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  • Holland egyetemek hatása a 17-18. századi magyar orvoslás kultúrtörténetében

    INFLUENCE OF DUTCH UNIVERSITIES ON THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES. 97 students are known who were registered as a student of medicine at Dutch universities in the Early Modern Age. he basic subjects of medical training, botany and anatomy, were met by the universities and clinical education was also introduced. Hungarian students disputed and defended doctoral theses in the Netherlands under inluence of the newest philosophical and medical theories. After having inished their medical training abroad, they became doctors of towns and provinces in their home country. Some of them continued writing scientiic works or translated works of famous European doctors. he work of the most inluential Dutch medical doctor, Hermann Boerhaave was continued by his students in Vienna and Hungary, too. His name also appeared in literary works of the 18th century.


    Tyrnau (Nagyszombat, Trnava) was a location of great importance in the Jesuit school network of the Kingdom of Hungary, which provided students with various levels of education, from primary to university studies. The country's premier Catholic school centre also played a very important role in the education of the noble and aristocratic families. The aim of this study is to outline and examine the high noble-born student body of the University and Gymnasium of Tyrnau, using the new school records available. In the paper I will try to reconstruct how the function of Tyrnau in the educational practices of the nobility changed over the decades and centuries, which families attended the institution, and through some case studies I will also discuss the role of the knowledge acquired in shaping later careers.

  • Bencés diákok egyetemjárása a 17-18. században

    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF BENEDICTINE STUDENTS IN THE 17TH–18TH CENTURIES. In Hungary the Order of St. Benedict (Ordo Sancti Benedicti) ceased to exist during he Turkish occupation, and it only reorganized in 1639 at Pannonhalma. he present study reviews the list of monk’s names between 1639 and 1786 from the volumes of the orderly history from Pannonhalma. It argues that in the 17th century there were 44 students of the Benedictine order registered at some of the universities of the Habsburg Empire. hese universities were Nagyszombat, Vienna, Salzburg, and Olmütz. he prelatry of Pannonhalma sent the most talented pupils to carry on university level studies. In the 18th century, 48 Benedictine monks attended universities; 40 of them in Nagyszombat, 3 in Vienna, and 3 in Salzburg. Salzburg was the most respected Benedictine university in Central Europe. Quite a few students who studied here played an important role in the subsequent Hungarian history of the order, such as Egyed Karner, Placid Sajnovics and
    Krizosztom Novák.

  • Egyetemjáró zalai nemesek és a reformáció kezdetei a 16. századi Zalában

    Academical Noble Students from Zala County and the Beginning of the Reformation in Zala County in the 16th Century. The appearance and spread of the Reformation in Zala county in the 16th century has been hardly examined so far. It can be explained both by the low number of the sources and their low exploration. The new researches in connection with the 500th anniversary of the appearance of the Reformation have revealed several new, unexplored primary sources unknown up to the present and the publications on the Hungarian academica peregrinatio uncovered the academical home students of the mainly German, Protestant universities. Furthermore, the charters of the Zalavár and Kapornak convents as places of authentication (locus credibilis) and the notes of the minutes of the general meetings of Zala county can also be involved in the research. These diverse sources complete the well-known data of the Bánffy diary, the Canonica Visitatio of the Veszprém bishopric in 1554 and the personal letters of Tamás Nádasdy. However, it has to be mentioned that these sources contain only few direct details referring to the Reformation. Meanwhile, the noblemen residing in Zala county or having connection with it (Alsólendvai Bánffy, Nádasdy, Zrínyi) and their familiaris (Csányi, Háshágyi, Terjék, Zele, Kávásy and other families), who were devoted to the new religion or sympathized with it, and among them the students of Wittenberg, appear in several charters or minutes which demonstrate the obvious appearance, spread and social background of the Reformation in Zala county.

