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  • Experiences of School Social Work in the Light of Research

    In the last twenty years, school social work has received increasing attention both in Hungary and internationally, and there is a growing need for the presence of a social professional in educational institutions. Since the mandatory introduction of the service, several empirical and theoretical studies have been published on the subject, which report on the practical experience and the insights of the professionals. In our research question, we looked for the answer to the experiences of the operation of school social work, in studies that were born in the first three years of the mandatory introduction. The selected six studies were analyzed on the basis of three aspects which is the integration of the social worker in the institution, the number of hours spent by the social worker at the school and the characteristics of the development of professional collaborations. The document analysis reveals that the social worker's personality, clear competence boundaries, the number of hours spent in the institution and the level of interprofessional cooperation have great importance for the integration of professionals into educational institutions. The present study aims to contribute to the theoretical foundations of a comprehensive empirical study of the current functioning of Hungarian school social work.


    More than 1000 public educational institutions maintained by the church work in Hungary currently, therefore recently the denominational public education has turned into a current question again. The expansion can be originated for several reasons, to which as a starting point the law of 1990 may be considered which takes action on the freedom of conscience and religion. As a result of this since the change of the regime, the church has become a school maintainer, too, which means new challenges and continuously sets new expectations for it. Denominational schools as publicly financed institutions have to meet their educational mission with the states and the school selectors’expectations. Several researchers have examined the determinants of school selection on both international and national levels (Bell 2009, Denig et al. 2009, Dronkers 1995, Ferenc-Séra 2001, Kertesi 2014, Korzenszky 1997). We may presuppose that the school - as the device of social mobility - shows the opportunity for the child's prosperity in the parents' eye. The determinants of selecting a school may be changing in each country and age, yet there are factors that can be considered relatively constant like the residential area, the parents’ social status and educational level, their piety and cultural capital, their faith in the school as the device of social mobility, their image of the future and their knowledge on the opportunities of selecting a school. Furthermore, the content and coherence of the family may also be determined. We may assume that the motivation of the school users selecting either a denominational or a state or a foundation school can be different. Also, it can be probable that the school level –primary or secondary– influences the attitudes of school selectors.   The aim of the present study is both to show the results of a questionnaire empirical research conducted among students choosing schools maintained by the church, and by putting the results in an extended conceptional framework to find such social correlations that may help to recognise the expectations and scruples drawn to the churches as school maintainers.


    The study aims to present and compare school social work in Hungary and the United Kingdom. The aim of the research is to get to know the activities in the two countries in more detail, pointing out the similarities and differences in practice. The research questions shed light on the conditions of the operation of social work in Hungarian and British schools, the cooperation of the social worker with the educational institution, and the activities carried out there. We conducted semi-structured interviews as a method of research with 14 social workers in close contact with schools and specifically school social workers. The operation of mental health teams organized in educational institutions not only serves to protect children but the establishment and coordination of such a professional team can also increase the acceptance and influence of the school social worker in the institution.


    Hungarian statistical surveys, as well as previous research, point out the disadvantages experienced by persons with disability and a reduced work capacity on the labour market, due to which their employment falls behind the employment of the average population. In the background of these drawbacks, there are partially negative attitudes in the society and among employers which are based on prejudices. On the other hand, in the course of the integration and permanent employment of persons with disability and a reduced work capacity not only the accepting attitude of employers but also that of employees is essential. Employment policy instruments may facilitate the economic activity of the disadvantaged labour market groups but they may need their employers to help them further with employment, integration and work. The expected or received help of the open labour market or its degree do not always meet. No empirical research has been done into this topic yet. The aim of my research is to explore the attitude, approach, and knowledge of workers in social institutions in three districts of Hajdú-Bihar county and of the inhabitants in these districts regarding persons with disability and reduced work capacity. Questionnaire research was conducted, and altogether 747 persons (408 workers at social institutes and 339 citizens) were interviewed. The present study focuses on the exploratory-like results of the research which reveal the test groups’ familiarity with and knowledge of the application of those HR management tools that can further the employment of persons with reduced work capacity. The study assesses the results based on the following variables: sex, school qualification, position, previously gained knowledge about the reduced work capacity and work experience with persons with reduced work capacity. The results of the research suggest that for persons with a reduced work capacity the organisations mainly ensure the personalised field of work, preferential working hours, and accessible work environment, but it is not certain to be enough for the permanent employment of the target group as due to their mobility difficulties they would really need support to get to their work as well.


