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  • Emerging economic problems in grassland establishment and grassland

    A lejtős területek és köztük a gyepterületek hátrányos helyzete évtizedek óta ismert és tudományosan is kutatott területe a közgazdaságnak. A lejtés miatt kialakuló vízeróziós károkat korán felismerték, s egy idő után talajvédelmi tervezéssel, a tervek megvalósításával igyekeztek a károkat mérsékelni. A 60-as évek elején elindított országos mozgalom egybeesett a nagyüzemi gazdálkodás feltételrendszere kialakításával. Ez bizonyos mértékig előnyére vált a talajvédelmi intézkedések megvalósításának, az észszerűbb földhasználat kibontakoztatásának.
    Közel 10 éves üzemi adatfelvételezéssel és elemzéssel egyértelművé lehetett tenni, hogy az észak-magyarországi térség szövetkezeteinél jelentősek mind a szántó, mind pedig a gyepterületeknél a lejtőmeredekségből eredő hozamkiesések.

  • Comparative phytosociological study of long-term on Tihany Peninsula of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value.

  • Vegetation investigation of cattle pastures in the Ipoly Valley, Dejtár

    The most natural and appropriate way to preserve the biodiversity of grasslands is the utilization, which is confirmed by current research. Conservation management requires intensive cooperation between nature conservation and intensive grassland utilization. Therefore, we investigated the effect of extensive grassland utilization on the outskirts of Dejtár.

  • Recent points of fertilization, plant protection, grazing and food safety on grasslands

    The purpose of Hungarian rangelands is looked upon in many different ways in our changing world. Environmentalists view the problem from an ecology centered point of view, while economists from an economy centered one. The third approach prefers a kind of rangeland management which can meet all expectations. Grassland and pasture management should be carried out in accordance with operative veterinary, phytosanitary, human and food safety regulations. An internationally acknowledged code includes all principles associated with these regulations. Food production will certainly gain greater significance, resulting in growing interest in rangeland management in the near future. Thus methods listed in this article should be kept in sight. 

  • Effect of sheep grazing practices on the endoparasite population that can be recorded on grassland

    Sampling for the occurrence of internal parasites of sheep was carried out in three extensively cultivated Achilleo - Festucetum pseudovinae grass communities with different grazing systems but with the same site conditions, in 2022 - 2023, at the MATE Research Institute in Karcag, Hungary. The sheep grazing regimes studied were: pastoral grazing, rotational grazing, and permanent, delta - forest grazing used on all grazing days. Microscopic analysis of the genomes and numbers of potentially infective oviposition and L3 larval stage endoparasites in sheep pastures was carried out on samples of faecal matter from grazed pastures and grass samples prepared using a 'larval feeder'. Our research objective was to clarify the effect of different sheep grazing practices on parasite infestation in a semi - natural grassland community with a solonyec soil composition.

  • Különböző komposztadagok hatása az extenzív gyep talajának néhány tulajdonságára

    After the millennium the utilization of the Hungarian grasslands is particularly important. We considered the priorities of the Darányi Ignácz Plan where the efficient utilization of the agricultural areas - including grasslands, pastures- by increasing the number of ruminants is the part of the rural strategy. The effective utilization of the by-product, the manure in croplands or pastures is particularly important, taking the increasing fertilizer prices within the continuously opening price scissor of the industrial-agricultural products into account. The patent of the Karcag Research Institute of CAAES RISF UD, the TERRASOL compost is a good alternative for farmers. We have already published the primary results of our grassland fertilization experiment, where we investigated the utilization of different compost doses and evaluated these from economic point of view. In this paper we examined the changes of the properties of the soil in the different treatments. We visualized our results by using GIS methods. We measured the moisture content, the penetration resistance and the CO2 emission of the soil of the four treatments. We determined that the 20 t/ha of compost dose is considered as sufficient to improve the investigated properties of the grassland soils under the droughty conditions of 2012. 

