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  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae IX.

    The current paper is the 9th in the series aiming to provide new data to the distribution maps of Atlas Florae Hungariae. Data of 734 vascular plant taxa (from 222 flora mapping quadrats) are pre­sen­ted in this study. The new localities are spread across nearly the entire country; however, most of the data are from the North Hungarian Mts, the northern part of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, the southern edge of Han­ság, alongside River Maros and the Hortobágy. Altogether, 1632 new data records are presented in this pa­per. The list mainly contains rare and locally important native species, as well as species with un­cer­tain na­ti­ve/alien status (e.g. Allium ursinum, Chamaecytisus triflorus, Cotoneaster niger, Cyperus pan­no­ni­cus, Elatine tri­andra, Eleocharis acicularis, Eleocharis ovata, Erodium hoefftianum, Geranium lucidum, Glo­bu­laria punc­ta­ta, Hippuris vulgaris, Hottonia palustris, Lindernia procumbens, Marrubium vulgare, Ononis pu­silla, Oro­banc­he bartlingii, Orobanche cernua, Pisum elatius, Polycnemum majus, Polygonum gra­mi­ni­folium, Ribes nigrum, Scho­enoplectus triqueter, Verbascum ×denudatum, Verbascum ×vidavense, Viola ca­ni­na subsp. schultzii). We report new localities of expanding alien species (e.g. Amaranthus deflexus, Ar­te­mi­sia annua, Euphorbia maculata, Helminthia echioides, Hordeum jubatum, Impatiens glandulifera, Ipomoea pur­purea, Mahonia aquifolium, Panicum riparium, Robinia viscosa, Rudbeckia hirta, Veronica peregrina, Yuc­ca filamentosa) and mention a few rare, successfully “surviving” alien plants with nature conservation va­lue (e.g. Acorus ca­la­mus, Monochoria korsakowii). Moreover, occurrences of common plants are presen­ted when new to the Atlas Floraea Hungariae (e.g. Bromus hordeaceus, Symphytum officinale, Vicia tetrasperma).

  • Habitats and protected plants of Cuha-valley (Bakony Mts, W-Hungary)

    Floristic data were collected and habitat mapping was performed between 2009 and 2011 in the valley of Cuha-creek. During the field work occurrences of 423 vascular plant species (including 31 protected taxa) were recorded. Potentilla indica represents a previously unknown alien taxa of the study area. The dominant vegetation type of the Cuha-valley is beech forest. Further characteristic, important habitats are scree, ravine and hilltop forests. On the southern part of the valley – in close proximity of the Cuha-creek – expansion of several alien plants (Impatiens glandulifera, Fallopia spp., Heracleum mantegazzianum) were observed.

  • Contributions to the Atlas Florae Hungariae VIII.

    The current paper is the 8th in the series aiming to contribute with new distribution data to the maps published quite recently in Atlas Florae Hungariae. Distribution data of 539 plant taxa from 157 flora mapping units is presented in this study, most of them are located in the western half of the country. As a result of systematic surveys, more than 190 new species were found in a single flora mapping quadrat. In another survey along some asphalted roadsides Puccinellia distans was found as a new species for 68 flora mapping grid units. All these indicate the necessity of further systematic research and publication of floristic results in papers like the “Contributions…” series. Most of the enumerated taxa are frequent, treated usually as weeds, but some of them are sparse and scattered or rare in Hungary (e.g. Nigella arvensisVaccaria hispanica, Rumex pulcher, Urtica urens), and in some cases they are legally protected plants in Hungary (e.g. Asplenium adiantum-nigrumDryopteris affinisGymnocarpium dryopteris and Huperzia selago). We also listed some casual alien plants and naturalized species that were not mentioned in the last neophyte list of Hungary (e.g. Acer cissifoliumCyperus alternifoliusGaillardia aristataGalanthus elwesii). In the Outlook we pointed out the insufficient survey of some synanthropic (urban) habitat types in Hungary, like verges, gardens and flowerbeds that can be the hotbed of established species or can serve as stepping stones for potential invaders.

  • Data on the occurrence of alien plants in Western Transdanubia (Hungary)

    In his publication the author provides data on the occurrence of 11 alien species in Wes­tern Transdanubia. Three of these species (Euphorbia maculata, Euphorbia peplus, Muscari armenia­cum) were observed to have spread rapidly in the past decade. It can be concluded that 4 species (Ar­temisia annua, Crocus banaticus, Polycarpon tetraphyllum, Veronica filiformis) have reached a state which is close to naturalization, while the other reported species (Euphorbia lathyris, Senecio inaequi­dens, Silybum marianum, Veronica peregrina) are casual in this region at present.

