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  • The phenomenon of elder abuse and ways of prevention and intervention

    In today’s world abuse committed against the elderly receives much less attention than against women and children. There are several aspects because it is very important for elder abuse to receive at least the same amount of publicity: respect of the elderly, teaching our children the correct standards, serving as prevention, that the phenomenon exists, and thus teaching the younger generation that one type of abuse is not accepted either. Our aim with this paper was to draw attention to the importance gerontological research on elder abuse. Therefore, after describing the types of abuse, we present international and national prevalence data. We look at how to get help in Hungary and the possible reasons why older adults do not seek help. Finally, by presenting the World Health Organization's criteria, our aim is to point the way to solving the problems raised in the study. We would like to present the topic from several aspects so it helps the people to recognize the typical signs of potential abuse. Abuses against the elderly can also happen at the institutional and family level. Nevertheless, it can also occur in public, because the elderly can be categorized as endangered as children and women, because they have similar characteristics like defencelessness, naivety and weaker physicality. Also, it should be mentioned, because as we will see later, based on the opinion of the World Health Organization (WHO), it also includes the lack of help and action and how much people act altruistic. The fact that the WHO (2022) urges the fight against abuse of the elderly in the next few years indicates the actuality of the theme. The purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of elder abuse in the professional public consciousness.

  • "I want to look as young as I feel" Psychological factors influencing the willingness to undergo cosmetic procedures in the context of ageing

    In 2020, a total of 15.6 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the United States alone - a 43% increase from 6.7 million in 2000. This upward trend is likely to continue for decades to come. In 2020, the largest consumer group was women aged 40-55, accounting for 45% of all cosmetic procedures and they primarily chose procedures to remove visible signs of aging. This study aims to summarize the factors that generally influence the development of positive attitudes toward procedures. Additionally, the study explores the relationship between ageing and interest in cosmetic procedures. The underlying factors are explored both at the individual level, such as ageing anxiety, and at the societal level, such as age stereotypes and ageism. Finally, the article also discusses the perception of individuals who undergo these procedures and the factors that may help older individuals to have a positive attitude towards ageing.

  • A 20 éves Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség (MNKSZ) nemzetközi programjai a „Női karrier korhatár nélkül” program keretében

    A 2003-ban alapított Magyar Női Karrierfejlesztési Szövetség (MNKSZ) célja a nők foglalkoztatásának elősegítése összhangban a családi háttér fontosságával, az élethosszig tartó tanulásban való részvétel biztosításával, a kormányzati-, az üzleti- tudományos-, és civil szféra közötti párbeszéd elősegítésével, együttműködésben határon túli, európai és más külföldi civilszervezetekkel és szakértőkkel.