  • Comparing of soil and rhizoplane of grasses

     The aims of this paper were to determine and compare the most important physical, chemical and microbial characteristics of seven grassland areas near Debrecen.
         Physical properties: moisture content (t%), clay and silt contents (Li%), soil plasticity according to Arany (KA), were measured.  

    As were the chemical characteristics: pH, salt content (%). lime content (it depends on pH), humus content, organic nitrogen and mineral materials (nitrate nitrogen, ammonium lactate soluble phosphorous and potassium).
         The total viable number of bacteria, the amount of cellulose decomposing and nitrifying bacteria and the quantity of microscopic fungi were studied. Additionally, some soil enzyme activities, such as phosphatase and catalase as well as carbon-dioxide production were determined.
         The number of microbes and the microbiological activity of the soils were higher in autumn than in summer. The lowest number of bacteria was determined in solonchak-solonetz soil. The phosphatase enzyme activity and the CO2 production are connected with the higher organic matter content of the soils. The increasing sodification decreased the phosphatase activity and the intensity of CO2 production. Meadow soil type led to an increase in catalase activity.
    During the examination zhe rhizoplane of two test plants per grassland was also studied. The umber of microorganisms in the rhizoplane of test plants was usually higher than the values obtained in soil samples.
         Within one soil types there were differences between two test plants including the same or different family.
         There were no considerable differences among the number of fungi genera isolated from the soil samples and the rhizoplane or among the results obtained in summer and autumn. Independent of the soil types and plant species, Fusarium, Mucor and Penicillium genera were found in large percentages promoted by the rainy summer and autumn season. 

  • The effects of fertilization on a 6 years old established grassland

    The effect of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations were examined in the 33rd year of a long-term fertilization experiment on the yield and mineral element content of a 6 years old established all-grass sward in 2006, with seed mixture of eight grass species. The trial was established on a calcareous chernozem soil. The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4N×4P×4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, super phosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. The 1st cut was made on 08th June, the 2nd one on 11th September. During the vegetation period of 8.5 months in 2006, the site had a total of 397 mm precipitation. The lay-out, method and main results of the trial were published earlier (Kádár, 2004, 2008; Kádár és Győri, 2004, 2005). Main conclusions of this study are as follows:

    1. The 1st cut hay yield gave the ¾ of the total yield. Highest yields were reached with the 200 kg/ha/year N-fertilization on soil well supplied with P (Ammonium-lactate soluble P2O5: 214 mg/kg). The yield of NP control plots increased from 1.5 t/ha to about 7.5 t/ha as a function of the N×P positive interaction. The rising P supply alone was not able to enhance the yield, however the N fertilization gave 3.5 t/ha hay surplus even in the P-control treatments. N and P fertilization together resulted in 6.0-6.5 t/ha yield surpluses. The effect of K fertilization also reached 1 t/ha on the NP levels where the ammonium-lactate soluble K2O content fell below 150 mg/kg.
    2. The 2nd cut hay gave 0.5 t/ha on the NP-control plots unfertilized for 33 years, and 2.5 t/ha on the 300 kg/ha/year N treatment with well P-supply. The two cuts together resulted in yield levels between 2-10 t/ha according to the extreme NPK supply. In this year, with relatively good amount of precipitation, the hay yield surpluses for 1 kg N were 47-33-23 kg for the 100-200-300 kg/ha treatments.
    3. The C/N ratio of the 1st cut was narrowed (from 52 to 24) with N-supply and the concentration of N as well as most of the cations increased with the rising N fertilization. In the low yield of the 2nd cut the elements, metals were accumulated. The P, S and Sr were enriched in hay as a result of rising P supply, as superphosphate contains these elements. Antagonistic effect of P predominated in the uptake of other elements, metals (Na, Zn, Cu, Mo, Cr, Co). K content of the hay was lifting while other elements were dropping with the increasing K fertilization partly as a result of dilution effect (N, P, S) and mainly because of cation antagonism (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr). K-B antagonism also appeared.
    4. The N×K interactions resulted in 2-fold Sr and 18-22 fold Na content changes while N×P caused 18-22 fold changes in Mo contents, especially at the 2nd cut. As it can be seen, fertilization can have drastical effects on soil and crops. The induced element deficiencies or oversupplies can lead to diseases, disturbances in the metabolism of animals, so the soil and fodder analyses are necessary.
    5. Considering the leaf diagnostical data, the satisfactory level will be at 200 kg/ha/year N supply and 150 mg/kg ammonium-lactate soluble P2O5 and K2O level or above. The S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn supply were satisfactory even at the control plots, while the Zn, Cu and B levels showed deficiency. The P/Zn and K/B ratios became adversely wider in some treatments, as well as the narrowing of the Cu/Mo ratio denotes Cu deficiency and Mo oversupply.
    6. The amount of elements uptaken by hay as a sum of the two cuts and as a function of the supply/yield varied between the following values in kg/ha: 17-163 N; 36-122 K; 9-48 Ca; 6-17 P; 4-15 S; 3-14 Mg; 0,3-8,0 Na; 0,2-1,4 Fe; 0,2-0,9 Al and Mn. The other elements showed the following uptake: Zn 33-194, Sr 28-141, Ba 5-46, Cu 5-39, B 5-26, Mo 3-6 g/ha.
    7. The botanical composition was drastically modified by the aging of the grass and the nutrient supply. Only three species remained out of the eight sown species and one immigrated. Coverage of the tall fescue was between 21-70% according to the N×P supply and 44% as average; coverage of cocksfoot varied between 4-24% depending on the treatment and 18% as an average; coverage of crested wheatgrass was between 0-28% and 9% as an average; the immigrant smooth brome covered 0-24% and 9% as an average; Weed cover was 3-4% as an average at the 1st cut. Weeds thrived mainly on those areas where the grass thinned away (extreme NP-deficiency or oversupply). The total plant coverage on NP-deficient soil was about 50%, while on treatments well supplied with NP it amounted 95-97%.
  • Digestibility and nutritive value of late mowed grassland

    Nutritive value of a fodder from extensive established pasture was tested. The nutrient content was measured by the Wendeeanalysis and by in vitro ruminant digestibility method. Results of former experiments showed that the nutritive value of an extensive established pasture in the case of late outdoor growing is low. In our results the highest crude protein content was in the year 2002, while in 2003 can be observed a steep decline, which showed in 2004 further decrease. The crude protein values were the highest in case of middle seed norm. The nutritive values of these pastures provide just supply for the demand and it was declined due to the negative N-balance in the rumen. Our results showed that the samples from the year of establishment could possibly be used for preserved feed (6.01 MJ NE l kg-1). The crop from all other years and sowing times did not reach a value of 5.00 MJ NE l kg-1, but approach a level of 4.4 to 4.5 MJ NE l kg-1, thus they would not be suitable for preserved feed. It can be recommended that this late season crop should rather be used for grazing of livestock than as preserved feed. 

  • Key theoretic and practical elements of Tessedik Sámuel in grassland based animal production systems

    The successful life of Tessedik has been studied for about two centuries by the researchers. From among his activities of public utility the modernization of agricultural production is extremely outstanding.

    His theoretical and practical work covers the main elements of farming of that time period. His results can be studied in the comprehensive system of fooder production, grassland farming and animal husbandry by the analyses of his papers. In his theoretical works he describes the practice of fodder production and feeding of his age as well as the possibilities of more successful farming. His recommendations could be applied only partially among th given economical conditions.

