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Search Results

  • Sandy grasslands along the Danube are dominant Content values of Festuca species (preliminary study)

    There is a very old practice of grazing livestock in Hungary. Plants of the pastures are the most valuable feed for grazing animals. Supplementation of feed rations with fibre improves the saturation of the digestive tract, resulting in calmer animals and improved animal welfare. Grasses of pastures can be a useful supplement as they contain a lot of digestible fibre. Our purpose was to find out the grassland management values of sandy grasslands dominated by Festuca species along the Danube. We carried out cutting samples along the Danube, from the north-western part of the Little Hungarian Plain, through the sandy plains of the Carpathian Basin, Serbia, Romanian Plain to Bulgaria. The cut samples were analysed in the laboratory of MATE based on Weende analysis. The original dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and crude fibre content, as well as the measurement of fibre fractions (NDF, ADF, ADL) were analysed. The results showed that absolute dry matter, crude fibre and NDF contents were high in all samples. The five samples of Festuca species analysed showed significant differences in dry matter and crude fibre. Festuca wagneri had the highest dry matter content. The highest crude protein content was found in samples of Festuca vaginata, Festuca wagnerii and Festuca rupicola, but the highest crude fibre content was found in samples of Festuca tomanii.

  • Data on botanical and animal feeding investigations of a sheep pasture in Káli Basin with special reference to nature reservation

    Sample grassland sites were investigated in Kővágóőrs (Káli Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary). The sample quadrates were designated in the following places: close to (0-100 metres) and away (250-500 metres) from the stable. Comparative coenological studies, forage values were investigated. Changes of species composition and ground cover, measure of possible regeneration or degradation were evaluated. It was examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of over-grazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition influenced the nutritive value of the grassland. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds poisonous and/or protected species, as well. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined grassland show the effects of grazing. According to results, observed grasslands have unfavourable species composition due to improper management practices and insufficient technological conditions.

  • Changes in forage values of differently managed grasslands in the Trans-Danubian Mountain Range, Hungary

    In this study a comparative relevé was conducted in the Transdanubian Central Mountains (Tihany Peninsula, Bakony, Keszthely hills). We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and we evaluated the changes of these factors in the point of view of feeding value. We surveyed that how extent the main grasses and the papilionaceae appeared or disappeared, how changed the proportion of those species which can tolerate overgrazing, and what is the composition of the weeds on grazed and ungrazed areas. Accordig to results, the grasslands under survey have unfavourable species composition due to the bad management practices and insufficient technological conditions. The distribution of the nature protection value categories of the plant association’s species varies with the associations. The period under survey the closed grassland association near Lake Belső turned more valuable, where the meadow was converted into pasturing lands for Hungarian Grey Cows by changing cultivation methods. The quality of former (over)grazed grasslands near Sóly and pasturing lands near Vad parlag, where grazing was finished also turned more valuable. However the ground cover of species with best feeding value reduced, but feedig value of grasses increased due to the increasing of the cover ground of grasslands. In those grasslands, where the cultivation was finished, after initial increasing of number of species many shrubs appeared on the area, and this process will accelerate in the future. Because of this grazing is necessary with appropriate animal density.

  • Definition of terms in grassland management

    The definition of the terms related to swards used in support systems in grassland management, or used in the nomenclature of land cover data generated during remote sensing activities, is currently unclear and often inaccurate. It is necessary to define these terms in agricultural context, as well as to standardize the different formulations currently in use. This glossary made by the academic members of MÁSZ Grassland Management Working Group, helps to clarify concepts.

