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  • Különböző komposztadagok hatása az extenzív gyep talajának néhány tulajdonságára

    After the millennium the utilization of the Hungarian grasslands is particularly important. We considered the priorities of the Darányi Ignácz Plan where the efficient utilization of the agricultural areas - including grasslands, pastures- by increasing the number of ruminants is the part of the rural strategy. The effective utilization of the by-product, the manure in croplands or pastures is particularly important, taking the increasing fertilizer prices within the continuously opening price scissor of the industrial-agricultural products into account. The patent of the Karcag Research Institute of CAAES RISF UD, the TERRASOL compost is a good alternative for farmers. We have already published the primary results of our grassland fertilization experiment, where we investigated the utilization of different compost doses and evaluated these from economic point of view. In this paper we examined the changes of the properties of the soil in the different treatments. We visualized our results by using GIS methods. We measured the moisture content, the penetration resistance and the CO2 emission of the soil of the four treatments. We determined that the 20 t/ha of compost dose is considered as sufficient to improve the investigated properties of the grassland soils under the droughty conditions of 2012. 

  • Néhány időjárási tényező és a hozam összefüggése száraz- és üde gyepeken

    The yield of pastures will be impaired by the climate change as a result of reduced amount of winter and vegetation precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the increase in temperature. Species composition is also due to change, however, this change will be more difficult to be determined as the increasing concentration of glasshouse gases has different impacts on the various components. Grassland is a water demanding culture; droughts reduce yield significantly and these losses should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. On protected and Nature 2000 pastures, comprising giving 50% of Hungarian pastures – strict regulations prevent the application of yield increasing techniques, such as irrigation, fertilization or oversowing. The impacts of the weather may only be compensated to a certain extent by the utilization technology. The effects of 3 utilization systems and some elements of weather conditions with special regard to water supply were investigated on dry and mesic grasslands in the years 2006-2010. On the bases of the results some suggestions are set up for modifying the specifications on pasture utilization in nature conservation areas, by having the first cutting earlier and increasing utilization frequency wherever possible. On dry grasslands, yield was affected most significantly by annual precipitation, the precipitation in the vegetative period showed the second strongest correlation with yield. On mesic pastures, temperature and radiation had the strongest influence on the yield. Here, the significance level in the case of total annual precipitation was lower, whereas the correlation was not significant for precipitation in the vegetative period.

  • Expectable changes in the utilization of pastures: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    Analysing the past and the future facts and figures of the Hungarian pasture management the authors has been found the following: − In the period between 1993 and 2003 it was generally believed, that the total area of pasture will be increasing in the future. This forecasting comes not be true. − In the period between 2004 and 2008 the Hungarian pasture area decreased with 13%. We can realise decreasing in the total yield and the yield to/ha too. At the same time in the National Parks and on other protected pastures the grassland management was improved. − Analysing the estimated stock of grazing animal and the necessary pasture area the authors give the main features of the Hungarian pasture utilization in the period after 2008. 

  • Rangeland utilization by beef cattle in the dry Savanna areas of Southern Africa

    A literature review was done on the selection and utilization of grass species by beef cattle in the Limpopo province. The literature study was complimented by research done on the Towoomba Research station and the University of Limpopo, both in Limpopo Province, in South Africa. The Province is well known for its low rainfall and good quality rangeland. The main aim was to categorize the most important grass species in different utilization (palatability) classes. The thirteen grass species which were under investigation could be classified as follows: Highly palatable species: Panicum maximum and Urochloa mosambicensis; Palatable species: Digitaria eriantha, Heteropogon contortus, Schmidtia pappophoroides and Themeda triandra. Less palatable: Trachypogon spicatus and Themeda triandra and Least palatable: Eragrostis rigidior, Hyparrhenia hirta, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Melinus repens and the Aristida species. 

  • Development of the plant population structure of grassland communities with different land use according to WB values

    We carried out our phenological study in the underutilized grassland of the Karcag Research Institute between 2017 and 2020, where we analyzed the effects of the following utilization methods on plant structure: zero utilization, mowing once a year, mulching once a year and meadow utilization. The Balázs quadrat method was used to record the grassland association. The recorded plants were grouped and analysed according to Borhidi's water demand (WB) ecological indicators.

