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  • A review of civil society organizations concepts through content analysis

    Day by day, civil society organizations (CSOs) are becoming an increasingly important factor in all areas of the socio-economic system. The interest in their study has also increased, although the place, role, and definition of their terminology and concepts, needs to be further clarified, as their meaning changes conditionally. Through content analysis, this article reviews the literature by addressing a sample of 136 journal articles published in the period 2015-2019 in two big databases. The findings show that CSOs literature is dominated by qualitative works of social sciences authors who mostly use the term Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). This paper is also elaborated on the main themes which dominate the text of the articles. Furthermore, the main concepts of this literature, development, organizations, international, local and other words are analyzed here. The significance of this study is that it aims to provide CSOs researchers with a clearer description of the terminology and concepts the most commonly used.

  • A helyi szociális ellátórendszer és a K-hullám elmélet

    A háborúkat béke időszakok követik, a válságokat hosszabb konjunktúra időszakok. A gazdaságnak ciklusai vannak, mint az évszakok, amelyek váltják egymást a történelmi időben. Az átmenet korszakokban a kreatív rombolás formájában váltják le a korábbi termelési technológiákat állítja Kondratyev elmélete alapján Schumpeter. A gazdaság fejlődését meghatározó humán tőkének is van fejlődési ciklusa. A humánberuházások többnyire megelőzik a gazdaságban végbe menő kreatív rombolás időszakát, Egyrészt elősegítve a váltást, másrészt részei a változásnak. Ezekben a kreatív ciklusokban kulcsszerepe van a helyi szociális szolgáltatás szervezeteinek, ezen belül az oktatásnak. Történelmi példák mutatják a humán tőke ciklus változásai nem vak szerencse függvényei. Ellenkezőleg, minden nagy váltást jól átgondolt politikai döntés előzött meg, amelyet politikusok hoznak, akik korszakokat jelölnek ki.

  • Leadership 2020 – role of gemba

    Which characteristics of an organization can ensure the basis for a long term, robust operation and competitiveness in our complex and dynamically changing, though less and less predictable, business environment of today? What is the role and significance of gemba when creating flexible organizational behaviour which is able to quickly adapt to changes? What changes in factors will define basically the 2020’s competitive leadership style? Which employee skills are the most important on the labour market in the 2020’s? How can leaders affect their present and future employees so that they rise to new challenges in each level of the organization? How can the conscious practice of gemba-based leading behaviour help leaders so that they can continuously improve their and their employees’ most important (new) skills ? How can leaders fit these new skills into their leadership style repertoire? This article aims to find answers to these questions.

  • Examining the impacts of organizational culture and leadership styles on the organizational performance indicators

    The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational culture and leadership and their impacts on such organizational performance indicators, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, by reviewing some of the previous organizational culture and leadership literature to clarify the links between both variables and their impacts on performance indicators. One might assume that a better organizational culture along with appropriate leadership style can lead to a higher level of job satisfaction and stronger commitment. Accordingly, if an organization has a strong organizational culture with a suitable leadership style which is able to keep the organization integration, this will result in the strengthening of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and significant performance enhancement.

  • Néhány szempont a magyar egészségügyi ágazat problématérképének összeállításához

    Dysfunction of health care has been a hot issue recently. Financial and human resource problems have been perceived by many of us, although a pile of other interrelated problems also appears in this field. However, several of them could be improved with adequate management methods. In order to understand the changes previously carried out in health care, it is vital to get know the legislations documenting national and international tendencies. The multi-aspect research is based on documentations, comparative analysis and evaluation of statistics from the given field. Besides them, the financial system, the state’s participation, and the service systems also need to be taken into consideration. Due to former reorganizations of health care, many different types of organizational structures connect with one another, and for profit and non profit organizations are interwoven. The complicated situation suggests that our research into this topic is rather timely. By revealing the health care systems of different countries, two basic tendencies seem to prevail. There are systems, in several states, which make cooperation easier, while there are differences, caused by historical events, whose abolition would serve everybody’s interest.

  • The Characteristic Features of Social Care System in Transcarpathia

    The study deals with the social protection system in Transcarpathia; presents the structure of Ukrainian social protection and describes its components; the current economic, social and social situation characterized in the light of past and present aspects; outlines the peculiarities and tasks of Ukrainian state and non-state social protection its tasks and the factors limiting their fulfilment; clarifies the concept of social protection, welfare and well-being in order to avoid misunderstanding and contradictions in their interpretation; presents the system of Transcarpathian social services through certain activities and good practices of some major state, non-state and church institutions, draws conclusions on the situation and development tendencies.