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  • A művészetterápia szerepe a serdülőkori depresszió kezelésében
    As social workers we frequently meet teenagers who are suffering from some type of depression. Of course social workers cannot heal them, or use therapy, but we do have to do everything in our power to form a trusting relationship with them as our clients. They need to communicate with us, which is already a challenge when it comes to the relationship between an adolescent and an adult. My project’s goal was to find the use and role of art therapy in our work with clinically depressed adolescents.
    In my research I write about the typical signs and forms of depression, and explain a few theories about the cause of the illness. Then I introduce different types of art therapy, mainly focusing on their use in social work. I examined different methods in art therapy and made a few recommendations about how they could be used in working with depressed clients.
    During my work I was very careful not to overstep the lines of social work. As I said, we cannot cure depression, but we can use certain tools of art therapy as a bridge between the social worker and the client whose age and illness makes it even more difficult to build a trusting relationship.
  • A szociális életpályamodellel kapcsolatos dilemmák

    The social sector has been in crisis in many respects because of adverse changes in recent decades. There is a shortage of qualified social workers, high staff turnover, precarious working conditions and a steady decrease in the resources available to the sector. The development of human resources has therefore become an urgent necessity. The social careers model, like career models in other sectors, could contribute to the development of human resources in the social sector and the efficient functioning of social institutions and services. However, dilemmas about the career model have emerged in recent years, dividing the profession significantly. In our study, we set out to explore these dilemmas and, using the focus group interview method, we sought to find out what social professionals think about the career model, which has been taking shape for almost a decade. Would they support the introduction of a career model, and if so, under what conditions, and what tools would they include in the model to improve the efficiency of the sector and the quality of life of social workers. Our research shows that employees in the social sector have highlighted a stable and predictable salary and incentive system guaranteeing existential security as a key element of a modern career model. The guarantee of working conditions has emerged as a new, usually unusual and indicative of fundamental shortcomings element in the career models. However, the majority of respondents expressed reservations about the introduction of a performance appraisal system and the use of performance management in the sector. Only a minority of the focus group argued in favour of career management, an appraisal system that recognises quality work and professional innovation, and a service system that supports human resource development.

  • Egy jobb élet reményében : Magyar hajléktalanok Bázelben

    This paper aims to introduce the living conditions, the migration-related motivations and the fulfilment of previous expectations of Hungarian homeless people living in Basel. The research was based on participatory observations conducted in social institutions as well as on semi-structured qualitative interviews carried out with both homeless people and social workers. The main findings of the study reveal that the Hungarian homeless community is rather heterogeneous considering the member’s age, background and the general circumstances of living. Despite of this heterogeneity, the common language and cultural background create a relatively strong bond among the affected people. Although Basel is not a primary target of economic migration, the tolerance of the authorities and the people, and the favourable living conditions  affect a lot of Hungarian and other Eastern-European destitute people to the city. The previous expectations for living a better life and finding a job are regularly not fulfilled and people are often trapped in homelessness and poverty for a long-run.

  • Nők lakhatási válságban

    This review takes a closer look at the Women and housing: Housing solutions responding to the special needs of women study written by Fanni Dés and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. The authors ask how the housing crisis in Hungary affects women and what solutions can mitigate these effects. In the review, we summarize this study and discuss additional research areas worth analyzing. We identify the three most important contributions of the study. First, the authors connect the housing crisis with the oppression of women and by doing so, they can address the housing crisis within its social and economic context. Second, due to their qualitative methodology, the authors throw light upon the human face of the housing crisis and the vulnerability of women in it. Finally, by providing a guide to institutions and local governments, the study helps mitigate the effects of the housing crisis on women.

  • A szociális munka etika oktatása

    How does the teaching of ethics appear in the education of social work and is this enough? I would like to answer to these questions in this article. In my thesis I tried to approach the topic from several aspects. On the one hand, I prepared questionnaires for bachelor students participating in various social work trainings. On the other hand I interviewed students, entrants and tutors. Finally, I reviewed the curriculums of these trainings, searching for subjects, which name refers that the subject includes aspects of social work ethics.
    Why is this topic so important? That is because social work is a profession of human rights, which not only aims to get people to respect rights but to guarantee their implementation and realization. Indeed, the task is to develop and protect these fundamental human rights, too. However, this is only possible if the social workers are aware of the Code of Ethics and the professional values, as essential parts of professional competences.
    The research concluded that the ethics education in universities and colleges is not structured and focused enough and still there are some social work students and professionals who do not know the Code of Ethics, did not hear about the Association of Social Work Ethics. Consequently, they may have difficulties to solve pivotal problems, and recognize dilemmas in the field of ethics.
    Nincs szociális munka szakmai etika nélkül. Ebben valószínűleg mindannyian egyetértünk, ahogy a szakirodalomban is olvasható „…a szociális munkában minden döntés tartalmaz etikai aspektusokat” (Loewenberg, Dolgoff 1988a: 181). Mégis, annak ellenére, hogy a szociális munkának szerves része a szakmai etika – vagy annak kellene lennie –, igen kevés tanulmány található ebben a témában a hazai szakirodalomban. Hogyan lehetséges az, hogy úgy kell kutatni, vadászni a kapcsolódó olvasmányokat? Pedig szükség lenne szakirodalomra, hiszen a „hatékony gyakorlat feltétele a dilemmákhoz való tudatos viszonyulás” (Andok, Tímár 2002: 88). Hogyan jelenik meg az etika oktatása a képzésben és ez mennyire elegendő? Erre a kérdésfeltevésre épül ez az írás.

