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  • A személyiségi jogok védelme a reklámtörvény tükrében
    Megtekintések száma:

    There is a significant inconsistency within the domain of enforcement of inherent rights in the Hungarian regulation. The protection of the inherent rights is based on the section 75 of Act IV of 1959 (hereinafter: „Civil Code”), which provides that inherent rights shall be observed by everyone and inherent rights are protected by law.

    The lack of consistency can be led back to the difference between the provisions of the Civil Code and Act LVIII of 1997 on Business Advertising Activity. Under Section 85 of the Civil Code inherent rights may only be enforced in person.

    There are two exceptions to the above rule laid down in the Civil Code:

    • The legal representative of an incompetent person, or the relative or conservator of a missing person whose whereabouts are unknown shall be entitled to proceed in the protection of that person's inherent rights.
    • In the case of impairment to the memory of a deceased person, the relative and/or the person having been named as the heir apparent in the will of the deceased shall be entitled to file a court action. If conduct causing defamation to a deceased person (former legal person) infringes upon the public interest, the public prosecutor shall also be entitled to enforce this inherent right.

    The Act on Business Advertising Activity provides for several general advertising prohibitions and restrictions. Under Section 4 of this act advertising may not be published if it infringes personal rights, respect for the deceased or rights related to the protection of personal data. Under Section 16 of this act advertising control proceedings may be initiated upon request or ex officio. Based on the regulation of the Act on Business Advertising Activity advertising control proceedings may be requested by any person whose rights or rightful interests, or legal status is injured by violation of any provisions relating to commercial advertising activity. If the aggrieved consumer cannot be identified, or if enforcement of the claims is inappropriate considering the number of consumers injured, administrative agencies or non-governmental organizations providing for consumer interests shall also be entitled to initiate proceedings.

    When the regulations of the Civil Code on enforcement of inherent rights are compared with that of the Act on Business Advertising Activity, it can be established that provisions of the latter act are not in compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code. On the basis of the decision No. 1270/B/1997 of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, the inconsistency is not significant, the different regulatory of the mentioned acts is not unconstitutional. I take the view that in order to achieve consistent regulation the Act on Business Advertising Activity should be modified by prohibiting the advertising control proceedings initiated ex officio in relation to the advertisings which infringe personal rights.

  • A kisajátítás helye új magánjogi kódexünkben
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    The expropriation is a neglected legal institution in the Hungarian law, especially in the civil law. Although the expropriation usually appears in the civil law codes of the European states, it is ambiguous of the aspect of the civil law. However, it cannot be ignored that the civil law aspects of the expropriation are very important.In the civil law literature the expropriation is discussed either as the original way of acquisition of property or as the limit of the public property relations.My lecture is about the theoretical problems of the expropriation in the system of civil law. This article will provide an overview of doctrinal opinions about expropriation law in the delayed codification and in the new Hungarian civil law codex.

  • A szabadalmi jogi szerződés és hatásai a hazai jogban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Significant changes have happened on the field of intellectual property law in the last few years. The emphasis placed on the material relations and economy became stronger. These changes caused that creations of the man came into the limelight. Of course the legal background became also very important.

    We can feel the re-regulation of this legal field. Legal institutions became regulated in new Acts to be adjusted modified circumstances. There were several causes of the necessity of these changes. First of all, the new economic and social environment after the change of the regime claimed to modify the legal materials. On the other hand the international environment changed rapidly and it is still in progress. So the Republic of Hungary had to face with the obligations that are stated in international treaties and we had to put a strong emphasis on our member status in the European Union: EU regulations and directives. By now we can tell that re-codifying this area is over, we can only expect to small modification in the near future.

    Modifications in most of the cases prepared for the future. But it does not mean that we can count on a very crystallized legal material. In the dynamically developing world of IP law it is not rare to use smaller modifications. We have to examine the legal practice too, that helps us finding the correct way in the fast changing economical and social relations. Performing the harmonization duty, legislator could not always take into consideration the national significances, legal practice. The lack of examining these circumstances can cause modifications in the legal material.

    The Patent Law Treaty adopted at Geneva on June 1st, 2000. The provisions of the Treaty and the Regulations shall apply to national and regional applications for patents for invention and for invention and for patents of addition, which are filed with or for the Office of a Contracting Party. The Patent Law Treaty became applicable on April 28th, 2005.

    Hungary joined the Treaty at the beginning, because of the need in 2008 to change the Hungarian patent law. The Treaty suggests the European Patent Convention, however in many ways it is the complementary. The Treaty gives types of applications permitted to be filed as international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, divisional applications of the types of applications referred to in item.

