right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial tribunal is a fundamental right everybody is entitled to. Through such right, transparency and publicity becomes an important guarantee of the administration of justice, in a broader sense, and as a procedural principle of different court proceedings as well. The collision between the requirements of privacy protection and transparency impose challenges on the legislator, the legal practitioners and on the judicial practice as well, from many aspects. Beyond issues of data protection, these requirements influence the publicity of the courtroom, the publicity of proceedings to the press, and the protection of personality rights.

    In the general interpretation publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indecency and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. The study distinguishes between the different level of publicity in a criminal procedures such as “socially publicity”, “courtroom publicity” and “client publicity” and examines practicable problems like online-streaming during the criminal court proceeding.

    In order to ensure the transparency of courts, the information stored must be provided to the parties, other authorities, and the media, taking into account applicable legal provisions.

    When it comes to the operation of courts, one of the biggest problems with regard to the constitutionality of data processing is when the qualification of a particular data is changed several times in different procedural stages, and is – consequently – subject to different legal protection. Needless to say that the same data cannot be considered as both public and protected at the same time in the same procedure. However, this issue arises regularly, which is quite frankly a legal nonsense requiring an immediate and comprehensive solution.

    Finally the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations as well.

  • Az MH-17 légi járat lelövésének nemzetközi jogi megítélése a nemzetközi polgári repülésről szóló Chicagói Egyezmény tükrében
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    This paper addresses the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 in 2014 from the perspective of the Chicago Convention on international civil aviation. Two issues are closely examined namely the applicability of Article 3bis on prohibiting the use of force by states against civil aircraft to the specific case and States’ obligation to close the airspace to civil aviation over conflict zones.

    If the assumption of the Joint Investigation Team is correct in that flight MH-17 was shot down from a territory held by separatist groups it will be a legally challenging task to prove the necessary link to Russia requried by international law to determine state responsability for the breach of Article 3bis. The fact that the International Court of Justice has never delivered a judgement on merits concerning aerial incident cases due to the lack of jurisdiction does not advance the prospect for a reassuring conclusion of the case concerning flight MH-17 from the perspective of international aviation law.

    The obligation to close the airspace by the state exercising sovereignty over the airspace over conflict zones is not spellt out explicitly in the Chicago Convention. States responsible for the airspace should however close their airspace if the airspace in question is not safe for civil aviation. The critical question remains whether the state responsible for the airspace has all the relevant information at its disposal when making the complex decision about closing the airspace. In case of a non-international armed conflict non-state actors are not obliged under the Chicago Convention to share aviation safety related information with the enemy state responsible for the airspace under international law over the conflict zone.

    It is hereby proposed that binding regulations should be adopted either in the field of international air law or humanitarian law to the effect that during an armed conflict non-state actors co-operate in information sharing for the sake of guaranteeing the safety of (international) air traffic.

  • A legalitás és az opportunitás kérdésének dilemmája a pótmagánvád tükrében
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    The study is focusing on the principles of legality and opportunity regarding the so called substitute private prosecution and sets them against each other. In the study it is revealed that in case analyzing the growing importance of opportunity, under the Hungarian criminal process system – that is based on the principle of legality – there is a logical way to state that the two principles prevail rather together than against each other. The authors take a closer look on the rules of the current criminal process code, arising from the principle of opportunity and suggest a possible solution on the dogmatic problem how these two principles can exist at the same time in the substitute private prosecution.

    Based on rationalism, on the recommendation No. Rec(2000)19 of the Council of Europe and so that no conflicts arise from the provisions foreseen in the Framework Decision No. 2001/220/IB of the European Council, the study makes a suggestion to allow the victim to act as a substitute private prosecutor in case of authorities partially deny the investigation. However the authors’ suggestion is just the opposite (i.e. restriction) in case of authorities partially deny indictment. According to their suggestion the above mentioned allowance shall based always on reasonable and respectable circumtances and it shall be declared by the victim why the process at the court has to take place even if authorities were not of this opinion.

    When the authors are analyzing the problems caused by the principle of opportunity and legality, and when they make suggestions that the rules regarding the substitute private prosecution shall be modified, they try to draw attention on the importance of this process as a significant right of victims regarding access to justice. The authors are on the opinion that the legislator shall pay not just a marginal attention on the problem when the victims are entitled to act as an substitute private prosecutor.

  • A második bécsi döntéssel visszatért országrészek törvénykezési rendszere
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    Az igazságszolgáltatás szervezetrendszerének az 1940-ben visszatért keleti és erdélyi országrészeken történt újjászervezése jelenleg alig feltárt területe a magyar alkotmánytörténetnek, így e tanulmányomban a bírósági szervezeten keresztül megpróbálom bemutatni azt a hatalmas feladatot, amelyet a jogalkotó nyolcvan évvel ezelőtt végrehajtott. A terület jogrendszerének feltárására irányuló kutatásaimba nemcsak alkotmánytörténeti szempontból illeszthető be ez a téma, hanem a kiterjesztett magánjog érvényesülésének vizsgálatánál sem mellőzhető. Az ítélkezési gyakorlatot nagyban befolyásolta a bírók jogismerete, amely a magyarországi magánjog kiterjesztésének időszakában (1941-42) gyakran kérdésessé vált, és szorosan kapcsolódott a kinevezésük előtti jogászi tevékenységükhöz.