  • Az avar rövid életű keresztesvirágú (Brassicaceae) gyomfajok csírázásra gyakorolt hatása

    Recruitment by seeds is essential both in vegetation dynamics and in supporting grassland biodiversity. Recruitment by seeds is feasible in suitable microsites from the seed rain and/or by establishment from persistent soil seed banks. Cessation of grassland management by grazing or mowing results in litter accumulation, which leads to the decrease of species richness by the decreased availability of open patches. Low amounts of litter are often beneficial, while high amounts of litter are detrimental for seed germination and seedling establishment of short-lived species. However, the magnitude of these effects on germination and seedling establishment in relation to litter and seed attributes are scarcely studied. This motivated us to design an indoor experiment to explore the effects of litter on seedling establishment. We germinated six short-lived Brassicaceae species (Arabidopsis thaliana, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Descurainia sophia, Erophila verna, Lepidium campestre, and Lepidium perfoliatum) with different seed mass under increasing litter cover. We found that both seed mass and litter had significant effect on germination and establishment of the sown species. Small-seeded species were significantly negatively affected by the 300 g/m2 and/or 600 g/m2 litter layers. No negative litter effect was detected for species with high seed masses (Lepidium spp.). No overall significant positive litter effect was found, although for most of the species; total seedling numbers was not the highest at the “bare soil” pots. Our results suggest that the effects of litter accumulation on the germination and establishment of short-lived species are less feasible in case of large-seeded species than on small-seeded ones.

  • Effects of ceasing mowing and grazing on the vegetation of wet grasslands of Badacsonytördemic

    During the work we examined the vegetation of a wet area near Badacsonytördemic. The grassland has been mowed and grazed intensively by Hungarian grey cattle until 2010, and it was abandoned afterwards. We surveyed three sample areas: the continuously grazed pasture, the mowed grassland and the additional pasture, which was grazed for one month each year.
    Records were made in June 2010 and 2020. We utilized 4×4 m quadrats, and gave the cover of species in percent. Relative nitrogen values (NB), soil moisture values (WB), Social Behaviour Types according to Borhidi, nature conservation values (TVK) according to Simon were also used.
    Based on the results, the vegetation of the area degraded greatly in ten years, its diverse nature disappeared, weeds and invasive species became dominant and species with good foraging value declined. No aggressive competitors were found in 2007, but Solidago gigantea appeared with great cover by 2020. In addition, many weed species appeared, and the ones which were already present in 2010, have increased their cover. Cirsium arvense was a newly appearing weed. Dead biomass also increased greatly.
    To avoid further degradation, we suggest to reintroduce the management to these areas again. To set back weeds and invasive species, regular mowing would be efficient. It would be important to carefully set the date of mowing so that it prevents the spreading of seeds. Mowed plants must be removed from the area as soon as possible.

  • Comparative investigations of biomass composition in differently managed grasslands of the Balaton Uplands National Park, Hungary

    Phytosociological and biomass samples were collected in two territories of the Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary) dominated by grassland habitats. Samples in the Tihany Peninsula had been taken in a pasture of Hungarian Grey Cattle. Studies were broadened to four areas of the Tapolcai Basin, Badacsonytördemic (undergrazed and overgrazed pastures, hayfield, control area). The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production in every grazing season of a year. We evaluated the changes of species composition and ground cover, the measure of possible regeneration or degradation, and the changes of these factors from the viewpoint of feeding value. Covering rates of the grassland associations have doubled and species composition has improved in the Tihany Peninsula, however, forage value has not increased, due to the change in land use in favour of the natural area that is converting into grazing field. In case of the Taplocai Basin, low number of species (20 to 30) was detected in the undergrazed pasture and the control area. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state for species diversity, and the amount of forage remained high. The overgrazed pasture carries a low forage value and contains a high number of weed species, despite the spectacularly high total number of plant species (38 to 39), consequently, grazing pressure has to be decreased. Although the number of species is lower in the hayfield (26 to 28), species composition and ability for forage supply is much better, showing that the proper management of the area is taken here. 