    Earlier the rules of Hungarian patent law were complicated, the process of registry was less favorable for the patentee. The harmonization of process rules effects that the patentee cannot lose his patent rights. The new rules introduce an electronic process in patent law, which makes the process easier, cheaper, and faster. But not all the procedures became electronic: only the lodgment of petition. In the future that should be better to reach electronic procedure on every level.

    The harmonization of patent rules means liberalization, the notification will be easier and faster, which effected growth in the trust of business. Process rules need more harmonization in the future, and hopefully the final goal will be one global process at in all member states of the European Union. 

  • Atipikus szerződések Magyarországon és Szerbiában
    Megtekintések száma:

    The paper analyzes the notion and types of atypical contracts, primarily in the Hungarian and
    Serbian law, but also in wider, European perspective. The analysis sheds light on the different
    terms used in different legal systems to denominate contracts that do not fit explicitly into the
    range of nominate contracts, that is into the range of contract-types envisaged by the civil
    code or code of obligations, respectively. According to the Hungarian legal literature, all civil
    law contracts are divided into two main groups: nominate and innominate contracts. The
    former group is further divided into the categories of typical and atypical contracts, while the
    latter into the categories of mixed contracts and de facto innominate contracts.
    The authors conclude that there is a tendency in Europe, both in the jurisprudence, the
    legislation and the application of law, to create a unified and coherent law of contracts, which
    affects the range of atypical contracts as well. Most notably, the Draft Common Frame of
    Reference, the normative proposal of the Study Group on a European Civil Code and the
    Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), contains model rules on franchise, timesharing,
    commercial agency and treatment contracts, just as rules on electronic commerce, on
    the one hand. The legislation of the European Union, on the other, aims at the highest possible
    level of harmonisation of laws which, from the aspect of protection of consumers and
    competition law, affects the range and statutory content of atypical contracts. Finally, the
    paper refers to a series of decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union that tackle
    certain features of the atypical contracts, whereby the Court in the determination of issues of
    contract law applies a rather functional approach.

  • Az új Btk. időbeli hatálya az egyes általános részi rendelkezések tükrében
    Megtekintések száma:

    Act of 2012 on the Criminal Code came into force on the 1st of July 2013 after a long codification period.  A new Criminal Code always leads to problems in application of law, therefore, it is quite actual to make an examination on new provisions. Some classic provisions of the General Part remained the same, although the penalty system and some other regulations have been renewed. The temporal scope of the new code will possibly be in focus for years.

    The aim of this research is to take an examination on the case law and judicial decisions of Hungarian courts related to temporal scope of the new Criminal Code that is a significant part of this paper. The new Hungarian Criminal Code has been required to be prepared more severe than the former code. The other aim of this research is to revise the new provisions of the General Part resulting in statements about whether these new rules are more severe or more lenient than the Act IV of 1978.For this purpose a close legal interpretation shall be taken into account.

  • Az egyensúlyi helyzet megbomlása a szerződések jogában: az állam mint szerződő fél
    Megtekintések száma:

    Contractual relations mean balanced cooperation between the parties. Right and obligations on both sides are equal. This seems to be a classic essential of contracts. As of many among the terms and condition in contract law, special situations clam for a different perspective. This essay is about a unique problem in contract law that origins from the ancient dilemma about the role of the state in private law relations.

    State as a sovereign has original power and hierarchic connection to citizens. In the field of constitutional law, public administration law, criminal law it is necessary to transfer certain right to the state and allow it determining one-sided obligations that cannot be changed in a particular relation. The theory of state immunity failed in the 20th century in private law. Since jurisprudence makes a difference between the role of the state as a merchant and a sovereign, we cannot maintain the old immunity rights of the state anymore.

    In the essay we examine three specific questions in connection with state participation in contracts. The first part of our study analyzes the strange legal arguments in a famous Hungarian case, called the Subway case. In this case the reasoning of the Supreme Court denied the balanced elements in a private contract and accepted a redefined theory of state immunity in private relations. Although there is a strong political content in the story and right after the criticized decision the Hungarian Civil Code was modified to clear the facts, we want to prove that even today state participation can cause interferences in the coherent theory of contracts.

    A specific contract type is examined in the second chapter of the essay, the concession agreement. This contract is far from the balanced theory of party positions due to its unique nature and content. We emphasize many different aspects in mixing private and public law nature of provisions and rules. Concession agreement is an excellent example to demonstrate extra-rights on the side of the state.

    Finally we spare some words on authority contracts in which state authorities can manage debates in public administration procedures with using the private law nature of contracts.

