
The question of duality in post-transition economic development

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Szanyi, M. (2010). The question of duality in post-transition economic development. Competitio, 9(1), 71-90.

One of the main questions of the FDI-based economic development model is how the local embeddedness of technologically advanced, globally operating multinational firms can be increased. The global economic integration of smaller, locally owned firms could be enhanced by the stimulating spillover effects stemming from multinationals. However, if the two main sectors of the economy function in isolation from each-other, stimulation effects cannot appear. This paper studies the features and extent of structural duality in Hungary, and the preconditions for deepening economic ties between the two sectors and
of the utilization of positive externalities stemming from the presence of large multinational firms.

JEL classification: F23, L53

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