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  • Neuber Ede Bőrgyógyászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1931/32. Tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Ede Neuber, Professor of Dermatology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1931/32. Professor Ede Neuber was the organizer and first director of the Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, and nationally, it was he who first organized the health supervision of university students. Again, he took part in spearheading the campaign against venereal diseases also through curtailing epidemic diseases by means of creating a law (lex veneris).
    In the 1931–1932 academic year he was Rector of Debrecen’s István Tisza University. During his rectorship, the Main Building of the University was completed and inaugurated, and the university took over the city’s public hospital for the purposes of training and practice. From 1936 through 1938 he represented the university in the upper house. In 1938 he was appointed principal professor of the clinic of dermatology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University, so he left Debrecen.

  • Archontologyof Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950-1990), Part XV.: Lectorat of Foreign Languages

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part XV: Lectorate of foreign Languages. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences,
    and for the so-called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily
    documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the
    archontology with perfect accuracy. Part XV presents the complete list pertaining to the Lectorate of Foreign Languages from head of department to administrator.

  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája (1950–1990) IV. rész

    ARCHONTOLOGY OF LAJOS KOSSUTH UNIVERSITY IV.: INSTITUTE OF HISTORY (1950–1990). he archontology of the Arts and Sciences Faculties of Lajos Kossuth University -the so-called central units of the university between Januar1, 1950–December 31, 1990 was prepared on the basis of the personal and personnel files of the Administration Department supported by the annual documentation of the Adminsitration from the fless documented 1950s. he exisiting materials are not complete, therefore the preparation of a comprehensive archontology is not possible. Part III. demonstrates the complete and detailed teacher and satf list of the Institute of History from the oice director to the administrators.

  • Szemináriumok, intézetek, klinikák vezetői és szakelőadók a debreceni tudományegyetemen (1914–1950)

    Szemináriumok, intézetek, klinikák vezetői és szakelőadók a debreceni tudományegyetemen (1914–1950)

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 I. rész: Elméleti intézetek

    The Teaching-Assistant Staff of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part I: Theoretical Institutes. Members of the subordinate staff who helped the work of the professors played a determining role in the teaching and healing activities of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen. The data base offers a comprehensive register of the relevant facts and figures pertaining to the institution’s professors, assistant professors, instructors, research students, and assistants. In this first installment, the compiler has processed the data of the subordinate staff of the theoretical institutes.


    János Bodnár as  professor and chair of the Institute of Medical Chemistry taught not only the first year medical students but, as a subject lecturer– owing to the lack of faculty of natural sciences – at the faculty of humanities he also took part in natural sciences teacher training of the teacher candidates. In addition, he also offered courses to those students who intended to obtain a doctoral degree.

    In the academic year of 1943–44 he served as rector of the University of Debrecen, which was hard work because of the wartime climate and existence. In the following academic year, 1944 – 1945, he again took part in the management of the university as deputy rector since the newly appointed rector, János Hankiss got stuck in Budapest  because of the war events. He concentrated on the temporary reconstruction of the war damages and he endeavoured to ensure the availability of the facilities of education.


  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem II. világháborúban súlyos bombatalálatot kapott Orvosi Vegytani Intézete helyreállításának nehézségei – Bodnár János intézetigazgató professzor 1945 novemberi beszámolója alapján

    IN WORLD WAR TWO THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED BY A BOMB EXPLOSION: THE DIFFICULTIES OF RESTORING THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY – AN ACCOUNT BASED ON THE ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSOR JÁNOS BODNÁR, DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE (NOVEMBER 1945). In World War Two, on September 15, 1944, a severe bombing hit struck the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the University of Debrecen, in György Magoss Square. About one-quarter part of the ediice was ruined and a large section of the roofage was destroyed. he source-material is provided by Professor János Bodnár, Director of the Institute, who in the academic year of 1944/1945 also served as acting rector. His submitted assessment, which bears the date of November 30, 1945, describes the diiculties of the restoration, including the long delays in the construction work. he study highlights the diiculties of renovation, as well as the problems of ensuring the basic facilities of education.