  • Benedikt Carpzov két műve a debreceni levéltárban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy kultúrtörténeti adalékkal gazdagítson egy a 18. századi magyar büntetőjogtörténet szempontjából fontos kutatási témát. Benedikt Carpzov a 17. századi neves szász jogtudós magyar büntetőjogra gyakorolt hatásának mélyebb feltárása az egyes magyar bírói fórumok esetjogában a 18. századi magyar büntető jogtörténeti kutatások egyik érdekes irányaként határozható meg. Az eddig vizsgált büntetőperanyag alapján Carpzov műveit Debrecen szabad királyi városban is alkalmazták és két munkája fenn is maradt a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltárában. Jelen kutatás erre a két kötetre (közülük is elsősorban a büntetőjogtörténet szempontjából jelentősebbre) fókuszál és próbál meg minél több részletet feltárni különösen azzal kapcsolatban, hogy mikor kerülhettek a kötetek Debrecenbe. A művek vizsgálata, a debreceni büntetőperanyag elemzésén túl, azért lehet hasznos a „carpzovi hatás” kutatása szempontjából, mert a kötetekben található bejegyzések, aláhúzások és más szövegkiemelések vizsgálata segítheti annak megértését, hogy hogyan értelmezték a debreceni jogalkalmazók Carpzov műveit. Jelen írás bevezető tanulmányként a Carpzov-kötetekben található bejegyzések mélyebb vizsgálatát kívánja megalapozni és előkészíteni.

  • Új kihívások a középszintű államigazgatásban 2016-tól napjainkig A területi kormányhivatalok és járások továbbfejlesztésének főbb lépései és iránya
    Megtekintések száma:

    This paper deals with the alteration of sub-national representation of government. Nowadays in Hungary the aforementioned institutions are called county (capital) government offices. The overview gives rise to the following research questions:

    Who are these representatives and what is the role of territorial government offices?

    Why interesting the Hungarian administrative improvement?

    What the future holds?

    The study concludes that the Hungarian Government has a comprehensive plan on the development of public administration until 2020, and the government offices and their districts play a pivotal role in this plan.

  • Gondolatok az erkölcsi károkhoz kapcsolódó hozzátartozói igények megengedhetőségéről
    Megtekintések száma:

    On the very swampy field of damages for non-pecuniary loss there is a special problem called claims of relatives. These claims are also known as claims of secondary victims or third parties. In this legal situation the injury itself hurts not the claimer himself. The claimer has non-pecuniary or moral loss because of his connection with the injured person. He is not the direct and suffering subject but the one who has a loss in his personal rights.

    In Hungary the question is whether these claims can be permitted or not. During the changing structure of damages for non-pecuniary loss in the second half of the 20th century, this problem fitted to the actual judgement of moral damages. Now days the question is a little bit easier: in almost every decision courts admit the right of relatives to claim damages for an injury against there beloved relative, but in most of the cases they demand that plaintiffs has to demonstrate manifested losses not only the infringement of their personality rights.

    In this essay beside the Hungarian jurisdiction I examine German, French, English, Belgian and Dutch legal points of view too. The most interesting and – in my opinion – the one that can be useful for the upcoming new Hungarian Civil Code is the Dutch system.

    Dutch Civil Code limits the possibility of ‘third parties’ to claim damages for non-pecuniary loss as a result of the injury or death of another person. In typical cases the plaintiff would like to claim compensation because he suffered mental illness from witnessing the death of another person, namely a relative. This claim is not awarded by Dutch courts because of the prohibition of Civil Code, but the interpretation of the mentioned provision lives restrictively in jurisdiction. We can find two situations when the claim of third parties can be awarded. First of all, the claimant can only claim for damages, caused by a mental trauma because of being witness of an injury against another person, if he can establish that the aggressor (defendant) also committed an unlawful act vis-à-vis the claimant himself, which resulted in the trauma. It is really difficult to be demonstrated because of the causation required by BW. The process to verify that the aggressor, who committed an unlawful act against another person, causes the trauma is almost impossible in some cases. The second chance of the secondary victim to claim for compensation is if he verifies that the trauma amounts to physical or non-physical injury. If this is the case, the claimant can get compensation of his pecuniary loss (such as cost of medical treatment) and non-pecuniary loss on the basis of his non-physical personal injury.

