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  • The Role of Foreign Capital in the Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy

    Capital is needed for development, the catch-up with the developed countries, creating and boosting competitiveness, which may come from internal and external sources. Our internal resources have always been limited and still are, so we have to resort to external resources, too. The external source can be a foreign credit, a grant, an aid, and foreign direct investment. Foreign capital has been and still is indispensible in the various stages of our economic development.

  • Modeling of the absorptive refrigeration systems run by geothermal energy

    The aim of the article is to demonstrate an engineering solution which may promote the exploitation of the potential of renewable energy resources, and may provide cheap energy production for rural industries.

  • The health resort sphere in Russia and evaluation of its potential for development

    The article deals with the historical aspects of the sanatorium-resort complex formai on in Russia and it presents the assess of its current state; the main sources of funding of sanatorium- resort treatment for Russian citizens are described; tendencies of development of the market of SPA-services were shown; it includes informai on about the ways how to improve the services compei i veness; methods of the evaluai ng for poteni al of development in sanatorium-and-SPA services sphere are presented.

  • Critical analysis of logistics strategy models in retailing

    Logistics is key for retailing because product availability is a signifi cant element of customer service and has key importance for compei i veness as well. In the following I would like to demonstrate the strategic retail models of the academic literature and give diff erent points of view on retail logisi cs. Then, with the help of an empirical study I will elaborate on the model of Hungarian retail logistics.

  • Financing SMEs – Prospects in Hungary

    After joining the EU, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises came to the focus of attention in Hungary for their grandiose role in both employment and producing added value. Due to their flexibility, creativity and adaptability SMEs find new market opportunities easier. Also, SMEs can find their way and seize appearing opportunities more quickly under rapidly changing, insecure and high-risk circumstances.When analysing the sector, besides the investigation of the external environment, it is also important to focus on internal factors. The success of businesses is not only influenced by their access to financial resources, but also by their internal organisational structure and the standard of their organisational culture. In the present phase of world economy, when
    transports are delayed, credits are harder to obtain and companies downsize, leaders have to make careful and considerate management and operational decisions. Thus financial decisions have considerable short and long-term effects on the success of business operation.This research paper aims at a comprehensive study of the present situation of the Hungarian SME sector, some of its financing opportunities, as well as factors that hinder its development. Another purpose of the present writing is to lay the theoretical foundations for a primary questionnaire research exploring the financing characteristics of SMEs in Hungary.

  • Precision Farming as an Ecological Approach to Production?

    Ecology is ot en suppressed compared to produci vity, which makes us believe that economy is more important than ecology. With the growth of social need for traceability, food safety and food security, the trend is to turn away from conveni onal technologies. The ecological approaches all must cope with signifi cant loss of yield, which hinders their wide applicai on. Precision farming can be an opi on for the management to keep the high yield levels and decrease inputs at the same i me. The authors analyse, according to primary and secondary sources, precision farming compared to conveni onal and ecological farming to see the advantages and drawbacks of the diff erent technologies.


    The study has thoroughly presented the classic and new trends of economic gr owth, and on this basis, it can be stated that this is a complex system, and its analysis is almost always relevant, mostly because of the rapidly changing global systems and networks of contacts. The economic growth is extremely important in the 21st cent ury as well, but with a new approach. Two very important factors appear: sustainability and social development. Albeit the economic growth and
    the social development are in the opposite directions, not serving the basic idea of sustainable development at all. In this study, we aimed at portraying the complexity of this system and the range of factors influencing it.

  • Innovati on is a Key Factor in the Development of the Countryside

    One of the determining factors of the countryside’s competi ti veness are innovati ve enterprises. Through their development programmes they boost the use of the countryside’s own resources and reprogram the knowledge bases, which open new spaces for development by building on countryside traditi ons. The innovator is a key factor in this process. The innovator is capable of realising the need for change, is capable of renewal and holds the competencies that determine the success of his enterprise and thereby the competi ti veness of his environment and that of the countryside.

  • Environmental Factors Aff ecti ng the Competi ti veness of Enterprises – Changes in Taxati on in the last 5 years.

    A number of factors aff ect the competi ti veness of businesses; fi scal policy is one of them. It has constantly been changing in Hungary recently. However, enterprises would need a more predictable business environment. The aim of this brief study is to point out its importance.