  • Tudás a szociális munkában – az elmélet és a gyakorlat viszonyában

    The study analyses the nature of knowledge in social work for better understanding the distance („gap”) between theory and practice. It provides a systematic synthesis of the theoretical interpretation and framework of social work knowledge furthermore summarizes the connection between this knowledge and the social work practice in Hungary. The spectrum of social work knowledge can be classified by numerous aspects, but it covers a much wider area than the theoretical or practical character of knowledge. The authors anticipate that each aspect of this knowledge has relevance for social work, therefore the deeper analysis and understanding of their roles can contribute to reducing the gap between theory and practice.

  • Mondd, hogy vagy így? (Like a Rolling Stone)

    The study seeks to understand what benefits homeless people – based on their own explanations, perceptions – attribute to the place they chose to spend their nights, and often their days as well. What factors influence their choice in where they spend the night, where they sleep. We answer these questions through analysing almost 6200 responses to the annual national February 3rd survey.

    Our research reveals that for homeless people – just like for others – the factors influencing the choice of accommodation range wider than its primary, physical conditions, like a roof, heating, possibilities for sleep and shower, or fulfilling other basic needs like accessing food. Other characteristics defining a home (such as security, autonomy and freedom provided by privacy) are equally important.

    Professionals working with homeless people can build on understanding the differences between the motivation, preferences of values between homeless people sleeping in various services or on the streets when weighing the advantages of a certain type of accommodation or when deciding whether to “go sleep in a shelter” or “stay outside”.

  • A társas támogatórendszer jellemzői a Nyíregyházi Család- és Gyermekjóléti Központ által nyújtott szolgáltatások igénybe vevői körében

    The study was carried out in Nyíregyháza Family and Child Welfare Centre with clients. I thought that those families who are in connection with the organization, supporting less connected, as those families who do not use the service. In the study, the characteristics of the social support system is described in terms of social work, and I discuss the confidential relationship between the child's parents is the importance of the inclusion of the questionnaire was applied to five name-generator situations. The method reveals that in some cases, who are the persons who rely on the people, or is there any person on whom they can rely on. I examined two generations, parents and children during my research. First of all I took into account the age of the children, aged 11 to 18 years covered in the study population. I think that would be the tools of social work to expand the use of the name generator method.

  • Demens időseket gondozó családtagok és szakemberek kölcsönös szerepviszonyulásai

    In the case of the elderly with dementia, the study examines how the network of carers who have an informal or formal relationship with them changes over time and how the relationship between them develops. According to the theoretical starting point of the writing, the individual is surrounded by a network of caregivers (“convoy”) during their career (mostly in old age), and caregivers shape their own and the other party’s caring roles during their interactions. Empirical research has examined the history of the division of labour between family members and professional caregivers by means of qualitative interview, the more memorable interactions affecting the division of labor, and their perceptions of caregiver roles among the family members and professional caregivers of the elderly with dementia.

  • „Mást tudnék csinálni, de hogy nem szeretném, az biztos!” Szociális munkások 2006-tól 2017-ig

    How do social workers see their work, their calling? What changes did they go through, and how did they value these? To have an answer, I interviewed 13 social workers of a city in 2006 and in 2016 and 2017.

    The interviewees have already changed their workplace and gone through other changes in their life, which they experienced differently. Most of them showed alternations in their attitude toward their work, one-third presented prolonged changes in their internal thinking and personality. They sense and follow changes in their profession, and in the society. Almost all of them think that they have the opportunity to find a new job either up to their circumstances or their personal qualities.

    The outcome of this research can contribute to the general opinion about social workers’ career path, about which information is usually gathered during their studies.

  • The usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of the needs of families with children with disabilities

    Background: A child’s disability changes the family and has an impact on the quality of life of all its members. Consequently, the family’s needs change as well, especially when it comes to their need for support.

    Goal: The goal of this study was to map how families with children with disabilities perceive the usefulness of the sources of formal and informal support in the context of family needs, as very important feedback for social work and social policy as major actors in formal support.

    Methods: The study was conducted using a quantitative research strategy. The relevant data was acquired using two standardized questionnaires – The Family Support Scale (FSS) by authors Dunst, Jenkins and Trivette (1984) and The Family Needs Survey by authors Bailey and Simeonsson (1988). The sample of respondents was comprised of 493 parents of children with disabilities, out of which there was a much larger number of women – mothers (N= 427) than men – fathers (N= 66).

    Results: The results of the study suggest that for families with children with disabilities, the most dominant need is the support from their relatives, while they also feel an increased need for finances. In terms of the perception of the usefulness of sources, informal support was more dominant, and the support of a husband / wife / partner and close relatives was determined the most useful. The study proved the existence of various statistically significant links, such as the link between informal support in the form of parent groups, financial needs, and the need for support from the community.

    Conclusion: The study proved an important fact – that whichever kind of formal, but mainly informal support has a direct influence on the extent of the satisfaction of needs. The presence and usefulness of sources of support positively impacts the satisfaction of family needs.

  • A szakmai identitás, mint a szociálismunkás-képzés egyik kulcskérdése

    Social worker identity development is a key to helpers’ effectiveness. Institutions of higher education have their own systems to assess knowledge and skills. Measuring attitudes, and emerging autonomy and responsibility remains a challenge, though the developmental level of these latter components are fundamental to the motivations and reflectivity of the practitioner.  Identity Structure Analysis is a method to explore the main elements of professional identity, identity formation and dynamics. Our sample included 57 social work practitioners. Our results indicate that a degree in social work, research and critical thinking were considered of secondary importance as compared to continuous professional development opportunities.  Self-awareness trainings and clinical supervision were identified as key training resources. Based on our results, curriculum development should include considerations on professional identity development. Continuing professional education, trainings, mentoring, and clinical supervision are essential resources for social worker practitioners during their career.