  • Német egyetemi filozófiai hatások Schneller István morálpedagógiai rendszerében

    German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves. German Academic Effects on István Schneller’s pedagogical System. Having studied theology at German universities, Schneller István (1847–1939) got to the Department of Education at Kolozsvár University in 1895. He played an important role in having the Transsylvanian Hungarian University, suppressed in May of 1919, transferred to Szeged in the autumn of 1921. Schneller’s approach to the questions of pedagogy was that of an Evangelical theologian. He applied the term „personality pedagogy” to his pedagogy, thus referring to the fact that the process of moulding the individual into a personality was placed in the focus of his pedagogy. When searching the roots of Schneller’s moral anthropological concepts with regard to the history of ideas, the following influences are to be revealed: 1. The Protestant doctrine, the influence of the Herrenhut circle of the Evangelical Pietists, Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher’s influence. The process of becoming a member in the Domain of God is to be supported by the individual’s intimate religious experience. 2. The reception of Pestalozzi’s influence: The Swiss pedagogue’s ethical evolutionary theory is mainly discussed in the study titled „Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur…”. The three grades described there are as follows: Naturstand (Natural State), Gesellschaftlicher Zustand (Social State), Sittlicher Zustand (Moral State), which might as well be interpreted as the antecedents of Schneller’s conception. Schneller goes further on the road outlined by Pestalozzi, setting the process of ethicizing into a wider context. 3. The Kantian influence is equivalent to that of Pestalozzi. Schneller himself attempts to interpret Kant’ pedagogical conceptions discussed several times and in several ways as a unified system. On the basis of his university lectures, it can be recognized that Schneller reveals the following grades in the process of evolution described by Kant: 1. eudaimonism, 2. legality, 3. morality. Nonetheless, in favour of Schleiermacher’s principle of love, Schneller is reluctant to accept the emotionally rigorous ethical laws and the Kantian categorical imperative. Schneller as a charismatic pedagogue-professor at Kolozsvár, then at Szeged University, gathered a multitude of students around himself, many of whom (Varga Béla, Makkai Sándor, Kemény Ferenc, Imre Sándor), starting from and developing the intellectual world of personality pedagogy, became considerable theoreticians themselves.


    Book review by Alex Durovics about the book of László Szögi "Students of Vojvodina at the Hungarian Royal Universities and Colleges 1736-1850"

  • A búcsúztató kiadványok szerepe a 16. századi egyetemjárásban

    THE ROLE OF SCHOOL-LEAVING DOCUMENTATION IN THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF 16TH CENTURY INSTITUTIONS. Hungarian students in the 16th century, especially those attending the University of Wittenberg, were challenged by a continually multiplying textual universe which was based on the multi-level imitation of the ancient authors, and which created diferent varieties of imitation from time to time. In the universities, the community of respublica litteraria was made up of professors, their families and also of students. Regarding this particular community, a variety of features surfaced: the development of ‘sodalitates’, letter writing, the humanistic friendship, the knowledge of Latin, or the use of Latin names. he paper highlights the nature of the relationships the Hungarian student group sustained with this imagined community, which was oicially founded in Wittenberg, 1555.


    The database presents the list of students of two Hungarian gymnasiums from the 16th and 17th centrury. These details have been largely unknown to date and they help to complement the information we have of the Protestant peregrination from Hungary. A large portion of the peregrines who attended the two institutions continued their education at one of the universities in Germany. Therefore, the informaton presented here provide an important contribution and reveal some of the peregrations paths of the 16th and 17th century.

