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  • Textual Empiricism and Analytical Legal Doctrine: Legal Analysis Sub Specie Linguae

    In the article the author outlines the basics of a legal methodology (called textempiricism and analytical legal doctrine), which is consistently language-oriented and empirical. It rests on a relatively simple, seemingly obvious assertion: in order to qualify as scientific proposition, legal propositions need to correlate to authoritative legal texts as empirical linguistic facts. This stance defines the necessary starting point for and primary direction of legal research as well as the terms of legal theorizing, or the methodological foundations of the critique of general legal statements.

  • Sustainable development in the EU: Review on Zsuzsanna Horváth’s Book

    Review on Zsuzsanna Horváth’s Book, the title Sustainable development in the EU. (Fenntartható fejlődés: Fenntartható termelés és fogyasztás az Európai Unióban. Dóm–Dialóg Campus, Budapest–Pécs, 2016.)

  • Rule of Law – Active State: Reconstructing the Conception of the Rule of Law in Zoltán Magyary’s Theory

    Zoltán Magyary was an internationally recognised Hungarian professor of law who carried out research in modern theories of administration and state theories. Defending the values of the rule of law and taking action against the anomalies of legal formalism were among his major scientific goals. According to him, one of the most important functions of a legal system is the protection of human rights, therefore he accepted the view that courts must have the authority to review administrative decisions. At the same time, he stated that the effective and productive functioning of administrative institutions and the executive power is a priority in a legal system. Due to the fact that he did not provide a complete analysis of the correlation between the rule of law and the effective functioning of administrative institutions, he opened the possibility for posterity to give various and different interpretations of the issue.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Salutatory

    Salutatory of the Dean of the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law.

  • Collision of Judicial Opinions in the Practice of the Curia

    This article examines the 2/2022 PJE Unity Decision of the Curia from the perspective of divergent theoretical and dogmatical views expressed in minority opinions. The case study compares the dissenting opinions and the majority opinion of the judges and aims at demonstrating the fact that theoretical disagreement between judges has a huge impact on legal practice and on the issue of how judges decide cases. The hypothesis of the article is that – in hard legal cases – the reason for the differing opinions is the different theoretical convictions of judges. It seems evident that two legal practitioners, who have different views on cardinal issues of law, such as the concept or the purpose of law, interpret legal norms differently. Using the method of qualitative case analysis, the article analyses the arguments appearing in the justification of the decision.

  • János Ede Szilágyi: Water Governance, Water Policy and Water Law (book review)

    Book-review from the book of János Ede Szilágyi, the title is Water Governance, Water Policy and Water Law.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • The General Theory of the State and the Relativity of the Force of Law – Comment on the Theory of Georg Jellinek

    This paper makes an in-depth examination of the theory established by Georg Jellinek who – extending the perspective of the jurisprudence of state law based on legal methods – was concerned with issues of public law within the frames of general theory of the state. The author will demonstrate the claim that the special concepts of Jellinek’s general and descriptive theory – like the „presupposition of factual validity” or the idea of the „state’s self-obligation to law” – are the results of Jellinek’s idea that there were no alternatives to the institutional system of the constitutional monarchy.

  • Environmental Mediation in Germany

    It has always been a difficult question for the State to ensure effective decision-making processes for instances where public participation is considered to be a requirement. This question might be even more essential when it comes to disputes concerning large-scale projects with environmental impact. When the public is affected by such project, the contractor must be really prudent, otherwise high number of litigation may be initiated afterwards. The very special form of mediation, the so-called environmental mediation may offer a solution to this problem, by allowing all participants to meet and discuss every crucial issues related to projects described above. It is also important to emphasize that not the same requirements apply to environmental mediation and to other civil law related mediation procedures. The aim of environmental mediation would not be less than to improve the quality of public bodies’ decisions.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Editorial

    In the preface, the content of the given issue is described by the editor in the form of 5-6 line article descriptions (annotations). In addition to the latest changes to the journal, here is the explanation of the Latin phrase on the back cover.

  • Implementation of the European Small Claims Procedure in the Member States of the European Union

    It has been seven years since the european Small Claims Procedure was introduced as a sui generis european procedure and an alternative to existing national civil procedures. However, it works in close interaction with national laws, as the regulation leaves many aspects of the procedure to national legislation. The article analyzes the legal instruments that serve the implementation of regulation 861/2007/ EC in member states, particularly the issues of mutual recognition and enforcement of ESC judgments, communication between the court and the parties, review and appeal of the judgment, and other specific issues. It concludes that knowledge of national procedural law is often vital to succeed in an ESC procedure in a foreign country. Smooth and efficient functioning of the procedure requires cooperation mechanisms not only among member states, but also among judges, lawyers, and enforcement officers.

