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    This study aims to present the path leading to the establishment of independent Hungarian-language higher education in Transcarpathia. Transcarpathia, as a region and administrative unit, was established within the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic following World War I. After World War II, the region became part of Soviet Ukraine. The first higher education institution in Transcarpathia was the Uzhhorod State University, established by the Soviet regime in 1945. In 1963, a Hungarian department was established at the university, followed by the Department of Hungarian Philology two years later. The establishment of the Hungarian college of Higher Education in Berehove, which currently operates as the only independent Hungarian-language higher education institution in Transcarpathia, established the power shifts following Ukraine declares its independence and the period of higher education expansion. Local advocacy organizations and the Hungarian government played a decisive role in the establishment of the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, ensuring the supply of teachers for Hungarian-language schools in Transcarpathia.


    . In 2018, Debrecen's agricultural higher education celebrated a century and a half since its foundation. In the decades since, it has become the country's leading professional education institute for agriculture. It was born in the post-1867 Reconciliation era, realising the vision of the city's farmer society, in line with the  state's engagement, which extended the scope of central power, and gave a new impetus to Hungarian education policy and helped to launch the modernisation of Hungarian agriculture. This special anniversary has inspired the chroniclers of our times to provide an overview of the scholarly teachers of a century and a half who were school founders, who were at the head of the institution for a considerable period of time, and whose activities included enhancing the quality of Hungarian agricultural higher education. The articles in the university history journal, Gerundium, serve this purpose.

  • Debreceni Református Kollégium teológiai oktatásának története 1850–1912. A Teológiai Akadémia a Kollégium oktatási rendszerében

    The History of Theological Education at Debrecen Reformed College between 1850 and 1912. The changes in the educational system of Theology at Reformed College of Debrecen were heavily influenced by the political-social events of historic Hungary between 1850 and 1912. The first date signals the introduction of arbitrary rule of the Habsburg monarch who suppressed the Hungarians during the War of Independence in 1848-49. The closing date is the emergence of a new state run university in Debrecen. The study throws light on how the Organisations Entwurf tried to modernize as well as Germanize the education system in the Habsburg Empire. As a result, the traditional education structure at the College was entirely restructured. It brought about the disintegration of humanity and art faculty into a grammar school thereby only the law and theological faculties were left intact for a while. The Reformed Church District strongly protested against the dismantling its more than 300 years old education system.  It is the irony of history what the oppressing Austrian could not achieve, it was realized after the Compromise by József Eötvös, the Hungarian minister of culture, religion and education. Needless to say that education at all levels needed to be modernized and standardized. It is clear that it had a positive impact on the curricula of Reformed theological education in the long run. The paper introduces briefly the life of theological professors, their career with a view to their studies abroad and finally their works at various departments of theology. 


    In the history of domestic vocational education in agriculture,  the year 2018 has recorded itself onto the pages of history’s golden book with two significant anniversaries. Mosonmagyarovar celebrated the bicentenary of its birth and Debrecen celebrated its existence of a century and a half. These  two higher education institutions were called to life by different reasons. While Ovar opened its gates to a private initiative, in Debrecen the local farmer society was the driving force with the binding precondition to which was connected tightly to have the mother tongue education accepted by the Viennese court. The time proved afterwards that the education in Hungarian language did not go to the detriment of expertise at none of the institutions. It must be acknowledged that in the field of vocational training, Magyarovar was the one which gave the first large faculty of teachers but soon Debrecen outgrew itself to the acropolis of vocational training too. The Ministry of Agriculture solved the incidental differences of standards by switching teachers. Owing to this, some professor-individualities had the chance to teach at both places. In our compilation as a sample we selected a few meaningful personalities with great authority who are claimed to have by both university faculties.