  • Tankó Béla filozófiaprofesszor, a debreceni M. kir, Tisza István- Tudományegyetem 1936-37. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Béla Tankó Professor of Philosophy the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1936–37. After being a teacher in a secondary grammar school in Saxonpolis (Transylvania) Béla Tankó became the leader of the Department of Philosophy as a professor at the newly established Debrecen University of Arts and Sciences. He managed the Department on the ideas of neo-Kantianism what he learned in Cluj. He also managed the Department of Pedagogy as substitute for some years and hold English lessons as lecturer. He took part in establishing Summer University together with János Hankiss and Rezső Milleker. He was the Rector of the university in the academic year 1936–37 that was the period of the silent development. He was famous for his love of music, he patronized music, and during his rectorate, the University Music Circle was founded and the university received a piano. He died in 1946 after a long professorate not long before his retirement.

  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája (1950–1990) I. rész: Marxizmus–Leninizmus Tanszék, majd Intézet

    THE ARCHONTOLOGY OF LAJOS KOSSUTH UNIVERSITYOF ARTS AND SCIENCES I (1950–1990): THE DEPARTMENT, THEN INSTITUTE OF MARXISM–LENINISM. The archontology of Kossuth University’s Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Sciences, and the so-called central units for the period of January 1, 1950, through December 31, 1990, has been prepared on the basis of the personal cards and the personal iles of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Oice, and it was supplemented with the less substantially documented yearly arranged material of the Personnel Department for the 1950s. Even so, however, the extant material is not complete; indeed, a totally reliable compilation of the archontology is not possible. Part I is a presentation of the day by day complete list—from institute director (department head) to junior clerk—of the teaching faculty and the non-teaching staf of the interdepartmental institution of the Institute (before 1966: Department) of Marxism–Leninism.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990. VIII. rész

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part VIII: Institute of Slavic Philology. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the So-Called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part VIII presents the complete list of the Institute of Slavic Philology from institute head to janitor.

  • Az 1944 novemberében-decemberében Budapesten felavatott debreceni doktorok

    INAGURATION OF DOCTORS IN DEBRECEN IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER OF 1944. After war had reached the István Tisza University in Debrecen in October 1944, the majority of the professors led to Budapest where they held several meetings. Doctors, who had received their degree earlier, were inagurated in Budapest between November 4 and December 20 in the name of the Debrecen University (23 medical, 3 law, 3 political science, 2 arts doctorate certiicates were given). he partly oicial operation in Budapest lasted until the second part of December, while some of the professors in Budapest, some in rural areas waited out the end of the ights. Some, though, had joined the medical training in Halle and Breslau organized by András Csilléry appointed government commissioner.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990. X. rész

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part X: Institute of Pedagogy and Cultural Studies. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the so-called “Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part X. presents the complete list pertaining to the Institute of Pedagogy and Cultural Studies from institute head to janitor.

  • Papp Károly irodalomprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1924-25. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE, WAS RECTOR MAGNIFICUS OF THE ROYAL ISTVÁN TISZA UNIVERSITY FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1924–1925. Károly Pap was born in Beregrákos, he conducted his university studies at Kolozsvár, and later in Budapest, where he earned a teacher’s degree in Hungarian and Latin, and later he received a doctor’s degree in Hungarian literature. In Budapest, from 1898 he was teaching at Veres Pálné secondary school for girls and from 1908 he became professor of Hungarian literature at the Arts Academy of the Reformed College. From 1914, until he retired in 1942, he served as ordinary public professor at the Department of Hungarian literature at the University of Debrecen. In the 1924–25 academic year he served as president of the university. His main professional interest was Hungarian literature of the 18th and 19th centruries, and he was regarded as a conservative historian of literature.

  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990 XII. rész
    127 - 146

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part XII : Teacher Training Gramm ar School and Teacher Training Primary School. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the so-called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part XII presents the complete list pertaining to the teacher training grammar school and teacher training elementary school.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának hallgatói társadalma (1921–1949)

    The Student Community of Debrecen’s School of Medicine (1921–1949). In view of the fact that the University of Debrecen grew out of the academic divisions of the Protestant College, the Protestant character of the state university can be easily demonstrated as present. What can be equally well seen are the facts that, one, the members of the student community tended to come from Debrecen or the larger Debrecen region, and, two, that Hungarian was the almost exclusively used mother tongue. As regards social distribution, the most frequent origins are from the intellectual and the smallholder class. A look at student support shows that until the beginning of the 1930s a smaller portion of the student body, whereas after this time frame 60 to 70 percent, received some kind of financial support. Student aid and reward could come from various sources: (a) from the university itself; (b) from the Ministry of Education; (c) the city of Debrecen; (d) private sources; (e) financial institutions and associations; and (f ) from the Protestant church. Unfortunately, the amount of these aids was rather limited and only a few students could be recipients. Student subventions in the post-1945 era was based on totally new priorities, however, its objectives were marred at first by runaway inflation, then class-struggle principles impacted on it by creating discriminative categories. Student accommodation, owing to the scarcity of reliable data can only be shown in an incomplete table; no creditable evaluation of these is possible.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990. VII. rész

