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  • Assimilation and Acculturation Processes in the Study of Inter-Ethnic Marriages

    Inter-ethnic marriages present a captivating arena for examining assimilation and acculturation processes, where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds merge their identities. This article delves into the dynamics of inter-ethnic marriages in the Turkestan region of Southern Kazakhstan through the lens of assimilation and acculturation theories. Utilizing data collected from 45 interviews across five villages, including Zhana Iqan, Hantagy, Shornak, Turki poselkasy, and Kentau, the study explores various aspects of daily life such as language usage, religious practices, traditions, cuisine, and ethnic values. Research questions probe how individuals negotiate cultural differences in their interactions and interpret multicultural coexistence through assimilation, acculturation, and dissimilation theories. The hypothesis posits three cohabitation patterns -acculturation, assimilation, and dissimilation- equally valid within the same cultural and geographical space. Employing qualitative methods including interviews and surveys, the study uncovers patterns of adaptation and the degree of assimilation or acculturation within relationships. By analyzing data through the prism of assimilation and acculturation theories, the study sheds light on how cultural elements are integrated into daily routines and decision-making processes within inter-ethnic marriages. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how individuals navigate cultural diversity within marital relationships, enriching scholarly discourse on multiculturalism and societal relations.


       The reality of the child's life is through bodily experience. The early-motion reflex correction program builds on body experiences. It is very important for the body to move consciously, feelings, body experiences, and feedback are important. According to Fodorné, it is not generally necessary to provide an ingenious environment but to develop sound stimulation programs during motion development. Progress should be considered in a dynamic system approach. The system is part of the whole personality of the child, physical and mental abilities, personal and physical environments, etc. The absence, multitude, excess, and unpredictable imbalance of the stimulus can have consequences. The theories of phenomenological thinkers, neuroscience, INPP movement, and psychology research are analyzed.


    Starting from the idea that treating a problem is done more efficiently when we address the causes that generated it than when dealing with symptoms, respectively from theories that claim that most of the mental disorders have their roots in the mother-child relationship developed in the early childhood, through the paper entitled A Theoretical Perspective on the Therapeutic Role of Children's Folk Songs we intend to argue the more use of songs from children's folklore in music therapy. Thus, in the first part of the paper, we bring to the attention of the main theories that demonstrate the importance of the mother-child relationship from the early childhood in order to a healthy evolution of the child from the point of view of its psychic development, with special emphasis on their expression through vocal singing. In the second part of the study, we propose to approach the defense mechanisms from the perspective of the positive functions that it performs in the case of normal persons, as a defense mechanism and defense behavior. In the third part of the paper, we present an analysis of the repertoire of songs from the children's folklore from the perspective of the content of ideas, of the structure of the melodic line, of the specific rhythms, as a mirror of the relationships that children develop with themselves and with others, in particular with my mother. In the fourth part of the paper, we argue the use of songs from children's folklore in music therapy in order to trigger certain memories from the first childhood so that the traumas that have not been overcome are then treated properly. The paper concludes with some final considerations.


    The purpose of this paper is to discover the way Reggio Emilia addresses special needs children. This research will discuss several theories from educational psychologists such as Vygotsky, Gardner, Piaget, Bronfenbrenner, Bruner, and Dewey that are used in the Reggio Emilia approach. The Reggio Emilia approach can help special needs children optimize their learning ability, facilitate learning through experience, and give them the opportunity and courage to try something new. Thus, the purpose of this article is to investigate the extent to which the Reggio Emilia approach can aid in the development of special needs children's creativity, as well as to inform the community about the form of early Reggio Emilia education for special needs children.