  • 30 éves a debreceni angol nyelvű orvosképzés
    173 - 183
    The 30th anniversary of the English Program at the Facult y Of Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Debrecen celebrated the 30th anniversary of the English Program in medical education in 2017. The program was initiated in 1986 with a one-year premedical course and this training has been upheld with great successes up to now. In the 1987/88 academic year 52 students from 15 countries started their studies on the General Medicine course and eight of them graduated as medical doctor (MD) at the end of the six year training period in 1992. During the 30 years the number of the admitted and then the graduated students had increased yearly. Thus, 307 students started on the first year and 180 sixth year students received MD diploma in 2017 implying the significant development and a continuous interest in medical education in English in Debrecen. From the very beginning, the curriculum of English language programs is identical with that of the Hungarian one. Students apply for admission directly or via recruiting agents while entrance exams are conducted exclusively by the staff members of the University. The English language medical education in Debrecen has been accredited in many countries including some states in the USA. From 2000 to date other medical and health related programs such as Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Public Health, Molecular Biology and Complex Rehabilitation have been started and in the last year altogether 264 students graduated in these courses including also General Medicine. Parallel to the extension of the above programs from 2007 the other faculties also started education in English. By 2017 more than 5000 foreign students from 109 countries study at the University of Debrecen. Now the Coordinating Center for International Education organizes the English programs and its duties, among many other responsibilities, include contracting with recruiting agents, organizing entrance examinations, caring for the incoming students with respect to visa, health control and insurance. The income from the tuition fees has increased during the years and now represent a significant portion of the University budget, therefore it allows the renovation and also the establishment of new facilities at the University to the benefit of students. Although the students of the English Programs have different cultural, political and religious background, they establish good relation with each other and with the students studying in Hungarian. In summary, as a result of the high standards in education in English the University of Debrecen became a well-known and important institution on the educational map of the world and our intention is to uphold and further develop this acquired status in the future.

  • American Higher Education: A Hungarian Perspective

    United States has long been a stepchild of American and education studies alike. For half a century, between 1945/47 and 1989, anything positive about the US hovered in the gray zone between “banned” and “tolerated” in communist Hungary. Therefore, our image of American tertiary education relies too heavily on its media representations, which is a clearly distorted mirror. In this paper a short look at the current numbers is followed by a historical overview of the evolution of higher education since the colonial period, a cursory look at how Hungarians saw these developments until 1945, and a review of the current debates. It concludes with a personal take on both higher education and its role in the current presidential election campaign by the author.

  • A magyar mezőgazdasági szakoktatás története 1945-ig, különös tekintettel a debreceni agrár-felsőoktatásra

    The History of Hungarian Agricultural Vocational Education until 1945, with a special Emphasis on the Agricultural Higher Education of Debrecen. The study mainly provides an overview on the organizational history of educational institutions of the Hungarian agricultural vocational education. It gives a perspective on the development of different types of schools from the lowest level of education, through secondary education to the institutions of the highest level, outlining the economic and social-historical aspects, also with respect to the relevant legislation. A special attention is paid by the author to the history of the agricultural higher education of Debrecen until 1945.

  • Az eperjesi evangélikus kollégium tanárainak egyetemjárása a 19. század közepéig

    University Studies of Professors at the evangelical Colleg of Presov up to 19th century. Evangelical College in Presov, as one of the most important evangelical schools in Hungary, considered the high quality education of its teachers to be very important since its establishment, and as a rule, the positions of professors were occupied by the graduates of German universities. Before establishment of the College, the Town Council likewise had seen to it that the humanistic „gymnasium” had been lead by rectors with high quality university education. This paper aims at creating a portrait of studies of professors at Evangelical College in Presov, and at its predecessor – the Municipal Lutheran Gymnasium over a period of three centuries, from the half of the 16 th to the half of the 19 th centuries whereby the data about its rectors, conrecors and subrectors were used as a source. In the period of these three centuries 111 Presov Evangelical rectors, conrectors and subrectors acquired their education at 26 universities or colleges. Most of them, 34, studied at Wittenberg (30%), followed by Jena (11), Tübingen (7), Thorn (6), Halle (4), Vienna (4) and Frankfurt (4). Three of them graduated from the University in Altdorf, two in Greifswald and the Reformed College in Sarospatak and by one in Rostock, Prague, Gdansk, Graz, Strassburg, Helmstädt, Erfurt, Giessen, Erlangen, Rinteln, Paris, Vratislav, Dresden and Göttingen. Other 16 professors studied at unknown places, eventually did not obtained higher education. 20 professors obtained their education at more than one university or college, most of them (7) in the first period of existence of the College (1667–1711), and least of them (2) in the first half of the 19 th century.

