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  • The Examination of the Cultivation-Resulted Effects on the Soils of Turkey Oak Forests and Sessile-Oak Forests

    While examining soil patterns from low ridges and shallow furrows of untouched forest areas we discovered some traces of antropogenic effects. We found that samples from the ridges are argillaceous, succinct, highly-bound and significantly eroded Luvisol samples with a thin layer of humus and strong acidity. By contrast, the samples of the furrows have thin layers of mould and weak acidity. HTM (a pebble, which came from other areas) and other artificial products can be found in both geological sections and they refer to the antropogenic effects and the accumulations and eroding processes resulting from ci-devant, 15-20 cm deep ploughing. Our findings give an evident proof of former cultivations and their soil status-changes in the currently forest-covered areas.

  • Examination of the heavy metal contant in urban soils in district XI. in Budapest

    The soils contaminant content is influenced mostly in the cities by antrophogenic effects, such as building operations, vehicular traffic, inefficient saverage or drainage problems, when different materials add to the soil. These materials location and movements are changing continuously in soils. The pollution degree depends on the distance from the surface, the composotion of the soil, the effect rate, the thickness of soil, the composition and proportion of soil-forming minerals. In our study the heavy metal contant in urban soils was examined in district XI. in Budapest, based on different chemical and mineralogical properties of soils.