  • Studies on botany, forage and soils with aspects of nature conservation on grey cattle and water buffalo pastures of the Tapolcai and Káli basins: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    In the present work we introduce the coenological and pedological results of examination on the Balaton Upland (Badacsonytördemic, Csobánc, Káptalantóti and Kővágóőrs). Grass management plays an important role in nature conservation, rural development thus in the viability of rural population. Soil and water suffer from extreme degradation and pollution, partly because of agricultural activities, growing settlements and mining activity. We evaluated the changes in species composition and coverage, the possibly occurring regeneration or degradation and the effects of botanical composition changes on forage values, especially in case of economically valuable species. Investigations show strengths and weaknesses of having animals on grasslands. Sample sites were in Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds and/or poisonous and/or prickly species, too. We examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of overgrazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition of the grazed and non-grazed land differed. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined pastures show the effects of overgrazing. With the decrease of the number of the animals, nature conservation and economical values could be increased. The examined areas had totally different soil characteristics, pH, soil thickness and nutrient content varied greatly. In the Gyulakeszi area even a small catena was found on a single pasture. The high soil organic matter and nutrient content ensure the good grass yield thus the areas are suitable for grazing and for grass cutting, too. 

  • Examination of coenological and grassland management of sheep- and cattle pasture in lands of Kiskunság

    The coenological relevés were prepared in 2007 and 2008 on two pasture-lands in the Great Hungarian Plain. areas situated inside and near (0 to 50 meters far from) an animal husbandry farm belong to the first group. Coenological relevés gained from areas situated 50 to 150 meters far from intensively used areas belong to the second group. Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats, and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. Primarily, degradation of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm.

  • Monthly changes in the production and content values of wet Hungarian gray cattle pasture and the relationship with species richness

    Grassland management tests were performed on different grazing loaded gray cattle pasture and hayland areas 4 times (April, May, June, September) during the grazing season in Tapolca-basin. 5-5 pieces of 2×2 m samples were examined on each sample area, prepared according to the Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June and September and with this, we also measured the amount of biomass and its content.
    Based on results additional pasture had the largest gazing livestock carrying capacity but it had the weakest feed quality as well. During grazing season due to ongoing livestock grazing, species composition has changed the most in case of pasture and the number of species was the greatest here as well. Proportion of grasses declined in parallel with the amount of legumes, which grown till late summer.
    Nutrient content of pasture forage was the most appropriate because of high crude protein and less crude fiber content. Grazing for 34 days/year was not enough in case of additional pasture where Festuca arundinacea had the largest coverage. This is reflected in low number of species richness and small nutritional values of sample areas. For sedge rich low-lying areas mowing utilization is the most effective.

  • Botanical and grassland investigations in a pasture grazed by Hungarian grey catte in Badacsonytördemic in 2008

    Sample areas can be found in the Tapolcai Basins. Phytosociological samples were collected: 32 ha grassland stand with low intensity grazing (under-grazed pasture), 38 ha overgrazed pasture, 34 ha meadow (hayfield) and the stand where animals drank. The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production during the grazing season of the year. 5 replicates of 2×2 m phytosociological samples plots were examined on each grasslands according to the Braun- Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June, August and September 2008. 118 Hungarian Grey Cattle were grazed on the pastures. 14 species were common in each saple areas, wich are dominant species of natural grassland associations (Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia aespitose) in the region. The overgrazed pasture had only low nutritive value and contained high number of weed species. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state of species diversity, although the forage production of the area remained high. The number of species and the 32 ha grassland was high (58) weeds was due to the high number of weeds, however the nutritive value of this grassland was poor. The species number of the hayfield was lower (31) than and grassland, however species composition was better and the nutritive was higher. It seemed that management was suitable and the hayfield.

  • Comparison of vegetation of Hungarian Grey Cattle and Hungarian water buffalo pastures in a sample area of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

    In the present study, we aimed to investigate the coenology of the Kelemen-szék in the Kiskunság National Park. The coenological studies were carried out twice. We compared areas with different vegetation types. During these two surveys, we examined in total 90 quadrats of mixed grazed and fenced control areas.  Ones were grazed by Hungarian domestic buffalo and Hungarian grey cattle and others were no grazed. Based on these surveys, it is possible to conclude about spatial and temporal changes in vegetation as a result of livestock husbandry in the area. Due to the size and heterogeneity of the studied area, we intended to investigate small homogeneous areas and respective control areas. Coenological surveys were done on lower and higher lying pastures, saline soil areas and loess areas.