  • Városjáró jogászképzés a debreceni jogi oktatás helyszíneinek alakulása, különös tekintettel a mai Kassai úti Campus történetére

    Moving Legal Education – The Evolution of Locality of the Legal Education in Debrecen with special regard to the History of Campus Kassai. The legal education in Debrecen has a long history. It started in the Reformed Collage of Debrecen in the middle of the 18th century. As a state university, it was established by the Act XXXVI of 1912. Until the main building of the University of Debrecen was completed (1932) the Faculty of Law had been operating in many places in the city. First, in the building of Reformed Collage, but some legal departments were in an apartment house on the main street. After 1932, the faculty of law had suitable offices in the main building of the University. Between 1949 and 1996 the legal education was suspended, and its offices were occupied by other departments. In the year of 1996 a solution had to be found, the restarted legal education needed new buildings. The new place was found on the field of ex-soviet barrack on the Kassai Street. This site was a cavalry barrack before the WWII. Some of the original buildings can still be found today, and many new buildings were built in the last couple of years e. g. library, student hostel, educational buildings.

    The faculty of law has also found its place on this campus. Its last moving was in the year of 2015, and it has a nice old-style group of buildings now.

  • Az egyetemi testnevelés kialakulása és fejlődése Debrecenben a két világháború között

    The Formation and Development of Physical Education at the University of Debrecen Between the Two World Wars. This study offers an overview of the beginnings, formation, as well as the production of the institutional and human resources of university-level physical education. The reader is provided with information pertaining to the difficulties relating to the introduction of mandatory university-level physical education and the role Debrecen—and Debrecen’s Gymnastics Association: DTE—played in securing
    accommodation for the gymnastics lessons. Thus, we can learn about the changes and shifts, from optional to obligatory, of the university physical education of female students. We can also receive information as to who the first physical education instructors at the university were and additional information concerning those university educators who were the chief supporters of the systematic exercise of students and of university-level sports. It was due to the dedication of these people that it was in Debrecen that a position for sports physician was first created. The duties of the sports physician included the health check-up of students who participated in the gymnastics exercises. In addition, the study also includes information pertaining to how the university sports centre was created and extended as well as how the interest of the student body in exercise was enhanced by the University Athletic Club of Debrecen (DEAC)

  • Klebelsberg Kunó kulturális politikája és a felsőoktatás
    102 - 126

    The Cultural Policy of Kuno Klebelsberg and the Higher Education. The study presents the higher education policy of one of the best known and succesful Hungarian Minister of Religion and Education (1922–1931) Kuno Klebelsberg (1875–1932). As a politician of a state dismembered to one third of her original size-a consequence of the war loss and the Trianon peace treaty-he became a minister in miserable economic circumstances. With the contribution of him the stabilization of so-called refugee universities (from Kolozsvár and Pozsony to Budapest and then to Szeged [1921] and to Pécs [1923], the Academy of Minery and Forestry from Selmecbánya to Sopron [1918–1919]) could succesfuly be managed. Because of his conservative-liberal political attitude he tried to ease the effects of the so-called Numerus clausus Acts of 1920 which made the university entrance for Jewish Hungarians extremely serious. In 1928 he achieved the modification of that regulation. Instead of Budapest he supported the development of universities of Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs as a consequence of his well-grounded education policy based on decentralization. With his higher education policy he made great contribution to preserve the pre Great War Hungarian higher educational capacity in a dismembered Hungary lost 60% of her original population.


    The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference was established in 1988 by the rectors of 19 universities in the spirit of intensifying self-organization and representation of the interests of higher education. HRC undertook and played a decisive role in the change of our higher education, in consolidating its autonomy and social role, as well as in the preparation and implementation of the first Higher Education Act. The framework of its operation, the impact and effectiveness of its activities were further shaped partly by its own aspirations and partly by the frameworks provided or limited by the current government. Recently, the role and weight of HRC both in the radically modified domestic and the changing authoritative international higher education space has sharply decreased, although its active role would be important for our institutions, science and society: the voice of universities must be heard and recognized everywhere.



    Agriculture played a significant role in consolidating the domestic political system after 1956. The rapid development of the Hungarian agricultural sector's performance contributed significantly to the country's relations with the economically developed regions of the world, with the so-called Hungarian model incorporating backyard farming into large-scale agriculture. However, this progress was achieved through an arduous road to development, resulting in internationally recognised vocational training standards in agriculture, particularly in higher agricultural education. Since the second half of the 1960s, there has been a noticeable development in the agricultural sector in Hungary. It has managed to preserve the creative traditions of its historical peasantry to a certain extent. The Debrecen agricultural higher education had a decisive role in the ambitious development of Hungarian agriculture. István Bencsik was an outstanding player in this process, actively contributing to the material and intellectual foundation of higher education in Debrecen. His work later impacted the agriculture of Tiszántúl and the wider region.


