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Search Results

  • Corporate and state roles in Hungarian industrial development after the nineties

    In the nineties the development of Hungarian industry was first disappointing, but later it was definitely rapid and successful. Several publication have described the process of this industrial transition in general as well as in the light of the foreign market performance of Hungarian industry. However, the majority of the analyses were based on stistical surveys and the participants of the processes were somewhat neglected. For this reason the present study examines the influence of major corporate participants and that of the government on the development of the industry, as well as their behaviour, and conclusions are drawn as regards the strategic potentials of Hungarian industry after 2003 and 2004. First the study offers an overview of the most important corporate participants of the Hungarian industry, then it seperately discusses the peculiarities of the market presence of foreign industrial firms, in particular to what extent the European Union's ambitions, taking shape from the year 2000, aiming at improving competitiveness can be reflected in Hungarian economic policy. Thus the question is whether we can expect the revival, to some extent, of Hungarian industrial policy which has appeared to be lifeless since 1996, and whether we can expect state participation in the promotion of the development of Hungarian industry which should be of European standards and yet more active than round the turn of the century.

  • The Comparative Analysis of the Cultural Financing Models of France and Hungary

    Both France and Hungary use the so called coordinated cultural financing model, in which the active role of the state is decisive. However, instead of producing a similar model, the level of the cultural sector value added to GDP in the two countries is different. The article’s aim is to answer this puzzle. The focus is on the role of institutions and state subsidy. The analysis tries to understand whether direct state subsidy plays a decisive role in the economic performance of the cultural sector. The analysis also shows whether the harmony of formal and informal institutions have a positive effect on the economic growth of the cultural sector. The assumption is that the size of direct government subsidy cannot increase economic growth. If the formal and informal institutions are in harmony, and if there is a long-run cultural policy strategy in a country, the cultural sector value added to GDP is higher.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: Z10, Z11

  • Freedom of the Markets versus Good Governance: Experiences in Central Europe

    The market and the state, operation and characteristics of two institutions of key importance in the modern mixed economies, are investigated for the former socialist countries in this study. After two decades it can be seen more clearly what system has been established in the region, how it operates, and what its characteristics are. In the first part of the with the help of international comparisons we examine how free the market is, how good the rules are, and how much they help, or hinder, the fulfilment of its function. From an other aspect we compare the scope of the good governance and the size, the freedom and efficiency of the state. According to the evidence of the international studies examined, the former socialist countries established the forms of the market institutional system relatively quickly, but the operation and quality of these lagged significantly behind those of the developed countries. Also important conclusion of the study is that by the first decade of the millennium the characteristics of the former socialist countries are increasingly diverging from one another. Both the characteristics of the earlier socialism, and the more distant historical past which can be caught in the act within it, had and have an effect on the economic and social systems now established in Eastern and Central Europe.

    Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: H1, P17, P27, P35