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Search Results

  • Flora of Sztána and Zsobok villages (Transsylvania, Apuseni Mountains, Kalotaszeg)

    The botanical and ethnobotanical studies of PÉNTEK & SZABÓ (1985) were repeated after 30 years, during an ethnobiological summer school held in Kalotaszeg region (Romania), in Apuseni Mountains. However, our intensive floristical researches focused only on two villages (Sztána and Zsobok). A list of the observed taxa and their frequency values are presented. Of the 747 taxa 52 are new to the narrow region. 74 species reported formerly from here were not found by us. The disappearance of some taxa (e.g. Crepis praemorsa, Conringia orientalis, Lolium temulentum) are probably due to changes in agricultural land use methods. The spread of a few new invasive species (e.g. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Galinsoga ciliata, Senecio vernalis) as well as the presence of some floristically interesting species (e.g. Centaurium pulchellum, Carex otrubae, C. serotina, Lathyrus pannonicus subsp. collinus, Leucanthemum irrcutianum, Minuartia viscosa, Peucedanum rochelianum, Quercus pubescens, Trifolium diffusum, T. micranthum) and a notomorpha (Cirsium × tataricum) were also noticed.

  • Disappearing botanical and cultural heritage of wooden headboard-graveyards in Eastern-Hungary and Transylvania (Romania)

    Degradation or disappearance of natural habitats are global phenomena nowadays, hence the role of small and secondary (seminatural) habitats like cemeteries in preserving natural values are more and more appreciated. The botanical values and burial customs were examined in a total of 51 graveyards in three different regions of Hungary and Romania (10, 19 and 22 graveyards in the North Hungarian Mountains, the Great Hungarian Plain and Transylvania, respectively). Altogether 25 in Hungary legally protected plant species were found, 1.5 protected species per graveyard on average. As we observed, traditional burials with wooden headboards are rapidly superseded by modern burial customs. Based on our non-representative poll (n=102), 90% of citizens on average are satisfied with current conditions in Hungarian graveyards. A two-thirds majority of respondents would prefer more frequent lawn-mowing in graveyards. 75% of respondents prefer modern tombs to traditional graves. Disappearance of old burial customs characterised by the use of wooden headboards (and the simultaneous change in traditional, habitat-friendly practices in graveyards) means not only a loss of cultural values, but threatens the natural biodiversity of graveyards as well.

  • Literature reviews

    Kovács J. A. (2019): Székelykeresztúr vidékének növényzeti öröksége. – Tortoma Könyvkiadó, Barót, 780 pp.

    Király G. & Takács G. (2020): A magyar Fertő edényes flórája. – Rence 3., Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Sarród, 430 pp.

  • Short communications

    1. Occurrence of Apium repens (Jacq.) Lagasca in Budapest (Hungary)

    2. Occurrence of Riccia glauca L. and Riccia sorocarpa Bisch. in town of Barcs

    3. Occurrence of Allium victorialis L. in Gorge Vargyas (Cheile Vârghişului, Central Romania)

    4. Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. on the plateau of Bükk Mts. (NE Hungary) and other floristic records

    5. Campylopus pyriformis (Schultz) Brid. in the Western Mecsek Mts. (South Transdanubia, Hungary)

    6. Current occurrence of Echinops ruthenicus (Fisch.) M.Bieb. in Sződliget (northern central Hungary)

    7. The occurrence of Artemisia alba Turra in Kalotaszeg region (Cluj county) of Romania, and comments on Molnár et al. (2014)