    A famous case in Dutch case law is ‘Taxi bus case’. A 5-year old little girl was riding her bike close to her home, when a taxi bus overruns her. The bus actually rides over the girl’s head. The mother was immediately warned by one of the neighbours and found her daughter with her face turned to the ground. First, the mother called the ambulance hoping that the girl was still alive. When the mother tried to turn her daughter’s head to look her in the face, she experienced that her hand disappeared into the skull of the girl. The mother noticed that the substance next to her girl’s head was not, as she considered, her vomit, but appeared to be the girl’s brain itself. The mother suffered severe mental illness because of the shock of this sight and the realization. Dutch law is consequent in the question that there is no claim for non-pecuniary damages subsequent to death of a relative.  Taxi bus case was the first when Dutch Supreme Court awarded the right to compensation of non-pecuniary damages to somebody who lost his relative. The decision contained that the act committed towards the child, must also be regarded as tortuous towards the mother. The Court emphasized that there was a distinction between the consequences of the child’s death, for which no non-pecuniary damages may be awarded, and the consequences of the confrontation with the accident, for which damages may indeed be awarded. The mother received 14,000 Euros for non-pecuniary damages. This case shows that although in principle the plaintiff has a right to claim compensation for the exact damages he suffered, the courts are free to assess the damage in a more abstract way, if that corresponds better to its nature.

    Examining this case it is obvious that extra conditions are demanded to claim for non-pecuniary damages because of the loss of a relative. Only the fact of losing a close relative is not enough for a successful action. There have to be special circumstances, which demonstrate that the unlawful act made a direct effect to the plaintiff, who became the primary victim.

    The English solution is interesting because not only the relatives have right to claim but almost anybody who can verify a close relationship with the injured person. In my opinion this system ensures a more coherent and logical jurisdiction, because during the examination of authorization not only a legal fact – being a relative of the injured person – establishes the right to claim but a real emotional relationship.

  • Rendhagyó nyomozási bíró? A bíróság elé állítás jelene és jövője
    Megtekintések száma:

    The rules of Hungarian Criminal Procedure Code related to summary proceedings aren’t newfangled. Probably, due to the criminal policy needs, arise from that, recent years these changed considerably and in a sense went through “volte-face”. To emphasise the strong connection between this special process and the investigation, I review the rules of some surrounding states that apply to this, in order to point out in a constructive way the problems of the operative Hungarian regulations. I’d like not only to line up these for the Reader but – in search of optimal key – also make de lege feranda proposals.

  • Társadalomra veszélyesség megjelenése, alakulása és fogadtatása a magyar büntetőtörvényekben
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    Társadalomra veszélyesség a Büntető Törvénykönyv bűncselekmény-fogalmának talán a legtöbbet vitatott fogalmi eleme. A honi büntetőjogi felelősség megállapíthatósága körében kiemelkedő szerepet tölt be ezen fogalom. A 20. században a büntetőjog területén elismert jogtudósok között vita tárgyát képezte annak szükségszerűsége az éppen hatályos Büntető Törvénykönyvünkben.

    A rendszerváltást megelőző korszak szocialista büntetőjogában a társadalomra veszélyesség fogalma a büntetőjog “osztálytartalmának” kifejezésére szolgált. E fogalom a 90-es éveket követően – a büntetőjog tudományában, a jogalkotás és a jogalkalmazás területén egyaránt – megtisztult a szovjet jogból átvett, pártállami politika célokat szolgáló tartalmi elemektől. Manapság már olyannyira nincs ideológiai, párt-politikai jelentéstartalma a társadalomra veszélyesség meghatározásának, hogy a büntető-jogtudományban jártás jogtudósok jelentős része, és az ítélkezési gyakorlat is - a német dogmatikából átvett - materiális jogellenesség fogalmi megfelelőjeként tartja számon. (Újvári, 2003)

    Jelen írásomban a társadalomra veszélyesség fogalmának megjelenését és fogadtatását mutatom be a magyar büntető törvényekben és büntető-jogtudományban egyaránt, egészen az azt megelőző - formális jogellenességet alkalmazó - időszaktól a hatályos Büntető Törvénykönyvünkig.

  • A szabadságvesztés büntetés alternatívái a büntetéskiszabás tükrében
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tanulmány egy későbbi, sokkal mélyrehatóbb kutatás része, amelyben a büntetéskiszabási gyakorlatot vizsgálom. Korunk büntetéskiszabó gyakorlatának egyik központi kérdése a szabadságvesztést tartalmazó joghátrányok elhelyezése. A börtönök túltelítettsége nem csak Magyarországon, hanem az egész világon hatalmas problémát jelent. Az állam számára meglehetősen drága, a fogvatartottak számára pedig sokszor csak még erősebb eltávolodást eredményez a szabadságvesztés. Kiszakadnak a megszokott környezetükből, elszigetelődnek és más olykor sokkal súlyosabb bűnelkövetőkkel kerülnek kapcsolatba.

