PhD student papers

Political leadership and economic growth: Do the leaders matter? A vezető személye számít?

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Zolcsak, D. (2014). Political leadership and economic growth: Do the leaders matter? A vezető személye számít?. Competitio, 13(1), 101-116.

The paper analyses the role political leadership plays in economic growth by reviewing the literature that argues for, or presents evidence on, the proposition that leadership and the leader him/herself are crucial factors in economic growth. The article considers institutional economics as a starting point, a field which, so far, has paid little attention to the role of individuals and only focuses on the significance of institutions. The institutional theory of economic development has been criticized for using endogenous indicators and for only emphasising political output. However, political leaders are also able to make good and efficient economic policies. That is the reason leaders do matter

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Classification: B3, O4, P48

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