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  • Lightweight Multi-agent Framework for a Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network

    Sensor applications and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming a part of our everyday life. A number of network arrangements are used in WSN. In this paper, we focus on the cluster based network to help identify the issues associated with communication within such networks. We present a lightweight multi-agent routing framework for a cluster based WSN to resolve some issues associated with such networks. By using state- of-art protocol in a unique combination and categorizing cluster layers, we take full advantage of the properties of the selected protocols. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed method is light-weight in terms of energy consumption by the sensor nodes communicating information within a cluster based network. Nevertheless, high network throughput and robust data communication are also achieved.

  • Design of Neural Predictor for Performance Analysis of Mountain Bicycles

    In recent years, bicycle races, along with the crest of the high technology continues to increase. Because of this increased races, performance of bicycles, in both biological and mechanical terms, is extraordinarily important and efficient. In terms of the ratio of cargo weight a bicycle can carry to total weight, it is also a most efficient means of cargo transportation. In spite of advanced technology, there are still some problems on bicycles during working conditions and road roughness such as on the mountain from tire and mechanical parts. In this investigation, a extraordinary designed with fiber-carbon body and light bicycle is tested on mountain road conditionswith prescribed trajectory on the mountain for different elevation, speed, hearth rate, bike cadence and average temperature. The real time measured parameters are predicted with proposed two types of neural networks for approaching real time neural network predictors. The results of the proposed neural network have shown that neural predictor has superior performance to adopt the real time bicycle performance.

  • Secure Multi-level Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network

    The demand of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is on the raise due to its potential applications. The data transmission occurs via a wireless link by the sensor node in network hence these nodes are vulnerable to several outside or inside attacks. A WSN may works in an unfriendly environment therefore it is a fundamental requirement of WSN to secure the sensing data. In this paper, we focus on highlighting the security issues in a multilayer WSN architecture and provide a secure communication solution (combination of various state- of-art protocols) for it by considering the WSN constraints. We propose a multi-level protocol distribution method to enhance the security of the WSN under consideration via targeting and providing resilience to specific attacks at each level. The simulation and results show that by implementing our proposed method, the overall security of the network has been enhanced.

  • Hálózatba csatolt social network számláló egység

    Modern világunkban az információ gyors áramlása elengedhetetlen a vállalatok számára. Egyre több embernek jelent sokat a népszerűség. Számos cég és vállalat indított web lapot vagy csatornát a közösségi oldalakon, ismeretterjesztő, oktatási, kutatási vagy jobb kommunikáció céljából. A fentiek figyelembe vétele mellett került megtervezésre, egy hálózatba csatolt „Social Network” számláló, melynek révén aktuális értéket kaphatunk az éppen feliratkozott követők számáról. Az eszköz automatikusan frissíti az aktuális követők, feliratkozók számát, így mindig a friss adatokat mutatja.

  • A Review Regarding Deep Learning Technology in Mobile Robots

    Deep Learning usage is spread across many fields of application. This paper presents details from a selected variety of works published in recent years to illustrate the versatility of the Deep Learning techniques, their potential in current and future research and industry applications as well as their state-of-the-art status in vision tasks, where their efficiency is experimentally proven to near 100% accuracy. The presented applications range from navigation to localization, object recognition and more advanced interactions such as grasping.

  • Creating a Linux Based Home Cloud & Media Service by using Raspberry Pi 3

    Nowadays the microcontrollers are getting cheaper and easier to configure. In my project I am going to show you the best ways to share the data at home between your devices. My goal was to create a home cloud service with some extras only using some old laptop HDDs and a Raspberry PI.

  • Fault-tolerant Mechatronic Systems Development: a Biologically-inspired Approach

    Modern mechatronics embeds sophisticated control systems to meet increased performance and safety requirements. Timely fault detection is a critical requirement especially in safety-critical mechatronic applications, where a minor fault can evolve to catastrophic situations. In such cases it looks a high demand for more reliable, safety and fault-tolerant mechatronic systems development. The alternative to overcome all these bottlenecks was inspired from the biological world. By adapting the remarkable surviving and self-healing abilities of living entities it is possible to develop novel hardware systems suitable to fulfill in all the most demanding high reliability operation criteria’s and requirements. The paper presents a biologicallyinspired computing system based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) network developed for high reliability mechatronic applications. By choosing a design strategy relying on a multi-cellular concept which outlines the versatility of biologically inspired technologies, task allocation or reliability problems can be solved with high efficiency. Real-time simulations prove that by implementing methods that imitate biological processes, high performance fault-tolerant and selfhealing hardware architectures can be experimented and tested. The benefits of this approach are also confirmed by experiments performed on a laboratory-prototype hardware platform. The results underline that techniques which imitate bio-inspired strategies can offer viable solutions in high reliability mechatronic systems development.

  • Designing an ATmega328 Microcontroller Based Gesture-controlled IoT UGV Unit and Creating a Camera System Using Linux Distribution

    The topic of the research is the design and building of a UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle), which we can control wirelessly with a glove designed for this purpose. The design and use of this gesture-controlled robot can be observed in this summary. A camera will be installed on the robot unit, whose image we can query through the local network. Furthermore, the hardware and software for this camera system will be described as well.

  • Vibration Analysis and Optimal Design of Pneumatic Circuits Using Artificial Neural Networks

    Pneumatic systems are commonly used in industry processes and applications of automotion. These systems are make attractive power transmission with the compressed air, because of they are economic, clear, safe and simple structured.So in this systems, as noise and vibration effects, it’ s undesirable situations both human health and system performances yield and working life. In this study, vibration and noise datas are obtained from two type of pneumatic systems prototype which are classify metal and non-metal materials and performed an analysis with help of this datas and used neural network which has adaptive and quick contruction.

  • ROS OS Based Environment Mapping of Cyber Physical System Lab by Depth Sensor

    The 21st century is a century of Robotics and thus the appearance of robots in the industries made the “Industrial Revolution 4.0” in which we can control and analyse the system using HMI’s or wirelessly over network and it’s a great example of industry 4.0 component. Nowadays robots are very important part of industry’s processing unit as they have the tendency to work 24*7 thus increases the efficiency of processing and production unit.

     In our project a depth sensor (Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect) is mounted on a mobile robot whose main task is to map our Cyber Physical System Lab in 3-Dimensional which uses a ROS OS software installed on linux machine.

     The robot will use a Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) process to map an environment while currently generating an estimate for the location of the Robot.

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