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Search Results

  • Examination of the organizational structure and the management functions of state-accredited football academies

    My research was aimed to investigate the organizational structure and the management functions of the state-accredited football academies in Hungary. The relenvance of this topic is given by the high amount of money flowing in to this sector, and the changes in the onganizational background. With the development of football, the clubs are working yet as companies, and this organistional frame requires a well planned structure. In my research I analized the operation of these organisations as companies, and I tried to answer the suggested questions about structure and leadership, with a comparative analysis of the academies highlighted by the national federation. I revealed what are the organizational problems faced by the academies, and which directions they have to follow to develop their companies, to ensure the safe, and long term operation. I choosed 3 from the 10 state-accredited academies to analyse their structure. The chosen clubs were the Várda Sport Egyesület, the Vasas Kubala Akadémia, and the Győri ETO FC youth base. It was important for me to represent an academy from each part of Hungary, to have the possibility to see some regional specialities. Through my study I investigated the responsibilities of the academy directors to see which were the key areas they had to enchance in their companies, and to define the differences in each organization. It was also my goal to reveal these differences have benefists or disadvantages for the operation. My main goal was to locate critical success factors needed for the modern, and proper operation. The research revealed that the three academies examined follow the traditional linear, functional organizational structure, but there are also differences in the definition of jobs and in the operation of the company. These differences are largely to be found in the local identity and the still ongoing development of the organizational background.

  • The role and opportunities of short supply chains - with a focus on the organizations of Hajdú-Bihar county

    An important basis for the development of new rural development practices is the re-creation of supply chains. SFSCs (Short Food Supply Chain) are also capable of breaking the system of long, complex industrial chains. In the case of SFSCs, producer-consumer relations are “shortened” and redefined. After exploring the literature, I came to the conclusion that short supply chains are receiving more and more attention nowadays, and more and more forms of operation are appearing in Hungary as well. The promotion of local products has been helped by a number of programs in recent years. I have found that the international literature presents the operation of RELs in the form of a case study. The primary aim of the study was to search for international examples that can form a basis of comparison for the organizations operating in Hungary, especially in Hajdú-Bihar County. After that, I presented specific networks operating in Hajdú-Bihar county, four networks were identified. Finally, I discussed the results of a questionnaire survey between REL members. In summary, 80% of the respondents believe in the viability and economical operation of RELs. Most identified the development of information technology as an area of operation to be developed. Farmers would be willing to strengthen direct sales in order to make product production economical. 88% of producers sell in local, producer markets. They are basically satisfied with the functioning of the producer market and also consider it economically satisfactory to sell on the producer market.

  • Employment during the Coronavirus crisis, experiences from the Northern Great Plain Region

    The impact of the pandemic crisis was particularly significant on the labour market. In our study, we sought the answer to what percentage of workers were brought into precarious conditions by the epidemic. Another question was in which industries were the organizations able to use the Home Office option and their practical experience. Based on secondary data, different economic sectors have been affected to different degrees by the viral situation, with low, medium and high levels separated by the literature according to the impact on emissions. Compared to the global average (50%), Hungary has a higher proportion of employees (60%) in the “high” or “medium high” sectors. According to German regional results, education, finance and telecommunications within the service are the areas where teleworking is most applicable to maintain continuous operation and employment. As part of primary research, we interviewed the head of an organization operating in a low-, medium- and high-impact sector in the Northern Great Plain Region. There was no significant change in the “low” category, in the case of “medium” the acquisition activity was pushed into the background, in the case of “high” there was a downsizing. Based on this, it can be said that the Pandemic catalyzed the digitization processes, the Home Office, which was introduced or expanded by force, presumably had a developmental effect on organizations, which effect cannot be left without a trace after the virus situation. The organization’s experience can be utilized if it returns to the “normal” wheelbase by eliminating the disadvantages and strengthening the advantages.

  • Development of online cost calculator aiding vehicle purchase

    Replacing conventional vehicles by vehicles that operated with alternative energy sources is a significant step towards sustainable development of transport systems and efficient energy management. In our research, Hungarian characteristics and peculiarities are analysed; special focus is given to the applicability of renewable energy sources. The road electromobility system has been analysed according to energy production, vehicle stock, charging facility and operational aspects. We found that initial higher share of plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) is gradually decreasing against that of pure battery electric vehicles (BEV). We investigated and compared electric vehicle cost calculators available online in English or Hungarian. We found that applications lack a drivetrain fitness evaluation method based on vehicle use. Accordingly, we have elaborated a conventional, hybrid and pure electric drivetrain type evaluation method, which is the main scientific contribution of the paper. The function was integrated into a new online cost calculator method in Hungarian, that may contribute to the spread of electric vehicles in Hungary.

  • The place and role of Debrecen style honey cake at the the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar county

    Debrecen style honey cake making has been registered in 2014 in the collection of Hungarian values of Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar county. Thus it is worth and reasonable to study the roots and history of honey cake making and especially Debrecen style honey cake making, as well as the future perspectives of the profession. The evolution process of honey cake as a traditional open air market product to its many current forms was long and exciting. Operation of the National Value Pyramid, history of honey cake making was investigated and honey cake makers working in Debrecen and Hajdú - Bihar County are introduced in the present paper. The efforts of the Folk Art Association of Hajdú - Bihar County have been summarised, including how it promotes the honey cake - with its thousand year tradition - to remain a popular product and how it supports its members. While innovation is always a key issue for professionals, ensuring that this product is made of (traditional) healthy ingredients stays popular are the foci of Hungarian honey cake makers.