  • Darkó Jenő bizantológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1928/29. tanévi rector magnificusa

    Jenő Darkó, Professor of Bizantinology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1930/31. Jenő Darkó (1880–1940), Professor of Byzantinology and the member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences was the Rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the 1928–1929 academic year. Being an appointed Professor of the Theological Academy of Debrecen he was proposed a full professorship at the newly found University of Debrecen in 1912 since the Theological academy was the forrunner of the Universtiy of Debrecen. Between 1918–1919 he was an appointed Dean of the School of Arts . After finishing his time in office, he was offered the opportunity to fulfilling repeatedly this position in 1938–1939.) Under his rectorship, the university witnessed unprecedented development in professional life and infrastructure. Within this framework new departments were established (botany, zoology, mineral and earth sciences, mathematics), the university library experinced significant advancement and additionally Professor Darkó organized courses to disseminate results in arts and sciences. The professors of the university were regularly invited to international conferences and the younger faculty members were gained international scholarships. The construction of the observatory together with the main building was underway, as well as the realization of the elegant on-campus professors' villas were agreed upon. The socially sensitive rector  encouraged the establishment of student housing, and student support program to enable students in need. He was especially keen ont he idea to engage young people from Transilvania soon after World War I. Furthermore he succeeded in managing the extreme anti-Semitic manifestations of certain student groups in autumn 1928.

  • A „nagy háború” hatása a magyar felsőoktatásra és az egyetemi ifjúságra
    90 - 96

    The ’Great War’s Influence on the Hungarian Higher Education and Youth. The study examines the different effects that occurred as a consequence of the First World War, such as the reduction of student numbers due to enlisting the army, the society’s reaction to the increased number of women and Jewish students, the reduced activity of university societies, the loss of territory due to war, the continuous inflation, and the radical right wing’s reaction to the lack of stability of the Hungarian youth. These consequences resulted in the increased popularity of the so called association of army brotherhood. To sum up, the author concludes that the Hungarian higher education wasn’t well prepared for the war, which in turn resulted in a number of negative consequences in the following decades.


    The establishment of cardiac surgery in Debrecen is closely interlinked with thoracic surgery. This activity started and continued for many decades at the Auguszta Sanatorium, later the University of Debrecen's Department of Surgery II, which housed thoracic surgery at the time. In the Auguszta Sanatorium, which was nationalised after World War II, a thoracic surgery department was established in 1948, under the direction of Dr. József Schnitzler, whose professional interests in the 1960s turned towards cardiac surgery. He found a suitable partner for his groundbreaking goal in the pioneering work of Hungarian cardiac surgery, Dr. Árpád Eisert, a leading surgeon of the Jósa András County Hospital in Nyíregyháza. As a result of their exemplary professional cooperation, the first closed heart surgery was performed in Debrecen in 1963. The heart-lung machine required for cardiopulmonary bypass necessary to start open heart operations was provided by a donation from Béla Köteles, the son of Hungarian emigrants born in America, who founded his own instrument manufacturing company there. The first open heart surgery was performed by visiting professor Gábor Kovács from Szeged with Professor Schnitzler in 1968. In 1972, András Gömöry was entrusted with the management of cardiac surgery, and he succeeded in creating a team of highly qualified doctors and specialists even under the prevailing difficult circumstances. This, provided a solid basis for further development within the field. In 1983, after the retirement of Professor Schnitzler, Árpád Péterffy, Associate Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, was appointed as Head of the Department of Surgery II. Due to the knowledge, professional and work organisation experience he had gained abroad, cardiac surgery in Debrecen developed with great strides. The number of operations increased significantly, while the mortality rate was reduced by a third. He managed to acquire a new building for cardiac surgery in 1993, which created the opportunity for further development. The new building significantly improved the quantity and quality of cardiac surgery and made Debrecen an internationally recognised flagship of Hungarian cardiac surgery. Due to his work in international exchanges his students were able to improve their knowledge in Western European countries and elsewhere overseas. After his retirement in 2008, he continued to work as Professor Emeritus in our clinic, remaining fully committed to supporting our work, the development of cardiac surgery in Debrecen, and the preservation and enhancement of its reputation. As his professional successor, Associate Professor Tamás Szerafin was entrusted with the leadership of the cardiac surgery department. Together with his colleagues, their aim has been to preserve and further develop the patient-centred spirit and professional dedication of their predecessors, and to preserve the built heritage.