    In the study plots, grazing led to stability in the species composition of loess grassland and saline grassland, so that they also satisfy the requirements moof nature conservation. The dominant and character species of the associations, and the typical species of the genus Festuca have a significant cover value. The dense and tall Puccinellia swards require more attention, because they are more vulnerable against grazing. Grazing and extensive livestock husbandry, which can be applied in the future, is a suitable method for the management of lowland areas. In order to conserve the associations, preservation of grazing is necessary. To provide amount of biomass of areas, the grazing has a significant role. The conservation of native loess grasslands, even in the form of fragments, plays an outstanding function. Hence, based on the initial surveys, the combination of Hungarian grey cattle and water buffalo is beneficial in terms of nature conservation.

  • Investigations on grassland and nature reservation effect of horse grazing in Tapolca and Káli Basins (2008)

    Examined areas can be found in the Tapolca and Káli Basins near Köveskál and Nemesgulács. Near Köveskál 2 horses were grazed on a 1 ha grassland, which was on a degraded association of Cynodonti-Poëtum angustifoliae. Control area was found close to the grazed grassland where Salvinio-Festucetum rupicolae association was found. The grassland was grazed formerly by sheep. Near Nemesgulács 4 horses were grazed on a 6 ha pasture under free range grazing system (0.7 horse/ha) on a Cynodonti- Poëtum angustifoliae grassland that is situated on a slope. Sample areas were selected the upper (UTS) and lower (LTS) third of the slope. This area formerly was as vineyard. 5-5 replicates of 2 by 2 m coenological quadrates were monitored on each sample area. Sward composition was investigated by Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the grazing season of 2008. Ground cover (D) species composition and species number (n) were evaluated as analytical parameters. Relative nitrogen demand (NB), social behavior types (SBT) (Borhidi, 1995) and nature conservation value categories (TVK) (Simon, 2000) were also analyzed. At the LTS of the slope near Nemesgulács we could find species with bigger proportions indicating nutrient rich production sites and N indicating Artemisia vulgaris, characteristic species of manured sites appeared, too. At the UTS their proportion was smaller. The reason for this difference is the nutrient run off the slope and its accumulation at the LTS. The reason for the low nutritive value of the grassland are the lack of valuable Poaceae and pulses species and the low total cover. Valuable plant species were grazed out of the sward and negative effects of trampling could have been observed. Concerning the selective grazing preference of horses, the species composition of this area is not suitable for horse grazing. Instead of horses the area could be more suitable for sheep grazing. Pasture near Köveskál had extremely high proportion of species requiring nutrient rich conditions that can be probably due to frequent depositions of excreta and urine by grazing horses. Both control and pasture areas has the highest (approx. 35% absolute) cover of natural species with disturbance tolerance. The biggest difference in nature conservation value categories was the decrease of association composing species on the pasture. This was mainly caused by the grazing out of Poa angustifolia that was the most valuable species in the association. Overgrazing and grazing method applied caused very low plant cover on the grazed pasture.

  • Comparative phytosociological study of long-term on Tihany Peninsula of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value.

  • Domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing as a habitat management and application option against invasive species

    In nature conservation, the aggressive expansion of invasive plant species and the preservation of valuable grasslands are a global problem. Based on this, the following question can be formulated: which animal species and breeds are suitable for habitat management? Is the water buffalo suitable for lawn care and to what extent? With the overview work, we review the results so far, highlighting domestic areas where we already have preliminary results and where previous data have already been produced. Based on this, the invasive Solidago was completely suppressed in the marshes of the Zámolyi basin, the pasture was completely transformed, and the dominant species became Sesleria uliginosa. Also in the area of the Zámolyi basin, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. You may find that buffalo grazing is a suitable habitat management method in both dry grassland and wet grassland. Therefore, in addition to being effective in the control of Solidago gigantea, grazing with buffaloes is successful both in terms of nature conservation and grassland vegetation from an economic point of view. The first stage of the long-term planned work is an overview of the work on the water buffalo. The research is supported by the creation of Innovation operational groups and the investment necessary for the implementation of the innovative project. call for tenders (VP3-16.1.1-4.1.5-4.2.1-4.2.2-8.1.1-8.2.1-8.3.1-8.5.1-8.5.2-8.6.1-17) and the Innovation and the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Technology code number ÚNKP-22-3-I-MATE/2 was supported by the grant funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and grant AKGF-119-1-202.

