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  • On the theoretical background to modern financial policy

    At the formation of macroeconomics and modern economic policy a series of traditional Keynesian concepts which still carried great weight were changed in the wake of attacks from monetarism and neo-classicism. The currently fashionable financial policy regimes and the dilemmas of economic policy cannot be understood without analysing the theoretical revolution referred to above. The article examines the relevant areas and claims connected to currency and monetary policy in the modern economy, or to use a common expression the macro-economy of the open economy, with special reference to the paradigm shift of recent decades. It also studies the currently common conventions of applied economics, which, sprouting from theoretical bases, in practice influence the room for manoeuvre in national economic policy.

  • The “Timeless and Highly Topical at the Same Time”: In Memory of Professor András Bródy

    Professor András (Andrew) Bródy, one of the most outstanding of post-war Hungarian economists, perhaps the most spirited member of his generation, died at the age of 86, on 3rd of December, 2010. For several decades he had been dealing with the mathematical formulation of Marxian theory. He was an internationally respected model-builder, applying input-output analysis, also working with Professor Leontief in this field. He was both in full command of high-level theoretical knowledge, and proficient in the latest methodological approaches. He also conducted pioneering research into the application of
    the laws of thermodynamics to economic problems. His international fame was initially based on his book Prices and Proportions, published in Hungarian (1969) and also in English by North-Holland (1970). Several articles, conference papers, and several other books he wrote or edited broadened this recognition,
    the most important landmarks being Ciklus és szabályozás (Cycles and Regulation, 1980) in Hungarian, Slowdown (1982) in both English and Hungarian, and finally, Near Equilibrium in English (2004) and Chinese (2009). Fortunately, he participated in the work of our department, the History of Economic Thought at the Corvinus University of Budapest between 1995 and 2005. This article in his honour is a brief summary of his achievements and a reader’s selection of his writings prepared for the students of our department which reflect his views on the state of economic theories; also attached is a bibliography of his most important publications.

    JEL classification: A11, B23, B24, B32

  • Growth theory from an Austiran institutional perspective

    Perhaps the one fundamental question of growth theory is why some countries are poor while others are rich. The paper identifies two main lines of research approaching this question, by applying the social analysis of Williamson, and points out that both approaches give an asymmetric answer. The paper applies a critique, which was formulated in the theory of the firm, and compares it with a transaction cost approach. According to this critique, the one approach to economic growth lays too much emphasis on technology, while the other neglects the technological side and emphasizes only the transaction costs and incentives. This paper argues that a new approach, based on the insights of modern Austrian economics, is able to integrate these two sides.

  • Oktatási jelzés és szűrés a munkaerőpiacon – az empirikus vizsgálatok tanulságai

    Az oktatás jelző/szűrő hipotézise szerint az oktatási intézmények munkaerő-piaci funkciója nem csupán a tanulóik, hallgatóik munkavégző képességének (termelékenységének) növelése lehet, de mérhetik és jelezhetik is azt a munkaadók felé. A közgazdaságtan empirikus irodalmában az 1970-es évek óta
    születnek újabb és újabb kísérletek ezen információs funkció igazolására, mérésére, mindeddig érdemi eredmény nélkül. Jelen tanulmány az oktatás, képzés munkaerő-piaci jelző/szűrő modelljeit és ezek empirikus irodalmát elemzi, mely során arra keresi a választ milyen okok állhatnak a tesztelési kísérletek
    sorozatos kudarcai mögött. Legfőbb megállapítása szerint a méréseknek vissza kell térniük az elméleti modellekhez, mert túlzottan elszakadtak azoktól és az oktatás vállalati hasznosulásának vizsgálatára kell koncentrálniuk.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: I21, J21

  • On the interconnectedness of the skill-premium concept

    The skill-premium concept, and its interconnectedness with technological development and international trade, has become an important area of economic research in recent decades. The aim of the present study is, using the latest academic work in the field, to bring together the most important theoretical developments and to serve as an introduction to the subject.