    Jelen tanulmányban azokat a változásokat követem végig, amelyek a két román megszállás (1918-19 és 1944) között mentek végbe az említett két, egyszerre visszatért országrészen, kiemelve azt az időszakot, amelyben ezekre a magyar állam fennhatósága terjedt ki négy éven keresztül. Felhasználom a vonatkozó jogszabályokat, levéltári dokumentumokat, valamint az eddig megjelent szakirodalmi forrásokat, amelyeknek – szándékom szerint – e dolgozat nem pusztán összefoglalása, hanem új megállapításokat tartalmazó szintézise.

  • A téves ténymegállapítás egyes pszichológiai aspektusai
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    Psychology plays a main role in the criminal procedure. The psychological methods started being used only in the 19th century. During the legal proceedings the autorities must deal with people. The behavior of the people is very different. The authorities must know the basic rules of the psichology to understand the accused people and witneses. The human memory has a lot of regularity. The knowledge of these regularities make easier the efforts of the authorities to get the truts. The importance of the pschichological knowledge in the legal occupation is unquestional. Overbearing police methods creat too high risk of false confession and are not likely to yield factually reliable information from the accused. A significant number of confessions that result in wrongful convictions are obtained through coercive questioning. This paper examines false confessions and discusses the psychological and social factors that influence the verdict in criminal procedure and how often do false confessions lead to miscarriages of justice. In determining the admissibility of confession evidence, the courts have to considere factors such as mental abuse in addition to physical force and threats.

  • Atipikus szerződések Magyarországon és Szerbiában
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    The paper analyzes the notion and types of atypical contracts, primarily in the Hungarian and
    Serbian law, but also in wider, European perspective. The analysis sheds light on the different
    terms used in different legal systems to denominate contracts that do not fit explicitly into the
    range of nominate contracts, that is into the range of contract-types envisaged by the civil
    code or code of obligations, respectively. According to the Hungarian legal literature, all civil
    law contracts are divided into two main groups: nominate and innominate contracts. The
    former group is further divided into the categories of typical and atypical contracts, while the
    latter into the categories of mixed contracts and de facto innominate contracts.
    The authors conclude that there is a tendency in Europe, both in the jurisprudence, the
    legislation and the application of law, to create a unified and coherent law of contracts, which
    affects the range of atypical contracts as well. Most notably, the Draft Common Frame of
    Reference, the normative proposal of the Study Group on a European Civil Code and the
    Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), contains model rules on franchise, timesharing,
    commercial agency and treatment contracts, just as rules on electronic commerce, on
    the one hand. The legislation of the European Union, on the other, aims at the highest possible
    level of harmonisation of laws which, from the aspect of protection of consumers and
    competition law, affects the range and statutory content of atypical contracts. Finally, the
    paper refers to a series of decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union that tackle
    certain features of the atypical contracts, whereby the Court in the determination of issues of
    contract law applies a rather functional approach.

  • A bírósági jogkörben okozott kárért való felelősség és az ügyvédi felelősség összehasonlítása a felelősségi mérce szempontjából
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tanulmány elsősorban a szerződésen kívüli károkozásért való felelősség egyik speciális alakzatára, a bírósági jogkörben okozott kárért való felelősségre koncentrál. Az utóbbi évek gyakorlata azt mutatja, hogy a bíróságokkal szemben indított kártérítési perek elhanyagolható hányadában marasztalják az eljárt bíróságokat a jogértelmezési vagy jogalkalmazási hibáikkal a feleknek okozott károk miatt. Indokolt ezért annak vizsgálata, hogy ennek a jelenségnek milyen okai lehetnek, valamint, hogy ezek az okok indokolják-e ezt a gyakorlatot. A vizsgálat eredményeként több olyan tényező is azonosítható, amelyek külön-külön is rendkívüli módon megnehezíthetnék a bíróságokkal szembeni igényérvényesítést, kombinálva pedig szinte lehetetlenné teszik azt. Ezen tényezők között elsősorban a kirívóan súlyos jogsértés doktrínáját, valamint a keresetet a jogerős bírósági döntések tartalmi immunitására hivatkozással elutasító ítéleteket lehet megjelölni.