  • Comparison of grasslands grazed by cattle, sheep and horses in Tapolca and Káli Basins

    Monitoring plots were in Káli and Tapolcai Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary. We investigated changes in species composition of 2-2 sheep, Hungarian Gray Cattle and horse pastures. The highest number of species was on the pastures of the Hungarian Gray Cattle. 41 species were common in each monitored plots, which are also important dominant species of natural associations and Poaceae species: Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia caespitosa, Lolium perenne, Bromus hordaceus subsp. hordaceus, Poa humilis, Alopecurus pratensis, Elymus repens, Dactylis glomerata, Poa angustifolia.

  • Cönológia és természetvédelmi vizsgálatok a Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park Kelemen-széki magyar szürke marha és házi bivaly legelőin

    A Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park területén található Kelemenszéken végeztünk cönológiai vizsgálatot 2014 és 2015 júniusában. Az elvégzett vizsgálatok során összesen 90 kvadrátot elemeztünk magyar házi bivallyal és magyar szürke szarvasmarhával vegyesen, valamint csak magyar házi bivallyal legeltetett, és nem legeltetett (elkerített, kontroll) mintaterületeken. A vizsgált, sziken és löszön kialakult társulások a következők voltak: Achilleo setaceae-Festucetum pseudovinae, Salvio nemorosae-Festucetum rupicolae és Puccinellietum limosae. A vizsgált vegetáció típusokat a Borhidi-féle relatív növényökológiai mutatók (Borhidi, 1995) közül az NB (nitrogén igény relatív értékszámai) és a WB (relatív talajvíz- illetve talajnedvesség indikátor számai) alapján értékeltük. A természetvédelmi értékkategóriák (TVK) megoszlását Simon (2000) szerint, a szociális magatartástípusok (SZMT) alapján elvégzett értékelést pedig Borhidi (1995) alapján végeztük. Az adatok értékelésekor klaszteranalízist és detrendált korreszpondencia elemzést (DCA) alkalmaztunk. A kitűzött cél egyrészt a vizsgált területek vegetációjának összehasonlítása volt, másrészt vizsgáltuk, hogy a legeltetés, illetve a gyepek magára hagyása, felhagyása hogyan hat a gyeptípusok fajösszetételére. A legeltetés megváltoztatja-e és milyen módon a vizsgált vegetáció típusok természetességét. A vizsgálatok során megállapítható, hogy a bivalyokkal és szürke szarvasmarhákkal együttesen legeltetett gyepek fajösszetétele jelentősen eltért a kontroll, nem legeltetett mintaterületek kvadrátjaihoz képest. A gyepek fajösszetétele így a különböző legelő állatok hatására változatosabb lett. A sziki legelő kvadrátjai – a marhákkal és bivalyokkal együttesen legeltetett és a csak bivalyokkal legeltetett – nem váltak el jelentősen, hasonló fajösszetételt mutattak. A löszgyepi felvételek esetében viszont a csak bivalyokkal legeltetett gyep jelentősen eltért a bivalyokkal és magyar szürke marhákkal közösen legeltetett mintanégyzetek kvadrátjaitól. A mézpázsitos vegetáció típus a legeltetés hatására pedig fajgazdagabbá vált, aminek jelentős részét gyom fajok tették ki, de emellett specialista fajok is megjelentek. A legelt gyepek természetességi állapotáról általánosan el lehet mondani, hogy a zavarástűrő fajok aránya megnőtt ugyan, de a természetes vegetáció fajai is megmaradtak. 

