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Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
1-6Views:200Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.
Brushless DC Motor Modeling Using Bond Graph Method and Control using LabVIEW: Speed control based calssical PID control
1-5.Views:283This paper aims to simulate and control a three-phase Brushless DC Motor. Bond Graph method has been used to obtain fast and simple dynamic model. The system has been controlled by classical PID controller. All the paper results were fulfilled using LabVIEW program.
Electric Vehicle Modeling and Simulation of Volkswagen Crafter with 2.0 TDI CR Diesel Engine: VW Vehicle 2020 Based PMSM Propulsion
1-6Views:465The Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) used by conventional vehicles is one of the major causes of environmental global warming and air pollutions. However, the emission of toxic gases is harmful to the living. Electric propulsion has been developed in modern electric vehicles to replace the ICE.
The research is aimed at using both Simulink and SIMSCAPE toolboxes in a MATLAB to model the vehicle. This research proposes a Volkswagen (VW) crafter with a 2.0 diesel TDI CR engine, manufactured in 2020. An electric power train, a rear-wheel driven, based on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) was designed to replace the front-wheel driven, diesel engine of the VW conventional vehicle.
In this research, a Nissan leaf battery of a nominal voltage of 360 V, 24 kWh capacity was modeled to serve as the energy source of the overall system. A New European Drive Cycle (NEDC) was used in this research. Another test input such as a ramp was also used to test the vehicle under different road conditions. However, a Proportional Integral (PI) controller was developed to control both the speed of the vehicle and that of the synchronous motor. Different drive cycles were used to test the vehicle. The vehicle demonstrated good tracking capability with each type of test. In addition, this research found out that there is approximately about 19% more benefit in terms of fuel economy of electric vehicles than the conventional vehicles.
Omnidirekcionális robot megvalósítása, dinamikai és mozgásszabályozási tulajdonságainak mérése
1-6.Views:96Ez a kutatás a National Instruments által forgalmazott omnidirekcionális platformok teljestő képességét foglalja össze.
Opportunities of Computer-aided Building Energy Consumption Design
1-5.Views:94Nowadays a significant part of energy is consumed in buildings. In order to reduce the energy consumption different retrofit technologies are applied. As every building and every energy consumer is different the same modernization technic can not be used for all buildings. This paper shows a computer aided opportunity which is able to simulate different modernization technic for the same building in order to the best opportunity can be selected. The paper highlights the advantages of computeraided building design and the opportunities of optimization techniques in a new under design building case. This paper also contains examples in order to introduce this modelling method.
Simulation of PMSM Vector Control Using Multisim and LabVIEW
1-7.Views:221This paper represents the simulation of field-oriented control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. Using Clark-Park transform and three PI controllers for controlling speed, direct-axis current, and quadrant axis current. As maximum torque occurs when the rotor field and stator fields are 90 degrees from each other. The goal is to bring the stator field always orthogonal to the rotor field. The simulation is performed using Multisim and LabVIEW software
Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Scalar Method and PID Controller
1-5.Views:260This paper presents the speed control of a three-phase induction motor using the scalar control method with PID controller. The system maintains a constant volt to frequency ratio for any change in the load. We also used vector control method and bond graph to describe the motor model, as well as its behavior. Finally, we simulated the system using Labview, where the good results of using the scalar control technique are shown.
Modelling and Simulation of Stepper Motor For Position Control Using LabVIEW
1-5.Views:1814This paper presents hybrid stepper motor (is a type of stepping motor) modelling and simulation which is widely used a kind of motor in industrial applications. In this study, the stepper motor was modelled using bond graph technique and simulation for desired position was executed on LabVIEW
graphical interface. Then, firstly a convenient PID controller was designed for position, speed and current and PID close loopresponse was obtained for position control. Then, PID parameters for each controller were arranged separately to obtain good response Secondly, Fuzzy Logic controller applied to
the system and its response was obtained. Finally, both responses are compared. According to comparison, it was observed that Fuzzy Logic controller’s response is better than PID’s. (In this paper, all shown responses were observed for 120 degree desired position) -
Robosztus objektumfelismerés mobil robotokhoz, Kinect szenzor segítségével
1-7.Views:106Geometriai jellemzőkkel megadott objektumdefiníció alapú objektum felismerő rendszer LabVIEWban kódolva, ahol a felvételeket Kintect szenzorral oldottuk meg.