
The Effect of the Economic Crisis on Income Poverty in the Southern Great Plain Region

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Siposne Nandori, E. (2012). The Effect of the Economic Crisis on Income Poverty in the Southern Great Plain Region. Competitio, 11(2), 61-75.

The paper examines the effect of the economic crisis and the related negative economic phenomena on the income poverty of those living in the Southern Great Plain region. The regional income poverty is examined using the poverty measures based on the income data of workers and wage earners. I then analyse how economic performance affects poverty measures. The analysis proves that not only the economic growth of the given county, but also the economic performance of the neighbouring counties have an effect on the poverty rate. Economic growth, however, is not enough to reduce the depth of poverty; therefore other measures to improve the conditions of the poor are also required. In the end, the spatial autocorrelation is examined in the Southern Great Plain region.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: I32, R12

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