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Search Results

  • Measurement of physical activity in youth: a comparative study

    Due to the inadequate quantity and quality of physical activity, more and more young people suffer from chronic illnesses. The aim of this study was to measure the health behavior of 5th, 7th and 9th grade students in a Hungarian (Tiszafüred) and a Romanian (Oradea) institution with special regard to physical activity. A total of 206 students participated in the study. The questionnaire included questions related to socio-demographic data and physical activity habits. Differences between the mean scores of continuous variables were assessed by Mann-Whitney tests, and the frequency differences between categorical variables were evaluated by Fisher exact tests. Most of the Hungarian students (88%) think that they do enough exercise, while this rate is 81% in the Romanian school. No significant difference was found between the two institutions relating to the frequency of out of-school physical activities (p = 0.304), and the opinion on doing exercise (p = 0.267). Based on our results we can say that doing exercise out of school is popular among students in both the Hungarian and Romanian schools.

  • A testnevelés infrastrukturális háttérfeltételeinek vizsgálata a szakiskolák körében

    Physical activity is important at all ages, especially in the case of adolescents, as the foundations of most adult habits are laid down in this age. With the introduction of everyday physical education in public education, great progress has been made in Hungary in achieving regular physical activity among young generations. However, to be able to ensure this, certain infrastructure conditions are also required. In our research, we were interested in how well Hungarian vocational schools are equipped with gyms. In Budapest and also in the counties of Hungary, we visited a total of 84 vocational schools. On the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that the number of available gyms is currently not sufficient for high quality physical education lessons.

  • Kisgyermekes édesanyák sportolási szokásai

    Regular physical activity is beneficial at all ages. Physical exercise has many positive effects in the postpartum period as well, as it reduces anxiety, improves mood, optimizes body weight and enhances fitness. During our research, we examined the changes in the sporting habits of mothers with small children compared to the pre-natal state, with a special emphasis on the time spent at home and the time of returning to work concerning children of ages of six months and up to three years, respectively. One-third of the respondents did not play any sports before giving birth and a further one-third does not have time for that. 17.1% of the mothers returning to work participate in some sort of sporting activities at least once a week. In addition to maternity duties, a significant proportion of women do not have time for themselves. Further research would be necessary to explore possible solutions in this matter.

  • A külföldi munkavállalás hatása a sportolási szokásokra

    Earlier research on foreign employment has shown that the target country not only offers benefits, but can also pose risks to people that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The question in this matter arises concerning the importance of being aware of the role of regular exercise in the health of the people working abroad and whether the frequently occurring illnesses observed among them may be correlated with the possible lack of regular exercise. During our research, we asked Hungarians working abroad - in Germany - about their sporting habits. 60 respondents, in contrast to expectations based on data from previous studies, reported higher levels of regular physical activity during their stay abroad than before (in Hungary). The combined effect of a number of factors can affect the concerned individuals in this respect, mostly the social and built environment. This validates the need for the nation-wide development of a health-conscious lifestyle in Hungary.

  • Egészségügyi dolgozók sportolási szokásai az Észak-alföldi régióban

    The health of those working in health care institutions is at risk from several aspects. However regular physical activity may play a role in counteracting these adverse effects. During our research, we examined the sporting habits of employees in one of the largest healthcare providers in Hungary. The survey was conducted in a voluntary and anonymous manner using a questionnaire method. 45.1% of the 987 respondents does sport on a regular basis, at least twice a week. We also examined the differences between the various work groups – doctors, health workers, employees of other sort – and those related to gender.
    Based on the results it can be stated that health consciousness still needs to be improved in the region, and an especially important element of this can be the organized health promoting activity of the health care institutions.

