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  • Seed dispersal and habitat preference of the endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus L.) and larger goose species in the Hortobágy National Park

    Several studies found that waterfowl are important endozoochorous dispersal vectors for plant species. Germination of the seed content of their droppings provides valuable information on their diet and also on their role in seed dispersal. Our aim was to analyse the seed dispersal potential of the critically endangered habitat-specialist Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) in their autumn and spring staging areas in Hortobágy National Park. The study was supported by the LIFE10-NAT/GR/000638 project. We also studied the seed dispersal potential of larger generalist goose species foraging in the same areas, such as Greater White-Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons Scopoli) and Greylag Goose (Anser anser L.). We asked the following questions: (i) Which habitat types are the most frequently used by Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species? (ii) Is the different habitat preference of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species reflected in the seed content of their droppings? (iii) Are there seasonal differences between the seed content of spring and autumn droppings? We identified the most frequently used feeding habitats. We collected 40 droppings of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species per site in April and October 2012, in total we collected 720 droppings per species. Droppings were concentrated and spread on trays filled with sterilised potting soil. Samples were germinated in a greenhouse from April to November 2013. In total we germinated 21 plant species from the goose droppings, which suggests that goose species play an important role in seed dispersal. We found that Lesser White-fronted Goose dispersed more species typical to alkali habitats, and fewer weeds compared to larger goose species. Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species used a wide range of feeding habitats, thus, they play an important role in dispersing seeds between habitats along a moisture gradient. Total species number and species number of plant functional groups were higher in autumn droppings. Seed content of the droppings suggests that Lesser White-fronted Goose is confined to natural habitats, thus for the effective protection of this critically endangered species it is crucial to preserve its natural feeding habitats.

  • Distribution and flora of areas with alkaline and saline soils in the Mezőföld, Hungary

    Areas with  alkaline and saline (solonetz and solonchak) soils occupy substantial areas in the westernmost, Trans­danubian part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Mezőföld). To this date, the flora and vege­tation of only two localities have been studied in some detail, while the rest has remained largely unknown in this respect. In this paper, I provide brief descriptions of these little-known areas and present a list of halophytes with distribution data from the last 17 years. The names of the plants are followed by the name of the township and the geographical location where the plant was found, the code of the grid cell of the Central European Flora Survey grid that includes the location, and in selected species, the year when the species was first recorded. The list is arranged in alphabetical order irrespective of taxonomy. The occur­rence data indicate that the floras of these saline-alkaline areas represent only subsets of, but in combina­tion are almost identi­cal to the overall flora of similar habitats in the Sárvíz plain.

  • Data on the pioneer vegetation of the Lake Velence

    Lake Velence is one of Hungary's largest saline lakes. Part of its natural dynamics is that certain parts of the lake bed regularly dry out, providing pioneer surfaces suitable for the emergence of plants of the mudflats and drying (saline) ponds. During the particularly dry year of 2022, the water level was per­manently and significantly low, allowing to study the vegetation of the dry lake bed. In the first half of the last century, the natural vegetation of the lakeshore (including salt steppes) was studied, but there are very few records of the pioneer species of the lake bed. The salt steppes around the lake have now largely declined, but due to low water levels, some of their characteristic species are still present in the lake bed (though, usually in low number of individuals). Examples include Crypsis aculeata, Cyperus pannonicus, Suaeda pannonica, the once abundant Suaeda prostrata, and the previously rare Crypsis schoenoides and Spergularia salina. Spergularia maritima was once widespread but currently not found in the lake bed. Although, Schoenoplectus litoralis is not a member of the ephemeral vegetation, but is a characteristic plant of the littoral zone of Lake Velence. This species probably appeared therein the middle of the last century and is currently spreading.

  • Data to the flora and vegetation of Hungary II.

    We report the occurrence data of 45 vascular plant taxa collected at various localities in Hungary (Duna–Tisza Interfluve, Tiszántúl and South Transdanubia) during floristic, vegetation and ecological field surveys mostly between 2013 and 2016. Many of these plants are included in the ’Red list of the vascular flora of Hungary’ (e.g. Astragalus dasyanthusErodium ciconium and Lotus angustissimus). We primarily focused on the occurrence of rare plants (e.g. Apium repensEpipactis bugacensis and Trifolium strictum), plants that appeared in unexpected places (e.g. Medicago arabicaPolypodium vulgare and Polystichum setiferum) or have a phyto-geographic importance (e.g. Piptatherum virescensRanunculus psilostachys and Tamus communis).

  • Floristic data from the central part of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (E Hungary)

    This paper reports new floristic data of 207 taxa. Data collected between 2005 and 2015; originated from the central part of the floristic region ‘Crisicum’ (i.e. the E part of the Great Hungarian Plain), which is a currently poorly studied area of Hungary from a floristic point of view. The paper reports occurrence localities for some rarities such as Asplenium trichomanes, Marsilea quadrifolia, Sisymbrium polymorphum, Viola stagnina, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Elymus elongatus, Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma, Ranunculus rionii, Ranunculus illyricus, Myagrum perfoliatum, Sedum caespitosum, Vicia biennis, Dorycnium herbaceum, Oenanthe banatica, Peucedanum cervaria, Echium italicum, Digitalis lanata, Valerianella rimosa, Craex buekii, Cephalaria transsylvanica, Cyperus pannonicus.

  • Spreading of native Spergularia species along roadsides of Transdanubia (NW Hungary)

    During the systematic floristic research along Transdanubian roads (NW Hungary) since 2013, two native halophyte Spergularia species has been found. Due to the well known spreading near motorways in Eastern-Central Europe, the appearance of Spergularia marina along roads in north-western Hungary is not a surprise. Occurrences of the species were registered along fourteen main roads. Some of the stands are very rich where S. marina forms single-species lines along the asphalt edge. The spreading of Spergularia media along roads is yet much less intensive. Four stands were found near the motorways M1 and M7, main road 74, and the common section of the main road 86-87. Both species are native in the Hungarian plains, being specific elements of Pannonic alkali grassland associations, however, their secondary migration along road edges is promoted by road salting, intensive management of roads and increased vehicle traffic. In this paper, we specify secondary occurrences of the two Spergularia species, discuss their ecological and abiotic circumstances and publish corresponding distribution maps. Due to recognition problems in Spergularia, a corrected determination key was provided. 

  • Additions to the flora of Jászság (Central Hungary)

    Within the framework of the Hungarian Flora Mapping Program, nine quadrants were surveyed in the territory of Jászság in 2012 and 2020. Regionally important floristic records of 68 vascular plant species are presented in this paper. Some of them are aliens (e.g., Alopecurus myosuroides, Amaranthus deflexus, Juncus tenuis, Phytolacca esculenta) or rare native weeds (e.g., Aegilops cylindrica, Bupleurum affine, Myagrum perfoliatum). Records of regionally (e.g., Coronopus squamatus, Linaria biebersteinii) or nationwide (Silene bupleuroides) rare native species as well as indicators of former forests (e.g., Clematis recta, Elymus caninus, Melica altissima, Sisymbrium strictissimum) are also presented. An interesting road edge rich in saline species (Artemisia santonicum, Chenopodium chenopodioides, Hordeum hystrix, Plantago maritima) is discussed in detail.