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  • Alapítvány a XIX. századból A hallgatók étkeztetését szolgáló Gárdos János-alap alapítólevele

    FOUNDATION FROM THE 20TH CENTURY: THE MEMORANDUM OF GÁRDOS JÁNOS FOUNDATION FOR STUDENT CATERING. At the end of the 19 th century, Mrs. János Gárdos – born as Júlia Andrássy, and died on February 26, 1894, – the widower of Dr. János Gárdos, a doctor from Budapest, ofered a signiicant donation in her last will for the future establishment of the dining commons of the third university founded by the state. Following the foundation of the universities in Budapest and Kolozsvar, two universities were being organized in 1912, thus the inancies dedicated to the third university was divided between the universities in Debrecen and Pozsony (later the one in Pécs). he author demonstrates, besides the publication of the official founding document from 1934, the important role of the Gárdos János foundation played in the dining of the university students in the irst two decades of the existence of the university.

  • Rectori beszámoló

    Rector’s Report on Debrecen University 1914–1915 The rector’s report about the first academic year of the Royal University of Debrecen depicts a poignant picture. While recording the national joy that was felt over the opening of a new university, he also notes how the first academic year was rudely disrupted by the outbreak of World War I. His report reflects the sense of duty and the patriotic spirit which pervaded both the students and the faculty of the university, and the immediate ensuing hardship which was conquered by an undiminished faith in education despite all difficulties.


    . The source referred to in the title is the script of a literary-cultural event from 1965. At that time, it was customary for higher education teacher training institutions to organise “Institute Days” with the aim of boosting motivation and enthusiasm in students towards their chosen profession. At these events, the emphasis was laid on the beauties of a teacher’s job, highlighting their role in shaping future’s society, rather than on the presentation of the real difficulties of the profession. The published script is also a reflection of this intention, for the organisers of the event were trying to reinforce the belief in prospective teachers that they would become respected and highly esteemed members of the society. The programme also recalls the struggle and humiliation that teachers had to endure in the 1920s and 1930s, with the goal of emphasising the fact that, by contrast, teachers of the 1960s were in a much better situation and that they did not need to cope with such problems as their predecessors. In reality, the contrast between the two eras was not that sharp, since the layer of junior school teachers continued to be an underpaid and not particularly esteemed employment group in the society.



    Combining the history of universities, history of mentalities and history of sport, this study seeks to answer the question of the role of fencing in the lives of students at European universities in the early modern period, and how universities dealt with the issue of students' weapons and armed disorder. After the initial prohibitions, fencing instruction was gradually introduced into the curricula of universities and academies, and the 'regulated' fencing thus acquired contributed significantly to the consolidation of a culture of behaviour among university students who considered themselves a privileged social class.

  • A strange Oath of the Students of Debrecen. The Promise that the Roommates made each other in the Room 17 of the István Tisza Internátus, in December 15, 1925

    It’s a very rare source of the scientific research in history that prove a promise that some people made for each other. It has got more importance if this is an oath of some roommates. Five students in Debrecen, who have lived their lives in the same dormitory room in the István Tisza Internate for years made a promise to each other in December 15, 1925. In writing they vowed that they will meet in Budapest in the Hotel Gellért on the day of Pentecost 6 years later. The text of the oath is an exact reflection of the age and of the „neo-baroque” society of the twenties. We don’t know that the meeting in 1931 could be realized or not, but we can suppose that could be, based on the strong friendship of the roommates. This strange oath is a very rare and valuable source of the students’ life between the two Wold Wars.


  • Magyarországi orvostanhallgatók Bázelben készült disszertációinak szerepe a hazai orvostársadalom ismereteinek alakításában a 18. században

    THE ROLE OF THE DISSERTATIONS OF HUNGARIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS IN BASEL IN THE KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT OF HUNGARIAN MEDICAL COMMUNITIES IN THE 18TH CENTURY. Medical professionals acquired new knowledge for the medical practice not from scientiic journals, as today, but from books, academic thesis, disputes, dissertations received through the correspondence with Western-European professors and the mediation of students studying abroad. he university in Basel was popular among modern Hungarian protestants, but only some studied medicine, and only 5 people wrote a medical dissertation. Presumably students distributed these works amongs themselves, and they were not particularly used in the every day work of medical practicioners. hese dissertations were included in few Hungarian collections (Debrecen, Sárospatak) opposed to more popular theological works.