    A reintegráció, és az alternatív szankciók előtérbe kerülése megoldást jelenthet a büntetésvégrehajtási intézeteknek, azonban nem szabad feledni, hogy a szabadságvesztés bizonyos esetekben szükséges szankció. Az egyensúlyi helyzet kialakítása lenne az ideális, ahol a speciál és generálpreventív szándék is érvényesül. Ebben kívánok egy rövid, ámde összegző jellegű gondolatmenetet felvázolni. A célom eléréshez felhasználtam a múlt tanulságait, gondolva itt a különböző büntetőjogi iskolák és elméletek tapasztalataira, az eddigi sikerekre, kudarcokra, mellékvágányokra.

    A későbbiekben erre az írásra alapozva, mindenképpen egy átfogó jellegű, a büntetéskiszabási gyakorlatot részletesebben vizsgáló tanulmányt kívánok létrehozni. Addig is  néhány bírósági ítéletben próbáltam megtalálni azokat a tényezőket, amelyek a bírót meggyőzték, hogy egy alternatív szankciót alkalmazzon. Ezek olyan emberi tényezők, amelyeket nehéz jogszabályba foglalni, hiszen minden esetben más és más tényezők, de inkább azok összhangja jelentős.

  • A szociális jogok alkotmányjogi megközelítése a hazai és nemzetközi környezetben
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    The aim of the study is to demonstrate how many different legal approaches are there to the judgment of social rights. This varied approach lets us view the subject in several different perspectives, shading the evolving first impression.

    During my disquisition I analyzed how effective are the tools protecting social rights, that can help us to understand and accept the legal practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Doing this by not only approaching the question through legal theory, but also aiming to synthesize it with economic reasoning through a legal filter.

    This complex approach creates the opportunity for a new platform of analysis when examining individually each social right.

  • A második bécsi döntéssel visszatért országrészek törvénykezési rendszere
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    Az igazságszolgáltatás szervezetrendszerének az 1940-ben visszatért keleti és erdélyi országrészeken történt újjászervezése jelenleg alig feltárt területe a magyar alkotmánytörténetnek, így e tanulmányomban a bírósági szervezeten keresztül megpróbálom bemutatni azt a hatalmas feladatot, amelyet a jogalkotó nyolcvan évvel ezelőtt végrehajtott. A terület jogrendszerének feltárására irányuló kutatásaimba nemcsak alkotmánytörténeti szempontból illeszthető be ez a téma, hanem a kiterjesztett magánjog érvényesülésének vizsgálatánál sem mellőzhető. Az ítélkezési gyakorlatot nagyban befolyásolta a bírók jogismerete, amely a magyarországi magánjog kiterjesztésének időszakában (1941-42) gyakran kérdésessé vált, és szorosan kapcsolódott a kinevezésük előtti jogászi tevékenységükhöz.

    Jelen tanulmányban azokat a változásokat követem végig, amelyek a két román megszállás (1918-19 és 1944) között mentek végbe az említett két, egyszerre visszatért országrészen, kiemelve azt az időszakot, amelyben ezekre a magyar állam fennhatósága terjedt ki négy éven keresztül. Felhasználom a vonatkozó jogszabályokat, levéltári dokumentumokat, valamint az eddig megjelent szakirodalmi forrásokat, amelyeknek – szándékom szerint – e dolgozat nem pusztán összefoglalása, hanem új megállapításokat tartalmazó szintézise.

  • Az egészségügyi ágazati béremelés jogi aspektusai egy gyakorló munkajogász szemével
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    My essay analyses the rules of the wage-rise in the Hungarian health service system performed in two stages in 2012 and 2013. The difficulties of applying the rules and the continuous changes in the law are presented from a practical viewpoint.

    The personal and material scope of the raise in the health sector was the same circle: higher education institutions and religious institutions performing public mission that provide for in- and out-patient care. The wage-rise affected the employees having service relations with the above mentioned institutes in civil servant and commissionaire positions.

    In 2012 altogether86.000 persons benefitted from the raise (67.978 of them were directly involved in the healthcare), and 95.000 persons in 2013. The Act LXXXIV of 2003 distinguishes three groups of employees regarding the continuous and retroactive (ex post facto) raise of wages: doctors, graduates, pharmacists and health workers. In the case of these groups no uniformed wage scale exists, so different rules must be applied.

    The retroactive wager is in the case of the doctors depended on their salary, and the continuous rise was realized by a new wage scale. Other graduates and pharmacists gained a fixed rise. The retro active rise of the health workers was also fixed, the continuous wage rise was realized through a new wage scale and it depended whether their legal relation with the employer was established before or after the 1st of the July 2012.