  • The impact of production factors on the yield formation of grasses of various exploitation

    The lawn – following the forest – is the best manner of land use. 10.75 percent of Hungarian territory is grassland. 90-95 percent of the grass’s root system can be found in the upper 10 cm layer of the soil therefore and because of the large evaporating surface the grasses have a great water demand and weather sensitivity. Beside the nutritional ability and some extreme properties of soil (for ex. great salinity) there is an influence on formation of the grass-type and the yield. In our experiments the sites were utilised 2, 3 and 4 times yearly. At two sites for four years (2006-2009) and at one site for two years (2009-2010) the quantity and the distribution of the yield as well as other parameters were examined, which are not reported in this paper. This experiment is a part of a climate research project run at 27 sites in Austria. The laboratory analyses were carried out uniformly in the LFZ Raumberg- Gumpenstein Research Institute. The most important results of this study are the following: The productivity of the grass type formed on the Little Cumania lowland is very limited. In case of drought there was the highest yield decrease and at the same time in case of good precipitation there was the smallest increase of yield. The effect of grass utilization by late first cut at the poorestsoil site was very unfavourable. At the grass sites of better quality, the utilization manner of 3 or 4 growth, resulted in a better adaptation to the climatic extremities. 

  • Rangeland utilization by beef cattle in the dry Savanna areas of Southern Africa

    A literature review was done on the selection and utilization of grass species by beef cattle in the Limpopo province. The literature study was complimented by research done on the Towoomba Research station and the University of Limpopo, both in Limpopo Province, in South Africa. The Province is well known for its low rainfall and good quality rangeland. The main aim was to categorize the most important grass species in different utilization (palatable) classes. The thirteen grass species which were under investigation could be classified as follows: Highly palatable species: Panicum maximum and Urochloa mosambicensis; Palatable species: Digitaria eriantha, Heteropogon contortus, Schmidtia pappophoroides and Themeda triandra. Less palatable: Trachypogon spicatus and Themeda triandra and Least palatable: Eragrostis rigidior, Hyparrhenia hirta, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Melinus repens and the Aristida species.

  • Vegetation investigation of cattle pastures in the Ipoly Valley, Dejtár

    The most natural and appropriate way to preserve the biodiversity of grasslands is the utilization, which is confirmed by current research. Conservation management requires intensive cooperation between nature conservation and intensive grassland utilization. Therefore, we investigated the effect of extensive grassland utilization on the outskirts of Dejtár.

  • Changes in forage values of differently managed grasslands in the Trans-Danubian Mountain Range, Hungary

    In this study a comparative relevé was conducted in the Transdanubian Central Mountains (Tihany Peninsula, Bakony, Keszthely hills). We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and we evaluated the changes of these factors in the point of view of feeding value. We surveyed that how extent the main grasses and the papilionaceae appeared or disappeared, how changed the proportion of those species which can tolerate overgrazing, and what is the composition of the weeds on grazed and ungrazed areas. Accordig to results, the grasslands under survey have unfavourable species composition due to the bad management practices and insufficient technological conditions. The distribution of the nature protection value categories of the plant association’s species varies with the associations. The period under survey the closed grassland association near Lake Belső turned more valuable, where the meadow was converted into pasturing lands for Hungarian Grey Cows by changing cultivation methods. The quality of former (over)grazed grasslands near Sóly and pasturing lands near Vad parlag, where grazing was finished also turned more valuable. However the ground cover of species with best feeding value reduced, but feedig value of grasses increased due to the increasing of the cover ground of grasslands. In those grasslands, where the cultivation was finished, after initial increasing of number of species many shrubs appeared on the area, and this process will accelerate in the future. Because of this grazing is necessary with appropriate animal density.

  • Grasslands owned or rented by sheep farmer sin the Great Hungarian Plain

    There have been some important changes in the land use and land possession during the last two decades. Land possession and land use were separated. Farmers typically work on rented lands all around Hungary and in the Great Plain too. The land market got frozen. During our survey we were looking for answers on the effect of transition caused to sheep branch and on the perspective the sheep farmers would have in the future. We found that the rate of rented lands was higher than the national average and the rate of rented grasslands was even more higher (75%) in the period 2003-2006. Farmers working on small lands and having low profitability (like sheep farmers) will have the worse chance to buy land after 2011, when the land market will be opened for foreigners. The land possession and the land use will be more separated for sheep farmers that reduces the viability of sheep farms. Due to the low profitability and the higher rental costs the native sheep population will decrease further. The sheep branch need a subsidy which is based on the breeding level and the bred utilization and also the SAPS or the SPS subsidy should be based on the livestock populations in case of grassland subsidy.