  • Wittenberg neveltjei és a Tiszántúl reformációja

    The Students of Wittenberg and the Transtibiscan Reformation. The three generations of Hungarian ministers which returned from the University of Wittenberg each walked a different path in spreading the Reformation. Some of them remained followers of Luther (Mátyás Dévai Bíró, Imre Ozorai, István Gálszécsi, Sebestyén Károlyi Boldi). The next group represented a shift in the teachings, and they established church administration after the Swiss model, while still being direct students of Melanchthon. Later, they became bishops and deans, the elite of church leadership (Benedek Bánffyhunyadi Mogyoró, György Czeglédi, Ferenc Czeglédi, Péter Méliusz Juhász, György Gönczi Kovács alias György Fabricius). It is safe to state that both the Lutheran and the Calvinist forms of Reformation were distributed by students of Wittenberg, in which Melanchthon played a crucial role. His work was characterised by temperance and tolerance: he proclaimed fidelity in cases where it was necessary, and in the rest – for the sake of unity –, compliance. Many believe that this was what allowed the Swiss school of Protestantism to spread quickly across Hungary in the second half of the century. Concerning the dispersion and the positions of the Lutheran and the Calvinist branches throughout Hungary, however, not only confessional issues should be examined but contemporary politics, too. It was the Wittenberg generation that came after the death of Melanchthon (but was still educated in the spirit of Melanchthonian theology and humanism) which brought about the establishment of a church from the Swiss branch, organised along political lines and firmly dependent on them. This generation included Péter Károlyi and Lukács Hodászi Pap. 16th-century Hungarian Reformed theology was characterised by eclecticism which did not originate from Wittenberg alone, but Wittenberg provided it with the ground where it could develop.

  • Magyar diákok hollandiai tanulmányai a kora újkorban

    The Study of Hungarian Students at Dutch Universities in the Early Modern Age. The aim of this paper is to give an insight into the study of Hungarian sholars at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. The method based primarily on numerical data concerning the number of students at a university in different periods divided by majors; previous educational background, SES status and occupation. The analysis also concerns the financial support of universities, provinces and cities students received at that time.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele

    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

  • Adalékok Pap Károly tanári portréjához

    THE PERSONALITY AND STAMINA OF KÁROLY PAP, PROFESSOR OF LITERATURE IN THE EYES OF HIS STUDENTS. he essay describes Károly Pap, the irst professor of literature at the University of Debrecen and a main representative of the positivist literature research, as a teacher based on the reminiscences of his former students. Among the literature researchers after 1948, he was considered – rather undeservedly – a negativ igure in the history of the University. Most of the people remembered him as cold and distant teacher with aristocratic behaviour. he essay demonstrates the professional taste of the wrongfully underestimated professor in literature, and draws a iner picture about the conlicting personality of Károly Pap.

  • A búcsúztató kiadványok szerepe a 16. századi egyetemjárásban

    THE ROLE OF SCHOOL-LEAVING DOCUMENTATION IN THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF 16TH CENTURY INSTITUTIONS. Hungarian students in the 16th century, especially those attending the University of Wittenberg, were challenged by a continually multiplying textual universe which was based on the multi-level imitation of the ancient authors, and which created diferent varieties of imitation from time to time. In the universities, the community of respublica litteraria was made up of professors, their families and also of students. Regarding this particular community, a variety of features surfaced: the development of ‘sodalitates’, letter writing, the humanistic friendship, the knowledge of Latin, or the use of Latin names. he paper highlights the nature of the relationships the Hungarian student group sustained with this imagined community, which was oicially founded in Wittenberg, 1555.

  • Magyarországi diákok egyetemjárása az úkorban 1–22.: (Könyvbemutató és recenzió)

    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF STUDENTS FROM HUNGARY IN THE MODERN AGE, 1–22 (BOOK PRESENTATION AND REVIEW). In this generically peculiar sort of writing, which is ACTUALLY a book review that grew out of the observations at an actual book presentation, is the introduction of an enterprise which is unique even by European standards. It is a series of books that has been in the making for twenty years under the leadership of Professor László Szögi. he primary objective of the project is to inventorize all those students in Hungary who – between the beginning of the 16th century and the beginning of the 20th century – pursued advanced studies abroad at some European university. he overview evaluates the unique volume of the enterprise, appreciates, without attempting to be complete, its most spectacular merits, outlines the possibilities of the utilization of the amassed data, and highlights, through personal experience, why this unique low of books is so signiicant to the scholars of several areas of knowledge.