  • Conservation survey of horse pastures and hayfields in an equestrian centre near Sukoro

    The test was carried out in Sukoró, on the lawns of the Sukoró Equestrian Center in May 2023. The purpose of the survey was to present the natural state and economic value of grasslands with different uses. The ceenological surveys were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet method, during which we recorded the data using 2x2 meter squares and gave the cover values in %. The squares were placed randomly in the given areas. During the survey, we analyzed five sample areas in three units. Our sample area I. is degraded fresh grassland, which was a horse pasture that was overgrazed in 2023, II. the sample area was a meadow dominated by sedge, which is utilized by mowing. The III. the sample area is Siki lawn dominated by Festuca pseudovina, which was also mowed. The IV. the deepest part of the mowing area, marsh meadow-fen, which is also used as a mowing area. Sample area V is silicate rock grassland, which is also grazed by horses, but was left alone in 2023.

    With the exception of sample area I, which was intensively grazed in 2023, and therefore overgrazed by trampling, based on the tests, the natural state of the lawns remained valuable even after treatments, mowing and grazing. In the lawns, the largest proportion of elements of the native flora can be found. In the deeper spot on the mowing field, bog elements and the protected species Anacampts pyramidalis also appeared. A protected species, Allium sphaerocephalon, also occurred in the silicate rock lawn. The lawn management methods carried out by the riding center are suitable for maintaining the area's vegetation in a close-to-nature and long-term manner.

  • The role of grasslands in natural and farm-like game management: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    This paper investigates the relationship between grasslands and game management. It focuses on three questions:
    - grasslands as habitats for game,
    - grasslands as sites for prolification,
    - grasslands as sources of nutrition.
    Five so-called big, and five so-called small game species were considered, based on my own research and a literature review. Main results and consequences:
    - grasslands as ecosystems are more important in game management than as solely resources of nutrients,
    - compared to their territorial proportions, grasslands play a 2-3 time grates role in game management,
    - grasslands are more preferred on areas where vegetation types are frequently changing (a given vegetation occupies only a small area),
    - there is a remarkable seasonality in grassland use of small game, spring being the peak season,
    - classification of game considering grasslands as sources of nutrients:
    I. grasslands are hardly eaten by: red deer, wild pig, wild ducks
    II. grass is consumed, but it is not a main source of nutrients: for fallow deer
    III. grass is consumed as frequently as other forages by roe deer, wild sheep
    IV. grasslands are important feeding sites for pheasants, partridges
    V. grass is the main forage for hares, wild ducks

  • Comparison of vegetation of Hungarian Grey Cattle and Domestic water buffalo pastures in a sample area of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

    We made a coenological study on the Kelemen-szék in the Kiskunság National Park. The coenological studies were carried out twice, in 2014 and 2015. During these two surveys, we examined in total 90 quadrats of mixed grazed and fenced control areas by domestic water buffalo and Hungarian Grey Cattle. Due to the size and heterogeneity of the studied area, we intended to investigate small homogeneous areas and respective control areas. Coenological surveys were done on lower and higher lying pastures, saline soil areas and loess areas.

    The studied areas were assessed based on the Borhidi relative plant ecological indicators NB (relative nitrogen values) and WB (relative groundwater and soil moisture indicator values). The distribution of nature conservation value categories (TVK) and social behavior types (SzMT) were used to assess the areas. Cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) were used to evaluate the data.

    The data were assessed based on both habitat condition in terms of naturalness condition. On the other hand, relative ecological indicators of the occurred species. Our objectives were to provide a detailed description of the vegetation composition of the study areas, to assess the changes in grassland composition and their conservation impacts as a result of grazing and its abandonment, to assess the impact of grazing on the occurrence of protected species and weed species, and to assess grazing as a conservation habitat management practice.

    The examination of the species composition showed that the loess and saline soil areas grazed by domestic water buffalos and Hungarian Grey Cattle provided a better composition of grassland in terms of natural condition compared to the control areas. In the dense and tall Puccinellia swards vegetation type, grazing requires more attention, because it is more vulnerable to grazing, has fewer species and is more damageable.