  • A szürke fenyérfű (Bothriochloa ischaemum L.) allelopatikus hatásának áttekintése

    A szürke fenyérfű a pannon biogeográfiai régióban több mint ötven növénytársulásban előfordul, rendkívül változatos élő- és termőhelyeken. Ezek egy részén veszélyes inváziós fajjá is válhat, csökkentve azok természetvédelmi- és gazdasági értékét. Felszaporodását, invázióját segítheti a faj allelopatikus hatása. A feltett kérdések a következők. Van-e szakirodalmakból származó információ a szürke fenyérfű allelopatikus hatását illetően? Kapcsolatban állhat-e az allelopatikum a fenyérfűnek és az avarjának a szűrő hatásával? Nemzetközi kutatások alapján a szürke fenyérfű a nemzetség több más fajával együtt allelopatikus hatással rendelkezik. Az allelopatikum feltehetően vízoldható, mivel az öntözött avar is negatívan befolyásolta a többi fajt. Az anyag a faj saját növekedését is negatívan befolyásolja, de saját csírázását és a fiatal egyedek túlélését nem csökkenteti, vagyis ezen allelopatikumok termelése a fenyérfű számára is bizonyos hátránnyal jár. A faj közvetlen hatása mellett közvetve is hat a többi növényre, például a mikorrhizáltság csökkentésével. Jelenlegi ismereteink alapján a fajt nagyon nehéz tartósan visszaszorítani. Az ezt követő restauráció szintén nagyon nehéz feladat a fenyérfű által termelt allelopatikumok miatt. Ezért további vizsgálatokra van szükség, amelyek pontosan meghatározzák ezeket az allelopatikus hatásokat a többi növényfajra. Fenti eredmények a faj ökológiájának megértéséhez és a visszaszorítási technológiák kidolgozásához is fontos információkat szolgáltatnak. 

  • A hasznosítási gyakoriság és az időjárás hatása száraz és üde fekvésű gyepek takarmány-minőségére

    Irrigating pastures is a viable option only in a few selected areas in Hungary, even though pasture is a water demanding culture. Species composition will be impacted by the climate change, reduced winter and spring precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the rise in temperature. Coverage by dicots and C4 grasses will increase, resulting in a change in feed quality. Yield losses and deteriorating quality should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. We examined the impacts of 3 utilization technologies and seasonal weather conditions on dry and mesic pastures in the years 2006-2010. Results indicated a significant difference in feed quality and factors determining nutrient content caused by water supply. On the dry pasture, humidity had a significant and substantial negative impact (highest significance, highest r-value) whereas the mesic pasture was essentially affected by precipitation. On the mesic pasture, high temperatures, strong radiation and high amounts of precipitation all had negative impacts on the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of grass. Crude protein contents showed strong correlation only with annual precipitation. 

  • A szürke fenyérfű (Bothriochloa ischaemum L.) magyarországi előfordulása és gyepgazdálkodási helyzete (irodalmi áttekintés)

    A szürke fenyérfű szakirodalmi és herbáriumi források alapján összegyűjtött előfordulási adatai igazolják a pázsitfűfaj széleskörű, országos szintű elterjedtségét természetközeli (pl. Gánt, Aszófő) és erősen degradált (pl. Tiszaalpár, Tatabánya) termőhelyeken egyaránt. Mindössze három középtájból nem találtunk róla elterjedési adatot. A száraz (sőt, félszáraz, akár kiszáradó) gyepektől a nyíltabb, száraz erdőtársulásokig sok helyen megtalálhatja a számára kedvező életfeltételeket, beleértve a bolygatott, a másodlagos eredetű állományokat, és a parlagokat is. A magyar szakirodalom 52 hazai társulásból, cönotaxonból jelzi. A legtöbb előfordulási adat elsősorban olyan dombságokból és középhegységekből származik, ahol a száraz, melegebb déli oldalak (amelyeket gyakran antropogén zavarások is érnek, pl. túllegeltetés, művelt területek felhagyása) ideális mikrokörnyezetet teremtenek a faj felszaporodásához. A sok előfordulási adatot tartalmazó középtájak másik csoportjába az olyan alföldi területek tartoznak, amelyek klímája szárazabb, és táji szinten jellemző a jelenlegi, sőt még inkább a korábbi legeltetés (Duna-Tisza közi síkvidék: homoki gyepek, Körös-Maros köze: löszgyepek). Az elmúlt időszakra jellemző, és a közeljövőben is várható a degradált és felhagyott területek kiterjedésének növekedése. Ezek alapján a fenyérfű még nagyobb mértékű hazai elterjedésére lehet számítani. 