  • Hüttl Tivadar (1884-1955) Debrecen klinikaalapító és iskolateremtő sebész professzora

    HÜTTL TIVADAR (1884–1955), PROFESSOR SURGEON, FOUNDER OF A SCHOOL AND CLINIC IN DEBRECEN. After inishing his studies, Tivadar Hüttl worked in the Institute of Pathology at the Budapest University besides Professor Antal Genersich, later int he Clinic of Surgery besides Professor Tibor Verebély. From 1921 he worked as Deputy director of the forming Faculty of Medicine at the Tisza István University in Debrecen, in 1922 he was appointed as the full professor of Surgery and the Director of the Clinic of Surgery. During his leadership he established several departments which became clinics later on. He created a truly scientiic school environment, professors, hospital directors became his students. In the academic year of 1930–40 he was the Rector of the university. He was wrongfully accused in 1945 and he was divested of his professor title. Later he worked as the head physician of the State Institute of Oncology.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar 100 éve 1914 – 2014 című kiállítás megnyitása

    THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION „100 YEARS OF FACULTY OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN”. In the fall of 2014 the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen celebrated the 100th anniversary of beginning of university training. Just as the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law commemorated the anniversary with an exhibition. he published speech was presented at the opening of the exhibition organized in the the Library of Social sciences. It relects on the importance of keeping traditions and on the reassuring thoughts addressed to the teachers and students of the Faculty.

  • A zágrábi Tudományegyetem hungarológiai tanszékének története
    66 - 81

    The author gives an overview on the history of a quarter of a century of the youngest foreign workshop of Hungarian studies, namely, Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Zagreb. The education on Hungarian studies started in Zagreb in 1944 and was precedented. At the University of Zagreb the Hungarian Language Department was functioning as early as the second half of the 19th century. Form 1904 to 1918, for almost one and a half century at the same place Hungarian language and literature was educated with the direction of professor Dr. Kázmér Greska. After the collapse of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy the representatives of the Croatian National Council radically put out professor Greska from the university and closed down the department. It was impossible to reorganize it in Yugoslavia between the two world wars. A new possibility came only after the independence of Croatia in 1994. The work in the department restarted on the basis of an interstate contract under the leadership of professor Dr. Milka Jauk-Pinhak and with the partnership of visiting teachers from Hungary. Today, under the management of Orsolya Žagar-Szentesi, 25-30 students start their studies at the department in each year. The function of the special college of translation of poetic works is outstanding. The department in 2002 celebrated the 900 years jubilee of the coronation of Kálmán Könyves as Croatian king with the representative volume of essays entitled Croato-Hungarica. The department was introduced in the „Hungarian issue” of the journal Književna smotra, the Zagreb journal of world literature in 2014 on the 20th jubilee of the department. Their latest publication is With heart and Soul/ Dušom i srcem Hungarian-Croatian Somatic Phraseology/ Mađarsko-hrvatski rječnik somatskih frazema (2018).


    The Jesuits founded a grammar school in Olomouc in 1566, adding a philosophy faculty in 1576 and a theology faculty in 1582. The document describing the Jesuit educational system, Ratio et institutio studiorum, divided education into three stages, the highest of which was called studia superiora, and included philosophy and theology. From the second year onwards, students studied mathematics, astronomy and geography, and in the third year, from 1637 onwards, ethics. The Jesuits did not pay much attention to the teaching of the natural sciences, as these subjects undermined the authority of the Church and contradicted fundamental Church dogma. As a result, in the second half of the 17th century and the early 18th century, only very sporadic research and education in the sciences developed. Nevertheless, the University of Olomouc did have professors engaged in mathematical, physical and astronomical research, including a number of foreign-born scientists. In scholastic disputations, topics approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, mostly controversial, were discussed. Nonetheless, we do find here scientific topics in philosophy, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics, although not in as large a number as would have been desirable.

