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  • Online facilities for German language learning

    Our fast-moving, globalised society is trying to use the achievements of scientific and technological developments in all fields of life in order to make people’s lives easier and provide them with more flexibility. This is why e-learning has also entered the teaching-learning process, foreign language teaching included. By using this method, students can manage their own time or even save money (no travelling costs, fixed times). The teacher’s presence is not absolutely
    necessary as students can check the exercises and tasks performed through the internet. This is the ideal method for lifelong learning. The seminar called ’Online facilities in German language learning’ started at Bethlen István College for Advanced Studies is aimed at improving the efficiency of language learning and making it more enjoyable for students. A summary of the teaching and research work related to the seminar is given below.

  • The improvement of speaking skills at pilot courses at the College of Szolnok in the light of the findings of our labour market survey

    The research conducted by the College of Szolnok in 2013 on the language requirements of the labour market revealed that what employers mostly find lacking in careerstarters is the confident and proficient use of foreign languages. On the basis of the research findings the subjects taught at the College have been developed in a practiceoriented direction. In our lecture we elaborate on the possibilities of improving the communicative competence at our pilot courses. We give a survey of the phases of the improvement of speaking skills, the most important condition of the communication process. We present the task types characterising the various phases of the development process, the strategies of teaching vocabulary using some German examples taken from some textbook series (Alltag, Beruf & Co.) used at the pilot courses.