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  • Ondina e le ondine Questioni di raffigurazione (verbale e iconografica) della donna sportiva nell’Italia fascista (1933 ca.)

    In late 1933, L'Osservatore Romano fuelled an argument against Il Littoriale, mouthpiece of the Fascist sport policy, about women’s sport: the Vatican Italian-speaking newspaper was against the public women’s athletic meetings, and the “immoral” shorts dressed by the young Italian athletes, such as Ondina Valla, going-to-be the first Italian woman to win an Olympic gold medal (1936, Berlin). Which was the situation of Italian female sports, at that time? Which was the influence of new women models coming from US? What was considered “immoral” by conservative people in 1933 Italy watching a women’s athletic or swimming meeting? How Hollywood stars could help Ondina and her mates on the road of female emancipation? These are the questions this essay is going to answer, helped by a lot of historical images, useful to reconstruct a whole collective imagination.

  • Appunti sulla stilistica (italiana) di László Gáldi

    The paper deals with László Gáldi’s Introduction to Italian Stylistics (1971), placing it in the coeval context of the methodological discussions between stylistics and structuralism in the 60s and 70s, as well as in the history of the Italian stylistics in the 20th century.

    It investigates the theoretical sources of Gáldi’s book, which was influenced by different reference points: the European Romance philology, the Russian literary theory (mainly Viktor Žirmunskij’s approach to stylistics) and the Rumanian aesthetics and literary criticism.

    Moreover, it shows the connection between the Introduction and Gáldi’s previous works, particularly the important book on the poetical style of Mihai Eminescu (1964), maybe Gáldi’s most relevant stylistic study, and other significant works of the same period (an interesting stylistic analysis of Musset’ Stances and a historical study of Rumanian versification).

    In doing so, it shows the rich methodological and theoretical sources of Gáldi’s Introduction and the peculiar position of the Hungarian scholar in the history of European stylistics.

  • Goliarda Sapienza atipica “giornalista militante”

    This paper retraces Goliarda Sapienza’s no-fiction production between 1981 and 1988, considering in particular two feminist reviews of that period such as «Quotidiano Donna» and «Minerva: l’altra metà dell’informazione» on which she wrote articles about society, most of them never considered before today. Excluding the topic of the prison in her most important novels L’università di Rebibbia (1983) and Le certezze del dubbio (1987), the 80s could be defined as a moment of experience inside and beyond the Italian political context. Her reflections on Feminism authorize an interpretation of her “anomalous” way of thinking. At the end, the need to belong to a group will also open the following season.

  • Italia tra storia e storiografia. In cerca dell'identità nazionale

    Partendo dai fondamentali studi dello storico Giuseppe Galasso e nell'ambito di un serrato confronto con la storiografia europea più esperta su questi temi, il saggio ricostruisce alcune questioni dell'identità nazionale italiana attraverso i diversi orientamenti del dibattito storiografico a partire dall'Ottocento ad oggi nel contesto comparativo e storico della modernità europea. La secolare durata delle vicende legate al processo di formazione dell'identità italiana, dalla tradizione dell'Impero Romano al Risorgimento e all'indipendenza nazionale, passando per il lungo dominio delle potenze straniere, si concluse infine con l'unificazione della penisola e la costruzione dello Stato nel 1861. Si affermano così i termini più significativi del discorso identitario: territorio e nazione, le cui basi profonde, però, faticano ancora a trovare ragioni condivise per una comprensione unitaria del quadro storico nazionale. In questo senso la categoria di identità nazionale inizia la sua costruzione all'epoca dei fermenti romantici e resta intimamente legata a quei tratti antropologici che avrebbero consentito di fondare, a metà Ottocento, la comunità degli italiani, finalmente ricongiunti sotto la cornice di una nuovo Stato. Non un'unica identità, quindi, ma una molteplicità di riferimenti al ricco, secolare patrimonio culturale italiano, ripensato alla luce di una stagione decisiva per i destini nazionali.