  • Bognár Rezső szerves kémikus egyetemi tanár, akadémikus, tudománypolitikus (1913-1990)

    rezső bognár, Professor of organic cheMistry, MeMber of the hungarian acadeMy of arts and sciences, scientific adviser. Rezső Bognár was one of the most outstanding students of Géza Zemplén, the irst great educator of organic chemistry in Hungary. When the School of Sciences was established in 1949 at the University of Debrecen, Professor Bognár was appointed head of the Department of Organic Chemistry. As a result of this decision, he became the founding father of organic chemistry work in Debrecen. He
    was soon elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences and he served for two terms as Rector of Lajos Kossuth University of Arts and Sciences. Professor Bognár was founding president of the Debrecen Academic Committee, which position he held until his death. It was as the result of his nationally recognized public activity that the headquarters in Debrecen of DAB (=the Debrecen Academic Committee) and the Chemistry Building on the Debrecen campus were erected. He also organized the Antibio tic Chemical Research Group of the Hungarian Academy. he researchers of the Bognár school have brought out over 400 scientiic publications and submitted a large number of patents pertaining to the themes of the chemistry of carbohydrates, antibiotics, alkaloids, and lavonoids.His activities in the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences have greatly contributed to the numerous successes of our university.

  • Ethnography - 70 - Debrecen

    Ethnography – 70 – Debrecen. The Department of Ethnography of the University of Debrecen held a commemoration for the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the department. Besides the introduction of the event in the following, we can read the two speeches describing the past, the present and the future of the department held to the audience at present, the past and present students, lecturers of the department, and those who are interested in ethnography.


  • History of the Stomatology Clinic of the University of Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Gusztáv Keszthelyi (1979-2000)

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi (19792000). From July 1, 1979 József Szentpétery was appointed to lead the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. His main task was the curriculum-development of dental education, that started three years ago and to bring it closer to the curriculum of other Hungarian universities.

    The lack of staff and facility also made it difficult to organize education. He brought teachers from Szeged and employed fresh graduates. In 1981 the new building of the clinic was completed.

    From July 1986 Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi became the director of the clinic. He completed the reconstruction of Oral Surgery, established a new lecture room and created departments. In 1997-98 he created a new phantom practice room, thus more students could attend the 3rd year preclinical practice. He inspired lecturers to do scientific work. Between 19942001 nine lecturers were awarded with scientific degrees. He wrote and edited a textbook that survived 2 editions. He went to early retirement in 2001, was later appointed Professor emeritus and returned to teach in Hungarian and in English.





    In October 2020, a statue was unveiled at the University of Debrecen's clinical campus in honour of Prof. Dr. Gábor Szabó, who played a pioneering role in the organisation of medical biology and later medical genetics education in Debrecen and Hungary. The personality of the professor, his main research results and international recognition were mentioned by one of his former students in his speech.


    Nevertheless professors and students had to wait for several years to finally occupy the main building of the Hungarian Royal University of Debrecen (founded in 1912), nevertheless it commenced operating in 1914. 90 years ago, following the construction and the inauguration ceremony, the 1932/33 academic year was the first to begin in the Main Building.

  • A Debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika kialakulásának története

    The foundation history of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. The Hungarian Royal University was opened in the autumn of 1914 and the Medical Faculty was formed in 1918. Already in 1921 the Medical Faculty has applied for the establishment of a Stomatology Clinic from the government, but mainly because of financial reasons the request was turned aside. In the upcoming years the request was repeated several times, without any success. Finally the Medical Faculty has established the Stomatology Polyclinic in the East Wing of the Surgical Clinic, which was opened in 15. February 1935. András Csilléry a dentist of Budapest the former Minister of Public Health and Welfare was called for leader in professional lecturer’s position. In the autumn of 1935 the undergraduate studies begun. In September of 1936 was a new surgery opened to treat the students in the main building of the university. In January of 1937 the school dental care was launched. In the summer of 1940 Csilléry was named university professor and he was elected as head of the Stomatology Clinic, placed in to the East Wing of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the ceremonial event on 30 November 1940.


