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  • A mozaik színes üvegkockái: Recenzió Józsa Zoltán „Közigazgatás a 21. század elején” című kötetéről

    Sokszor ismételt – jóllehet kevésszer átgondolt, s inkább politikai felhanggal, mintsem szakmai megfontolás nyomán hangoztatott – közhely, hogy adott ország gazdaságának teljesítőképességét, versenyképességét döntő módon meghatározza, más hasonlóan fontos tényezők mellett, a közigazgatásának színvonala. A jó állam, jó kormányzás, jól működő gazdaság – legalább is a formál logika szerint – egymást feltételező fogalmak, jóllehet inkább normatív tartalmat sugallnak, mintsem tényszerűen bizonyított összefüggések láncolatát. 

    Van-e egyáltalán tértől és időtől (kontextustól) független ismérve a jó államnak, s a jó kormányzásnak? Ha van, mennyire univerzális ez a modell, s mennyiben szolgálhat útmutatásként az egyes – merőben eltérő adottságokkal és sajátosságokkal bíró – országok számára? Úgy véljük, az univerzális ideáltípus kergetése helyett meg kell elégednünk a realitással – s ez sem kevés.  

    Az egyes országok történeti múltja, alkotmányos berendezkedése, intézmény- és szervezetrendszere alkotja azt a vizsgálati terepet, melynek elemzése, ha nem is végleges, de viszonylagos érvényességű válaszokat adhat a kormányzás, a közigazgatás, a gazdaság és más társadalmi alrendszerek kapcsolatára.  

    Mi jellemzi tehát a 21. század közigazgatását? Milyen új célok, értékek, módszerek állnak az európai országok közigazgatásának működése középpontjában? A nemzeti sajátosságokon túl kirajzolódnak-e azok a tendenciák, melyek az eltérő jegyek mellett közös kihívást jelentenek az egyes országok számára? Van-e olyan elméleti vagy gyakorlati hozadék, amely a hazai közigazgatás szellemi hátterét erősíti, vagy gyakorlati működését javíthatja?

    Hosszan sorolhatók még az összehasonlító vizsgálatok szükségességét és indokoltságát alátámasztó érvek, melyek megerősítik a komparatisztika alkalmazásának rohamosan terjedő népszerűségét, szinte divattá válását. A szellemi profit nyilvánvaló, válasz adható a magát valamire is tartó tudomány alapkérdésére: mennyiben szolgálja a közigazgatás a társadalmi, gazdasági, kulturális jólét előmozdítását, a közérdek, a közjó érvényesülését, az egyének boldogulását?

    A Józsa Zoltán új kötetébe foglalt tanulmányok e kérdésekre keresik a választ, nemzetközi és hazai példák elemzése, feldolgozása révén.

  • European Public Administration of Consular Protection

    The organizational issues of European public administration are especially apparent when the cooperation between the EU and its Member States is considered. The regulation of administrative institutions and bodies is fundamentally a subject of national competence. The European public administration for consular protection is based on the cooperation of the organs and authorities on both levels of European public administration. It is regulated as a framework which leaves a wide range of freedom for Member States to settle the missing details and also leaves too much room for voluntarism. All this makes the system unpredictable and despite the application of the principle of loyal cooperation and solidarity, the European administrative structure of consular protection is incompatible with the rule of law and the principle of good administration, and even with the principle of loyal cooperation and solidarity.

  • Examination of Quality Management Solutions and Their Applicability in the Context of Right to Information

    With the growing importance of good public administration, the quality of information can be measured primarily through customer satisfaction. In order to provide a uniformly high level of information, it is possible to apply quality management standards and other solutions such as ISO 9000, citizen’s charts and excellence models. However, they are not always able to measure the quality of information in a targeted way, therefore the use of solutions based on customer feedback is required. However, the question arises, whether these classic quality management solutions can still be used in an environment where multi-channel access, electronic communication, automation and artificial intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in public administration and customer information?

  • Rule of Law – Active State: Reconstructing the Conception of the Rule of Law in Zoltán Magyary’s Theory

    Zoltán Magyary was an internationally recognised Hungarian professor of law who carried out research in modern theories of administration and state theories. Defending the values of the rule of law and taking action against the anomalies of legal formalism were among his major scientific goals. According to him, one of the most important functions of a legal system is the protection of human rights, therefore he accepted the view that courts must have the authority to review administrative decisions. At the same time, he stated that the effective and productive functioning of administrative institutions and the executive power is a priority in a legal system. Due to the fact that he did not provide a complete analysis of the correlation between the rule of law and the effective functioning of administrative institutions, he opened the possibility for posterity to give various and different interpretations of the issue.

  • The Client and Authority Proceedings in the Digital Era

    The study examines the digital transformation of Hungarian administrative procedure and the advance of automation. Based on statistical data, the study highlights that in connection with digital public administration procedures, the importance of customer-focused services appears as the standard of digital public administration. Digitalization is dominated by electronic contact options, online information and submission of electronic requests, rather than complete automation of administrative procedures. The study focuses on digital authority procedures from the point of view of how this manifests itself primarily for the client: how to satisfy the need for information, how to contact the authorities and how to initiate the procedure. In addition to the legal bases, this part primarily focuses on the possibilities. After that, the consequences of digital solutions (automation) for making substantive decisions from the customer's point of view are discussed; this part of the study therefore concentrates more on the normative side of the processes and finally analyzes this. As a result, it states that automatic decision-making is mainly used in case of registrative acts based on official records and decisions embodied in decision-type documents, but there are already examples of the automation of the decision-making mechanism in connection with the production of facts. Although more complex automation is just spreading its wings, in connection with the rapid technical development and innovations of recent years, the legal system must keep up with digitalization and not give in to it.

  • Approaching Possibilities of Quasi-Judicial Functions

    This article is about the possibilities of Quasi-Judicial Functions. The author bound administrative jurisdiction from court law enforcement.

  • The Role of the Local Goverments in the Changed System of Environmental Public Administration

    This study investigates the transformation of environmental protection as a specialized administrative duty in Hungary, with special attention on the (changing) roles of local self-governments in this area. Following the outline of the general correlations within the topic, the study inspects several individual administrative fields, with attention given to the relationship with environmental protection policies. Our plan is to extend this analysis in the future, in hopes of covering additional specialised administrative areas as well. Our firm opinion is that the solutions provided by the sectorial approach inherent in our administrative system proved to be ineffective insolving today’s global issues. To ensure an effective environmental protection strategy, the organizations of public administration must be involved with larger roles assigned to them. Although the methods of regulation in this area are diverse, the most widespread approach proves to be the direct administrative intervention, even nowadays.

  • Discretion in Taxation Procedures

    Besides decisions conditioned by law we have to examine decisions based on discretion as well. If vested by law with discretionary powers, the tax authority shall exercise such rights as consistent with the purpose of authorization and within the framework of law. It is very important how the framework is defined by the legislator and what kind of facts are taken into consideration in the discretion process (e.g. the nature and willfulness of violation). Discretion process must be separated from fairness, estimation, practice and interpretation of the law. In connection with remedy the extension and the detail of explanation in the resolution has high importance. The persuasion of the taxpayer is also a relevant question to investigate.