    The complicated and frequently inaccurate regulation was corrected by the legislator, when a uniformed wage scale was directed to each group of employees in the September of 2013. A new sectoral wage scale was applied for the doctors and the health workers, and for other graduates and pharmacists the old public wage scale must be applied.

    Contrary to the uniformed regulation, there still remained legal institutions where the day/night duty, readiness, shift bonus, overtime must be specified according to the legislations in force on the 30th of June, 2012.

    Summing up, the legislator finally prevented the emigration of the highly qualified specialists by the execution of the wage rise in the last two years.

  • A magyar kollektív munkajog egyes jogértelmezési kérdéseiről
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    The primary and outstanding legal policy objective of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter Mt. with its Hungarian abbreviation) is to extend the opportunities of collective autonomy and the regulatory role of agreements concluded between entities subject to collective labour law. With a view to this, the content of the legal institution has been significantly altered, establishing a „complex system” of specific rules that are instrumental in generating a system. The Labour Code is very often characterised as an especially complex piece of legislation, a „law intended for lawyers”, though it is one of the laws that are widely referred to and used, applied by people other than lawyers, including the classic actors (entities) of collective labour law. Below I will underline five regulatory „contradictions” in the area of collective labour law, which due to the lack of sufficient clarity and various ways of possible interpretation might become the source of legal disputes and conflicts of interest between the entities of collective labour law. These critical observations and proposals - which are far from being exhaustive - are related to the conclusion, amendment and termination of collective agreements, and the exercise of certain trade union rights.

    Thus, in the paper I will analyse the issues related to the conditions of collective agreements concluded by multiple employers from the perspective of workers (trade unions); the contradictions of the situation of the trade unions becoming entitled to conclude collective agreements subsequently; the possibilities for a trade union losing its capacity to conclude collective agreements and its consequences for the workers (the rate of unionisation dropping below 10% at the employer concerned); the problems related to the various levels of hierarchy in trade union structures; and finally, I will discuss issues of establishing and calculating the working time allowance, the grounds for and problems of its application.

  • A biotechnikai találmányok hazai és nemzetközi jogi szabályozásának sajátosságai
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    In my study I say about that change, which became at the area of biotechnology. The revolution of DNS technology contain a lot of chance, but it has more danger. We need select from the modes.

    My column I checked what happens with the species the biotechnology invention flag. The first observation that the changes faster than other territories, and these changes are complex and interrelated. The post control and correction are also important. It’s got to be introducing the health nutrition compliance. The new products will not harmful for the human and animal health. The legal condition shall prescribe the human defense of human and animal body. One of the most important international convention in that question the European Union Council about the biomedicine. It said need consent of the persons concerned for the biotechnological research. Create new human species, and cloning of human beings, human body use for commercial is prohibited by this convention.

    In my opinion that need promoting the knowledge and biotechnical awareness of consumers. Must be regulated the relations between public order and public morality and biotechnical inventions. It is also necessary to ensure the patentability of biological matter. „Biological material” means any material containing genetic information and capable of reproducing itself or being reproduced in a biological system. Inventions which concern plants or animals shall be patentable if the technical feasibility of the invention is not confined to a particular plant or animal variety. The discussion on the patentability of sequences or partial sequences of genes is controversial. The 98/44/EK Directive, the granting of a patent for inventions which concern such sequences or partial sequences should be subject to the same criteria of patentability as in all other areas of technology: novelty, inventive step and industrial application. Whereas the industrial application of a sequence or partial sequence must be disclosed in the patent application as filed.

    The biotechnical patent need particular importance in the legislation. The Hungarian rules are conforms to the European Union legislation. However, certain additional rules should be laid down. Have to think about the control test in the patent process. The expert can see the applicability just on the test.