  • Biomass of the sandy grasslands along the Danube

    Festuca taxa are important grassland species in the pannonian vegetation, and are defining members of it where conditions are too extreme for most plants. Based on grassland management surveys, habitats of narrow-leaved or small Festuca species are an indicator of poor productive capacity, but are important in terms of nature conservation. The significance of these grasslands are likely to be increasing in line with climate change and expanding dry habitats.

  • Total GHG balance, a new method for determining GHG emissions of small livestock and mixed farms

    The aim of our study is to find the most appropriate method for examining the impact of small, extensive livestock/mixed farms on climate change. We would like to describe a self–developed calculation, the application of which requires basic mathematical knowledge. With the method, we get an analysis that can be prepared in a short time, either in the case of real farms or model farms that exist in theory. In order to use it, a detailed description of a farm must be prepared, with the help of a year's work process, annual purchases and the summation of annual production. By drawing conclusions from the obtained results, the farm's GHG emissions can be optimized, and it can also help to find climate–neutral farming methods for the production of animal products.

  • Examination of coenological and grassland management of sheep- and cattle pasture in lands of Kiskunság

    The coenological relevés were prepared in 2007 and 2008 on two pasture-lands in the Great Hungarian Plain. areas situated inside and near (0 to 50 meters far from) an animal husbandry farm belong to the first group. Coenological relevés gained from areas situated 50 to 150 meters far from intensively used areas belong to the second group. Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats, and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. Primarily, degradation of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm.

  • Evaluation of pastures along the River Jaba (Ságvár): Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    The valley of the river Jaba and the hilly country of its small catchments area situated in Trans-Danube near the lake Balaton and plain of Mezőföld. It has not yet been discovered botanically till now in details. It proved to be poor of minerals and energy sources. There remained next-to-natural relic habitats under traditional land-use conditions because of its orographical, mineralogical and pedological properties.
    The aim of the present study is counting of vascular plants and evaluating of steppe communities of Salvio-Festucetum rupicolae and Cynodonti-Poëtum angustifoliae from the point of view of nature conservation and utility for pasturing.

  • Effects of grazing as anthropogenic environmental factor of natural grasslands in the Hungarian Great Plain, near Bugac

    The coenological quadrats were made in 1997, 2005, 2010 and 2021 in a sandy grassland which is used as cattle pasture. The quadrats can be sort in three groups. The first group of quadrats was made close to the cattle pen (Zone A: 0-50 m). The second group was made farther (Zone B: 50-150), where the grazing is not so intensive. The third group contains the quadrats which were made farther than 150m (Zone C). The animals use this area rarely, therefor this part of the pasture is undergrazed (Penksza et al., 2010a). The coenological survey was carried out with 2×2 meter squares, recording the cover value. The species names follow the nomenclature of Király (2009) and Engloner et al. (2001).


    The rate of species which indicate degradation is the highest near to the cattle pen (0-50m). But farther than 50m the rate of species which indicates naturalness is higher. Lower  nature conservation value can be observed near to the cattle pen. In this area weeds and degradation tolerant species can be found in the highest amount. Their ratio grew in the second zone (50-150m) too in the past few years, but the species which compose the natural vegetation also survived, so the species composition is able for regeneration. With the decreasing of grazing intensity the sample area could meet the requirements of nature conservation.

    Data evaluation was made with considering naturalness state in case of habitats; and on the other hand, according to relative ecological factors of occurring species. A significant change in species composition could be detected. Particularly, deterioration of areas could be experienced. These negative processes are extremely heavy inside and near the animal husbandry farm. Even aggressive, invasive plant species occurred. Among dominant grass species, dominance relations and covering rate of disturbance tolerant Cynodon dactylon and Lolium perenne species have increased, caused partly by overgrazing and trampling as well. A new species, Poa humilis, appeared in the zone “A” in 2020, which is a degradation indicator species and tolerates overgrazing and trampling (Penksza and Böcker, 1999/200; Penksza, 2009). Farther from the farm, rate of degradation showed by vegetation has decreased compared to the areas closer to the farm, however, it has increased even on the farther area between the two time periods. During the preparation of management plans for the grasslands, these data should be considered at a higher rate in favor of preserving natural values,

