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  • A nincstelenség konceptualizálása: elméleti megközelítés és gyakorlati relevancia

    Jelen tanulmány a nincstelenség (destitution)2 újszerű és kifejező társadalomelméleti fogalmát vizsgálja. A nincstelenség tágabb koncepciója alkalmas az esszenciális szegénység és a szélsőséges társadalmi kirekesztés ábrázolására. A nincstelenség újszerű társadalomtudományi megközelítése kihívást jelent a korábbi neoliberális, jövedelem-alapú szegénység vizsgálatokkal szemben, mivel a szegénységet a lakáspiac, a foglalkoztatás, a családi kapcsolatok és az egészség terén megjelenő deprivációk többrétegű kapcsolatrendszerén keresztül mutatja be és nem csupán a materiális tényezőkre összpontosít. Noha a nincstelenség az egyén szintjén megjelenő biológiai és pszichológiai deprivációk mentén is tanulmányozható, írásunk elsősorban a fogalom strukturális, szociálpolitikai dimenziójával foglalkozik és mindenekelőtt két területre összpontosít: a hajléktalan személyek és a papírok nélküli migránsok szociális jogaira és jogosultságaira. A nincstelenség fogalma számos szociológiai, filozófiai, közgazdaságtani és politikai tényezőt foglal magában. Jelen írásunkban a szociális munka és a szociálpolitika elmélete és gyakorlata mentén vizsgáljuk a jelenséget.

  • A Szociális Munka Énhatékonyság Skála magyar változatának reliabilitás vizsgálata

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the self-efficacy level of social worker students. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • Szociális csoportmunka módszerének alkalmazása a gyermekek szociális kompetenciáinak fejlesztésében

    The case study provides practical experiences of the socialization group session implemented among primary school children: from the presentation of the key points of the planning process to the analysis of group work. The main goal of writing my paper is drawing attention to the possibility, importance and effectiveness of social group work as a method, as opposed to preferred case work.

  • Eszközfejlesztési kísérlet az iskolai bántalmazás megelőzésére

    Everyone has probably encountered school abuse in their life, if nothing else as a spectator. These abuses may cause huge damages in a small child and having an effect on their socialization and psychological health, not only in their childhood, yet later, moreover in many cases they lead to suicide. Despite all of this, unfortunately, there are few well-elaborated methods and devices to prevent bullying, and they are not generally known in education either.

    These thoughts had an inspiring effect when, within the framework of interprofessional project work, the sensitizing box as a tool, aimed at preventing school violence, and the related methodological proposal was created. The purpose of the tool is to integrate pedagogical and social work knowledge and offer teachers and social workers an effective opportunity to raise the topic and deal with the problem. The methodology uses the principles of experiential learning and prevention, adapting to the frameworks that are given to teachers and kindergarten and school social workers who appear in a school and encounter violence.

    The study presents the process of the development work, there commendation for the use of the tool and the results of testing with groups of children.

  • Az együttműködő iskolai szociális munkás
    The study examines and analyses the main issues of school social work in multi-dimensional approaches in  Hungary : deals with circumstance of re-start, professionality, competences and main services of schools social worker. There are in focus: the competence of collaboration,the essence, terms, advantages and disadvantages of interprofessional collaboration.
  • Az óvodai és iskolai szociális munka bevezetésének tapasztalatai szolgáltatásvezető, szakmai koordinátor és a szolgáltatást gyakorló szociális munkás összegzésében

    Based on our experience we introduce the results, difficulties and challenges we have faced in the establishment and operation of a service that started in 2018. Our work is intended as a feedback link to train social helpers in kindergarten and school, reflecting from practice to theory, hoping to contribute to the complex functioning of the so-called 'theory' and 'practice'.

  • Reflections on six decades of professional social work fundamental principles for social workers

    What principles have I found to exist over my six decades of social work that are central to the profession and are still applicable in today’s complex world?  What has guided social work in its quest to address the myriad, ever changing and most difficult problems facing our societies irrespective of the continent or country?  In my professional journey these practice guides can be synthesized into 13 basic principles that can serve as a strong foundation and are still highly useful today. In my over 55 years as a professional social worker, studying the individuals and writers who were seminal to the profession to those who emerged during the mid-20th century, certain principles emerged.  These principles arose from both practice and academic areas and have provided grounding and guidance that has led to the successful delivery of social work irrespective of the decade or location.

  • A közösségi részvétel komplexitása: szakmai szempontok a közösség meghatározására és bevonására

    This paper compares the perspectives of six professions -social workers, lawyers, nurses, physicians, psychologists, and public health professionals- on ways to improve the health and social conditions of a prototypical low-income urban community. It examines how the cohort defined and deliberated on the process of involving “the community” in addressing issues facing a hypothetical neighborhood, even when the question was not part of the research guidelines. A framework for constituency participation emerged from the data and was further developed to include 5 components: “who, why, when, ways and what level.” The type, level, and meaning of community was complex and multi-faceted, raising critical questions about professional-community relationships and the role of community development practitioners. Ultimately, community participation was identified as both difficult and transformative at the same time. Attention by community practitioners to the “five Ws framework for constituency participation” may maximize positive outcomes for collaboration between professionals and community.

  • A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata

    The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.

  • Epizodisták főszerepben – a szenvedélybetegek testvérei

    In this study I take a closer look at siblings of drug addicts. We can find similar researches about parents and spouses, but rarely about siblings. The purpose of this study is to bridge this gap. In this research, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the Blue Point Foundation Sibling Group, and one interview was done with a non-member. The interviews were processed with thematic analysis.

    Results: The results show that substance use was negatively altering the relationships between siblings and family members. In all cases siblings were aware of substance use way before their parents. They feel responsible for saving the drug user family member. Substance use negatively affects school achievements, work performance and day-to-day life of those around the user.

    Conclusion: I would like to raise the attention of professionals and parents for the need of helping siblings of drug users.