  • Hol a határ? - Gondolatok az aktív bírói szerepfelfogás egyes kérdéseiről
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    A polgári perrendtartásról szóló 2016. évi CXXX. a permenedzser bíró képét vezette be a magyar perjogban. E felfogás szerint a bírónak aktívan részt kell vennie az eljárás során, amely nem csupán a jogalkotó szándéka, hanem nemzetközi elvárás is egyben. A bíróság közrehatási tevékenysége elnevezésű alapelv arra hatalmazza fel és kötelezi a bírót, hogy a felek eljárástámogatási kötelezettségének teljesítéséhez járuljon hozzá a per koncentrálása érdekében. Ez azt is jelenti, hogy anyagi pervezetést kell alkalmaznia, amennyiben a felek perfelvételi nyilatkozatai hiányosak, homályosak, nem kellően részletezettek vagy éppen ellentmondóak. Ugyanakkor ez az aktív közrehatás semmiképp sem jelenthet jogi tanácsadást, ugyanis a bíró nem veheti sem a felek, sem a jogi képviselők feladatait. A bírói aktivitás célja a felek igényérvényesítési lehetőségének és a jogvédelem megfelelő szintű biztosítása. Az aktív bíró képe eredetileg az 1895-ben törvényi szintre ültetett osztrák szociális perjogmodellből származik. Azonban a magyar perjogtól sem idegen e felfogás, hiszen az 1911. évi I. törvénycikk (Plósz-féle Pp.) is szintén a bírói aktivitáson alapult. A tanulmány célja, hogy meghatározza az aktív bírói szerepfelfogás lényegét és rendeltetését. Ezentúl megvizsgálom, hogy milyen helyzetekben és milyen eljárási szakaszokban indokolt a bírói közrehatás. Továbbá elsősorban egyes jogértelmező testületek állásfoglalásainak elemzésével a bíró aktivitás korlátjait is meghatározni szándékozom.

  • Gondolatok a szerzői jogi törvény legújabb módosítása kapcsán
    Megtekintések száma:

    The Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright was amended by the Act CVLV of 2005 with effect of 15 April 2006 in compliance with the provisions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures and procedures to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (hereinafter: “Enforcement-Directive”). The Enforcement-Directive concerns the measures necessary to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights (copyrights, patent, trade marks, etc.). The Member States of the European Union had to provide for the proportionate measures and procedures needed to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights covered by the Enforcement-Directive. The amended and supplement provisions of the Hungarian Act on Copyright provide efficient shelter for the authors from the infringement of copyright law on the one hand and provide legal (procedural) guarantees for the potential infringers on the other hand.

    There are some new provisions which can be applied against the infringers not only by final judgment but also as provisional and precautionary measures. When a judicial decision has been taken finding an infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, the judicial authorities may serve the infringer with an injunction aimed at prohibiting the continuation of the infringement. The judicial authorities can serve the alleged infringer, or the intermediary whose services are being used by a third party to infringe a right, with an interlocutory injunction intended to prevent any impending infringement of copyright or neighbouring right, or to forbid the continuation of the alleged infringements of copyright or neighbouring right, or to make such continuation subject to the lodging of guarantees intended to ensure the compensation of right holder. The judicial authorities can be empowered to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence to their satisfaction with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or, that such infringement is imminent. The judicial authorities may order the publication or seizure of bank, financial or commercial documents. The judicial authorities may order the recall, at the infringer’s expense in appropriate cases, of the goods which have been found to infringe copyright or neighbouring right and may order that the goods which have been found to infringe the right, as well as the materials and implements used primarily for the creation or the manufacture of the goods in question, be disposed of outside the channels of commerce, without any compensation being due.  It can be also ordered, that the decision be displayed and published in full or in part in the newspapers or in the internet designated by the right holder.

    The most efficient protection against the usurpation can be satisfied by the parallel regulation of the civil and criminal law. The next steps to be done by the European Union are the criminal law provisions. Besides the regulations, consistent jurisdiction is necessary, in which the courts should play an important role.

  • A kötelező gépjármű-felelősségbiztosítás rövid története és alapvető jellemzői
    Megtekintések száma:

    Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles (motor insurance) is of
    special importance for European citizens, whether they are policyholders or victims of an
    accident. It is also a major concern for insurance undertakings as it constitutes an important
    part of non-life insurance business in the Community. Motor insurance also has an impact on
    the free movement of persons and vehicles. The first part of the study deals with the origin
    and the brief history of insurance, beginning with the ancient Rome. The second part tries to
    describe the main characteristic features of the motor insurance including its legal
    background – with respect to the directives of the European Parliament and the Council, and
    the Hungarian legislation –, its subjects, the conclusion and termination of the contract.

  • Ügyfél jogállás, bizonyításos mérlegelés és a megállapított jogkövetkezmények funkcióinak egyes kérdései a fogyasztóvédelmi hatóság eljárásában
    Megtekintések száma:

    This study focuses on the issues related to the procedures of the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection. The article includes the main questions from the field of administrative law, such as the problems of the legal status of consumers and the use of sanctions. I used contextual and teleological methods of interpretation to demonstrate the problems and the possible solutions.