  • Change of perspective in grassland analysis, three-dimensional crop estimation and qualification method

    From the point of view of the lawns' current existence, use and their existence for the future, but the tasks, goals and challenges of grassland management have changed, and in line with this, we have carried out surveys and developed and modified a method for fast and efficient application.

    In practice, it is very important to know the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the forage found in the pasture, as well as the exact economic value of the pasture. The purpose of this study is to present a cheap, fast, reliable and easy-to-apply estimation method.

    We took the previous methods into account and corrected and further developed them with the help of recent lawn management research results. Based on our tests, the corrected Balázs method can be used well to estimate the yield of grasslands and to determine the fodder value of the grassland. This method is cheap and requires no technical background. It also has the advantage, based on experience, that it takes into account the preference of species by animals.

    The data from the cenological survey and the height measurement of the plant stock can be used to estimate the yield, fodder value and economic value. Being a non-destructive method involving minimal trampling, it is also particularly suitable for monitoring the grassland habitat of protected plants and animals. The method is also presented on a sample example, which proves its applicability.

  • Néhány időjárási tényező és a hozam összefüggése száraz- és üde gyepeken

    The yield of pastures will be impaired by the climate change as a result of reduced amount of winter and vegetation precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the increase in temperature. Species composition is also due to change, however, this change will be more difficult to be determined as the increasing concentration of glasshouse gases has different impacts on the various components. Grassland is a water demanding culture; droughts reduce yield significantly and these losses should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. On protected and Nature 2000 pastures, comprising giving 50% of Hungarian pastures – strict regulations prevent the application of yield increasing techniques, such as irrigation, fertilization or oversowing. The impacts of the weather may only be compensated to a certain extent by the utilization technology. The effects of 3 utilization systems and some elements of weather conditions with special regard to water supply were investigated on dry and mesic grasslands in the years 2006-2010. On the bases of the results some suggestions are set up for modifying the specifications on pasture utilization in nature conservation areas, by having the first cutting earlier and increasing utilization frequency wherever possible. On dry grasslands, yield was affected most significantly by annual precipitation, the precipitation in the vegetative period showed the second strongest correlation with yield. On mesic pastures, temperature and radiation had the strongest influence on the yield. Here, the significance level in the case of total annual precipitation was lower, whereas the correlation was not significant for precipitation in the vegetative period.