  • Investigation of carbon dioxide emissions from underutilized grassland

    Climate change-induced extreme changes are making phytomass yields of extensive grasslands in continental areas increasingly dependent on the season. This situation is exacerbated, inter alia, by the decline in grazing livestock production due to a lack of quality labour, and thus by an increase in the proportion of unused or under-utilised grassland. In our experiments, we have refined the effects of a decade of zero, mulch, mowing and meadow utilisation on carbon emissions, soil moisture and soil temperature during two different types of years. We found that zero tillage with accumulated duff in the absence of utilization had the highest carbon dioxide emission values in different years, even at lower soil moisture values. Our results confirm the fact that fallow grasslands can be considered a source of risk due to their increased greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Monthly changes in the production and content values of wet Hungarian gray cattle pasture and the relationship with species richness

    Grassland management tests were performed on different grazing loaded gray cattle pasture and hayland areas 4 times (April, May, June, September) during the grazing season in Tapolca-basin. 5-5 pieces of 2×2 m samples were examined on each sample area, prepared according to the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June and September and with this, we also measured the amount of biomass and its content.
    Based on results additional pasture had the largest gazing livestock carrying capacity but it had the weakest feed quality as well. During grazing season due to ongoing livestock grazing, species composition has changed the most in case of pasture and the number of species was the greatest here as well. Proportion of grasses declined in parallel with the amount of legumes, which grown till late summer.
    Nutrient content of pasture forage was the most appropriate because of high crude protein and less crude fiber content. Grazing for 34 days/year was not enough in case of additional pasture where Festuca arundinacea had the largest coverage. This is reflected in low number of species richness and small nutritional values of sample areas. For sedge rich low-lying areas mowing utilization is the most effective.

  • Long-term mowing on biomass composition in Pannonian dry grasslands in the Western-Cserhát

    This study is focusing on the vegetation of seminatural dry grasslands. Those loess grasslands are valuable with large biodiversity; however their long-term preservation requires regular conservation management. The report demonstrates the results of mowing experiment, designed to suppress the spread of unpalatable grass species, Calamagrostis epigeios. The study site is located in mid-successional loss grasslands, in the Western-Cserhát, near Rád, northern Hungary.

    The study aims to the investigate the followings: Can the unpalatable Calamagrostis epigejos be suppressed by mowing? Are there possibilities to increase the diversity of sward by this? The study aims, to measure potential value-increasing effect of mowing, and to determine the carrying capacity in the aspect of grassland management.

    In 2001, Camagrostis epigeios was the species with the highest coverage rate according to the both treatment types, with an average cover value of 63%. However, as a result of mowing, a significant difference was detected in the amount of litter and legumes species as well. The number of species showed a slight increase in both types of treatment, from 15 to 37 in the mowed plots, but also from 18 to 27 in the control plots. We concluded that mowing twice a year was beneficial to modify botanical composition of a grassland. In a way it was suited well for agricultural usage, in particular grazing which can replace the expensive and time-consuming scythe. It is also a suitable management measure for controlling the native invader species as a Calamagrostis epigeios, and can significantly increase the proportion of species with higher forage values.

    Mowing has significantly increased the density of Calamagrostis epigeios, the species richness, and the diversity in the course of secondary succession. Therefore, mowing twice a year proved to be a successful management measure for controlling Calamagrostis epigeios, and for obtaining a sward composition. The treatment was effective in restoring grassland composition, although the achievement and maintenance of favourable conservation status for the grassland habitat require long-term management planning and regular treatment. According to the objectives, mowing not only promotes the control of the invasive species, but also the economic utilization of the area.

  • A hasznosítási gyakoriság és az időjárás hatása száraz és üde fekvésű gyepek takarmány-minőségére

    Irrigating pastures is a viable option only in a few selected areas in Hungary, even though pasture is a water demanding culture. Species composition will be impacted by the climate change, reduced winter and spring precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the rise in temperature. Coverage by dicots and C4 grasses will increase, resulting in a change in feed quality. Yield losses and deteriorating quality should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. We examined the impacts of 3 utilization technologies and seasonal weather conditions on dry and mesic pastures in the years 2006-2010. Results indicated a significant difference in feed quality and factors determining nutrient content caused by water supply. On the dry pasture, humidity had a significant and substantial negative impact (highest significance, highest r-value) whereas the mesic pasture was essentially affected by precipitation. On the mesic pasture, high temperatures, strong radiation and high amounts of precipitation all had negative impacts on the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of grass. Crude protein contents showed strong correlation only with annual precipitation.