

Review policy

The review of the manuscripts submitted to the journal is performed by double-blind peer review, i.e. during the assessment process, the name of the author remains unknown by the reviewer and the name of the reviewer remains unknown by the author.

The reviewer(s) shall be assigned by the editorial board based on the competence expected for the given topic.

In case of every manuscript, a preliminary assessment is given, within the framework of which the editorial board assesses the formal requirements, the topic of the research and the standards of the methods applied. The manuscripts which fail to meet the regulations and the preliminary requirements of the editorial board shall be returned for correction, and if they fail to meet such regulations and requirements again, they shall be rejected.

The manuscripts meeting the preliminary criteria are sent to two independent reviewers by ensuring anonymity. The review process is performed by the double-blind method.


The status of the review and publishing process is available online for every entitled person, and the process can be checked in the system OJS.

During the review, the following aspects are considered:

- sufficient identification and description of the research question or problem

- standards of the methodology applied

- standards of the literature used and the literature (theoretical) reasonableness of the question

- arguments and the elaboration of the study

- ease of reading and language

- correctness and novelty of the findings, main statements

A manuscript can be either rejected, accepted with modifications or accepted.

If a manuscript needs minor modifications, the version containing the modifications can already be accepted.

If major modifications are necessary, for the purposes of continuity, the corrected version shall be submitted to the reviewer again, and this procedure may take at most X weeks.

The mean review period is 4 weeks.

The accepted manuscript - after linguistic review and the layout setting - shall be immediately published.