  • Javaslat a trimesztriális rendszer bevezetésére – A debreceni jog- és államtudományi kar felterjesztésé gróf Zichy János vallás- és közoktatásügyi miniszterhez (1918. augusztus 1.)
    95 - 105

    Proposal for the Introduction of the Trimester System – Proposal by Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen to Earl János Zichy, Minister of Religion and Public Education. The Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen in the last period of the World War I. made a proposal in order to divide the school year to three semester. It was a strange source of the history of the Hungarian higher education. Based on this document can be cognizable the real life and thinking of the students of the university who came back from the war and of the professors who met with them the first time. The trimestrial system of the higher education was favoured by the students too, but it wasn’t able to come to real because the collapse of the Monarchy.


    Book review by Szepessyné Judik Dorottya: Students of the Higher Education Institutions of Rozsnyó 1814-1852. Author: László Szögi


    There were two types of study costs in the universities between the two World Wars, one of them was the tution fee, and the other one was the additional fee. The tution fee had been part of the Hungarian educational system since the middle of the 19th century. Those university students whose parents were in low social status with low income could get tution fee discount or exemption because of their financial situation. But in the case of the different kind of additional fees, there were not any discount or excemption because these fees required for the maintenance of several university institution, like university canteen, patient care fund, or the provision fund of the University Council. The system of these additional fees was different in the Hungarian universities, some additional fees were the same, some not. There were difference in the amount of the additional fees too. In this study, we can see the changes of the additional fee system in Debrecen between the two World Wars. All of the additional fees will be presented, for example canteen fee, patient care fund, and the two type of maintenance surcharges which were made due to the influence of the great economic crisis.


    Dezső Szabó was professor of history at the University of Debrecen for 35 years from 1924 to 1959. He graduated from the University of Budapest with a degree in History and Latin. It was at the instigation of his patron, Henrik Marczali, that he began his research on the Hungarian assemblies of the pre-Mohács period. He also wrote his doctoral dissertation on this topic. Thanks to his excellent academic achievements, he graduated from the university with a royal gold ring of honour (sub auspiciis regis). He taught for many years in secondary schools and in 1912 became a privatdocent at the Budapest University of Science. In February 1924, Governor Miklós Horthy appointed him full professor of medieval and modern (universal) history at the University of Debrecen. At that time, his research was already focused on the Urbarium of Maria Theresa. In 1931 he was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He published relatively little and concentrated his activities on secondary school teacher training. He was the dean of the Faculty of Humanities for four academic years. He made an invaluable contribution to the reorganisation of university education in 1944. Despite this, he was repeatedly persecuted under the new regime and was only able to retain his chair thanks to the intervention of his influential students. He retired at the age of 77. The second and third volumes of his work, A magyarországi úrbérrendezés története Mária Terézia korában, which is considered the major work of his life, are still awaiting publication.

  • History of the Stomatology Clinic of the University of Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Gusztáv Keszthelyi (1979-2000)

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi (19792000). From July 1, 1979 József Szentpétery was appointed to lead the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. His main task was the curriculum-development of dental education, that started three years ago and to bring it closer to the curriculum of other Hungarian universities.

    The lack of staff and facility also made it difficult to organize education. He brought teachers from Szeged and employed fresh graduates. In 1981 the new building of the clinic was completed.

    From July 1986 Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi became the director of the clinic. He completed the reconstruction of Oral Surgery, established a new lecture room and created departments. In 1997-98 he created a new phantom practice room, thus more students could attend the 3rd year preclinical practice. He inspired lecturers to do scientific work. Between 19942001 nine lecturers were awarded with scientific degrees. He wrote and edited a textbook that survived 2 editions. He went to early retirement in 2001, was later appointed Professor emeritus and returned to teach in Hungarian and in English.