  • Nyílt homoki gyepek cönológiai és talajtani vizsgálata a Duna-Tisza közén

    Vizsgálatunk célja, hogy meghatározzuk a Duna-Tisza közi Festuca vaginata és a F. pseudovaginata által dominált nyílt homoki gyepekben a fajkompozíciójában és talajtulajdonságaiban jelentkező különbségeket. A mintavételt 2009 májusában végeztük 2×2 m-es kvadrátokban, Braun-Blanquet módszerét alapul véve, de a fajok borítási értékeit adtuk meg. Öt-öt felvétel készült Festuca vaginata és F. pseudovaginata dominálta állományokban, két mintaterületen (Tatárszentgyörgy és Imrehegy). Az edényes növényfajok fajszámát és borítási értékeit, a kriptogámok fajszámát, valamint hét talajtani paramétert (pH [KCl], pH [H2O], humusz, összes nitrogéntartalom, Ca, P2O5, K2O) elemeztünk, utóbbiakat 0-15 cm-es és 15-30 cm-es mélységben mérve. A két Festuca faj állományainak talajtani viszonyainak összehasonlítására lineáris kevert modelleket alkalmaztunk, az adatok elemzését klaszteranalízissel is kiegészítettük, az egyes fajok borítási értékeit pedig Mann-Whitney U-teszttel hasonlítottuk össze. Eredményeink alapján a F. vaginata és a F. pseudovaginata felvételek jól elkülönültek egymástól, utóbbiakban a fajszám közel kétszer akkorának bizonyult, mint a F. vaginata felvételek esetében. A borítási értékek és a felső 15 cm-es talajrétegből vett minták talajtani paraméterein alapuló klaszteranalízis alapján is elkülönültek a különböző vegetációs egységek. A lineáris kevert modellek eredményei szerint a F. vaginata dominálta gyepek talaja magasabb pH-, nitrogén-, foszfor- és kalciumtartalommal jellemezhetők, szemben a F. pseudovaginata gyepekkel, amely szoros kapcsolatot jelez a felső talajrétegek tulajdonságai és a rajta előforduló homoki vegetáció összetétele között. 

  • Természetvédelmi és gyepgazdálkodási vizsgálatok a Dinnyési-Fertő gyepeiben

    The present study includes coenological results of the effects of grazing with Hungarian grey cattle in saline grasslands in Dinnyési Fertő Nature Conservation Area. This kind of managment is favourable for the grazing and trampling tolerant grass species and decreases the proportion of the dicots.The classification of species based on the social behaviour types of Borhidi shows the spreading of the ruderal competitor species, mainly Cynodon dactylon with the progress of the grazing season. Grazing prefential from a bird conservation aspect increases the number of species, however, it modifies the mass relations between species in a negative way.

  • Comparative investigations of biomass composition in differently managed grasslands of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological and biomass samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. Studies were broadened to four areas of the Tapolcai Basin, Badacsonytördemic (undergrazed and overgrazed pastures, hayfield, control area). The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production in every grazing season of a year. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value. Covering rates of the grassland associations have doubled and species composition has improved in the Tihany Peninsula, however, forage value has not increased, due to the change in land use in favour of the natural area that is converting into grazing field. In case of the Taplocai Basin, low number of species (20 to 30) was detected in the undergrazed pasture and the control area. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state for species diversity, and the amount of forage remained high. The overgrazed pasture carries a low forage value and contains a high number of weed species, despite the spectacularly high total number of plant species (38 to 39), consequently, grazing pressure has to be decreased. Although the number of species is lower in the hayfield (26 to 28), species composition and ability for forage supply is much better, showing that the proper management of the area is taken here. 

  • Fajösszetétel és diverzitás változás kiskunsági száraz és nedves fekvésű legelőkön

    Investigations were carried out in wet – next to Tatárszentgyörgy, and dry grass pasture – next to Bugac, both located in Kiskunság, in the central region of Carpathian Basin. Recordings were taken every June of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 from Tatárszentgyörgy – where cattle were grazed, and 1997, 2005 and 2010 from Bugac, where cattle and sheep were grazed. Coenological recordings were taken in three zones. The first zone ("A" zone) located 0-50 m near the stable, second zone ("B" zone) located 50-150 m from the stable, while the third zone ("C" zone) located farther then 150m from the stable. Analyses of ecological and environmental factors were based on Borhidi’s relative ecological indicators. Life form analyses were performed by Pignatti life form types. For statistical evaluation, R software was applied. Shannon diversity. Based on our results for both dry and wet grasslands, quadrates of "A" zone were well isolated from the rest of the zones. Overgrazing, which involves considerable trampling, vanishes differences among vegetations, thereby promotes weed and disturbance tolerant rich vegetation. The lowest species number and diversity could be found here. Recordings for "B" and "C" zones separated from recordings of "A" zone, furthermore, quadrates of wet and dry grasslands formed separate groups. From recordings of "B" and "C", zone perennial grass species (H caesp) and the emerging perennial (H wrap) species multiplied and these species were the indicators of grazing. The greatest lifeform richment were presented among "B" zone recordings. The amount of intensive grazing indicator species, such as creeping perennials (Hrep) was significant in "B" zone recordings of Tatárszentgyörgy. Grazing stabilised the local vegetation, but increased the ratio of disturbance tolerant species, which was confirmed by conservation evaluation. This is due to the conversion of grassland types, the transition from free grazing to switch grazing, which resulted in an intensive involvement of the more distant "C" zone as well. "A" zones fully converted; they changed into fully reliefs. Further located sample area vegetations were not homogenised by grazing and even helped the preservation of characteristic species. In the aspect of environmental protection, vigorous grazing led to a more valuable vegetation in "B" zone in an arid grassland (Bugac). According to the sample area, wet grasslands from the sandy areas of Kiskunság, preserve nature protection values and grass composition better moving away from stables, due to less grazing pressure. Drier backgrounds tolerate stronger grazing pressure (Bugac), while in case of wetter areas (Tatárszentgyörgy) – considering sustainability – grazing should be carried out with caution.