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part Vii: Institute of Biology. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the So-Called „Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was assembled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files archived in the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office. As the 1950s has not furnished sufficiently with documents data was supplemented by the annually arranged
    material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete by making impossible to realize the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part VII presents the complete list of the Institute of Biology from institute head to janitor.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele

    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

  • A strange Oath of the Students of Debrecen. The Promise that the Roommates made each other in the Room 17 of the István Tisza Internátus, in December 15, 1925

    It’s a very rare source of the scientific research in history that prove a promise that some people made for each other. It has got more importance if this is an oath of some roommates. Five students in Debrecen, who have lived their lives in the same dormitory room in the István Tisza Internate for years made a promise to each other in December 15, 1925. In writing they vowed that they will meet in Budapest in the Hotel Gellért on the day of Pentecost 6 years later. The text of the oath is an exact reflection of the age and of the „neo-baroque” society of the twenties. We don’t know that the meeting in 1931 could be realized or not, but we can suppose that could be, based on the strong friendship of the roommates. This strange oath is a very rare and valuable source of the students’ life between the two Wold Wars.


  • Benedek László ideggyógyász-professzor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1935–36. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    László Benedek Professor of the Neurology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1935/1936. The first professor of neurology and psychiatry and the director of the Department of Neurology of the University of Debrecen between 1921 and 1936 was László Benedek who studied at Cluj as a student of Károly Lechner. In the academic year of 1935/36 he held the post of the Rector of the university. This period was the era of silent development in the life of the university. Benedek as Rector focused on improving the living circumstances of the students. After his rectorate he was appointed to a professorship of the Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences and the director of the Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry in Budapest. His wife was the wellknown actress Irén Zilahy. After her tragic death in April 1944 Benedek collapsed and in March 1945 he committed suicide in Kitzbühel in Austria. László Benedek was a brilliant lecturer, an urging leader, and an inventive professor of science whose work in several partial branches of science was outstanding.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 III. rész: Klinikák 2.

    The Assista nt Personnel of the School of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 3: The Clinics 2. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the School of Medicine were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this third part, the assistant personnel of the following clinics is registered: Clinic of
    Internal Medicine, Clinic of Surgery, Clinic of Otolaryngology, Polyclinic of Stomatology; and other institutes: University Pharmacy, the X-Ray Institute, the Institute and School of Nursery.


    Dr. Béla Fornet is a school-creating professor at the University of Debrecen who, through his directness, created an intimate atmosphere not only in his clinic, but also in the University Council during the rector's term. According to the theological dean István Török, "recognizing the need for social transformation during his rector's activity, he made greater concessions than the predecessor of any rector at the expense of previous inherited forms." As a result of his foresight and directness, in addition to the trust of the patients, he enjoyed the confidence of both the students and the professors during his rector's activities. In recognition of his outstanding professional work, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen established the Béla Fornet Commemorative Medal. In this way, the example of a determining school-creating professor in terms of development of the Faculty of Medicine, will help to address the challenges of today by setting an example for the present generation.


  • A debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem archontológiája 1950–1990, VI. rész

    The Archontology of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences (1950–1990), Part V: Institute of Western Languages and Literatures. The Archontology of Kossuth University for the School of Arts, the School of Sciences, and for the So-Called “Central Units” between January 1, 1950, and December 31, 1990, was compiled on the basis of the personal cards and personal files of the Personnel Department of the Rector’s Office, and the scantily documented section for the 1950s was supplemented from the annually
    arranged documentary material of the Personnel Office. Even so, however, the existing material fails to be complete. It is impossible to compile the archontology with perfect accuracy. Part VI presents the complete list of the Institute of Western Languages and Literatures from institute head to janitor.


    The decade after the Second World War was the heyday of nuclear research, as it became a field of great power rivalry. Sándor Szalay, head of the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Debrecen and head of the Institute of Nuclear Research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, made good use of the situation and was able to employ many good specialists, including some who had been pushed aside by the state authoroties of time. However, Ernő Zichy, a chemical engineer who had previously been punished by deportation, was not able to get a job at any of his institutes because of his aristocratic background.

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