  • Data on spreading cultivated species in Hungarian botanical gardens

    Our article provides data of 186 spreading cultivated taxa in Hungary. Among these, the spreading of 40 species in botanical gardens was not known until now. During our work, we examined the arboretums of Ti­szakürt, Szarvas and Erdőtelek, the agrobotanical garden of Tápiószele (located in the National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation), the botanical garden of the Eszterházy Károly Catholic Uni­versity in Eger and the De la Motte Castle Park in Noszvaj. We collected further data on the lately iden­tified Cardamine occulta and the spreading Veronica peregrina taxa, which spread mainly through plants sold in pots. Besides the already known two Juglans species, we found four new potentially spreading ones from the family of Juglandaceae (Carya cordiformis, C. ovata, Juglans cinerea and J. microcarpa). We also found seedlings and saplings in the case of all the investigated Abies species. We found the seventh Hungarian occurrence of Ludwigia grandiflora in the artificial lake of the Arboretum of Szarvas. The quantity of new occurrences reported in this paper highlights the need for further research in living collections in Hungarian botanical gardens.

  • Dr. Sándor Polgár was born 140 years ago

    Dr. Sándor Polgár was the most outstanding botanist of Győr county (NW Hungary). He provided important results in floristic studies, phytogeography, taxonomy and in the research of alien plants. „Győr megye flórája” („Flora of Győr county”), published in 1941, was one of the most important monography in his period. He is the author of the rare, hybridogenous species Ornithogalum ×degenianum, known only from HungaryHis private herbarium was one of the biggest in Hungary with more than 20,000 specimens. As a teacher he taught geography and nature studies in his home town Győr between 1900 and 1935. Because of his Jewish origin, he was a victim of the holocaust in 1944.

  • Data to the flora of Southern-Nyírség and its surroundings

    In this paper we provide data on the flora of Monostorpályi, a floristically underrepresented settlement in South-Nyírség and Berettyó–Kálló interfluve, and publish some interesting floristic observations from the Debrecen city area. In our compilation we provide data on 58 plant species. Among the species listed in the enumeration we find taxa from the region not previously reported at all (Lathyrus nissolia, Gagea villosa, Catabrosa aquatica, Potamogeton lucens, P. pusillus). In total, we publish new occurrence data for 16 protected plant species, which are generally typical of the natural habitats of the Nyírség, but are on the decline overall (e.g. Hottonia palustris, Dianthus superbus, Cirsium rivulare, Lychnis coronaria). We also provide data on the distribution of some rare or declining weed species (Anthemis cotula, Myagrum perfoliatum, Agrostemma githago) and confirm the previously known occurrence of some poorly known plant species (Luzula pallidula, Carex hordeistichos). Furthermore, the spread of some alien species (Broussonetia papyrifera, Phyllostachys sp.) is also highlighted.

  • Contributions to the escaped, naturalised and potentially invasive species of the Hungarian adventive flora

    In this paper we compiled data on 157 Hungarian adventive plant species – of which 65 had not been reported from the country previously – from 47 settlements of Transdanubia and the Great Hungarian Plain. These taxa are rare, interesting or not included in the most recent list of the Hungarian neophyte species. The list includes data about many rare, occasionally escaping species (e.g. Lagurus ovatus, Salvia coccinea), taxa considered incapable of reproduction under the recent climatic conditions of the Pannonian Basin (e.g. Cupressus sempervirens, Punica granatum) or naturalised plants that may become invasive in the future (e.g. Celtis sinensis, Lonicera japonica). In the outlook we highlighted some special urban habitats (e.g. private and botanical gardens) and practices (e.g. public green space management) that endanger the native flora. We also describe their role in promoting the appearance and the expansion of alien plant species, and processes (e.g. laurophyllisation, spread of thermophile species) that will become increasingly common in the future as a result of climate change.

  • The clammy goosefoot (Chenopodium pumilio R.BR.) in Zugló (Budapest) and new data on the distribution of invasive species in NE Hungary

    The paper summarise occurrences of some rare invasive weeds of Hungary. We found currently second population at the Australian origin Chenopodium pumilio in Budapest (Zugló) in September 2016. Further, 27 occurrence data of 8 other species (Amaranthus deflexus, Echium maculatum, Lepidium densiflorum, Oxybaphus nyctagineus, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Portulaca grandiflora, Sarothamnus scoparius, Tragus racemosus) is also reported in the persent paper from the ‘Északi-középhegyég’ area (Northeast-Hungary), and some data from beside the Hungarian–Slovakian border, especially settlements, strongly disturbed places (especially road curbs, pavement cracks, train stations), indicating the Central European flora mapping system quadrate number. Voucher specimens were deposited in herbarium of Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (BP).