Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Táplálkozásmarketing

Published August 4, 2021



  • Examination of consumer preferences in relation to plant-based diet

    Today, non-communicable, chronic diseases have become the number one causes of death worldwide. But while the problem is receding in developed, more civilized countries, the so called civilization diseases have shifted towards less developed societies, thus spreading throughout the world. One of the main sources of the problem is unhealthy nutrition, so compiling the right diet can reduce the spread and severity of chronic diseases. Within the framework of this article, we deal with plant-based nutrition and its characteristics. Our aim was to get to know the motivations and opinions of those who consider themselves (to be) vegetarian, and to a lesser extent those of the omnivorous groups in relation to plant-based (vegetarian) diets. One of our main findings was that vegetarians follow a plant-based diet primarily for physical and mental health, with almost two-thirds strictly adhering to their diet and the price level of which they do not consider more expensive than the omnivorous diet. Another important result was that the majority of those who followed the plant-based diet declared their diet to be healthy and themselves to be health-conscious. Based on the results, it can be stated that the followers of the plant-based diet are very satisfied with their own diet.

    JEL codes: I10, I12

  • Analysis of the Affective and Conative Components of Consumer Attitude in the Image of the Pálinka

    The research aim is to explore the potential role of consumer attitude components in image development related to a traditional Hungarian alcoholic beverage, the pálinka. This study focuses on the effect of the affective and conative components of attitude on image of the pálinka. The relevance of this research is the expansion of the pálinka market in recent years and the change of the regulatory environment about homemade spirits. Distillate made at home, which product improperly called homemade pálinka, is very popular in Hungary. This study was supported by the data from a nationwide, representative consumer survey carried out in 2019 and 2020. A total of 626 subjects participated in this survey, the sample is representative for the Hungarian adult population according to gender, age group and region. To understand the effect of the affective and conative attitude components, we used Likert scales and graphically illustrate the consumer feeling and behavior about the homemade spirit and the “in-store” pálinka. The study confirmed the advantage of homemade spirit image over in-store pálinka, and points out the importance of education and information in the case of the affective and conative components of consumer attitude. The reconsidering of the marketing communication of the in-store pálinka producers is timely and very important; however, this task requires a comprehensive marketing strategy covering all three attitude components, and this is the only way for them to remain competitive.

    JEL Codes: M31

  • Specific Features of Health Awareness for 11-17-Year-Old Hungarian Students After the Millennium Based on Hbsc Research Data – Literature Review

    The aim of this study is to present the health behaviour of 11-17-year-old Hungarian students. In connection with this topic we analyzed international and Hungarian articles based on primer researches and the results of a Hungarian survey as part of an international research, namely „The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (HBSC). The aim of the research is to monitor health related habits and health status of 11-17-year-old students, to track temporal and international trends of survey results, and to explore factors influencing health indicators. In this study we present the results of health promoting (nutrition, physical activity) and health compromising behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption) and their characteristic changes based on five recent surveys (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018). During this study, we made a document analysis based on the previous Hungarian research results. The results showed a prosperous scheme, which predicts a slow but steady positive change, however there is still a long way to go. The biggest problem in the way of life of these children is the lack of conscious behaviour. Most of these children are not aware of the consequences of their lifestyle on their health.

    JEL Codes: I12

  • Investigation of Healthy Nutrition in Post-Adolescents Complemented with a Sociological Aspects

    In our rapidly evolving world, a healthy lifestyle has got more and more attention. The prevention and gradual development can never be begun early enough. In our research, we examined the healthy, moderate eating habits of post-adolescents complemented with sociological aspects. We performed primary and secondary data collection. We used methods like descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. In terms of sociologic factors, we examined some dimensions of detachment, which confirmed that university citizens are one group of post-adolescents. The healthy eating habits were analysed by food groups and social factors. During the cluster analysis, we separated 5 clusters and evaluated them by the factors. Based on the factor and cluster analyses, we found that university students consider healthy eating to be an important social value.

    JEL Codes: A13, I12

  • Investigating the Coffee Consumption Habits

    Coffee consumption is a widespread activity nowadays all around the world. It is a very popular beverage, with many variants as are known. Caffeine can cause many effects in our bodies. These include health benefits and adverse effects. According to 2018 data, the annual per capita coffee consumption in Hungary was 3.1 kilograms, making it the 24th largest coffee consumption country in the world. The aim of the research was to reveal the coffee consumption habits at the domestic level, based on the results of a questionnaire survey based on secondary data collection. In our research, we have also placed great emphasis on examining the beneficial and harmful health effects of coffee consumption. Our further goal is to explore whether domestic consumers are aware of the health effects of coffee consumption. Our hypothesis, defined in connection with our research, was, “Those people who frequently consume coffee are unaware of the health effects of coffee”. As a first step in our research we made a secondary data collection and our second step was the primary data collection. The basis of our primary research was the questionnaire we prepared, which was shared online. The size of the examined sample is 1 664 people. The sample population does not statistically represent the population of Hungary, therefore we do not consider the survey to be representative, the results are only exploratory. Based on our research, we found out that although most of the people who consume coffee often are aware of the beneficial and harmful health effects of coffee, this is mainly true for women, but less so for men. Men are more likely to know only the harmful effects. Our results have shown that those who are aware of all the health-affecting properties of coffee are not more conscious of the amount of coffee consumed than those who are unaware of only the good, bad, or both of the properties.

    JEL Codes: A13, P56

  • Qualitative Investigation of Salt and Sugar Free Nutrition in the Canned Vegetable Market

    “Free from” products as important components of a health-conscious diet are prevalent on store shelves. Our research is based on the analysis of the market situation and introduction possibilities of a potential canned vegetable that can even satisfy the needs of consumers for salt and sugar free meals. Secondary data and information collection provided the basis for further research. In the primary research, we used three qualitative methods, which were netnographic examination, expert interview, and focus group research. In the course of netnography, we examined consumer needs for salt and sugar free canned food on the Internet, mainly on social media, based on pre-collected keywords. The interview with an expert in the canning industry focused on the specificity of canned food and the position of “free from” canned food. Focus group research was composed to learn about the perceptions of university students about both canned food and their customers alike. Among other things, we have shed light on the fact that consumers associate the expression “free from” with the word health, but emphasizing “free from” nature of the product can create a sense of lack. Examining “free from” canned food, we found that young, time constrained, health-conscious consumers can be the target group. Due to the target market, we recommend promoting it on online platforms, where it would even be advisable to use educational campaigns.

    JEL Codes: M31, Q13