  • Liquidity situation of the sports enterprises in Hajdú-Bihar country

    Sport is one of the industries with the greatest growth potential in the world. As in any other sector, there is a growing need for measurability in sport as well as numerical support for decisions. One of the determinative decision criteria of owners and leaders is financial data, which influences the operation of the company or the assessment of investment opportunities. In present research, we examined the liquidity situation of sports enterprises in Hajdú-Bihar County. We used the OPTEN database, which contains annual reporting data for sports enterprises. In order to be more manageable, sports enterprises were grouped by revenue categories and scope of activity, along which we managed the obtained liquidity datas by aggregating and averaging. Based on the results, it can be concluded that most sports enterprises operating in the county sports sector are privately owned micro-enterprises, which have a lower turnover category and the main activity is 931 Sports services. Their liquidity position is on average favourable, they show high growth potential and they are characterized by risk-averse behaviour.

  • The awareness and recognition of the tourism brand "Heart of the Hungarian Great Plain" and its attractions

    The objective of developing a geographical area is, first and foremost, the effective operation, the provision of an appropriate place to live and the well-being of its inhabitants, through the creation of appropriate economic, cultural, technological and ecological conditions. According to Ritchie-Crouch (2003), a tourism destination is competitive, if it has the capability for increasing tourism revenues, attracting tourists continuously, providing visitors with memorable experiences that meet their expectations, and furthermore, for profit generation. At the same time, however, the well-being of the local population must be maintained or increased by the preservation of resources for the future generations (i.e. keeping principles of sustainable development). The dynamic growth in tourism demand is also leading to increased competition between destinations. Intense competition also poses a challenge for the tourism marketing organization in the target area in terms of image building, product development and communication. However, the successful development of tourism can only be achieved through a well-functioning, well-cooperating system. Cooperation is needed both at regional and tourism product level. Although the slogan of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County as a tourism brand, the "Heart of the Great Plain" meets all the requirements for mottos, the recognition by travellers must be validated with market survey. A large sample (n = 1037) survey was conducted among domestic tourists visiting the destination in summer 2019. 71.6% of the respondents identify the county well by the brand “Heart of the Great Plain”, and the proportion of bad answers was trifling. In addition to the recognition of the tourism brand, the research also covered the assessment of the county's various tourism attractions. Twenty-nine tourism attractions were evaluated by the respondents as to whether they were visited or known. Based on the survey results, the well-known supply elements are Lake Tisza, Abádszalók, Jászberény Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cserkeszőlő, the spa resort, Tiszavirág Festival and RepTár, Interactive Aviation Museum in Szolnok. Although the awareness of county tourism attractions is considered favourable, twelve attractions had not been visited by 10% of non-county respondents until the date of surveying, and at least one quarter of respondents in each attraction were negative for a possible future visit. The conclusions of the research point out that by exploiting and developing the existing attractions in the destination, tourism innovation is needed to provide complex experience packages to reach a wide range of tourist segments. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of visitors.

  • Complex examination of employee health awareness and occupational health promotion opportunities for Debrecen employees

    Recognizing the importance of proper health, people have become increasingly responsible and aware of their health in recent decades. Maintaining health is a rewarding activity for both the employee and the employer in the long run. Investing in the health of employees is at the same time an investment in the successful operation of a company, as for most companies, the employees themselves are the key factors that determine a company’s profitability. Companies can gain a great deal by paying attention to the health of their employees, not only will it make it easier to attract and retain new workforce, but it will also increase employee efficiency. In order to preserve and improve the health of their employees, their health awareness needs to be developed, and employers can do a lot to achieve this process. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. There are countless opportunities for employers to promote health awareness, healthy eating and regular exercise among their employees. Exploiting the potential of corporate health promotion is extremely important and necessary, as it is a long-term profitable investment for both the individual and the company, so its widespread use would be warranted.

  • Sport, nonprofit and civil organisations: The investigation of employment and volunteering in Hungary and in Romania

    The civil organisations started to appear more often around the local regime changes in Hungary and Romania. Most of these civil organisations aimed to perform different tasks in culture, sports or other public purposes. At the same period in the two named countries, Hungary and Romania, a significant change began in employment. Before the regime changes in the two countries, the most important actor on the employer's side was the state itself. However, after 1989, private companies started to employ more employees and play a greater role in the labour market. At the same time, several civil organisations appeared on the local labour markets that could employ people. However, some of these organisations employed a few volunteer employees who covered most of the activities related to the organisational aims of these organisations. Volunteerism became more popular in Hungary and Romania as well. Volunteering is widespread in sport-focused civil organisations in connection with organising smaller or major sporting events. The study aims to explore the employment characteristics of the sectors concerned in the context of volunteering, particularly the study of non-profit and nongovernmental organisations active in the field of sport and measurable volunteering in the field of sport. Based on the hypothesis test results, it can be concluded that due to the different political past, there was indeed some delay in developing the civil sphere in Romania. In the case of both Hungary and Romania, the role of voluntary work is significant. In sports, the role of volunteers has become unavoidable in connection with the operation of various sports associations and sports clubs and the organisation of large sports events.

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