  • Prigionieri di guerra ungheresi a Padula durante la prima guerra mondiale

    Il campo di prigionia di Padula, in Italia, operativo durante la prima guerra mondiale in una grande certosa e caserma, è stato oggetto di numerosi studi italiani, cechi e slovacchi, in quanto era uno dei più grandi campi italiani e fungeva da centro per la creazione della Legione Cecoslovacca. Tuttavia, migliaia dei suoi detenuti erano ungheresi, la cui vita è stata a malapena discussa. Questo articolo si propone di presentare la vita dei prigionieri di guerra ungheresi tenuti a Padula. Con l'ausilio di fonti ad esse pertinenti, quali lettere e memorie, è possibile approfondire quattro aspetti: religione, salute, lamentele e lavoro. Un altro scopo dello studio è quello di offrire un elenco dei prigionieri ungheresi.

  • Traduzioni belles infidèles. Commenti a quelle dei componimenti lubrici di Domenico Tempio

    Belles infidèles is a French expression highlighting a well-known problem in translating from one language to another. This is true especially in the field of literature and particularly in poetry, where the exterior aspects of the words (for example, the harmony of rhymes, the images, the emotional vibrations, the semantic fields, the polysemy, and so on) become substantial and hardly translatable. The essay focuses on some bad translations of some selected verses from the obscene poems by a 18th-century Sicilian dialect poet, Domenico Tempio: they clearly show the translators’ intervention, who took many liberties and betrayed the formulation, the sense and the effect of the original texts. The essay proposes some more faithful translations of them.



  • Scrivere e descrivere: La pervasività dell’ekphrasis nella poesia di Edoardo Sanguineti

    This paper aims to explore the all-pervasiveness of the technique of ekphrasis within Edoardo Sanguineti’s poetry, from Laborintus (1956) to Varie ed eventuali (2010). The study is conducted looking at six exemplary texts (Laborintus 3 and 7, Reisebilder 14, Cataletto 1, Corollario 43, Mantova 15) belonging to different periods of Sanguineti’s literary career and comparing them with the visual objects that they describe. In this way, the study tries to show the usage of ekphrasis not only as a simple rhetorical device but also as a primary poetical tool. Finally, the article drafts some future ways for further investigation, such as the cataloguing of all the ekphrasises hidden in Edoardo Sanguineti’s poetry, the application of the theoretical results achieved by the international visual studies, and the possibility of connecting Sanguineti’s ekphrasis with the ones used by other Italian contemporary poets.

  • Monicelli e la memoria della Grande Guerra

    In my essay, I examine Mario Monicelli’s La Grande Guerra, in order to verify if its comic and anti-heroic perspective really leads to a new concept of WWI. I first retrace the director’s previous filmography, where the characters, genres and patterns which will recur in La Grande Guerra originally take shape. I then reconstruct the movie’s genesis, focusing on the sources the screenwriters refer to: not only WWI movies and memories, such as Kubrick’s Paths of Glory and Lussu’s Un anno sull’Altipiano, but also, quite unexpectedly, La vita militare by De Amicis.

    On this basis, I analyse the representation of the war, in its figurative and narrative elements. In many senses, it’s a war seen from the ground, and indeed the scenography and script take inspiration from the soldiers’ pictures of the front and their military songs. In this realistic context, Monicelli develops the plot of two cowardly privates, from a poor, undisciplined background, who ultimately identify with their nation enough to sacrifice themselves for their compatriots.

    The purpose of highlighting the unacknowledged war contribution of the mass, however, is somehow contradicted by the army’s image. The comic and anti-heroic aspects, indeed, concern only the low-ranked soldiers, while the Command is represented in a sentimental way. In this respect, Monicelli confirms a rhetoric coming from De Amicis, and later inherited by Fascism: the army as an image of a model society, where North and South, rich and poor, educated and illiterate unite, and where everyone deserves his hierarchical rank.