    The role of the family as the arena for primary socialization is significant throughout our lives. The cultural capital, parental role models, and relationship with siblings all have a tremendous impact on academic and non-academic achievement, social networking, intra- and intergenerational embeddedness, and employment during studies. However, a change in family structure can negatively affect a child’s development, decrease his or her academic and non-academic achievement (Engler, 2016), and also causes a higher prevalence of health risk behaviours (Kovács and Nagy, 2017). In addition, due to the lower level of financial capital provided by the family, young people who have grown up in a non-intact family structure are often forced to work during their university or even high school studies to ensure their self-preservation. In our research, we examined the attitudes of the students studying at the University of Debrecen towards family and work in the light of the family structure, covering childhood storytelling experiences (BEST 2020). In addition to demographic issues, changes in family structure, childhood storytelling habits, and work-related attitudes were examined (N=159). 25.6% of the students’ parents are divorced, 24.3% grew up with their mother. 86.5% of the parents read tales in childhood, mostly (75%) every day, typically mothers. No significant difference could have been detected in childhood storytelling experiences based on family structure (p=0.322). Although the ratio of employment is higher among children of divorced parents, a significant difference is found at the beginning of employment. Based on the results, parents try to support university studies at least partly, but they are unlikely able to provide other resources that could force students to work. Based on our results, it can be stated that the role of the family in the early employment of young people is also significant, and the change in the family structure increases the proportion of employment besides university studies, which is mainly due to the family's financial situation.


       Development is a continuous process influenced by several factors. If practitioners would like to ensure children's and young persons' optimal social and emotional development and school performance, they have to monitor both development and academic achievement from early childhood until the age of 19. In the UK, more than one million children struggle with speech, language, and communication problems so early identification is of vital importance. If identification is missed or late, it may have detrimental effects on the child’s or young person’s psychological, mental, and physical health. Multi-agency teams work in collaboration in order to provide relevant help to those in need.


    Compared to other social groups, persons with disabilities are at higher risk of poverty. One of the reasons for this can be explained by the labour market situation of people with disabilities, as their employment is extremely low, their livelihood is primarily ensured by social benefits. One of the main guarantees of achieving an adequate standard of living is income from work. The higher qualifications the employee has, the higher the chance is to have a job that suits his/her interests and abilities. However, persons with disabilities tend to have lower educational qualifications than members of the majority of society, and their higher education is particularly low. In order to achieve equal opportunities, persons with disabilities may take advantage of allowances and subsidies in the course of their higher education as well as their studies. Using qualitative, semi-structured interviews, the research explores how services promoting equal opportunities at universities facilitate the higher education of students with disabilities, support their job search and their integration into the labour market. The research also comprised the examination of how the family background or previous (primary and secondary school) studies influenced the higher education of the interviewees. Based on the research results, it can be stated that promoting equal opportunities at universities contributes to the successful completion of studies as well as participation in the labour market eventually. The family, the parents, studying in an integrated framework play a crucial role in the decision of a student with disabilities to continue his/her studies at university.


    In the publication, we examined recreational activities, highlighting the role of physical recreational activities. For our study, we constructed an online questionnaire, which was completed using social media (N = 158). Our results confirmed that people consider regular exercise important to maintain health (94.30%), however, in their free time, in addition to physical recreational activities, there are also activities that strengthen a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Our respondents meet their friends the most in their free time (69.62%), but many also play sports at this time (64.56%). Popular leisure habits are also the internet, playing online games (55.06%), and reading and learning (46.83%). The most popular physical activity among our respondents is cycling (66.46%), walking, Nordic walking (64.55%), and running (60.13%), and the most popular locations are parks and sports fields (55.69%), however, many perform these activities on their way to work and school (42.41%).


    Because of the three religions are involved in the social life in Israel, not only the society and everyday life are very complex, but its educational system as well. The religious, political, cultural, and economic diversity of society has left a strong impression on education, including the educational provision of minority students. The topic of the writing is the education in Israel, including the most disadvantaged group, the past of the Bedouin pupils and their current situation. Nowadays, Bedouins make up one-third of the Negev population (210,000 people) who have been constantly turning from semi-nomadic lifestyles into living in the past decades. About 90,000 people live in unknown villages and camps, which in itself poses serious difficulties for Israeli education policy. The article gives an overview of the changes in Bedouin's social situation in the past 60-70 years, the circumstances of the first school, the effectiveness of the Bedouin pupils, their opportunities for further education, and its characteristics. In order to understand the functioning of the education system, it is essential to know about teacher training and the characteristics of the teachers who work in Bedouin schools.