  • Ideal image and the reality: the changing of career plan among stu- dents of law faculties in the university studies

    The present study examines how the image of profession changes for law students in the different stages of their connection with the profession. It assumes that at the beginning of their studies, law students have an idealised image of their chosen study program and the profession based on it. This image changes during the years of studying, and especially after graduation, it is shifted by work experience and by the factual state of the profession. Students of the Faculty of Law, especially law students identify themselves based on the internal and external elements of a prestigious profession, which was established hundreds of years ago. Due to their early career choice, their professional socialization during the first years at the university creates the ideal image of the legal profession, which they strongly relate to. The relationship of this ideal image to reality, and how different it is from the real situation of various professional groups of the legal profession is an important question. The present study answers this question based on the results of multiple empirical researches.

  • Rechtsphilosophischer Hintergrund der Generationengerechtigkeit

    Die aktuellen Bedürfnisse der heutigen Generation und die Lebensperspektiven künftiger Generationen sollten zueinander in einer Balance stehen. Das derzeit geltende Umweltrecht leistet die gebotene Konkretisierung/Operationalisierung erst in Ansätzen. Der Exkurs in (rechts-)philosophische Zusammenhänge macht deutlich, dass es im Umweltbereich intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit allenfalls dem Grunde nach geben kann. Als Konsequenzen der theoretischen Überlegungen sind die Notwendigkeit einer Institutionalisierung sowie eine Optimierung der (umwelt-)rechtspolitischen Steuerung unter Nutzung reflexiver Gestaltungsansätze abzuleiten.

  • Critical Remarks on the Acquittal of Vojislav Šešelj with regard to Instigation, Aiding and Abetting

    Vojislav Šešelj was acquitted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on 31 March 2016. The Trial Chamber of the ICTY assessed evidence on the recruitment of volunteers (who later became perpetrators of international crimes), the defendant’s extremist, nationalistic and public hate speeches, and drew the conclusion that he is not responsible for war crimes or crimes against humanity. The present paper discusses gaps and mistakes appearing in the judgement from the point of view of two criminal liability concepts: instigation and aiding and abetting. After briefly summarizing the standards applied by the ICTY, the author presents a reassessment of the facts referring also to the major arguments of Judge Flavia Lattanzi (dissenting).

  • The Ecclesiastical Percentage(s)

    Church financing is a multiple system. One of its elements, introduced in 1997, consists of taxpayers’ offer which is a determined part of their personal income tax. The study examines the regulation of tax management from the perspective of taxpayers and beneficiaries. This method of financing has an important budgetary consequence, i.e. the budget completes the sum of the allocation of personal income tax for Churches to a specified extent. The study examines several contradictions with respect to the application of this financing method.

  • Constitutional Foundations of EU Membership in Hungary Before and After the new Fundamental Law

    The paper examines the Hungarian constitutional framework which determines the relationship between domestic and EU law. The constitutional foundations changed in 2011 when the new constitution, the Fundamental Law was adopted. The former 1989 Constitution contained in Article 2/A the so-called ’European clause’ adopted before EU accession, which was referred to as the main constitutional basis of Hungary’s EU membership by the Constitutional Court. The new Fundamental Law contains a seemingly similar ’European clause’ in Article E. The paper scrutinizes the question whether the former and the new clauses are truly similar and concludes that opposite to the Constitutional Court’s point of view the new European clause should be interpreted differently from the former, which might lead to a different, less Europe-friendly approach towards EU membership.

  • On the Nature of Political Corruption

    This article summerize the essay of Samuel Issacharoff (Harvard Law Review , 124. 1/2010. (November), 119-142.)

  • New attempts in EU law for the improvement of the consular protection of EU citizens in third countries

    The right of EU citizens to consular protection in third countries, where their Member State is not represented, is one of the most significant rights attached to the European citizenship. With the existing legal basis laid down in the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the right to consular protection of EU citizens has all the conceivable chances to be established uniformly by union actions and under the supervision of the European Court of Justice. The aim of the Council Directive (EU) 2015/637 is to lay down the cooperation and coordination measures necessary to further facilitate consular protection to unrepresented citizens of the European Union. Nevertheless the directive does not affect consular relations between Member States and third countries. The present paper focuses on the actions had been taken in this field from the treaty establishing the European Economic Community until the achievements of the Treaty of Lisbon and the aforementioned Council Directive.

  • New routes, new tools for the legal regulation of the labour market? Comments on the monograph of Attila Kun

    Book review on Attila Kun's book, the title is "A munkajogi megfelelés ösztönzésének újszerű jogi eszközei" Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2014.)

  • Editorial

    The twenty-first issue of our journal is now in the hands of the esteemed Reader. Already at the start of the Pro Futuro, our editorial board set the goal of publishing issues in English from time to time. In 2019, we finally had the opportunity to do so.