    In the second half of the 18th century, there appeared a growing interest in  Hungarian scientific discourse pertaining to the ‘sciences of man’, and especially psychology. Issues such as the place and function of the soul, its impact on the human body and the nature of mental disorders surfaced in the medical, philosophical and anthropological treatises of the age, whereas the treatment of the mentally ill posed new challenges and demanded answers hitherto unaddressed by medical authorities. However, in medical education, individual courses on psychiatry appeared relatively late, owing to the lack of an institutional background that would have provided the necessary amount of empirical cases and a training ground for physicians. In the Habsburg Monarchy, the first plans to the teaching of psychiatry were proposed only in the 1840s by the leading physicians of the principal asylums established in Vienna (1784) and Prague (1790). Nevertheless, psychological knowledge surfaced in medical education, taught as part of courses on physiology, pathology, medical police, and forensic medicine. As for psychological knowledge, these courses offered the basic outlines of the cognitive faculties, the concepts of feeling and volition, as well as the most common disorders of the soul. The article compares the curricula and textbooks of the three leading medical faculties of the Habsburg Monarchy, the universities of Vienna, Pest, and Prague. The main argument is that even though practical courses were introduced well into the nineteenth century, psychology – as a principally theory-based discipline – was already considered an important ‘auxiliary science’ in medical education.


    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, we commemorate Gyula Walleshausen, an outstanding and dedicated authority in the Hungarian librarianship and the first great generation of librarians after 1945, and in addition, one of the most important researchers in the history of Hungarian agricultural education, agricultural higher education and agricultural vocational training. In the course of his work as a librarian and historian, he respected, analysed with his competent knowledge and transformed the historical values of the past into volumes with scientific precision, thus preserving and handing them down to posterity. His writings on librarianship and university history are indispensable, important basic works for anyone researching a subject he studied or anyone who is simply interested in the history of a library issue, institution or discipline. In this article, we commemorate his entire career and his work, but above all his work as an agricultural historian.


  • Presov- Moving of the Lutheran Law School to Miskolc in the Academic Year 1918/19

    Prešov – Moving of the Lutheran Law School to Miskolc in the academic year 1918/19. The Law School in Prešov was (re)established in 1862 and became a very important educational centre for Upper
    Hungarian families. During the WW I the education was frequently disturbed by garrisoned military troops, and the substitution of fighting professors was a huge challenge for the school. Before the treaty of
    Trianon there were plans to move the school to Miskolc, but after the Czechoslovakian occupation of Prešov (December 1918) and the forbidding of the education in the Law School, the school moved in March 2019
    to Miskolc and started the education in the fall of 1919.


    1959 was an important year for pedagogy education in Hungary because this was the year that saw the beginning of pedagogy higher education start in eleven institutions of the country. These institutions started out as anonymous, and none of them were named after prominen cultural and/or  historical Hungarian figures. The  ministry wanted to rectify this shortcoming as early as 1959/1960, therefore they organized a dedicated director’s session to discuss potential eponyms for each of the institutions. As a follow- up, the Pedagogy Training Division of the ministry requested the directors of the institutions in early 1960 to provide a brief justification for their name selection. The Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza chose József Eötvös who was the most prominent benefactor of Hungarian public education, and a dedicated supporter of the development of teacher training. In this paper we present the invitation from the ministry and the response to this call from the director of the Teacher Training Institution in Nyíregyháza. Although the naming process was stalled in 1960, we believe that it is still worthwhile to acknowledge the intent that was not realized because it shows the will of the directors in Nyíregyháza to carry legacy and nurture traditions.


    Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava) was a location of great importance in the Jesuit school network of the Kingdom of Hungary, which provided students with various levels of education, from primary to university studies. The country's premier Catholic school centre also played a very important role in the education of the noble and aristocratic families. The aim of this study is to outline and examine the high noble-born student body of the University and Gymnasium of Tyrnau, using the new school records available. In the paper I will try to reconstruct how the function of Tyrnau in the educational practices of the nobility changed over the decades and centuries, which families attended the institution, and through some case studies I will also discuss the role of the knowledge acquired in shaping later careers.

