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  • Aviai on Safety Issues of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applicai on - Presentai on for the Results of Research Area

    Nowadays numbers of internai onal aviai onal- and flight safety organizaton and national authority conducts research concerning regulai ons of UAV operai ons, whose role is rising irreversibly, and concerning more safety operai ons of intelligent devices. The group of Hungarian aviai on professionals has been conduci ng research on this area, fi nanced by the funds European Union. In the ari cle the authors present the risks of aerial robots, and present the New Széchenyi
    Plan “Crii cal Infrastructure Proteci on Research TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0001”, and as a part of research the project for the regulai onal background of UAV applicai ons. Detailing the goals of research, theirs accoplishments and expected results for the future.

  • Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    The weight of these flying devices ranges from some dekagrams to ten tons. They can be used even in cases when the mission is too dangerous to risk the life of human beings, so the main field of their application is the military aviation (reconnaissance, observati on, and even armed att ack). The practical solutions of their airframe structure are more colourful than that of the traditional manned aircraft airframe structures. It is understandable considering that even extraordinary soluti ons can be tried with relati vely small financial risk. The airframes of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are smaller and their designers are not so keen for conventional solutions. By their airframe structure, three diff erent categories can be separated: fi xed wing, rotary wing and hybrid. By the takeoff and landing solutions, also there are three categories: Horizontal Take Off and Landing – HTOL), Vertical Take Off and Landing – VTOL) and their combination. The objective of this paper is to introduce the performance of VTOL types and to present their possible applicability as well as their limitations.

  • New Challenges in Military Aviation

    In the article the authors present the eligibility criteria of the procedure, which enables the military airfield to serve for public purposes as a joint civil military airport. The article pays special attention to the necessary changes and amendments of the laws in force and the auditing procedures, which concern the owner and the operator of the airfield in order to meet the requirements of European Union legislation.