  • Magyar szürke szarvasmarhával végzett legeltetés hatása a vegetáció fajösszetételére Balaton-felvidéki mintaterületeken

    A jelen dolgozatban a magyar szürke szarasmarha legeltetésének vegetációra gyakorolt hatását vizsgáltuk Balatonfelvidéki száraz és mezofil gyepekben. A száraz termőhelyek Gyulakeszi, az üde mintaterületek Badacsonytördemic település mellett találhatók. Célunk az volt, hogy a magyar szürke szarvasmarha-legelőkön megvizsgáljuk a növényzet fajössztételét, megállapítsuk, melyek a leggyakoribb fajok, elsősorban termőhelytől függetlenül. Elemezzük, hogy az eltérő termőhelyi viszonyok hogyan befolyásolják a fajösszetételt a két vizsgált élőhely-típusban, mennyire adódik eltérés, illetve a legeltetés homogenizálja-e a területek növényeggyüttesét? Badacsonytördemicen két mezofil mintaterületet vizsgáltunk. Legelőt, ahol az állatok, a kihajtástól a behajtásig egy hónap kivételével tartózkodnak. Kiegészítő legelőt, ahová a szarvasmarhákat egy hónapra, augusztusban hajtják át. Gyulakeszi határában a Csobánc lábánál lévő mintaterület lejtős térszínen fekszik. Itt a lejtő felső (LFH) és alsó harmadában (LAH) végeztünk felméréseket. Mind a négy mintaterületen havonta készültek cönológia vizsgálatok 10-10 felvételben, és ezeket az összesített adatokat értékeltük. A felvételi területek közül a száraz termőhelyeken volt jelentősen nagyobb a fajszám. A lejtő felső harmadában ez átlagosan 40-56 fajt, míg az alsó harmadban 39-51 növényfajt jelentett. Az üdébb fekvésben a kiegészítő legelőn csak 25-28 faj volt átlagosan a felvételekben, a legelőn magasabb volt a fajszám: 28-33. Minden mintaterületet elemezve a leggyakoribb 10 növényfaj zömében pázsitfű volt. A mintaterületek – különösen a gyakoribb fajok tekintetében a felvételek fajösszetétele és a fajok dominancia viszonyai – nagy hasonlóságot mutattak, amik az uralkodó pázsitfüvek és pillangós fajok jelenlétéből és borítási értékeiből adódtak. A domináns pázsifű és pillangós fajokon túl az egyéb fajok alapján az üde és a száraz mintaterületek jobban eltértek. A magyar szürke szarvasmarha legelésével a domináns pázsitfüvek és pillangós fajok alapján homogenizálja a felvételeket. A többi növényfaj esetében pedig megőrzi a fajok változatosságát. Összességében elmondható, hogy a magyar szürke szarvasmarha alkalmas mind a száraz, és mind az üde termőhelyek fajgazdagságának fenntartására.