  • A társadalmi mobilitás lehetőségei a Horthy-korszak felsőoktatási rendszerében

    POSSIBILITIES OF SOCIAL MOBILITY IN THE HIGHER ADUCATION SYSTEM OF THE HORTY-ERA. he living circumstances of academic students were always determined by the prosperity of their parents. he income of parents in prestigous positions with higher qualiications provided for the education of their children, in an era when high expenses deined education as a privilege for a narrow social strata. By the beginning of the 20th century, the democratization of the higher education, the apperance of women and students from lower social strata at the universities had become an international tendency. he increasing number of students in Hungary was also due to the WWI. As students came from various social backgrounds, they received an opportunity to socially rise through education. he study aims at identifying the processes behind the social mobility of academic students between the two WWs.


    Lajos Fekete, Hungarian Royal Minister Counsellor, Forestry Academy professor is a leading figure in higher forestry education, who achieved indefeasible results in creating Hungarian language education and the Hungarian forestry language. Between 1872 and 1891, he headed the Department of Phytology and Silviculture at the Royal Hungarian Academy of Mining and Forestry in Selmecbánya, and from 1891 until his retirement he headed the Department of Forest Management. He played an important role in the organisation of the Academy campus, the construction of new educational buildings and the development and furnishing of the botanical gardens, as well as in the compilation and development of collections related to the subjects he taught (zoology, entomology, botany, climatology and soil science). Hungarian experiments in forestry began to take institutional form in 1897/98, and Lajos Fekete was responsible for this, as well as for the idea of establishing forestry education on a secondary level. Although he had already exceeded the possible age of retirement in 1894, his tireless work ethic kept him in the Academy. He enjoyed the confidence of the Academy's teaching staff and served as vice-principal in the academic year 1892/93, then as director in the academic years 1897/98, 1898/1899 and 1899/1900, and was also head of the forestry department. At the age of 69, on 1 October 1906, he was retired at his own request, because of his failing eyesight towards the end of his life. Thus, the last serving teacher of the first faculty of the Forestry Academy left the academy chair. On this occasion, he was awarded the title of Minister Counsellor in recognition of his services. In 1910, six years before his death, he received the highest recognition for his work, being accepted as a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. There is no branch of forestry science in which his work has not left a lasting mark. Despite this extremely productive and diversified career, which produced outstanding achievements in all fields, posterity has treated and still treats Lajos Fekete, whose work and human behaviour can stand as an example to us all, rather cruel.

  • The University in the 21st century: Teaching the New Enlightenment at the Dawn of the Digital Age. Ed. Marvin Lazerson

    The book provides an in-depth analysis of the main trends and methodologies by which the 21st century higher education should be reorganized, and of the practices, approaches and methods which should be radically rethought. The authors give a detailed description of the changes and trends that require the application of a radically new approach to higher education.



  • The Unsigned Founding Charter. The Plan of the Economic Faculty of Budapest.

    The unsigned Founding Charter. The plan of the Economic Faculty of Budapest. The adventurous history of the foundation of the Economic Faculty of Budapest dates back to the middle of the 19th century.
    This writing presents the history of the events which led to the foundation of the university from the beginning of the 20th century. In 1918, in the final days of the double monarchy, only one signature was
    missing to realize the plan. The study specifies longer jr. Béla Erődi-Harrach’s writing ’University of Economics’, which was also the base for the experiment of 1918 and the foundation of 1920. Altough it has
    been remained unknown in literature.

  • Az elitoktatástól a tömegoktatásig (felsőoktatás Franciaországban 1953–1990)

    From Elite Higher Educational Systems to Mass Education (Higher Education in France 1953– 990). The french university sytsem is unique in Europe. It is divided between public and private higher educational sectors. This paper aims to identify tensions and  difficulties arised by the higher educational expansion in the french higher educational system.It focuses specifically on the increase in the number of the student and the trends of the expansion after the second world war up to 1990. The introduction of the Bologna system was followed by a large wave of national and foreign students willing to enroll French universities. The significant rise in the number of students led to manifold infrastructural problems. However, the transition from the elit to the mass education not only rised problems but also generated solutions. Seen in this light and based on the rate of enrollment and gender data this study intends to highlight techniques of problem solving in higher educational setting.

  • Financial background of the education in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age

    The Research Group of the Eötvös Lóránd University published a new study book about the financial aspects of education. Most of the studies cover the period of the Middle Ages and the Early Middle Ages.


    Book review by János Barta about the book titled: The short history of the Transylvanian medical education and surgery (Péterffy Árpád and Péterffy Pál)

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