  • Az óvodáskorú gyermekek társas megküzdésének és szüleik szocioökonómiai hátterének összefüggései

    The research investigates how parental socioeconomic background (level of education, financial situation, labor market activity and the type of settlement) affects the preschooler’s coping skills in social conflicts. The focus is on the most effective coping strategies in kindergarten: negotiation and seeking help from an adult and the inadaptive one: physical aggression. We obtained measures on Coping Mechanism Questionnaire both from the teachers and children, and 306 parents answered the questionnaire about home environment. Regression analyses was applied to find out if there are independent variables with an explanatory role. According to our findings, SES has its relevance in the development of social coping mechanisms. Educational achievement and the activity of parents on the labour-market have been proved to have a moderator role in formation of coping skills among other demographic and psychosocial factors. Children with a more favorable social background cope more effectively.

  • Magyarországi egyetemek hallgatóinak sportolási szokásai. Áttekintő irodalmi elemzés

    Previous research has highlighted that the frequency of regular exercise decreases linearly with age. There is, therefore, a need for young people to develop healthy lifestyle habits for themselves. In the course of our research, a literature review of Matarka (Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database), MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliograhy), and publications in the archives of DEENK (University and National Library of the University of Debrecen) was conducted to find those studies that examine the sports habits of Hungarian university students. A total of 22 studies were identified. The articles concerned 10 universities. The analysis found that although a significant proportion of university students engage in sports, the conscious integration of health education into students’ lives is recommended.

  • A fizikai aktivitási szokások vizsgálata a Myers-Briggs-féle személyiség preferenciák tükrében

    The key objective of our research is to look into the fitness sector and explore how Myers-Briggs personality types influence the training session attendance-related habits and main motivational factors of fitness consumers. These key driving factors are motivating the fitness sector consumers to attend training session and determine the physical activity of sportspeople. According to the Myers-Briggs Temperament Index, extraverted – sensing – thinking – judging type proved to be the most common within the sample. Based on our results, the period and regularity of training sessions does not depend on the personality of fitness consumers. However, based on their main motivations, significant differences have emerged in different preference dichotomies. We can assume that fitness gym trainings are mostly popular among sportspeople with extraverted – sensing – thinking – judging personality type, so it is worthwhile for fitness providers to consider the motivation and aims of their target group.

  • Egészséges táplálkozással kapcsolatos szokások egyetemi hallgatók körében

    The leisure time and the number of healthy lifestyle people are increasing at same time, what creating several health trends. These health trends affect two basic elements of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and healthy diet. In this research, we examined the healthy diet, including two segments; vegetable and fruit consumption and fluid intake. The test sample was made by the students of the University of Debrecen. As a research method, we also performed primary and secondary research. In the case of secondary research, we also reviewed the international and national literatures, and compared the American and European healthy diet recommendations. In the case of primary research, we did a survey, during which we measured the healthy eating habits of the students. Our research shows that only 11,3% of the surveyed students consume vegetables and fruits what complies with the daily recommendations. However, in the case of fluid consumption, we got better result. The 65% of the respondents consume the appropriate amount of fluids.

  • Health behavior and mental health among college students at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

    Aim: Our study is a quantitative investigation on the health behaviour and mental health of Sapientia Hungarian University students.

    Methods: The self-administered paper based standardized questionnaire contains several scales: the Self Esteem Inventory (RSESH), the Purpose in Life Test (PIL), the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS4) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Data of 206 respondents were analysed from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania.

    Results: Data show that students with lower self-esteem and mental health use more alcohol than students with higher selfesteem. Physical activity seems to be a protective factor against mental illness, the students who practice sport frequently are mentally healthier than those who do not. Mental health of students is largely socially determinated.

  • Fő a mértékletesség! Fél évezredes életmódtanácsok fiataloknak

    This study presents some historical aspects of health sciences through the health education school book written in the 16th century for Transylvanian Saxon pupils. Paulus Kyr, doctor of Brașov (Kronstadt), a town in the Carpathian Arch, sums up the medical knowledge of his time for his pupils in a booklet called Sanitatis Studium. The booklet did not reach international fame, but serves with curiosities in cultural and health science history about the lifestyle of his time, and, at the same time, reveals aspects of the Renaissance’s reception in Transylvania. Kyr’s work has not lost anything from its topicality first and foremost due to the fact that appropriate lifestyle is being perceived as the key to preserving good health. This study reconsiders Kyr’s recommendations from the health sciences’ perspective of our days.