  • Politikai küzdelmek a századfordulón a budapesti egyetemi körben (1888–1899)
    78 - 89

    Political Struggles at the Turn of the Century in the University Circle of Budapest 1888–1898. The study presents details about the activities of the, so far quite unknown, University Circle of Budapest in the last decade of the 19th century. Its source is the Egyetemi Lapok university periodical, voicing the political views of the youth. In the writings thereof, the author tries to find sings of how the university students became divided, which manifested itself in the anti-Semitic cross movement in the first year of the new century, in 1901. What led to the principally liberal Hungarian bourgeoisie and gentry youth interested in politics separating itself, or even turning against, their Jewish counterparts, formulating their own interests against them? The Budapest University was one of the prominent locations of the assimilation process of the Jews concentrated in the capital, and the roots of the dividedness of the Hungarian intellectuals may be found in the events, and intellectual reactions, that took place at that time.

  • Tivadar Hüttl, Rector Magnificus of the Academic Year 1939/40 of the Tisza István University

    Tivadar Hüttl, Professor of Surgery the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1939/40. Tivadar Hüttl – whose father was the owner of a successful porcelain factory – graduated as a doctor of medicine from the University of Arts and Sciences of Budapest, and worked there at the I. Surgery Clinic besides Professor Tibor Verebély. In 1921, he was entrusted with the management of the Surgery Clinic in Debrecen, and one year later, he became a director-professor. In his clinic, he organized sections of otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, urology, traumatology, orthopaedics, etc., which later became independent clinics. He established an important scientific school; his students came to him from all over the world. In the academic year of 1939-1940, he was the rector of the István Tisza University of Arts and Sciences of Debrecen, and the representative of the university in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament. In 1944, he stayed in Budapest because of the war, and after his return, he was deprived of the position of professor on indignant causes in a show trial. From 1951 to his death in 1955, he was the head physician of the National Institute of Oncology in Budapest.


  • Az egyetemi és akadémiai ifjúság politikai szerepvállalása 1830–1880 között
    59 - 77

    The Political Involvement of the University- and Academic Youth between 1830 and 1880. The institutional network of the higher education in Hungary was very diverse on the turn of the 18th and 19th century and in the first part of the 19th century. In the multi-national and multi-confessional country, 88 institutions provided higher than medium level education. Most of these institutions were related to the historical denomination but besides them several state higher educational institutions existed. We reported about the student movements of these schools in this paper. In the first part of the 19th century the Holy Alliance’s system prohibited the foundation of student movements, although, in most of the institutions, reading circles and literature student associations were formed in which the leaders of the future national movements played an important role. The period of the revolution and the fight for freedom of 1848–1849 was significant regarding the student movements as well, because at most universities the studentry listed their requests aiming not only the reform of student life but the social changes as well. After the defeat of the freedom fight it was not possible to form student associations for ten years. But from the 1860s the battle for the national language of higher education marked the Hungarian youth movements. After the Austro- Hungarian Compromise, the studentry’s activity decreased, although they spoke in some political questions. For example, in 1867–1877, during the time of the Russian-Turkish war, the students in Pest and Cluj- Napoca stood against the Russians and not the Turks. This action produced that the university youth got back 36 valuable medieval codices from the Turks which were stolen in 1526 from the Royal Library in Buda.

  • An Undeservedly Forgott en Publication Series. The Studies of the Teacher Training Institute of the Reformed Colleges of Debrecen

    The Calvinist Teacher Training Institute of Debrecen was modelled after the Eötvös Collegium of Budapest. It trained teachers for Hungarian Calvinist secondary schools between 1925 and 1952 by means of supplementary courses. The students of the Institute got significant impulses for their academic research from their tutors. Many of them became determining figures of Hungarian culture and education by the middle of the 20th century. The publication series published their doctoral theses and other academic papers on the 3000 pages of the 28 volumes between 1936 and 1943. This study aims to present the circumstances of the beginning, the termination and the intellectual profile of the series titled „Acta Instituti Paedagogici Collegii Debreceniensis”.

