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Demokratikus értékek – Diszkriminatív gyakorlatok, tekintettel az időskorúak státusára
64-76.Megtekintések száma:162A gerontológiai tudományok művelése Magyarországon rövid múltra tekint vissza. Talán ezért sokan és tévesen a gerontológia jelentését leszűkítik annak biológiai- orvosi típusára. Amellett érvelünk, hogy a humán- és társadalomtudományi gerontológiának is létjogosultsága van. Megmutatjuk, hogy az ember, az idős ember léthelyzetével kapcsolatban a filozófia és az etika milyen sajátos területen vizsgálódik, miben jelölhető meg missziója: elemezzük a nyugati filozófiai gondolkodás történetét, azt, hogy mely nagy erkölcsi eszméket, értékeket munkált ki több ezer év alatt. Ezek az ideák a modern demokratikus társadalmak elvi alapját képezik. Ilyenek: szabadság, egyenlőség, igazságosság, testvériség, emberi méltóság, emberi jogok. A gyakorlatban ezek gyakran sérülnek. Pl. az időseket életkoruk miatt diszkriminálják. Ezzel sérül az egyenlőség és az igazságosság elve, sérül emberi méltóságuk. A gazdaság, politika, kultúra, oktatás, a nemzedékek közötti viszonyok terén hátrányos helyzetük nyilvánvaló. Az etika feladata a nyugati értékek mentén e gyakorlatok elvi kritikája, ezáltal hozzájárulás annak formálásához. A kontinens demográfiai krízisét az Európai Unió korszerű idősügyi politikai intézkedések, támogatások, projektek útján, a klasszikus nyugati értékek őrzése alapján kezeli.
Determining the Reasons of Older People for Choosing a Nursing Home: A Comparative Study
53-54Megtekintések száma:86Purpose:
This study was conducted as a descriptive and comparative study to determine why a nursing home was chosen for the elderly.Methods:
The population of the descriptive study consisted of older people living in a community-dwelling or a nursing home in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. The sample consisted of 342 elderly individuals who agreed to participate in the study between October and November 2019 (nursing home: n = 79, community-dwelling: n = 263). After obtaining the permission of the ethics committee (no: 2019/04-03), the data were collected by “Questionnaire Form for Individuals Living in Nursing Homes” and “Questionnaires for Individuals Living in Community-Dwelling."
The Chi-square Test analyzed data, and the descriptive characteristics were presented as numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum.Results:
The average age of the elderly living in a nursing home was 77.35±7.40 (min: 66, max: 97), and the average age of community-dwelling older people was 70.90±5.57 (min: 65, max: 88). Before coming to the nursing home, 38.0% lived with their spouses, and 35.4% lived alone. 81.7% of community-dwelling older people lived with their families. There was a difference in terms of some sociodemographic variables between both groups. Elderly people staying in nursing home; 26.6% were in the 76-81 age group; 26.6% did not have children; 38.0% had no income; 16.5% had a physical disability; 82.3% used dentures; 13.9% couldn’t do their daily care; 22.8% had low self-confident; 62.0% had sleep problems; 67.1% had no social activity; 35.4% were smokers; 88.6% of them had not visited a nursing home before (p < 0.05).Conclusion:
Compared to the community-dwelling older people, the elderly living in a nursing home were more senior, lonely, had a lower income, had higher physical disabilities, had lower social activity and self-confidence, had more sleep problems, and smoked. -
Social Impact Investing Opportunities in eHealth
60-61Megtekintések száma:29In general, social impact investing may refer to providing capital to companies, organizations, and funds that are focused on solving critical societal or environmental problems. Social responsibility includes ideas that investors should balance profit-making with activities that benefit society as well because social impact investing focuses on positively impacting the society where it operates. Recently, large international companies reconsidering their motivation within their companies’ goal while their consumers purchase goods and services shifting their responsibility to profits and benefits. It seems small and medium-sized companies need also to develop ethics that guarantee the success of their activity with social responsibility issues. Therefore, for the most effectiveness of social impacts, the companies voluntarily have to operate under pressure from outside forces such as the conscious society.