  • Overutilization of Pastures by Livestock

    Soil degradation caused by overgrazing is a worldwide problem. The degradation of an overutilized area occurs mainly where animals prefer to spend extra time because of the attractants that are around gateways, water sources, along fences or farm buildings. High grazing pressure decreases plant density which results in changes of the botanical composition of a pasture. The effect that grazing has on a plant depends on the timing, frequency and intensity of grazing and its opportunity to regrow. Overgrazing adversely effects soil properties, which results in reduced infiltration, accelerated runoff and soil erosion. Evidence has been corroborated with high bulk density values, high dry mechanical resistance and low structural stability. The degradation of the landscape may be a short-term phenomenon and recovery is possible after grazing pressures have been greatly reduced. Management practices have been used successfully to improve grazing distribution. These practices include water development, placement of salt and supplements, fertilizer application, fencing, burning, and the planting of special forages which can be used to enhance grazing by livestock in underutilized areas.
    The authors carried out their grazing experiment on the Hortobágy. The effects of overutilization by livestock on soil properties and vegetation on certain areas of grassland are presented in this paper.

  • Néhány időjárási tényező és a hozam összefüggése száraz- és üde gyepeken

    The yield of pastures will be impaired by the climate change as a result of reduced amount of winter and vegetation precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the increase in temperature. Species composition is also due to change, however, this change will be more difficult to be determined as the increasing concentration of glasshouse gases has different impacts on the various components. Grassland is a water demanding culture; droughts reduce yield significantly and these losses should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. On protected and Nature 2000 pastures, comprising giving 50% of Hungarian pastures – strict regulations prevent the application of yield increasing techniques, such as irrigation, fertilization or oversowing. The impacts of the weather may only be compensated to a certain extent by the utilization technology. The effects of 3 utilization systems and some elements of weather conditions with special regard to water supply were investigated on dry and mesic grasslands in the years 2006-2010. On the bases of the results some suggestions are set up for modifying the specifications on pasture utilization in nature conservation areas, by having the first cutting earlier and increasing utilization frequency wherever possible. On dry grasslands, yield was affected most significantly by annual precipitation, the precipitation in the vegetative period showed the second strongest correlation with yield. On mesic pastures, temperature and radiation had the strongest influence on the yield. Here, the significance level in the case of total annual precipitation was lower, whereas the correlation was not significant for precipitation in the vegetative period.

  • Some aspects of red deer farming bared on grassland

    A szerzők tanulmányukban összefoglalják a legelőre alapozott gímszarvastartás néhány  legfontosabb kérdését a legelöhasznosítás szempontjából. A legelö metabolizálható energiatartalma növekedésével lineárisan javul a szarvasborjak napi tömeggyarapodása a szoptatási idószak azon szakaszában, amikor a borjak legelőfű felvétele számottevó.
         A gyepek pillangós alkotóinak növekedésével 0-20% közötti tartományban nagyon jelentös a legelő állatok napi tömeggyarapodás javulása. 20% feletti pillangós arány már kismértékű tömeggyarapodás többlettel jár, és ugyanakkor negatív hatású a területi termelékenységre. 

  • Use of farmyard manure in grassland

    A gazdálkodási körülmények átalakulása miatt nagyban megváltozott a gyephasznosítási gyakorlat. Hazánkban túlsúlyba kerültek az olyan gyepterületek, ahol természetvédelmi célú gyepgazdálkodást írnak elő a különböző rendeletek, vagy ezt a gazdálkodási formát maguk a tulajdonosok vállalják támogatás fejében. Teljesen mindegy, hogy milyen gazdálkodást végzünk, ha „a füvet betakarítjuk és lehordjuk a területről”, azt valamilyen tápanyag formájában pótolnunk kell a talaj számára. A szervesanyagok használata a fenntartható tápanyagpótlásban egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kell, hogy kapjon.