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  • Questions of organizing working hours in regard to public holidays

    The study shows the dogmatic effect of the specific legal nature of public holidays on the organization and remuneration of working time. This effect can be seen in the duality that the public holiday affects (reduces) the duration of the parties' performance on the one hand, but also affects the conditions of actual performance, mainly because working time can only be prescribed under special conditions. But this duality also determines the dogmatics of public holiday pay rules: the legislature compensates for the reduced working hours due to public holidays, on the one hand, and the “inconvenience of work” that an employee performs on public holidays, on the other.

  • Book Review: Sipka Péter: Employer’s Liability in Theory and Practice

    Péter Sipka’s book was published in 2021 by HVG-ORAC under the title “Employer’s Liability in Theory and Practice”. On the one hand the author analyses the system of liability in depth, on the other hand the author widely describes the court decisions. Thanks to the monograph the reader can get to know the legal institution of employer’s liability for damage to employee’s health in its complexity. In addition to the examination of labor law, the connections between occupational safety and social security are also described.

  • The Importance of the Wage Guarantee Fund in the Framework of Labour Law Protection

    Act LXVI of 1994 on the Wage Guarantee Fund and the guarantee system regulated by it, is especially topical nowadays, as more and more employers in Hungary have become insolvent in connection with the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In many cases, the employers subject to the procedure are not able to meet their wage obligations to their employees, so the state must guarantee the values ​​that can be expressed in exact monetary terms – the work performed and its  financial compensation – and at the same time the social security of employees. In the present study, we examine the applicability of the Wage Guarantee Fund, which serves to cover the wages to be paid by insolvent employers, from the perspective of the social security and the enforcement of employees’ claims.

  • The framework for budgetary expenditure of local governments between 1993–2010 and after 2010

    The present study is an analysis of the budgetary expenditures of the Hungarian local governments between 1993 and 2010. One of its main objectives is the presentation of the most significant local public functions. The problem of borrowing and debt management of local governments cannot be ignored in this study. Based on the results of the study it is clear that the operational expenditures were pre-dominant meanwhile the local governments could not dedicate more money to the investment in different domains. The most important failures of the previous system were the unfavourable allocation of duties and the decreasing central support. After the adoption of the new Municipal Law, important financial changes put in place. As a tendency of the past few years it can be stated that the scope of local public tasks is narrowing (e.g. the primary education and the social security system were centralized) whilst the budgetary expenditures of local governments are decreasing. As a main conclusion the author states that the local financial autonomy was reduced during the last years.

  • Foreign Loan: Cross-border temporary agency work in Hungary, with special regard to the employment of third-country nationals

    The special feature of temporary agency work is that the employee does not work for the agency which concludes the employment contract with them, but for a third party, the user company, with which the agency enters into a civil law contract for the remunerated transfer of workforce. The article summarises how an international element can appear in this tripartite employment relationship. It covers the rules under which an agency may conclude an employment contract with a foreign employee and also the cases where the agency and the user company are established in different states. Although Hungarian law generally prohibits third-country nationals to work in Hungary as agency workers, this is made possible by an expanding range of exceptions. The article explores the labour law and social security law situation of third-country agency workers in Hungary.