    Kutatásmódszertani szempontból célszerű volt a bíróságok kárfelelőssége kapcsán tett megállapításokat szembe állítani az ügyvédség kárfelelősségének bírói gyakorlatával, ahol egyértelműen megállapítható volt, hogy a bíróságok sokkal szigorúbb elvárhatósági mércét támasztanak, mint a bíróságokkal szemben, holott a két jogászi hivatásrend társadalmi felelőssége és munkaterhe ezt nem indokolná. Összehasonlításra került a két jogászi hivatásrend kárfelelősségének történeti kialakulása, a felelősségük jogszabályi háttere és a kapcsolódó joggyakorlat, rövid kitekintést téve külföldi példákra is. Az átfogó elemzés alapján javaslatok megfogalmazására kerül sor a jogalkalmazás és a jogalkotó számára is.

  • Tisztességtelen kereskedelmi gyakorlatok – végrehajtás és gyakorlat az Európai Unióban
    Megtekintések száma:

    The first aim of this paper is to show the rules of the 2005/29/EC Directive on unfair commercial practices (hereafter: UCPD) on enforcement and the rules of the Member States of the EU on enforcement. The second aim is to show some cases on unfair commercial practices (from the European Court of Justice (hereafter: ECJ) and from national organizations too). This time „enforcement” means only „practice”, so this paper won’t deal with control or supervisory activity.
    At the first point there are the rules on enforcement from the UCPD and some rules of some Member States. At the second point there are the decisions of the ECJ. First, there are the decisions in connection with the implementation and the harmonization. Second, there are the decisions in connection with the rules of the UCPD and advertising. At the third point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with the UCPD. At the fourth point there are the decisions of the national organizations in connection with advertising.

  • A hamis beismerő vallomást eredményező befolyásolás a büntetőeljárásban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Often justice would be less miscarry, if all who were about to weigh evidence had more conscious of the treachery of human memory.

    The memory ideas of a person are objective reproductions of earlier experience or are mixed up with associations and suggestions. The possibility exists that police might obtain a confession from an innocent person in a crime he had never committed. It is even possible that false confession might lead to a false conviction.

    The power of suggestion devastates memory, and this remains entirely within the limits of the normal healthy individuality. If interviewing techniques were to be assessed in terms of the police claim that they are geared to an objective reach for the truth, then they would emerge as thoroughly deficient. The progress of psychological science can not be further ignored.

  • A hagyatéki és a végrehajtási eljárásban nem érvényesíthető ügyvédi munkadíj iránti igények
    Megtekintések száma:

    A gyakorlatban gyakran találkozunk olyan esetekkel, amikor a nemperes eljárás során, annak a bírósági jogorvoslattal érintett szakaszában kifejtett jogi képviseleti tevékenységet az eljáró bíróság nem ismeri el ügyvédi munkadíjjal honorálható teljesítményként és arra az álláspontra helyezkedik, hogy a fél a felmerült e tárgyú költségét saját maga köteles viselni, azt nem háríthatja át az ellenérdekű félre. A tanulmány a közjegyző által lefolytatott hagyatéki eljárás, és a végrehajtók által foganatosított végrehajtási eljárásokkal kapcsolatos bírósági jogorvoslatok, mint polgári nemperes eljárások kapcsán mutatja be az említett anomáliákat a bírói gyakorlatra fókuszálva. A szerző célja annak feltárása, hogy a judikatúra jelenlegi megközelítése összhangban van-e az irányadó hatályos jogszabályi rendelkezésekkel, vagy téves jogértelmezésről van-e szó.

  • A szabadság szabályozása és joggyakorlati szempontú értékelése, különös tekintettel az igény érvényesítésére
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tanulmány a szabadságra vonatkozó legfontosabb szabályokat járja körül. A célom az volt, hogy segítséget nyújtsak a munkavállalóknak és a munkáltatóknak abban, hogy ki rendelkezik a szabadsággal, mikor kell a szabadságot kiadni, hosszabb tartamú keresőképtelenség után jár-e szabadság, kiadható-e heti egy nap szabadság. Választ adok arra, hogy mi a teendő az év végéig ki nem adott szabadsággal, a munkáltató gazdasági érdeke indokolhatja-e annak megszakítását, lehet-e és mikor azt pénzben megváltani, és az ez irányú igény meddig érvényesíthető, azaz mikor következik be az elévülés. Bemutatom azt is, hogy mi a megoldás a munkaviszony megszűnése, vagy megszüntetése esetén, amikor a munkavállaló kevesebb, vagy éppen több szabadságot vett ki, mint ami időarányosan megillette volna. Fókuszba helyezem, hogy kinek mit kell bizonyítani az eredményes igényérvényesítéshez, milyen jelentősége van a munkáltató nyilvántartási kötelezettségének. A célom elérésében szemléltetem a szabadság európai uniós és hazai szabályozását és felhasználtam az Európai Unió Bíróságának és a Kúria néhány érdekes és irányadó döntését is. A téma végére érve arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy a bíróságok az eléjük kerülő egyedi ügyekben igyekeznek a jogszabály helyes értelmezését megadni, melyek precedens jellegüknél fogva más ügyekben is kötelező érvényűek.