
The Cross-border Mergers’ Market and Financial Characteristics from the Perspective of Foreign Direct Investments in Hungary

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Kucseber, L. Z. (2014). The Cross-border Mergers’ Market and Financial Characteristics from the Perspective of Foreign Direct Investments in Hungary. Competitio, 13(1), 30-46.

One of the methods with which foreign corporations practice direct investment is CrossBorder Mergers and Acquisitions (CBM&A). This can be proved by statistics: globally until the mid 1990s CBM&A accounted for about 50% of total Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and reached 100% in 2000. This trend was not typical in Hungary. However, it reached 100% in 2009. I have two goals in this study: the first is to analyse how this phenomenon occurred in Hungary. In my study I analyse not only the correlation of CBM&A and FDI, but also foreign portfolio investments. My other goal is to analyse the characteristics of CBM&As from the perspective of FDI. I analysed the 343 decisions made by the Competition Authority. Finally, I compared these results with the features of FDI, which support and complement the results gained through statistical calculations.

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification: F21

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