  • A nagyszebeni jogakadémia hallgatóinak kérelme az oktatás megreformálása tárgyában 1848 májusából
    117 - 126

    The Request for Educational Reform of the Students of the School of Law in Nagyszeben of May 1848. In spring 1848 amidst the zeal of the revolution started in almost all of the higher educational institutions in Hungary and Transylvania student movements to reform education in the institutions. In May 1848 the students of the Law School of the Saxons in Transylvania at Nagyszeben also submitted an application through the institution’s Senate to the sustaining Lutheran Church including – among others – the following issues: guaranteeing the freedom to education and teaching, reforming the study and exam system, significantly developing the substance of the library, getting the right to meet and vote for the students’ representatives during procedures against students; reviewing the academy’s disciplinary regulation. The following source-presentation – besides the Hungarian translation of the request – explains the circumstances of origin and the afterlife of the application.

  • A Tiszántúl északi részéről származó diákok egyetemjárása külföldön 1292–1918

    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF STUDENTS ABROAD FROM THE NORTHERN PART OF THE TRANS TISZA REGION 1292–1918. he social and cultural history of the regions cannot be examined without exact information about the school system, the catchment area of the schools and their eiciency in a given region. his analysis includes the examination of the university attandence abroad, especially in case of countries where the university system was established with a delay, therefore university education was a valid option only at international universities. he data relating to Hungarian regions, counties, or cities can be easily obtained from this analysis. he present essay summarizies the university attending practices in the Northern part of the trans Tisza region.

  • Brit és amerikai részvétel a debreceni Nyári Egyetemen a II. világháború előtt

    British and American Participation at the Debrecen International Summer School before World War Two. This survey focuses on a selected aspect of the history of a peculiar and in many respects unique initiative: the pre-World War One British and American ties of the Debrecen International Summer School, which was established in 1927. In doing so, the study firstly identifies by name those British and American guests who can be documented as having attended the Summer School as officially enrolled students;
    secondly, it follows up and evaluates those aspects of the teaching program which had a British or American relevance; and, in the third place, it supplies examples for how the International Summer School advertised itself in the English-speaking countries. The survey is concluded by an analysis of selected contemporaneous views formulated by the representatives of the university and of the Summer School with reference to the past and (then) presence of British/American and Hungarian ties.

  • Az egyetemi ifjúság útkeresése az 1930-as években és 1940 körül
    97 - 116

    The Soulsearching of Hungarian Higher Education Students in the 1930s and 1940s. The study primarily focuses on the influential role of army brotherhood societies between the two world wars. The author outlines the ideological background and intellectual pursuit behind the movement. These brotherhood societies were so powerful, that in the 1930s and 1940s part of their activities manifested outside of the higher education environment. The societies actively engaged in politics, as much so, that their aim was to be part of the development of laws and the constitution. The author discusses the ambitions of both the radical right and the somewhat left wing youth establishments.


    Although economics education has a history going back to the reign of Maria Theresia and despite the fact that its  position has significantly strengthtened by the 20st centruty, the future of the subject has been a bone of contention ever since the 19th century. The majority supported the establishment of an independent University of Economics, however this was only partially materialized in 1920 with foundation of the partiallly independent Faculty of Economics. The faculty struggled with financial and placement-related issues, and the establishment became part of the József Nádor Technical and Economics University in 1934. This redesign involving a number of academic institutions (Technical University; Faculty of Economics; College of Veterinary; and College of Mining and Forestry) seemed to be succesful. Although the global economic recession resulted in the decrease of the number of students studying economics in the 1930s, from the 1940s on student enrollment figures  started to sharply increase owing to the economic recovery following the world wars. The Hungarian University of Economics was only opened in 1948, but the nature of the institution changed following the communist takeover, not in line with its original purpose.

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