    The establishment of cardiac surgery in Debrecen is closely interlinked with thoracic surgery. This activity started and continued for many decades at the Auguszta Sanatorium, later the University of Debrecen's Department of Surgery II, which housed thoracic surgery at the time. In the Auguszta Sanatorium, which was nationalised after World War II, a thoracic surgery department was established in 1948, under the direction of Dr. József Schnitzler, whose professional interests in the 1960s turned towards cardiac surgery. He found a suitable partner for his groundbreaking goal in the pioneering work of Hungarian cardiac surgery, Dr. Árpád Eisert, a leading surgeon of the Jósa András County Hospital in Nyíregyháza. As a result of their exemplary professional cooperation, the first closed heart surgery was performed in Debrecen in 1963. The heart-lung machine required for cardiopulmonary bypass necessary to start open heart operations was provided by a donation from Béla Köteles, the son of Hungarian emigrants born in America, who founded his own instrument manufacturing company there. The first open heart surgery was performed by visiting professor Gábor Kovács from Szeged with Professor Schnitzler in 1968. In 1972, András Gömöry was entrusted with the management of cardiac surgery, and he succeeded in creating a team of highly qualified doctors and specialists even under the prevailing difficult circumstances. This, provided a solid basis for further development within the field. In 1983, after the retirement of Professor Schnitzler, Árpád Péterffy, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, was appointed as Head of the Department of Surgery II. Due to the knowledge, professional and work organisation experience he had gained abroad, cardiac surgery in Debrecen developed with great strides. The number of operations increased significantly, while the mortality rate was reduced by a third. He managed to acquire a new building for cardiac surgery in 1993, which created the opportunity for further development. The new building significantly improved the quantity and quality of cardiac surgery and made Debrecen an internationally recognised flagship of Hungarian cardiac surgery. Due to his work in international exchanges his students were able to improve their knowledge in Western European countries and elsewhere overseas. After his retirement in 2008, he continued to work as Professor Emeritus in our clinic, remaining fully committed to supporting our work, the development of cardiac surgery in Debrecen, and the preservation and enhancement of its reputation. As his professional successor, Associate Professor Tamás Szerafin was entrusted with the leadership of the cardiac surgery department. Together with his colleagues, their aim has been to preserve and further develop the patient-centred spirit and professional dedication of their predecessors, and to preserve the built heritage.

  • A Kolozsvári Egyetem 1872-7919 közötti története, levéltári és könyvtári dokumentumainak feltárása és digitalizálása

    The History of the University of Kolozsvár in the Years 1872 to 1919: The Exploration and the Digitalization of its Archival Material and Library Documents. The research program discussed here was launched by the Archives of the University of Szeged in the spring of 2014, and its major objective has been the exploration of archival material and library documents from the various collections to be found in Kolozsvár, Marosvásárhely and Hungary. Additional aims include the actual digitalization of documents, making the digitalized stock available primarily for university students and for the teaching staff, as well as the promotion of historical research. The head of the program provides here a detailed account of the project’s justifications, preparation, the hitherto covered stages, the execution of source collection and digital photography, as well as the program’s infrastructural and personal demands. Mention is also made of making the project results available, as well as the possibilities of utilization. The tasks of the near future are also treated.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának hallgatói társadalma (1921–1949)

    The Student Community of Debrecen’s School of Medicine (1921–1949). In view of the fact that the University of Debrecen grew out of the academic divisions of the Protestant College, the Protestant character of the state university can be easily demonstrated as present. What can be equally well seen are the facts that, one, the members of the student community tended to come from Debrecen or the larger Debrecen region, and, two, that Hungarian was the almost exclusively used mother tongue. As regards social distribution, the most frequent origins are from the intellectual and the smallholder class. A look at student support shows that until the beginning of the 1930s a smaller portion of the student body, whereas after this time frame 60 to 70 percent, received some kind of financial support. Student aid and reward could come from various sources: (a) from the university itself; (b) from the Ministry of Education; (c) the city of Debrecen; (d) private sources; (e) financial institutions and associations; and (f ) from the Protestant church. Unfortunately, the amount of these aids was rather limited and only a few students could be recipients. Student subventions in the post-1945 era was based on totally new priorities, however, its objectives were marred at first by runaway inflation, then class-struggle principles impacted on it by creating discriminative categories. Student accommodation, owing to the scarcity of reliable data can only be shown in an incomplete table; no creditable evaluation of these is possible.

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