  • A tudományos élet szabadsága a Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánybíróságának gyakorlatában
    Megtekintések száma:

    A tudományos élet területének fontosságát jelzi, hogy már alaptörvényünk eredeti, 1949-es szövegváltozata is szabályozta azt – igaz, sokkal inkább a tudományos élet állami irányításának, mint a szabad tudományos tevékenységhez való jog garanciájának benyomását keltve. Ma az alapjog jelentőségét elsősorban két szempontból, így a tudományos kutatáshoz való jog mint a tudományszabadság aktív oldaláról, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiája mint a tudományszabadság garanciájának passzív oldaláról ragadhatjuk meg. A kutatás szabadságának központi szerepét az Alkotmánybíróság nem csupán a múlt feltárásában, így a társadalom történetének tudományos feldolgozásában, de innovációs értéke folytán a jövő építésében, a társadalom szellemi és gazdasági fejlődésének előmozdításában látja. Ugyanakkor az is nyilvánvaló, hogy a tudományos kutatás, képzés és együttműködés szabadsága, alkotmányellenes korlátozásoktól való mentessége nem garantálható a tudományszabadság másik pillére, a felsőoktatási intézmények és egyéb tudományos központok autonómiájának alkotmányos garanciája híján. A tudományos élet szabadságához fűződő alapjog mind szövegmódosulásait, mind tartalmát tekintve nagy utat tett meg a szocializmus időszakát jellemző ideológiai célhoz kötöttségtől a jogállami átmenetet követő, tudományos kérdéseket érintő állami semlegességéig. Ezt az utat kívánja röviden dokumentálni, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiáját érintő két legutóbbi alkotmánybírósági határozat példáján szemléltetni a jelen írás.

  • A zálogjog és a hitelbiztosítéki nyilvántartás
    Megtekintések száma:

    Analyzing th esystem of mortgage we must reach back to the Roman Law. At that era it had been possible to pledge liabilities, rights and moreover aggregated asset, property. Mortgage is a long term institute of Hungarian Private Law as well. Paragraphs 251 – 269 of Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary regulates mortgage in the Law of Obligations, placed among collaterals. In the last two decades the old Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary has been modified twice. Act V of 2013on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary weakens but definitely rewritten the principles of lending. Regulation of mortgage and the system of chattel mortgage registry has significantly changed. Several novelty has been introduced therefore the system of chattel mortgage registry was reformed too. Detailed regulations of credit guarantee registry in Act CCXXI of 2013 and Act 18/2014. (III. 13.) KIM has also been accepted correspondingly to the previous changes.

  • A nyilvánosság elvének érvényesülése a büntetőeljárásban
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    Publicity, as a key principle of the criminal procedures, has been one of the major topics of the criminal procedure reform-movements since the 18th century. Publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indepence and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. In the Hungarian legal system, regulations concerning publicity are located on multiple levels, which means they are not integrated. This kind of disintegrationen dangers the legal certainty. This study introduces the legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning publicity and also detail show this principle appears in the constitutions of various European countries. Furthermore it examines the relevant legislations in force and the new Criminal Procedure Statute, which will come into force on 1st of July, 2018. Finally, the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations, in order to support the future legal-developing actions

  • A legalitás és az opportunitás kérdésének dilemmája a pótmagánvád tükrében
    Megtekintések száma:
    The study is focusing on the principles of legality and opportunity regarding the so called substitute private prosecution and sets them against each other. In the study it is revealed that in case analyzing the growing importance of opportunity, under the Hungarian criminal process system – that is based on the principle of legality – there is a logical way to state that the two principles prevail rather together than against each other. The authors take a closer look on the rules of the current criminal process code, arising from the principle of opportunity and suggest a possible solution on the dogmatic problem how these two principles can exist at the same time in the substitute private prosecution.

    Based on rationalism, on the recommendation No. Rec(2000)19 of the Council of Europe and so that no conflicts arise from the provisions foreseen in the Framework Decision No. 2001/220/IB of the European Council, the study makes a suggestion to allow the victim to act as a substitute private prosecutor in case of authorities partially deny the investigation. However the authors’ suggestion is just the opposite (i.e. restriction) in case of authorities partially deny indictment. According to their suggestion the above mentioned allowance shall based always on reasonable and respectable circumtances and it shall be declared by the victim why the process at the court has to take place even if authorities were not of this opinion.

    When the authors are analyzing the problems caused by the principle of opportunity and legality, and when they make suggestions that the rules regarding the substitute private prosecution shall be modified, they try to draw attention on the importance of this process as a significant right of victims regarding access to justice. The authors are on the opinion that the legislator shall pay not just a marginal attention on the problem when the victims are entitled to act as an substitute private prosecutor.