Consumer ideologies and retailer preferences in Hungarian food retailing: Vásárlói ideológiák és üzletválasztási preferenciák a hazai élelmiszer-kiskereskedelemben
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This study relies on the results of a representative survey (N=619) of Hungarian consumers carried out in the summer of 2011. The survey was designed to identify the affectiveand normative attitudes that might influence buyers in the formation of their food and convenience retailer preferences in the context of domestic versus international providers. A strong and significant relationship was found between what was termed buyers’ economic nationalism and a preference for domestic stores, particularly as far as shoppers with a higher than average ability to associate retailers’ origins were concerned. In contrast, no
notable relationship was found between other consumer ideologies (such as nationalism, patriotism, cosmopolitanism or ‘straightforward’ consumer ethnocentrism) and preferences for domestic stores. The factor of economic nationalism, however, was proved to interact with the cognitive formation of store preferences, considerably improving the explanatory power of regression models built on perceived store attributes as independent variables.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications: M31, Z13, M39
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