Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)

Published July 15, 2023


New pharmaceutical technologies

  • Orally dispersible dosage forms: possibilites of application and formulation

    Taking several aspects into account, it can be stated that oral dosage forms are the preferred in pharmacotherapy. Depending on the needs and limitations of different patient groups, pharmaceutical technology offers several options for oral administration. Different types of preparations have different advantages and, of course, disadvantages, and in many cases different production needs. Orally dispersible solid pharmaceutical preparations can themselves be divided into several groups, and in the case of specific groups of active ingredients, a significant increase in bioavailability and patient compliance can be achieved with their use. However, they must meet several specific conditions during their formulation.

Basic pharmacology

  • Cannabidiol and its effects to the adenosinergic system

    Cannabidiol (CBD), the most extensively studied non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid, has been attracting a lot of interest worldwide owing to its numerous beneficial effects. The aim of this review is to describe the various effects of CBD, since it seems to have several molecular targets, acting at which CBD can modify several pathological conditions. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects, furthermore it can affect the functions of the adenosinergic system as well.

    Regarding myocardial adenosinergic system, CBD is thought to influence two important targets: the A1 adenosine receptor and the equilibrative and nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter (ENT1 or SLC29A1). ENT1 is a main equilibrative adenosine transporter capable of regulating the interstitial level of adenosine, while the A1 adenosine receptor is a chief protective receptor of the myocardium.


  • The role of the World Health Organisation and related funds on maternal and child health in Nigeria

    Maternal and child health is extremely important because it serves as the fundamental metric of a successful society or nation. This is because every successful conception of a child ensures that there is hope for a better world because each child has the potential to make a positive difference. The demands of mothers' health must be appropriately met since they have a significant impact on how birth will turn out and, thus, on the continuation of life. The purpose of this study is to provide light on the roles played over time by the World Health Organization, International Children's Fund, and United Nations Population Fund in influencing maternal and child health in Nigeria.
    Using a well-established guide on performing systematic reviews and meta-analyses for medical research as well as PRISMA reporting criteria, systematic review was used to effectively search for data related to the steps taken by these multilateral organizations. After carefully evaluating all the publications acquired and ensuring that they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, respectively, an electronic search was conducted on Google Scholar and PubMed, yielding 49 studies for systematic review. According to the research's design, the multilateral organizations engaged in the program, the measures taken by those organizations, the country, the target group whether it is for maternal or child health and the state or area in Nigeria where the study was conducted, the data were retrieved. The general quality of the included studies was not astounding this due to the fair rating most of the study received, the availability of the roles in form of intervention or programmes executed by the multilateral organizations involved in this study were very limited upon searching electronically implying that much qualitative and dedicated research on this theme needs to be adequately carried out.
    This study demonstrates that the three organizations have had a significant impact on Nigeria over the years. However, the World Health Organization has contributed the most to maternal and child health, as evidenced by the targeted programs it has carried out in Nigeria over the years. One significant result of this program was the complete eradication of poliomyelitis in Nigeria.

  • School health program in Debrecen: health from the beginning

    With the support of the Debrecen County Municipality at Pósa Street No. 1., a nationwide unique school health program has been launched at the Health Development Institute, which establishment was inaugurated on the 11th of October 2019 as part of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen. As it is well known, within the framework of the school health care program, operating on the basis of NM decrees 26/1997. (IX. 3.), 51/1997. (XII. 18.) and 33/1998. (VI. 24.), primary and secondary school students participate in mandatory screening tests every two years - during the so-called "indicator" years (the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th). The goal of DAEFI is to centralise school health objectives and additional examinations as part of a particular model program. After the coronavirus epidemic, the 2021/2022 academic year was the first full term when the screenings defined by the legislation could take place with the coordination of DAEFI, which preventive measures, with parental consent, were supplemented with an EKG examination as well as Prevention Lectures. We are now presenting the experiences of this first year.

Healthcare system


  • The implications of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the care of psychiatric patients

    Dignity is considered the basis of human existence, and legislation seeks to ensure this for all people. This principle of equality requires that neither the state, nor society should discriminate between fellow human beings.
    The prohibition of discrimination therefore reassures the principle of equality legal equality and lists disability
    among the characteristics to be protected. Consequently, special attention must be paid to the protection of
    the dignity and rights of persons with disabilities in all areas of life.
    Following the promulgation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the related Optional Protocol the harmonization of Hungarian regulations began based on the new definition of disability.
    The new definition includes persons living with mental impairment. We will discuss the purpose and effect of
    the legal instruments created and still being developed as a result of the Convention, as well as the additional
    necessary measures to create equal opportunities for persons with mental disabilities within health care, focusing specially on psychiatric care.

Innovative Pharmacotherpy