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  • The effect of the sporulated bacillus to the increase of the tomato and its yield

    Tomato contains high concentrations of lycopene and vitamin C that is important elements of healthy foods. In intensive production, many biotic and abiotic stress-factors are affecting the tomato, and they might be harmful also to the environment. Due to these pollution problems people are highly interested nowadays in the limited use of the agro-chemicals. Among the beneficial microbes, bioeffector (BE) microorganisms are used frequently in sustainable crop production. Bacillus strains can mobilize the hardly available phosphates in the soils, and therefore they can reduce the harmful effects of abiotic environmental stress factors. A bioeffector, containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 strain was used with tomato test plant (Solanum lycopersicon Mill. ’Mobil’) in pot and in field experiments. The length and weight of shoots and the weight and number of tomato fruits were tested in a biweekly periods. The treatment had positive effect on the length of shoots, the size and biomass of fruits both in the field and in the pots. Less beneficial impact was realized, however at the diverse ecological field conditions than at the controlled light chamber. Application of the Bacillus bieffectors can be helpful for the organic production of the tomato.

  • The Correlation between Nitrogen and Vitamin C Content of Celery in Sandy Soil

    In our series of experiments celery test plants were used in lysimeter type pots. Plant growth, nutrient content and the relationships of them were observed. This publication shows the effects of different doses of nitrogen fertilizer (absolute control, basic +60/120/180 kg/ha N, and the base + 240 kg / ha N (calculated N from manure). The nitrogen content of the celery increased significantly depending on the N-doses; and a strong positive correlation (r = 0.815, p < 0.025 level) was detected in the tubers between N content and vitamin C. Our results establish that in our experimental setup on sandy soil, organic fertilization - enriching the colloid content and improving soil structure - proved to have the most beneficial effects.